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INTERNATIONAL RE Reasons for Trade

Types of RE investment (10m) a) Differences in technology

- Differences in their technological abilities to
1. Direct Investment
produce goods and services.
- involves purchasing and owning physical
- technology refers to the techniques used to
properties directly.
convert resources (labor, capital, land) into
- Ownership: Investors have direct
ownership and control over the specific
- Example: countries known for their
property or properties they acquire.
advanced construction techniques, such as
- Capital: Huge amount of capital required.
Japan with its earthquake-resistant
- Liquidity: Less liquidity as compared to
buildings, may attract international
indirect investment, due to the large
investors seeking properties with cutting-
amount of capital required to invest, a
edge technology and safety standards.
limited pool of investors.
- Active Involvement: Investors are
b) Differences in resource endowments
responsible for property maintenance,
- Resources endowments refers to the skills
tenant relations, and day-to-day operations.
and abilities of a country’s workforce, the
- Diversification of Assets: No
natural resources available within its
diversification of assets and risk as all the
borders (mineral, farmland, etc) and the
risk and investment is done in one asset
sophistication of its capital stock
(machinery, infrastructure, communication
- Transaction & Management costs: High
T&M costs.
c) Different in demand
2. Indirect Investment
- Preferences and demand differ between
- involves buying shares in a fund or
stocks/shares in companies that invest in
- Why – individuals in different countries may
real estate.
have different preferences or demand for
- Investors hold financial instruments (e.g.,
various products.
REITs, mutual funds) that represent
- Example: The Chinese are more likely to
ownership or exposure to real estate
demand more rice than the British. Scots
might demand more whisky and the
- Ownership: They do not have the
Japanese more fish even if they all faced
ownership right and controlling power on
the same price.
the assets.
- Capital: Low quantum of capital required.
d) Existence of government policies
- Liquidity: Indirect investments offer high
- Govt tax and subsidy programs can be
liquidity, as investors can buy and sell
sufficient to generate advantageous in
shares or units in the financial instrument
production of certain products.
representing the underlying real estate
- Tax incentives, foreign ownership
allowances, and investment-friendly
- Passive Involvement: Investors rely on
legislation encourage international
professional managers for property
management decisions and operations.
- Singapore's real estate rules have
- Diversification of Assets: Diversification
encouraged major international
of assets and risk across different regions
transactions and development initiatives.
and several sectors.
- Transaction & Management costs: Low
e) Differences in return on capital
T&M costs.
- Countries with higher potential returns on
real estate investments, whether through
rental income or capital appreciation, can
attract international investors seeking 4. Strategic Location
profitable ventures. - Malaysia's strategic location in Southeast
- Example, emerging markets like Vietnam Asia provides access to regional markets
or Colombia have experienced rapid and opportunities.
economic growth and increasing property - With well-developed infrastructure and
values, attracting international investors transportation networks, the country serves
seeking higher returns. as a hub for trade and commerce.
- This connectivity enhances the potential for
f) Existence of economies of scale in businesses and investors looking to tap
production into regional markets, making it an
attractive destination for international
Reasons for Foreigner to Invest in Malaysia RE
Market (15m) 5. Growing Tourism Industry
- Malaysia's thriving tourism industry
1. Stable Economy presents opportunities for real estate
- Malaysia has a stable and growing investment.
economy, making it an attractive - The country attracts millions of tourists
destination for real estate investment. each year, with popular destinations like
- The country has experienced consistent Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Langkawi.
GDP growth over the years, supported by - Investing in tourism-related properties such
strong economic fundamentals and as hotels, resorts, or vacation rentals can
government initiatives to promote provide income potential through tourism-
investment and business development. driven rental demand.

2. Favorable Government Policies 6. Affordable Property Prices

- The Malaysian government has - Compared to some other global property
implemented various policies to encourage markets, Malaysia offers relatively
foreign investment in the real estate sector. affordable property prices.
- Non-residents can purchase property in - Foreign investors can find attractive
Malaysia, subject to certain guidelines and opportunities to enter the market and
regulations. potentially benefit from long-term price
- Additionally, initiatives such as the appreciation.
Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) - This affordability factor, coupled with
program offer long-term visa options for Malaysia's growing economy, makes it an
foreign investors, further facilitating their appealing choice for real estate investment.
presence in the country.
7. Strong Rental Market
3. Diverse Investment Opportunities - The rental market in Malaysia is robust,
- Malaysia offers a diverse range of real driven by a growing population,
estate investment opportunities. urbanization, and expatriate demand.
- From residential properties to commercial - Foreign investors can benefit from steady
spaces, industrial facilities, and even rental income by investing in residential or
agricultural land, investors have a wide commercial properties and leasing them to
variety of options to choose from. tenants.
- The property market caters to different - Rental yields in Malaysia are often
investment goals and preferences, considered attractive compared to many
allowing for potential income generation other international markets.
and capital appreciation.
8. Cultural Diversity and Quality of Life
- Malaysia is known for its rich cultural
diversity, excellent infrastructure, and high
quality of life.
- The country offers a vibrant lifestyle with a 4. Political and Geopolitical Risks
mix of modern amenities and natural - Political stability and geopolitical factors
attractions. can significantly impact international real
- These factors contribute to the estate operations.
attractiveness of Malaysia as a destination - Political instability, changes in government
for foreign investors seeking both financial policies, or conflicts can create uncertainty
returns and a desirable living environment. and affect investment prospects.
- Foreign companies must carefully assess
the political and geopolitical risks of a target
Reasons that Prevent Foreign Companies to
market to mitigate potential disruptions to
Operate in an IRE (10m)
their operations and investments.
1. Regulatory and Legal Hurdles
- Foreign companies often face complex 5. Access to Financing and Capital
regulatory frameworks and legal - Foreign companies may encounter
requirements when entering a new real difficulties in accessing financing or capital
estate market. in a foreign real estate market.
- Each country has its own set of laws, - Local financial institutions may have strict
regulations, and licensing requirements lending criteria or limited exposure to
that can be intricate and time-consuming to foreign entities.
navigate. - Securing funding for real estate projects
- Compliance with local regulations, such as can be challenging without established
foreign ownership restrictions or tax laws, relationships or a track record in the local
can pose challenges for foreign companies. market.

2. Cultural and Language Barriers 6. Local Competition and Market

- Operating in a foreign real estate market Saturation
involve dealing with different cultural norms, - Some international real estate markets
business practices, and languages. may already be saturated with established
- Understanding and adapting to local local players.
customs and business etiquette can be - Foreign companies may face intense
crucial for building relationships and competition from local developers,
negotiating deals. investors, or real estate firms.
- Language barriers may also impede - Building a competitive edge and
effective communication and establishing a strong market presence can
understanding of legal documentation and be difficult in such scenarios.
7. Economic and Currency Risks
3. Market Knowledge and Understanding - Economic fluctuations, currency risks, and
- Lack of familiarity with the local market exchange rate risks can impact
dynamics, economic conditions, and international real estate operations.
market trends can hinder foreign - Currency devaluations or economic
companies' ability to make informed downturns can affect property values,
investment decisions. rental incomes, and financing costs.
- Local market knowledge is essential for - Foreign companies need to carefully
identifying viable investment opportunities, assess and manage these risks to protect
understanding supply and demand their investments and profitability.
dynamics, and pricing properties
- Without proper market intelligence, foreign
companies may face challenges in
competing effectively in the local market.
Why investor from CHINA like to invest in establish their operations and facilitate
Malaysia in the view of PESTLE? efficient logistics.

1. Economic Factors:
5. Legal Factors:
- Economic Growth: Malaysia has
- Investment Protection: Malaysia offers
experienced stable economic growth over
legal safeguards for foreign investors,
the years, making it an attractive
including the protection of intellectual
investment destination for Chinese
property rights, fair dispute resolution
investors seeking opportunities in a
mechanisms, and transparent regulatory
growing market.
processes, which are crucial for Chinese
- Trade Agreements: Malaysia's participation
investors concerned about legal security.
in trade agreements such as the ASEAN-
China Free Trade Agreement and the
6. Environmental Factors:
Regional Comprehensive Economic
- Renewable Energy Potential: Malaysia's
Partnership (RCEP) enhances its
commitment to renewable energy
economic ties with China, providing
development presents opportunities for
favorable conditions for investment.
Chinese investors involved in clean energy
technologies, such as solar and wind power,
2. Socio-cultural Factors:
as the country aims to reduce carbon
- Ethnic Chinese Population: Malaysia has a
emissions and diversify its energy sources.
significant ethnic Chinese population,
which fosters cultural familiarity and ease
of doing business for Chinese investors,
Why investor from AFRICA like to invest in
promoting social integration and facilitating
Malaysia in the view of PESTLE?
business relationships.
- Cultural Proximity: Similar cultural values, 1. Economic Factors:
traditions, and business practices between - Market Potential: Malaysia's growing
China and Malaysia can create a consumer market presents attractive
conducive environment for Chinese investment opportunities for African
investors, reducing potential cultural investors looking to expand their business
barriers. ventures in a new market with a rising
middle class and increasing purchasing
3. Political Factors: power.
- Stable Political Environment: Malaysia has - Natural Resources: Malaysia's abundance
a relatively stable political landscape, of natural resources, such as palm oil,
providing a conducive environment for rubber, and timber, can attract African
foreign investments and ensuring a investors seeking access to these
predictable regulatory framework. resources for their industries.
- Government Initiatives: Malaysia's
government actively promotes foreign 2. Socio-cultural Factors:
investments through initiatives like the - Cultural Diversity: Malaysia's multicultural
Malaysia Investment Development society and openness to diverse cultures
Authority (MIDA) and various tax incentives, create an environment where African
attracting Chinese investors seeking investors may find it easier to establish
government support. relationships, collaborate, and integrate
their businesses within the Malaysian
4. Technological Factors: market.
- Infrastructure Development: Malaysia has - Education and Tourism: Malaysia's
made significant investments in reputation as an education and tourism hub
infrastructure, including ports, railways, can be appealing to African investors
and technology parks, offering a robust looking to tap into these sectors or
foundation for Chinese investors to collaborate with Malaysian institutions.
3. Political Factors: - Factors to consider include market size,
- Stable Political Environment: Malaysia's growth potential, demographics, cultural
political stability provides a favorable preferences, and regulatory framework.
climate for foreign investments, offering
predictability, consistency, and a 2. Legal and Regulatory Environment:
transparent regulatory framework for - Understand the legal and regulatory
African investors. requirements in the target country.
- Bilateral Relations: Malaysia maintains - Consider factors such as foreign
diplomatic ties with many African nations, investment regulations, business formation
fostering friendly relations that can facilitate procedures, intellectual property protection,
investment cooperation, trade agreements, tax laws, labor laws, and compliance
and investment protection. obligations.
- Consult legal experts to ensure compliance
4. Technological Factors: and mitigate legal risks.
- Technological Advancements: Malaysia's
focus on technological development, 3. Political and Economic Stability:
including initiatives like the Digital Malaysia - Evaluate the political stability and
and Industry 4.0, can attract African economic conditions of the target country.
investors seeking access to advanced - Consider factors such as political climate,
technology, innovation, and expertise in government policies, exchange rate
specific sectors. stability, inflation rates, and economic
5. Legal Factors: - A stable and predictable political and
- Investment Protection: Malaysia offers economic environment reduces investment
legal safeguards for foreign investors, risks.
ensuring the protection of intellectual
property rights, fair dispute resolution 4. Risk Assessment:
mechanisms, and transparent legal - Conduct a thorough risk assessment,
processes, which can provide assurance to identifying and evaluating potential risks
African investors concerned about legal and challenges associated with investing in
security. the target country.
- Assess political risks, legal risks,
6. Environmental Factors: operational risks, market risks, currency
- Green Initiatives: Malaysia's commitment risks, and any other relevant factors.
to environmental sustainability, including - Develop risk mitigation strategies to
efforts to preserve its natural resources and manage and minimize potential risks.
promote renewable energy, can align with
the priorities of African investors who 5. Entry Strategy:
prioritize sustainability and ESG - Develop an entry strategy that aligns with
(Environmental, Social, and Governance) the company's objectives and market
principles. conditions.
- Options include establishing a subsidiary
or branch office, forming a joint venture or
How does a company invest in other countries? strategic partnership with a local company,
acquiring an existing business, or entering
What factors need to be considered? into licensing or franchising agreements.
1. Market Research: - Evaluate the advantages and
- Conduct comprehensive market research disadvantages of each entry mode.
to understand the target country's
economic environment, market dynamics, 6. Operational Considerations:
consumer behavior, and competitive - Assess operational requirements such as
landscape. supply chain management, logistics,
staffing, and talent availability.
- Understand the local labor market, - Collaboration between sectors can bring
recruitment practices, and employment about social benefits, such as community
regulations. development, inclusivity, and improved
- Evaluate infrastructure, transportation social services.
networks, and access to necessary - Example:
resources for smooth business operations. - Corporate-Social Responsibility (CSR)
Initiatives: Collaboration between
7. Local Partnerships and Networks: businesses and non-governmental
- Establish local partnerships and networks organizations (NGOs) can address social
to navigate the business environment and issues and support community
gain insights into the target country's development.
market. - For instance, partnering with NGOs to
- Collaborating with local businesses, provide educational programs, healthcare
industry associations, and government services, or environmental initiatives can
agencies can provide valuable support, contribute to social well-being.
market knowledge, and connections. -
4. Technological:
- Collaboration between sectors can
What is the benefit if Malaysia collaborating facilitate technological advancements,
with other sector in terms of PESTLE? Give knowledge sharing, and innovation.
example for each PESTLE - Example:
- Government-Industry Collaboration:
1. Political: Collaborating with technology companies
- Collaboration between the government and and startups can drive digital
other sectors can lead to various political transformation initiatives and promote the
benefits, such as policy alignment, effective adoption of emerging technologies.
governance, and improved public services. - Joint efforts to develop smart city solutions,
- Example: e-governance systems, or digital
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): infrastructure can enhance technological
Collaborating with the private sector in capabilities and competitiveness.
infrastructure development projects (such
as building highways or public 5. Legal:
transportation systems) can help address - Collaboration between sectors can
transportation challenges, enhance contribute to the development of effective
connectivity, and improve the overall legal frameworks, compliance standards,
quality of life for citizens. and regulatory systems.
- Example:
2. Economic: - Industry-Regulatory Collaboration:
- Collaboration between sectors can drive Working closely with regulatory bodies and
economic growth, stimulate investment, industry associations can lead to the
and promote job creation. establishment of clear regulations,
- Example: standards, and licensing processes.
- Industry-Academia Collaboration: - Collaboration in areas like financial
Partnering with academia and research services, healthcare, or environmental
institutions can foster innovation, research regulations ensures compliance, consumer
and development, and the protection, and a fair business environment.
commercialization of technology. This
collaboration can lead to the creation of 6. Environmental:
new industries, attract investment, and - Collaboration between sectors can drive
boost economic competitiveness. sustainable practices, environmental
conservation, and green initiatives.
3. Social: - Example:
- Public-Private Collaboration for - The Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC) is a
Sustainability: Collaborating with prominent example of international
businesses, civil society organizations, and investment in real estate that has
government agencies can lead to joint transformed Kuala Lumpur's skyline and
efforts in promoting renewable energy, spurred the development of a modern
waste management, and sustainable commercial and residential hub.
- For instance, partnering with renewable 4. Tourism and Hospitality Industry:
energy companies to develop solar or wind - International real estate investments can
farms can contribute to Malaysia's clean boost the tourism and hospitality industry.
energy transition. - When foreign investors acquire or develop
hotels, resorts, or serviced apartments, it
increases the capacity to accommodate
What is The Impact & Example When Malaysia international visitors.
Dealing with IRE? - For instance, the entry of international hotel
chains in Malaysia, such as Marriott and
1. Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Hilton, has expanded the country's
Investment (FDI): hospitality offerings and helped attract
- International real estate dealings can more tourists.
contribute to Malaysia's economic growth
by attracting foreign direct investment. 5. Knowledge Transfer and Expertise:
- Example: - Engaging in international real estate
- The Iskandar Malaysia development in dealings allows for knowledge transfer and
Johor has seen significant investment from expertise acquisition.
foreign buyers, including Singaporean - Malaysian developers and investors gain
investors. exposure to international best practices,
- This has stimulated the local real estate innovative design concepts, and
market, created job opportunities, and construction technologies.
boosted economic activities in the region. - For example, the development of Forest
City in Johor, which is backed by a Chinese
2. Property Market Dynamics: developer, has brought advanced
- Engaging in international real estate construction techniques and sustainability
dealings can influence Malaysia's domestic practices to Malaysia.
property market dynamics.
- Foreign investors can have an impact on 6. Branding and Image Enhancement:
pricing, demand patterns, and property - International real estate projects can
trends in certain segments. contribute to enhancing Malaysia's
- Example: branding and image on the global stage.
- The influx of Chinese investors in - Iconic developments like the Petronas Twin
Malaysian properties, particularly in the Towers in Kuala Lumpur have become
residential sector. recognizable landmarks and symbols of
- This has contributed to increased demand Malaysia's progress.
and rising prices in some areas. - Such projects showcase the country's
3. Infrastructure and Urban Development: architectural achievements and attract
- International real estate dealings often international attention, boosting tourism
involve large-scale development projects, and investor confidence.
leading to infrastructure and urban
development. 7. Cross-Cultural Exchange:
- These projects can improve the overall - International real estate dealings foster
infrastructure of a region and enhance its cross-cultural exchange and diversity.
attractiveness for residents, businesses, - When foreign buyers invest in Malaysian
and tourists. real estate, it creates opportunities for
cultural integration and diversity within
communities. This contributes to a - Real estate collaborations with other
multicultural environment and enhances countries can strengthen diplomatic
social cohesion. relations and foster goodwill.
- For instance, developments like Mont'Kiara - Successful collaborations enhance
in Kuala Lumpur have attracted a mix of Malaysia's reputation as an attractive
expatriates, creating a diverse community investment destination and a trusted
with various cultural influences. partner in international business ventures.
- The government can leverage real estate
collaborations to enhance its diplomatic
What is the implication to government when ties and promote cultural exchange with
Malaysia collaborate with other country in the partner countries.
view of IRE? (20m)
5. International Image and Attraction of
1. Economic Growth and Investment: Global Talent:
- Collaboration in international real estate - Successful real estate collaborations with
can attract foreign direct investment (FDI) renowned international partners enhance
into Malaysia's real estate sector, Malaysia's global image as an investment
stimulating economic growth and destination and can attract skilled
contributing to job creation. professionals and talent to the country.
- The government benefits from increased - The government can leverage these
tax revenues generated through real estate collaborations to promote Malaysia as a
transactions and related economic hub for real estate expertise, encouraging
activities. international professionals to contribute to
the local industry.
2. Infrastructure Development:
- Collaboration in international real estate 6. Tourism and Hospitality Industry Boost:
often involves the development of large- - Real estate collaborations that involve the
scale infrastructure projects, such as development of tourism-related properties,
integrated townships or commercial such as hotels, resorts, or entertainment
complexes. complexes, can contribute to the growth of
- These projects contribute to the Malaysia's tourism and hospitality industry.
government's goals of improving - The government benefits from increased
infrastructure and urban development. tourist arrivals, job creation, and revenue
- The government may partner with foreign generation through tourism-related
investors or companies to leverage their activities
expertise and resources in implementing
infrastructure projects.

3. Skills and Knowledge Transfer:

- Collaborating with other countries in real
estate projects allows for the transfer of
skills, knowledge, and best practices to the
local workforce. Compare international real estate market by
- This enhances the capabilities and using appropriate case study as an example.
expertise of local professionals in the real Comparison includes economic condition,
estate industry. political condition, governance and real estate
- The government can promote training and investment condition.
programs, joint ventures, or knowledge-
sharing initiatives to facilitate the transfer of 1. Economic Conditions:
skills and expertise. United States:

4. Diplomatic Relations and Image

- The U.S. has the world's largest economy, - The political environment promotes
characterized by its diversity, innovation, stability and long-term planning, providing
and strong consumer market. a favorable investment climate for real
- Historically, the U.S. real estate market has estate investors.
shown resilience and consistent growth,
although it can be subject to economic 3. Governance:
cycles and localized market variations.
United States:
- Factors such as GDP growth, employment
rates, inflation, and interest rates impact - The U.S. has a decentralized governance
the overall economic conditions and, structure, with real estate regulations
consequently, the real estate market. varying across states and local jurisdictions.
- The legal framework ensures property
rights protection, contract enforcement,
- Germany has the largest economy in and transparency.
Europe, known for its stability, export- - The U.S. has a well-established financial
oriented industries, and strong system, including mortgage markets, which
manufacturing sector. facilitates real estate transactions and
- The German real estate market has financing options.
experienced steady growth, driven by
factors such as population growth, low-
interest rates, and urbanization. - Germany has a well-regulated governance
- The country's economic stability and system, with consistent and transparent
relatively affordable housing make it an property laws.
attractive market for both domestic and - The legal framework ensures property
international investors. rights protection, tenancy regulations, and
consumer protection.
2. Political Conditions: - Germany has a strong financial sector,
providing stable mortgage markets and
United States:
various financing options for real estate
- The U.S. has a stable political environment investors.
characterized by a democratic system and
regular elections. 4. Real Estate and Investment Conditions:
- Policies related to taxation, regulations,
United States:
and government spending can impact the
real estate market, such as incentives for - The U.S. real estate market offers a wide
homeownership, infrastructure range of investment opportunities,
development, and zoning regulations at the including residential, commercial, and
federal, state, and local levels. industrial properties.
- Political shifts and changes in - Cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San
administrations can introduce policy Francisco are major global real estate
changes that affect real estate investment markets with high demand and potential for
and market conditions. significant returns.
- The market has a diverse range of
investment instruments, including real
Germany: estate investment trusts (REITs), private
equity funds, and direct property ownership.
- Germany is known for its stable political
landscape, with a federal parliamentary Germany:
republic system.
- The German real estate market offers
- Government policies focus on sustainability,
stability, affordability, and attractive rental
energy efficiency, and affordable housing,
influencing the real estate market.
- Major cities like Berlin, Munich, and
Frankfurt are renowned for their strong real 4. Flexible Management Approach:
estate markets. - Adopt a flexible management approach
- The market provides opportunities for both that recognizes and accommodates
residential and commercial investments, cultural differences.
with a focus on long-term rental income - This involves adjusting leadership styles,
rather than speculative gains. decision-making processes, and
organizational structures to suit the cultural
Propose five strategies for Swedish company - Encourage open dialogue, actively listen to
to mitigate the risk involved with the cultural diverse perspectives, and foster a
differences (20m/12m) collaborative and inclusive work
environment that values cultural diversity.
1. Cross-Cultural Training and Awareness:
- Provide comprehensive cross-cultural 5. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
training to employees who will be working - Maintain a learning mindset and
in international settings. continuously adapt strategies based on
- This training should cover cultural norms, feedback and experiences in the target
values, communication styles, and market.
business practices of the target country. - Encourage employees to actively engage
- By promoting cultural awareness, with the local culture, learn from local
employees can navigate cultural stakeholders, and identify opportunities for
differences more effectively and avoid improvement.
misunderstandings. - Embrace feedback and make necessary
adjustments to business practices,
2. Local Partnerships and Hiring Local products, and services to better align with
Talent: the cultural expectations of the target
- Establish partnerships with local market.
companies or hire local employees who
have a deep understanding of the local
culture, customs, and business practices.
What is the current issues that can impact
- Local partners can provide valuable
international real estate business?
insights, help bridge cultural gaps, and
navigate local regulations. 1. Global Economic Uncertainty:
- Local employees can serve as cultural - Economic uncertainty, such as recessions,
intermediaries and contribute to building trade disputes, or geopolitical tensions, can
strong relationships with local stakeholders. have a significant impact on international
real estate markets.
3. Adaptation of Marketing and - Example:
Communication Strategies: - the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent
- Tailor marketing and communication economic downturn affected real estate
strategies to align with the cultural sectors worldwide, with declines in
preferences and sensitivities of the target property values, reduced demand, and
market. disruptions in construction and
- This includes adapting language, visual development projects.
elements, messaging, and promotional
activities to resonate with the local 2. Regulatory Changes and Political
audience. Stability:
- Avoiding cultural faux pas and - Changes in regulations or political
demonstrating cultural sensitivity in instability in a country can significantly
marketing campaigns can enhance the impact international real estate
company's reputation and appeal to local investments.
customers. - Example:
- shifts in government policies, tax laws, or
restrictions on foreign ownership can
create uncertainty and affect investor
sentiment. In 2020, Hong Kong witnessed
political unrest, which led to a decline in
real estate prices and investor caution.

3. Environmental Concerns and Climate

- Environmental factors and climate change
issues can affect international real estate
- Rising sea levels, extreme weather events,
and changing environmental regulations
can impact coastal properties or properties
located in regions vulnerable to natural
- Example:
- properties in areas prone to hurricanes or
coastal erosion may face increased
insurance costs and potential damage,
affecting their market value and investment

4. Technology Disruptions and

- Technological advancements and
digitalization are transforming the real
estate industry.
- Trends such as e-commerce, remote work,
and smart building technologies are
reshaping the demand for various types of
real estate assets.
- Example:
- the shift towards online retail has impacted
the demand for traditional brick-and-mortar
retail spaces, leading to vacancies and
declining rental rates.

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