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[Your Company Name]

[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

[Client Name]
[Client Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


Subject: Proposal for ERP Solution Development

Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] as your partner in developing a customized
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Solution for your business. We have carefully assessed your
requirements and are delighted to present our proposal, outlining the timeline and associated
costs for the development of the ERP Solution.

1. Project Overview:

Our proposed ERP Solution will address the specific needs of your business, streamlining your
operations and providing a centralized platform for effective management of resources,
processes, and data.

2. Development Timeline:

Phase 1: Discovery and Requirements Gathering

- Meetings and discussions with stakeholders to understand your business processes and
specific needs.
- Finalizing the project scope and defining key deliverables.
- Estimated Timeline: [Timeline]

Phase 2: System Design and Planning

- Developing a comprehensive system architecture and design based on the gathered
- Creating wireframes and mockups for user interface evaluation and feedback.
- Estimated Timeline: [Timeline]
Phase 3: Development and Testing
- Building the ERP Solution modules and features according to the approved design.
- Conducting thorough testing to ensure reliability, security, and functionality.
- Estimated Timeline: [Timeline]

Phase 4: Deployment and Training

- Deploying the ERP Solution to your infrastructure or cloud environment.
- Providing training sessions to key personnel to ensure seamless adoption and utilization of the
ERP system.
- Estimated Timeline: [Timeline]

Phase 5: Maintenance and Support

- Offering ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues or updates that may arise
after deployment.
- Estimated Timeline: Ongoing

3. Cost Breakdown:

The total cost for developing the ERP Solution as per the above-mentioned timeline is [Total
Cost]. The cost is broken down as follows:

Phase 1: Discovery and Requirements Gathering: [Cost]

Phase 2: System Design and Planning: [Cost]
Phase 3: Development and Testing: [Cost]
Phase 4: Deployment and Training: [Cost]
Phase 5: Maintenance and Support (monthly): [Cost]

Total Cost: [Total Cost]

4. Payment Schedule:

- [Payment milestone 1 and percentage]: [Description]

- [Payment milestone 2 and percentage]: [Description]
- [Payment milestone 3 and percentage]: [Description]
- [Payment milestone 4 and percentage]: [Description]
- [Payment milestone 5 and percentage]: [Description]

5. Terms and Conditions:

- All payments shall be made in [Currency] and are non-refundable.

- [Other relevant terms and conditions]

Please note that the timeline and pricing provided in this proposal are based on the information
available at this stage. The final timeline and cost may vary depending on any changes to the
project scope or specific requirements that may arise during the development process. We
assure you of our commitment to delivering a high-quality ERP Solution that aligns with your
business objectives.

Should you have any questions or require further clarifications, please do not hesitate to
contact us. We are excited about the possibility of working with you and contributing to the
success of your business through our ERP Solution.

Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for your ERP Solution development needs.


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

Client Name: [Client's Name]

Company Name: [Your Company Name]
Date: [Quotation Date]


Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for your ERP and E-Commerce
Website Development needs. We are pleased to provide you with a detailed quotation
outlining the timeline, features/modules, and pricing for the project.

Scope of Work:

Our team will develop a comprehensive and customized ERP system and E-Commerce
website based on your specific requirements. The project will involve the following

1. Requirements Gathering: Our team will work closely with you to understand your
business processes and gather detailed requirements.
2. Design and Development: Once the requirements are finalized, we will proceed
with designing and developing the ERP system and E-Commerce website.
3. Testing: Rigorous testing will be conducted to ensure the system is bug-free and
functions as expected.
4. Deployment: The final system will be deployed to a staging environment for
further testing.
5. Training and Support: We will provide comprehensive training to your staff to
ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Additionally, we offer ongoing
support to address any issues that may arise post-launch.


The estimated timeline for the project is as follows:

1. Requirements Gathering: [Start Date] - [End Date]

2. Design and Development: [Start Date] - [End Date]
3. Testing: [Start Date] - [End Date]
4. Deployment: [Start Date] - [End Date]
5. Training and Support: [Start Date] - [End Date]


The following features/modules will be included in the ERP system and E-Commerce

1. ERP System:
 Inventory Management
 Order Management
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
 Financial Management (Accounts, Billing, Invoicing)
 Human Resources Management (HRM)
 Reporting and Analytics
2. E-Commerce Website:
 User-friendly Product Catalog
 Shopping Cart and Checkout
 Payment Gateway Integration
 Order Tracking
 Customer Accounts
 Product Search and Filtering
 Responsive Design for Mobile Devices

Man-Hour Calculation:
We have calculated the man-hours required for each phase as follows:

1. Requirements Gathering: [X] man-hours

2. Design and Development: [Y] man-hours
3. Testing: [Z] man-hours
4. Deployment: [P] man-hours
5. Training and Support: [Q] man-hours


Based on the man-hour calculation and our competitive hourly rate of [$X], the total
cost for the ERP and E-Commerce Website Development project is: [$Total Cost].

Please note that this quotation is an estimate, and the final cost may vary based on any
changes or additional requirements during the project.

Terms and Conditions:

 A deposit of [Percentage]% of the total project cost is required to initiate the

 The remaining balance is to be paid upon project completion and before
 Any changes or additions to the scope of work may result in adjustments to the
project timeline and cost.


This quotation is valid for [X] days from the date of issuance.


If you wish to proceed with the project based on the terms and conditions and the
pricing provided in this quotation, please sign below:

Client Signature: ______________________

Date: ______________________

[Your Company Name] Representative: ______________________

Date: ______________________
Thank you for considering [Your Company Name]. We look forward to working with you
and delivering a successful ERP and E-Commerce solution tailored to your business
needs. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate
to contact us.

Prepared by: [Your Company Name]

Date: [Current Date]

Introduction: Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for your ERP and E-
Commerce website development project. This document outlines the timeline and
pricing for the development of the system, detailing the cost breakdown and man-hours
consumed for each feature. We have carefully evaluated your requirements and
provided an estimate based on our expertise and experience in delivering similar

Project Overview: The project aims to develop a comprehensive ERP system integrated
with an E-Commerce website for your business. The ERP system will include modules for
inventory management, order processing, sales, customer management, finance, and
reporting. The E-Commerce website will have user registration, product catalog,
shopping cart, payment gateway, and order tracking features.

Timeline: We estimate that the project will be completed in [X] weeks/months. The
timeline is subject to change based on factors such as the scope of additional features,
complexity, and timely feedback and approvals.

Pricing: The total project cost is composed of two main components:

1. Development Cost: This includes the breakdown of costs feature-wise for the
ERP and E-Commerce website development.
2. Man-Hour Cost: This indicates the hourly rate and the estimated man-hours for
each feature.

Below is the cost breakdown:

1. Development Cost:
Feature ERP E-Commerce Website

User Registration and Authentication $X,XXX $X,XXX

Product Catalog Management $X,XXX $X,XXX

Inventory Management $X,XXX -

Order Processing $X,XXX $X,XXX

Shopping Cart - $X,XXX

Payment Gateway Integration - $X,XXX

Sales Management $X,XXX -

Customer Management $X,XXX -

Finance Management $X,XXX -

Feature ERP E-Commerce Website

Reporting and Analytics $X,XXX -

Others (Specify) $X,XXX $X,XXX

Total $X,XXX $X,XXX

2. Man-Hour Cost:

Feature ERP Website Hourly Rate Estimated Man-Hours

User Registration and

Authentication XX hours XX hours $XX XX

Product Catalog Management XX hours XX hours $XX XX

Inventory Management XX hours - $XX XX

Order Processing XX hours XX hours $XX XX

Feature ERP Website Hourly Rate Estimated Man-Hours

Shopping Cart - XX hours $XX XX

Payment Gateway Integration - XX hours $XX XX

Sales Management XX hours - $XX XX

Customer Management XX hours - $XX XX

Finance Management XX hours - $XX XX

Reporting and Analytics XX hours - $XX XX

Others (Specify) XX hours XX hours $XX XX

Total XX hours XX hours - -

Feature ERP Website Hourly Rate Estimated Man-Hours

Terms and Conditions:

 Prices are in USD and are valid for [X] days from the date of this quotation.
 Any changes or additions to the scope may affect the timeline and cost, and will
be addressed through a change order.
 [Your Company Name] reserves the right to adjust the estimate if the project
requirements change significantly during development.
 Payment terms will be detailed in the formal contract.

Acceptance: Please indicate your acceptance of this quotation by signing and returning
a copy to us. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to contact

We are excited about the opportunity to work with you on this project and look forward
to your positive response.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name] [Contact Information]

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