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International Finance

Assignment one
1. What is international Finance? Discuss the nature of international finance.
2. What is bimetallism? Explain its merits and demerits.
3. Write a note on gold standard along with its advantages and problems.
4. Explain the functions of International Monetary Fund.
5. Distinguish between fixed and flexible exchange rate.

Assignment Two
1. Write note on the various international financial instruments.
2. What is ADR? Explain its features. Discuss the various types of ADR.
3. What is GDR? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
4. What do you understand by the term ECB? Discuss the routes to avail ECB.
5. FCCB is an international financial instrument. Explain its benefits and drawbacks to
company and investors.

Assignment Three
1. Netting in a useful tool for making international settlements? Explain this statement
in terms of the concept, types and benefits of netting.
2. Distinguish between leading and lagging with their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Explain the different methods of exposure.
4. What is international capital budgeting. Explain its features

Assignment Four
1. Explain the interest rate parity with details.
2. Discuss the purchasing power parity and its features.
3. Discuss the techniques of transaction exposure.
4. What is meant by derivatives? Explain the different types of derivatives.

Assignment Five
1. What do you mean by forward Rate Agreement. Explain how it works.
2. What do you mean by interest rate futures. Explain with examples.
3. Explain interest rate options.
4. Write notes on cap, floor and collar.

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