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©) Trust Bank A Bank for Financial Inclusion Account Opening Application Form Individual (Single/Joint) Account Branch/Sub-Branch Name Account Name Account Number Unique Customer Codi SBS Code Required Documents to Open Account General Requirement: Documents Required for Individual Accout Duly filled up Account Opening Form as applicable. ‘Supporting documents for income source matched with occupation. For verification original document must be presented to Bank. 2 Passport size photographs of the applicant (s) duly attested by the introducer (where applicable). NID/ Passport ‘Registered Birth Registration Certificate (with attested photo if not registered). 1 Passport size photograph of Nominee duly attested by the AIC Holder. Nominee's NID/Passport /Registered Birth Registration Certificate (with attested photo if not registered). Proof of Address: Electricity Bill WASA Bill /Gas Bill / BTCL/ Holding Tax receipt from City Corporation or Municipality. Up to date E-TIN Certificate (if applicable). Service ID Card/ Business Trade license/Pension Book/House Rent Agreement. For student/housewife's account/unemployed person: Service ID/Trade Licensell Pension Bookiproof of House Rent of the beneficial owner. Additional documents for NRB Customer: Passport with valid VISA / work permit (for foreign passport customer needs to submit "No Visa required for Bangladesh" page of passport) Proof of Employment/Pay slip/employment certificate/agreement. Documents must be in English. Any document sent from abroad by customer must be verified and attested by any reputed International Bank/Notary Public/Bangladesh High Commission or Consulate Generals’ Office. a Trust Bank Limited Branch/Sub-Branch ‘Account Opening Application Form Individual (Single/Joint) Date: [Account No: ‘The Manager Unique Customer Code ‘Trust Bank Limited (For Bank's Use Only) Branch/Sub-Branch Sir, We hereby apply to open the following account with your branch. My/Our detailed account and personal information are furnished below: Part -I: Information Regarding Account 1 Name of the Account (In English Block Letter) Seo Fear (ate) 2. Type of Account (Mark Tick): C1 Savings Current SND OFC ORFCD CONFCD OO Others. 3. Currency (Mark Tick) OTaka OUSD CEuo CIGBP — LOthers. 4, Mode of Operation of Account (Mark Tick): Cl Singly 1D dointly 1 Either or Survivor Th Any One OF Others wnsenunn 5. Amount of intial Deposit: In Figure In Word 6 Others Services: 1 Cheque Book O] Debit Card 11 Internet Banking 11 SMS Banking 1 Online Transaction 1 E-Statement [1 TAP, Part - Il: Information Related to Person’ AIC No. : 1, Name of the Account Holder (In English Block Letter): ae es ih fervetta am Coe 2, Date of Birth 3. Father's Name: Cc) 4, Mother's Name: 5. Name of Spouse 6 Nationality: me won 7, Gender: {tncase offoeign eitzen, copy of passpert with Valid VISA must be obtained) 8 Resident Status (Mark Tick): [J Resident [1] Non-Resident (tfreeded, instructions of Bank’ Guideines for Foreign Exchange Transaction shouldbe followed) 9, Occupation (Detaled): s+ 10. Monthly Income’. 11. Source of Fund (Detailed) 12, Tax Identification No. (TIN) If applicable: .aneesstnnee nent 13, a) Present Address: RoadVillage: Post Office: Police Station: a see District: sensi b) Permanent Address: Road/Village’ Post Office: Police Station: we District. Phone/Mobile: e-mail 14, Identification: a) National ID Card No. ') Passport No./ Birth Registration No./ Others? / To be mentioned specifically... ¢) Introducer's Information: In case of unavailability of NID Namet sven» Account / National ID Card No. (with date of birth) Signature (with date): 1. treaee of more than one account holier and minor acco hol, personalisation ofeach secon holler and guardian FatherMothel egal Gran) ie Total pages Part - I: Information Regarding Nominee > Information Regarding Nominee: AIC No. (For Bank's Use Oni) We nominate the following person(s) to receiveldraw the balance held in my/our account after my / our death.We retain the right to cancel or change this nomination at any time, We hereby accord my/our consent that as per my/our instruction, bank will pay and after making payment, it will be considered that deposit related all liabilities are paid. a) Name of the Nominee: Nominee's b) Date of Birth ae ©) Address: atested by ANC holder 4d) Share of the Nominee: ) Relationship with Account Holder: 4) Identity of the Nominee: National ID Card/ Passport No// Birth Registration No./ Others) (To be mentioned specifically) 2. In the event that nominee remain(s) a minor at the time of account holder's death, as per article 103(2) of Bank ‘Company Act, 1991- the following person is authorized to receive the amount of deposit: a) Name: b) Parmanent Address: ©) Identity: National ID Card / Passport No. / Birth Registration No. / Others (To be mentioned specifically) 4d) Relationship with Nominee: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA): Are you a US Citizen/Green Card Holder/Resident/Entity? O Yes No Have you granted Power of Attomey to some who is a US person? O Yes No Have you stayed in US for 183 days during 3-year period including present year? O Yes O No Do you receive payments sources from USA? (Interest, Dividend, Rent, Paymentfor [] Yes [No services (salaries) and any other Fixed Determinable Annual Periodical (FDAP) income, If Yes, please provide US TIN No. or IRS Forms: W9W8/W-8BEN/W-8EXP/W-8ECI, Forms may be collected from us or from web Us TIN Social Security No./Green Card No. 2. In case of more than one nominee, personal information of each nominee iste be provided inthe pall separately ort be attached as annexure of par Pepe out Teal pages ‘SIGNATURE OF THE ACCOUNT HOLDER(S)* WITH NAME AND DATE. ANC, Name AIC. No. We consciously declare that the information provided above is true. live will provide any other additional information/documents as per requirement of the bank. Mode of Operation of AC: CJ Singly J Jointly = Anyone — Either or Survivor 11 Others/Special Instructions Special Instruction (if any) Date Date Date Name Name Name Mobile. Mobile. Mobile. FOR BANK USE ONLY Date: Remarks: Signature of Account Op: Signature of BOM Signature Approving Off al & Dat ef Manager/Manager with Name Seal & Date With Name, Seal & Da th Name, S 4.11 the account holders minor, the guardian wil make s'gnature in the place of account holder's signature Penna tet Total pages GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 4. Eligibility for Opening the Account ‘An adult individual having sound mind can open a Savings Bank Account singly or joint, Guardian can open minor account, ut a minor of 12 ‘years of age can open SB AVC in his name provided ne can understand, reed and write independently subject ta the account tobe oparated only by legal Guardian. Any cub, socety and simlar organizaton are ato eligible to open SB AC, providing Bye ~ Laws/Resoluons/Ariles of Association is acceptable tothe bark. Anlltrate person can open SB AVC as per applicable Laws ofthe bank by thumo impression and physicalatendance. ‘Aa adult individual having sound mind can open a CurervSND account singly, jointly or inthe name of an organization. Cub, Association, Organization or Insttuton can open Current Account proving Bye - laws and Articles of Association acceptable tothe bank. 2 Initial Deposit and Minimum Balance: ‘Type of account ‘amount _| Minimum balance to run the account Savings Bark AC (SB) Tk. 500 ‘Current Deposit A/C (CO) Tk 1000 Tk 10000 ‘Special Notice Deposit AG (SND) Te 1000 Tk. 1000 * Oras advisod by Head Office from time to time, 3, Deposits, Withdrawals ‘A oposior can withdraw from his savings account twice in a weok, 25% of his balance or Tk. 25000 whichover i lower. ary depositor wants to withdraw more than 25% of the balance or more than Tk. 25000, the customer wil not be ented to get interest for that month. Interest on ‘88 account willbe given on monthly minimum balance, A depositor can deposit and withdraw from the Current Account as many time as required and Cheques, Drafts, Pay Orders are tobe crossed atthe te of deposit. The bank acts only as the collecting agent and assumes no responsibilty {or the realization of any items deposited with the bank fr collection. Thus, proceeds of cheques or other instruments depasited willnot be available for withdrawal untl collected by the bank. Balance in Special Notice Deposit (SND) will bear intrest as applicable from time to time For withdrawal of any amount om the SND Account (even) days notice, as pr option willbe required. Otherwise, interest forthe month willbe forfeted. 4. Identification of the Account Each account wil b givan one account number, This number is tobe properly quoted foreach deposit and for any correspondence tothe bank ‘The bank wil nt be responsible for any oss or damage occuring as a result of wrong quotation of account number. 5. Issue and Safety of Cheques. Cheques wil ony be issued 1 a customer when all documentation considered necessary by the hank has been obtained. Wis the esponsibiiy ofthe account holder to ensure cheques in ther possession are kept safely. The customer must all ie exarcise due care to prevent cheques, payment orders and other instruments from being altered or forged in @ manner which may facitate fraud or anyother person. Any loss or misuse af the cheques or ether instruments must be immediately reported to the bank ane concemed in wringverbally without any delay. Cheque book and other secures willbe va I signedintated by authorized signatory. 6. Signing of Cheque CChecus let isto be signed by the account holfr/account operator as per specimen signature recorded withthe bank and any alteration and cutting shouldbe confirmed by fll signature. No cheque willbe honored i the same is post dated, anti-datod or mutlated. Bank reserve the ight, {impose fine for bounce of cheque for insuficent fund in the account, 7. Orders to Stop Payment or Amend Instruction ‘customer may place a wren order fr stop Payment of @ cheque. The bank willnot make the payment ft has reasonable opportunity to act on such ode. 8, Positive Pay ‘As per instruction of Bangladesh Bank on postive pay or clearing cheque, personal & impersonal account holder must inform the bank (Trust Bank Limited) in witing ater issuance of cheque for the amount 5 (Five) and 1 (One) lacs and above consecutively. Otherwise, the bank may return the cheque if presented through automated clearing house atthe risk and responsibly ofthe account holder(s). 9, Bank’s Right Bank reserves the right to enguire the customer for source of fund as per Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012 and ask for nominee as per Bank Company Act-1991. Bank raserves th right to clese ary account I found unsatisfactory or may decine to issue trash cheque book without assigning any reason, Bank resarvas the right to realize charges fram any account as per prevaling norms af the ban. Bank is authorized to raalze Excies Duty Income Take, a8 pet government insructon. The bank eserves the right debit any account that may have bean inadvertantly Credited wth an ita ransaction subsequently unpaid on collecon or detacted tobe te wrong entry who giving any information tothe customer ‘The bank may without notice combine or consoliate accounts) with any lables tothe bank and set-of or transfer any sum(s) standing to the creat of such accounts or any other suits) wing tothe customer ftom the bank in of towards satisfaction or the customer's lables to the bank ‘on any other respect whether euch lables be actual or contingent, primary or collateral and several or jin. In ation, to any general on or othr rights or remedios to which te bank shall be entitled, the bank may at any and from time ta time apply any erect aalanes to which the customer(a) isfare entilas on any accounts) wih tha bank (chiding the abave accounts) in satisfaction of any of ts inebiness tothe bank. Further, ant ofthe cout) ofthe customers} wth any branch ofthe bank shall be trssted as one combined account Pages nnn auto ‘otal pages 40, Special instruction for Joint Account In case of death of any constivents of aint Account and it's mentoned inthe special instruction that “Ether or Survivor can operate the account, in such stuaton, survivor can operate the account and helshe can witha the remaining balance from the aocount without succession cericate. Ifthere is any instruction to operate a jint account in joint signature or i's said inte special instruction that ‘Any ane can operate the account in such case the transaction wil be stopped instandy ater gating the news of ath of tne account halderin that cate, survivor as wall as successor ‘ofthe deceased person can withdraw the remaining Balance thraugh submiting joint appeaton along win a submission of succession certificate issued by Ward Councilor! Chairman of Union Parshad without Court Order. 41. Record Keeping of Transactions and Bank's Statement Banik shall take maximum care and remain arto record exactly al the transactions of both credit & debit in the ldger with no fault. However, in case of any mistakolapse bank shal reserve the rghl o recy the same and recover the money fram the client wihout any reference noice tothe client Bank shall nt be mace lable fr any los! inconveniences cause to the clon due to such error mistake lapse. Tho slatoment of ‘account as fumished by the bank to the cent shall be presumed as carect. no objection to the same is raised by the clon within a woek of ‘tho eocolp ofthe statement by himmharthem, Afr that bank wil not ake any resporsibily. 12, Money Laundering Prevention ACT, 2012 Wo declare tat Io are fully aware ofthe Money Laundering Prevention ACT 2012 and lM shall not commit any acl! transaction in corraveniton ‘ofthe provisions of the Ordinance, which may be requited by the bank trom time to tie. 18, Foreign Exchange Transaction Foreign Exchange Regulations ACT, 1947, ‘Guideline for Foreign Exchange Transactions and the circulars eters issued by Bancladesh Bank shall have to be complied while opening FC accounts and making FOREX transactions. 14. Instruction for Non-Resident Account Operations of Non-Resident accounts shall be governed as per the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. Holders of Non Resident accounts should _acvise the bank immediately upon return to Banglades if they intend to take permanent resident in Bangladesh, iis also a responsibilty of the Customer to inform the bank in wring before leaving county 415. Closure of Account \Whhen an account f closed ether bythe constituents or by the bank, the constituents required to retum all the unused cheques and cards if any {o the bank. Acharge as per the bank reserves unequivocal right to close any unsatisfactory account with proper notation tate accourt holders ‘8 decided by the bank ails absolute discrton. 416. Fraud & Forgery due to Payment of Cheque ‘The customer must all mes exercies due care fo prevent cheques from being altered or forged na manner which may faciltate frau. In such ‘vers, the banks not responsible for any loss sured by customer or any other person. Ary loss or misuse ofthe cheques must be immediately reporied to the bank and confirmed in wring without ary delay. 417. Overdrawn Account If for whatever reasone the Account has any unauthorized debit balance, the customer shal pay interest and other charges in accordance with ‘he bank's prevalent alo and makes an exception. 48. Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information \Whist the bank maintains strict confertalty in all mates relating to my account(s) and business, | hereby authorze the bank (andorfany of is officers or employees) fo sclose any information concerning me, my business, my accounts held withthe bank or another group member, or ny relationship with tre bank or ancther group momier, (b) any agent, contractr or third party servic provider, or any professional advisor of the bank or another group member (c) any regulatory authorly (Bangladesh Bank, National Board of Revenue, Ant-Corupion Commission at, ‘supervisory, govemnmenlal or quas-governmental author wih juriedicion over the bank ot another group member (8) any person to whom the bank is roqied oF authorized bylaw o cour coaings rogaraios of whethor the reclent in each case i located n Bangladesh orn anoth county, and regardless of wheter such information wl flowing ésclosute be el, processed used or csclosed by sch recipient n Bangladesh or anoer country. 419, indemnity ao agree to uy indemnity he bank agaist al costs and expenses (tung legal feos) ring in ay way in connection wt the above accounts, these tems ard coratens or rrr these tans ans conto and recov of ary aout uote bak onesie by th bark ary lag rocedngs of watoor ne 20. Force Majeure/Technical Problem Notwithstanding anything othe contrary contained herein, nothing heraln shall apply ithe bank is prevented kom dxcharging any ofall ofits abigaton here or otherwise du 1 ary caus arsing out fo related to Force Majeure or tochical problem or ny reasons beyond te reasonable conel ofthe bark. 21. Communication! Instruction {All communications! instructions tothe bank should be in writing. Any change of the information furished by the customer herewith must be noted by the bank immediatly; ctterwise tne bank wil not be lable fr tne consequence. 22, Others ‘2 Unclaimed cheque book willbe retained by the bank upto 180 days. Aterward the chaque willbe destroyed. Current account & Savings account being inopeative for 01 (one) year & 02 (two) year respectively willbe transferred to Dormant status °, No customers iilaestansacton i allwed in the Dormant account unless the account Redes) apy inwrtng fe ragulara the satus of account, 4. The bank reserves the right te clase any account having zero balance without transaction for one year «2. there fs no transaction in the above dormant account, wil be treated a¢ “Unclaimed” after 10(Ten) years as per section 36 of Bank Company ‘Act and wil be transferred to Bangladesh Bank as per the act {Customer wit be alowed to make transaction dung ansacion hours as fixed by Bangladesh Bank which may be reshedued from tine to tne, 49. The bank reserves the right to amend the tems and conditions, cutent tar without any notice. ‘Signature of the Account Holder(s/# with Name and Date 1 2 a 4 Page... outof Total pages © Trust Bank | 28 ax A Bank for Financial Inclusion FANE, HT, FU FT Corporate Head Office: Shadhinata Tower, Bir Srestha Shaheed Jahangir Gate, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206 Tel: 02-44870030-2, 02-44870014, 02-44870040-1, Fax: 02-44870051 », January 2022

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