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Kisi-kisi MID basing

1. What the definition of computer

2. Mention 3 basic component of computer
3. Mention 5 examples computer hardware
4. Mention 5 examples computer software
5. Mention 3 benefits of computer in daily life
6. Find the antonym of the following words “Large, reject, unusual, small, expensive”.
7. Write down the fundamental hardware components in computer
8. Mention 3 examples of input devices
9. Mention 3 examples of output devices
10. Mention 3 examples of storage devices
11. Write down 5 capabilities of computer
12. Write down 5 limitation of computer
13. What s artificial intelegence
14. Translate the following words “recognize, directed, shopisticated, perform,
15. Make a sentence using word “prepare”

1. A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate
switches or magnetize tiny metal cores.
2. Central processing unit(CPU), Random access memory(RAM), storage devices.
3. Central processing unit(CPU), Random access memory(RAM), storage devices,
monitor, sollid state drive(SSD).
4. middleware, driver software, system software, application software, programing
5. Enhanced communcation, information access and research, increased productivity
and efficiency
6. Large = small
Reject = accept
Unusual = usual
Small = large
Expensive = cheap
7. Mouse, hard disk, monitor, floppy disk, keyboard
8. Keyboard, microphone, touchpad
9. Monitor, printer,speaker
10. Hard disk drive (HDD), solid state drive(SSD), USB flash drive
11. Processing Power, Storage and Retrieval, Connectivity and Networking, Automation
and Task Execution, Multitasking and User Interaction.
12. Lack of Emotional Intelligence, Dependence on Power Supply, Vulnerability to
Malware and Cyber Attacks, Finite Processing Capacity, Lack of Creativity and
13. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines
that are programmed to think and learn like humans. It is a broad field of computer
science that aims to create intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that
typically require human intelligence. AI systems can perceive their environment,
reason and make decisions, and learn and adapt from experience.
14. Recognize = mengenali
Directed = di arahkan
Shopisticated = rumit
Perform = melakukan
Usefulness = kegunaan
15. ......

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