Trudy Scott Roadmap To Anxiety Solutions

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Anxiety and

By Trudy Scott, Nutritionist

Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
I’ve created this roadmap for The Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins, Meds & Infections because I want to make it easy for you to get the best
value from these wonderful interviews. I don’t want you to feel totally overwhelmed and more stressed when you see all these experts and
interview topics and wonder “where am I going to start?”
I’m using the map analogy because as a hiker I know I need a map to be able to find where I’m going and because being out in nature is
a big part of the healing process. I’m a visual person and I like to have a clear picture in my mind of the lay of the land BEFORE I set off
somewhere new.
It’s for this reason that I’ve created this document with these handy dandy charts that you can refer to at the start of the summit, come back
to during the summit and refer to after the summit when you’re re-listening to interviews and reading transcripts.
I hope you enjoy it and find it easier to navigate the summit with these maps:
• Root Causes/Triggers – figure out which may be your root causes/triggers
• Solutions – for you to explore with the summit interviews
• Conditions – see which ones are relevant for you
(FYI - the numbers in parentheses refer to the number in the cross-reference table at the end –
which then gives you the actual talk where this topic is discussed)
To calm and excellent health! And may this summit be your “bouquet of hope”

Food Mood Expert, Certified Nutritionist
Author, The Antianxiety Food Solution
Host of The Anxiety Summit, which has been dubbed a “bouquet of hope”

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
An overview and how best to use this roadmap
GABA and serotonin in this roadmap and on the summit
Here are a few pointers for you about GABA and serotonin as you use this roadmap to navigate your journey though this summit and your
healing journey:
• Toxins and infections often contribute to low GABA/low serotonin so we always start by assessing for low levels and addressing with
GABA and/or tryptophan.
• Medications and tapering can cause anxiety and other side-effects and amino acids help to boost serotonin and GABA before
tapering starts and during the taper process.
• No matter what your diagnosis or where you are in your healing journey, if you have the low GABA type of anxiety - physical tension,
stiff and tense muscles, panic, intrusive thoughts and craving carbs or alcohol for relaxation and calming - it’s worth doing a trial of
• And no matter what your diagnosis or where you are in your healing journey, if you have the low serotonin type of anxiety - mental
anxiety, worry, ruminating thoughts, negative self-talk, fears, panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed, insomnia and crave carbs towards
the end of the day - it’s worth doing a trial of tryptophan or 5-HTP.
It’s important to be aware of the following:
• We all have our own unique biochemistry and will respond differently to toxins, medications and infections.
• You may have one root cause or multiple root causes contributing to your anxiety.
• You may live in the same household with spouse and two children and one person may have an issue with toxic mold, one may be
very sensitive to phthalates/fragrances, one may have no issues and the other may react to all of the above and more.
• You all may have signs of low GABA physical anxiety and may do well with a small dose of GABA, your daughter may do better with
theanine, your son may do best with a GABA/theanine combination and your husband may do better with tryptophan.

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
This 6th summit builds on the basics with advanced concepts
Keep in mind that these roadmaps do not identify all the possible root causes/triggers of anxiety. They simply identify the root causes/
triggers (and the associated solutions) that we cover in this summit. Many of these are advanced topics that build on the basics that are
covered in my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution, and previous Anxiety Summits.
The basics are covered in my book: a real foods diet, addressing low blood sugar, quitting caffeine, quitting sugar, quitting gluten, addressing
gut health, the adrenals and pyroluria, the basics of brain chemical/neurotransmitter balancing and using amino acids, and lifestyle changes.
Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis is a deep dive into all things related to the gut, microbiome and digestion. And the Anxiety Summits 1-4
tackle a variety of topics.
This 6th summit builds on all this with advanced concepts, new research, new tools, new mechanisms and new connections.
In all instances the individual amino acids are the starting point - for quick relief from anxiety and hope - while you are addressing all the
other underlying root causes (such as Lyme disease, mold toxicity, pollution, fluoride, oxalates etc).
I do deep dive interviews into GABA, theanine and tryptophan:
• GABA and Tryptophan: Anxiety-Toxin Connections
• GABA and Tryptophan vs Meds for Hormone Balance
• GABA, Theanine and Tryptophan: Anxiety and Infections
I also cover melatonin (serotonin is the precursor) and it’s featured in many other interviews. I do a deep-dive into 5-HTP with Dr. Michael
You will, however, hear discussion of the neurotransmitters in each interview as I help to connect the dots to toxins, medications and
infections. What sets this summit apart from other events on toxins and infections is the direct ties back to GABA and serotonin. One
example is GABA helping with fluoride toxicity and anxiety. Another one is tryptophan helping with lead toxicity and anxiety.

How to get the most out of this roadmap

• Use the roadmap to get a clear understanding of all the possible root causes and triggers that may be contributing
to your anxiety (and keep an open mind to all possibilities).
• Use the roadmap to see which topics are covered in which interviews (using the topic numbers and cross-reference
of speakers/topics).

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
• Use the topics to search in the transcripts and find additional instances where it’s being covered.
• In the interests of space and because the transcripts were not complete when these roadmaps were created, not everything is listed.
As you tune into the interviews and read the transcripts feel free to let us know what we missed and which aspects of the roadmaps
you love. You can comment on the roadmap blog here (
infections-roadmap). We may even incorporate your requests into an updated version of the roadmap. You can also let us know what
topics you’d like to see us cover in future summits.
If this all feels too overwhelming
If these roadmaps feel too overwhelming this could be a clue that serotonin is low. Here are some other clues that serotonin may be low:
• You feel stuck or not wanting to read more or even tune into the interviews - it’s just too much!
• You feel worried about what you will learn and how you will be able to manage the changes. What if there are so many you can’t
handle or afford them all?
• You feel fearful about what the future holds for you - you’ve been anxious for so long you can’t imagine a future without it!
• You imagine the worst - it’s been so bad in the past, it’s bound to happen again!
• You don’t feel confident about being able to assimilate the content - how will you figure it all out?
• You feel negative about the future - it couldn’t possibly get better!
• You look at the glass like it’s half-empty i.e. you’re pessimistic that you could find your solutions!
• You cannot remember what it feels like to feel your old self again and can’t imagine you ever will!
By addressing low serotonin with tryptophan you will feel a sense of relief and calm, with positivity and confidence and no more overwhelm.
And it’ll be much easier to assimilate the content in this roadmap and in the summit interviews.
If you resonate with this be sure to tune into my interview, GABA and Tryptophan: Anxiety-Toxin Connections, where I talk about this worry
and fear aspect and how to address it. And then come back to this roadmap and the interviews or know you can tackle this aspect later.
When you address low serotonin, you also improve insomnia and reduce carb cravings (later in the day).
You may need to look at the low GABA type of anxiety too. It’s typically physical tension and anxiety but intrusive thoughts
and overwhelm may also occur.

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Root Causes/ Low GABA/Low Serotonin Alw
Sta ays
He rt
Triggers (p1)
Always start here if you are anxious & have been
exposed to toxins or have a chronic infection.
Also start here if on medications
(but work with the prescribing physician)
Quick relief and HOPE!
may cause
• Tryptophan (5,9,23,38) • 5-HTP (23,34) • Melatonin (2,3,5,6,15) may cause
• GABA (5,6,9,23,36,38) • Theanine (9,34,38)

Metals/iron (amino acids and neurotransmitters are mentioned in every interview)

may cause
• Amalgams (6)
• Copper (23)
• Heavy metals Infections/immunity

Pollution/ (11,20,39)
• Iron/overload • Candida (26,38) • Mitochondria
Chemicals (8,16,27)
• Lead (5,6,16)
• Babesia (29)
• Bartonella (11,14,29)
• Oxidative stress (29)
• Benzo(a)pyrene (8) • Magnetite (16) • Bulls eye rash (14) • PANDAS/PANS (1,14)
• BPA (20) • sIgA (3,38)
• Mercury (2,6,20) • COVID-19
• Environmental • Tattoos (4) (1,10,25,26,30,38) • Terrain/Germ Theory
(4,6,8,15) • Cytokines (6,10,32) (35)
• Forest/bush fires (8)
• Fragrance (5,8,13) PANIC • H/Pylori (4,38)
• Immunity
• Toxins/Lyme (35)
• Vagus nerve

• Fluoride (5,17) (11,26,28,30,32) infection (32)
• Military (37) • Lyme • Virus/EBV/herpes

• PAHs/traffic (8) (14,26,29,35,38) (32)

• Phthalates/DEHP
(4,5,13) PHOBIA/OCD
• POPs (34)
Foods Psychiatric Meds
• ADHD meds kids (23,29)
• Artificial sweeteners (8,18) • Risperdal (18)
(39) • Benzos (9,18,23,24) • Serotonin
• Bone broth, tea, • Dependance (24) (5,23,34,38)
wine, kombucha • Discontinuation • SSRIs
(fluoride) (17)
• Burnt meat (8)
Other meds (9,18) (9,18,34,38,39)
• Accutane (17,18) • Gabapentin (26) • With BIPOC (18)
• Coffee (8) • General (2,25,28) • With kids (18)
• Acetaminophen
• Collagen /gelatin
(6,21,22) Pesticides/ (23,31,33,34) • Lyrica (26)
• Quinolinic acid
• Allergy (18)
• MSG (39)
• Nut flours (21,22)
insecticides/ Genetics, Trauma, • Antibiotics
herbicides (11,14,33,37)

• Oxalates Gut, Liver, Hormones,
(21,22,26,27) Sleep, Alcohol, • BCP/birth control (23)
• Vitamin C/oxalate • Agent Orange (37) • Fluoroquinolone
• Atrazine (12,38) Cigarettes, Household antibiotics (36)
(21,22) • Fipronil (5)
• Wheat (4) Toxins, Tech, Mold, • Mefloquine (37)
• Glyphosate Personal Care & • Metamucil (18)
(6,12,21,22,35) • Paracetamol
• Organophosphates Testing (23,31,33,34)
(8,12) (see Root Causes p2) • PPI (26)

Notes: (1) Numbers after each topic refer to the speaker/topics in the cross-reference. (2) Refer to Solutions and Conditions pages for additional info. (3) Toxins and infections may contribute to low
GABA/low serotonin so we always start here. (4) Meds and tapering can cause anxiety/other side-effects and amino acids help. (5) Register here

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Root Causes/ Low GABA/Low Serotonin Alw
Sta ays
He rt
Triggers (p2)
Always start here if you are anxious & have been
exposed to toxins or have a chronic infection.
Also start here if on medications
(but work with the prescribing physician)
Quick relief and HOPE!
• Tryptophan (5,9,23,38) • 5-HTP (23,34) • Melatonin (2,3,5,6,15)
Genetics • GABA (5,6,9,23,36,38) • Theanine (9,34,38)
• AGXT/oxalate • MTHFR (26,10,8) (amino acids and neurotransmitters are mentioned in every interview)
• Epigenetics
• CYP1A1/2B/1B1 (8)
• GSTM/SOD (8) Testing
(3,28,31) • PON1 (8,23) • Collagen/Lyme (6) • Mannose binding
• MBL*B (26) • VDR (26) • Cunningham (1) lectin (26)
• Cyrex (20) • myelin basic
• D-Dimer/ protein (20)
hypercoagulation • Mycotoxin (11)
Technology (1,14) • NeuroQuant (11)
• Disconnection • EMFs/Wifi (5,6,11,16) • Environmental • Neurotransmitter
syndrome (25) • Screentime (18)
ANXIETY toxins (31)
• Ferritin (14,27)

• Genetics (8) • OAT (oxalates) (21,
• Glyphosate (12,35) 22)
Gut/Liver • Klebsiella (1) • Strep antibodies (1)
• Dysbiosis
• Low bile production
FEAR • Liver enzymes (19)
• Lyme/co-infections
• Visual Acuity
(mold) (11)
• Inflammasome
• Oxalobacter PHOBIA/OCD (14,29) • Wheat Zoomer (4)

• Leaky gut (4)

• Liver damage
formigenes (21,22)
Trauma • Amygdala (24,25) • Endorphins
• ACEs (28) (18,28) • Aquaporin (6) (9,19,25,34,38)
• Parasympathetic/ • Trauma • Astrocytes/glial • EWG Skindeep
Sympathetic (32,30) (11,28,30,32,37) (6,32) (8,13)
• Stress (30,28) • Biofilm (1) • Nitric oxide (23)
• Transgenerational • Body burden (4) • Prenatal load (8,28)
• Cell danger • Raphides (21,22)
response (11) • TILT (20)
Personal/personal • Dopamine (9,10)

Hormones/Sleep Household Toxins care

• Candles (8) • Aftershave (8)
• Adrenal antibodies • Moth balls (8)
(20) • Insect sprays (5,8)
• Botox (5)
Mold Toxicity • Breast implants (5)
• Cortisol
(3,11,15,19,34) • Cell danger response
• Plastics in kitchen
• Cosmetics (4,8)
• Hair color/
• Pineal gland (6,17) (11) • Shower curtain (5) straightener (5) • Alcoholism (9,23)
• Sex hormones • Mycotoxins • Weed killers • Perfume (5,8,13) • Antabuse (9)
(19,23) (11,13,38) (5,8,12,35) • Xenobiotics (8) • Cigarettes/smoke (8)

Notes: The number after each topic refers back to the speaker/topic in the cross-reference. (2) Refer to the Solutions and Conditions pages for additional info. (3) Any of these triggers may contribute
to low GABA/low serotonin which is why we always start here. (4) Testing helps us find solutions. (5) Register here

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Solutions (p1) Low GABA/Low Serotonin Alw
Sta ays
Always start here if you are anxious & have been He rt
exposed to toxins or have a chronic infection.
Also start here if on medications
(but work with the prescribing physician)
Quick relief and HOPE!
• Tryptophan (5,9,23,38) • 5-HTP (23,34) • Melatonin (2,3,5,6,15)
Amino acids/co-factors • GABA (5,6,9,23,36,38) • Theanine (9,34,38) Knowledge
• GABA • Glutamine (9) Awareness
(amino acids and neurotransmitters are mentioned in every interview)
(5,6,9,14,23,32,38) • Taurine (5,9,19) Empowerment
• PharmaGABA
• Tyrosine (9)
• Magnesium (9,36)
Facts Lyme/PANDAS
Research • Buoluke (14)
• Tryptophan • Vitamin B6 Resources
(5,9,13,23,38) (9,21,22,23) • Byron White (14)
• 5-HTP (34) • Zinc (9) Case studies • Crowden (14)
• Melatonin (6,15,17) Hope • Herbal (14,29)
• DPA (9,38) • Mitochondria (29)

• Nutritional
deficiencies (29)
• PANDAS (1)
Sleep Anxiety • Serotonin (29)
• Steve Buener (14)
• Chromophores/ • TUDCA (35)
fluorophores (15) • Zhang (14)
• Circadian rhythm
• Shift work (15)
Fear • Zinc (29)

• Sleep (6,9,17,38)
Immune support
Hormone support
Social Anxiety • LDI (14)
• LDN (1,14)
• Adrenal support • Nasal peptides (11)
(3,11,15,19) • PK protocol (11)
• Blood sugar balance • Vitamin D (20)
• Progesterone/
estrogen (23) Diet, Devices,
• Thyroid support
(5,15,17,19,20) Psychology/Mind-
Detox body, Giving/gratitude,
Liver/gallbladder support • Binders (11,31,12) Functional Medicine
• Bile (13,19,21,22) • Milk thistle (20,33) • Castor oil pack (13)
• Coffee enema (11,13) Psychiatric and Other
• NAC (8,19,20,39)
Drainage • Glutathione
(11,13,15,19,20) • Spore-based • Dry brush (13) Meds, Toxins Removal
• Glymphatic (6) • Glutathione probiotics (33) • Epsom salts bath and Other Nutrients
• Lymph Drainage recycling (20) • Triphala (19) (21,22)
• Liver (15,19, • TUDCA (35) • MetChem (35) (see Solutions p2)
• Kidneys (31) 20,30,33) • Sulfation (21,22)
• Rebounder (13)

Notes: (1) The number after each topic refers to speakers/topics in the cross-reference. (2) Refer to the Causes/Triggers and Conditions pages for additional info. (3) Any trigger may contribute
to low GABA/low serotonin which is why we always start here, easing anxiety/overwhelm first. This also makes dietary changes easier, offers protection against toxins and supports immunity.
(4) Register here

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Solutions (p2) Low GABA/Low Serotonin Alw
Sta ays
Always start here if you are anxious & have been He rt
exposed to toxins or have a chronic infection.
Also start here if on medications
Diet (but work with the prescribing physician)
Quick relief and HOPE!
• Alkaline diet (14) (39)
• Tryptophan (5,9,23,38) • 5-HTP (23,34) • Melatonin (2,3,5,6,15)
• Blueberries (39)
• Chewing (26)
• Low oxalate diet
(21,22) • GABA (5,6,9,23,36,38) • Theanine (9,34,38) Knowledge Psychology/Mind-
• Cruciferous veg (8)
• Diet research (2,23)
• Methylation diet (10)
• MIND diet (37)
(amino acids and neurotransmitters are mentioned in every interview)
Empowerment body
• Fasting/autophagy • Nutritional Facts • ACEs (11,28,32)
(15,20) psychiatry Research • Biofeedback (37)
• Fluoride in water/ (2,18,23,39) • Constellations (19)
diet (17) • Olive oil (39) Resources • EFT (3)
• Lentils (39) • Oxalates (27) Case studies • EMDR (3)
• Low histamine diet Hope • Havening (32)
• Hypnotherapy (30)
• Meditation (32,14)

Other meds Psychiatric Meds NO MORE • Mindset (14)

• Psychology
• Accutane (17,18)
• Acetaminophen
• Benzo taper
(9,18,23,24, 38)
Anxiety (18,23,28,30,32)
• Sound (32)
• Allergy (18)
• SSRI taper
(9,18,34,38,39) Panic
• Antibiotics
• Other psychiatric
meds (8,18,26) Fear Other Nutrients
• BCP/birth control
(23) (and amino acids,
detox, drainage,
Phobia/OCD • CBD (9,26)
• Calcium citrate (21,22)
• Phos choline (13)
Social Anxiety
• Fluoroquinolone • Homeopathy (19) • Prebiotics (39)
antibiotics (36) mitochondria1 &
nutritional support) • Iodine (17) • Probiotics (32)
• Mefloquine (37) • Inositol (9,19) • Turmeric (19,39)
• Metamucil (18) • Lavender (23)
• Paracetamol • Mitochondrial/mitophagy
• PPI (26)
(and amino acids,
detox, drainage, Other
mitochondria1 &
nutritional support)
Devices • Essential oils (32, 23, 8)
• Household plants (4,25)
• Raised head (6)
• Shungite (16)
• Air filter (8)
• Bone char filter (17) Functional • Hormesis (7)
• EMF/Stetzer meter
(16) Medicine
Toxins Removal • HBOT (13) • Functional Medicine Exercise/nature
See Toxins categories
on p1 and p2 of
• PEMF (14)
• Red light therapy (7) • Functional Giving/gratitude • Exercise (20)
Causes/Triggers: • Reverse osmosis Neurology (11) • Giving (19,25) • Nature (7,15,25,,32)
identify, remove, use (17) • Testing (refer to • Gratitude (11,32) • Light (15,7)
amino acids & detox • Sauna (13,23) testing on Root • Kindness (25) • Play (18)
Causes/Triggers p2) • Walking (15)

Notes: (1) The number after each topic refers to speakers/topics in the cross-reference. (2) Refer to the Causes/Triggers and Conditions pages for additional info. (3) Any trigger may contribute
to low GABA/low serotonin which is why we always start here, easing anxiety/overwhelm first. This also makes dietary changes easier, offers protection against toxins and supports immunity
(4) Register here

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Conditions Low GABA/Low Serotonin Alw
Sta ays
Always start here if you are anxious & have been He rt
exposed to toxins or have a chronic infection.
Also start here if on medications
Anxiety & related Conditions (but work with the prescribing physician)
Quick relief and HOPE!
• Anxiety (all • Insomnia (23,34,38)
• Tryptophan (5,9,23,38) • 5-HTP (23,34) • Melatonin (2,3,5,6,15)
• Baby talk (1)
• Misophonia (19)
• Night terrors (34) • GABA (5,6,9,23,36,38) • Theanine (9,34,38) Female/Hormonal
• Bipolar (23) • OCD (9,14,19,39) (amino acids and neurotransmitters are mentioned in every interview) • Endometriosis (8,26) • Puberty (23
• Bulimia (34) • Pyroluria • Infertility (8) • PMS (23)
• Depersonalization (14,21,22,23,28,32) • Menopause (23) • Sexual dysfunction (9)
(14) • Psychosis (11) • Miscarriage (8) • Vulvodynia (26)
• Depression (34) • PTSD (23,30,37) • Perimenopause (23)
• Claustrophobia (13) • Rage (1,23) • Pregnancy (18)
• Cravings • Suicide (18,9)
(3,5,9,23,34,38) • Trichotillomania
• Globus pharyngeus (39,20)
(32) Other Hormonal
• Adrenal (3,11,15,19,20, 34)
• Autoimmunity (20)
• Diabetes (18)
PANIC • Hypothyroid (17)
• Insulin resistance (34)
Neuropsychiatric FEAR
• Alzheimer’s (34,25)
• Autism
• Parkinson’s (8)
• Schizophrenia PHOBIA/OCD Liver/Gut
(13,18,21,22,31) (8,19,25) • Dysbiosis
• Eye-poking (21,22) • TBI (6,11,37) (19,21,22,32,36,39)
• PANDAS/PANS • Tourette’s (17) • Constipation (18,19)
(1,14,20) • Fatty liver (33)
• Gilbert’s (19)
• IBS (37,34)
• Hepatic encephalopathy
Trudy’s story • Liver transplant (33)
• Anxiety (23)
• Birth control pill (23)
• EMFs (35,16)
• Genetics (8) Other conditions Infections/Mold • Addiction (3)
• Asthma (34,18) • High blood pressure
• Globus pharyngeus (32)
• Heavy metals (2,12) • Bedwetting (34) (3) Toxicity Pain • Alcoholism (23,9)
• Cravings (3,5,9,23,34,38)
• Lyme disease (14) • Botox Toxicity (5) • Multiple Chemical • COVID-19 • Dietary oxalate issues
• Oxalates (21,22) • Breast Implant Sensitivity (8,16) (1,10,25,26,30,38) (21, 22)
• Pinworm (14,38) Illness (5) • Tonsils (6) • Lyme/co-infections • Fibromyalgia
• PMS (23) • CFS (30,32) • Weight gain (34) (14,29,35,38) (34,36,37)
• Pyroluria (14,28) • Cystic acne (17) • Mold Toxicity (11,38) • Kidney stones (21, 22)
• SSRI (23) • Hemochromatosis • Vagus nerve infection/ • Migraine (34)
• Vagus nerve (32) (27,21,22) dysfunction (32) • Pain (3,14,21,22)

Notes: (1) The number after each condition refers to speakers/topics in the cross-reference. (2) Refer to the Causes/Triggers and Solutions pages for additional info. (3) Anxiety is common in all these
conditions. When anxiety exists we always start easing anxiety/overwhelm first by addressing low GABA/low serotonin. Then we start to find and address other root causes which can take longer. (4)
Categorizing many of these conditions is challenging because of their physiological and psychological overlaps. (5) Register here

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections

Cross Reference (speaker / topic)

Day 1 of the Anxiety Summit 6
1 Elisa Song, MD PANDAS/PANS: The Brain on Fire
2 Mark Hyman, MD Broken Brain: Toxins, Medications and Infections
3 Nick Ortner EFT/Tapping for Anxiety, PTSD, Pain and Cravings
4 Tom O’Bryan, DC Body Burden: Environmental Toxins, Tattoos and Wheat
5 Trudy Scott, CN GABA and Tryptophan: Anxiety-Toxin Connections
6 Christine Schaffner, ND The Glymphatic System for Brain Detox

Day 2 of the Anxiety Summit 6

7 Ari Whitten, PhD (Cand.) Red Light Therapy: Anxiety, Toxins and Benzodiazepines
8 Carolyn Ledowsky, ND Anxiety and Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Toxins
9 Hyla Cass, MD SSRIs, Benzodiazepines, Alcohol and Amino Acids
10 Kara Fitzgerald, ND The “Dance of Methylation”: Beyond Methylated Folate and B12
11 Margaret Christensen, MD Mold Toxicity: Anxiety, Depression, Panic and Psychosis
12 Todd Watts, DC Mitochondrial Damage: Toxins, Medications and Infections

Day 3 of the Anxiety Summit 6

13 Bridgit Danner, LAc Phthalates, HBOT and Coffee Enemas
14 Darin Ingels, ND Lyme: a Herbal Approach for Pain, Anxiety and Brain Fog
15 Jason Prall Circadian Rhythm: Sleep, Anxiety and Detox
16 LLoyd Burrell EMFs: Anxiety, Insomnia, ADHD and Headaches
17 Melissa Gallico Fluoride: Neurotoxicity, Anxiety, Acne and Hypothyroidism
18 Nicole Beurkens, PhD Psychiatric Medications in Children and Teens

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
Day 4 of the Anxiety Summit 6
19 Ameet Aggarwal, ND Liver Function and Bile: Anxiety, Detox, the Gut and Hormones
20 Datis Kharrazian, PhD Loss of Chemical Tolerance and Glutathione Recycling
21 Julie Matthews, NC Toxic Effects of Oxalates Part 1: Anxiety, Autism and Pain
22 Julie Matthews, NC Toxic Effects of Oxalates Part 2: Testing, Causes and Food
23 Trudy Scott, CN GABA and Tryptophan vs Meds for Hormone Balance

Day 5 of the Anxiety Summit 6

24 Catherine Pittman, PhD Benzodiazepines: Short-Term Benefits, Long-Term Harms
25 David Perlmutter, MD Disconnection Syndrome, Immunity and Awe
26 Jessica Drummond, PT Vulvodynia, Candida, IBS and Anxiety
27 Lara Zakaria, MS Iron Overload: Anxiety, Depression, Obsessions and Panic Attacks
28 Niki Gratrix, BA ACEs: Toxins, Medications and Infections
29 Suruchi Chandra, MD Lyme Co-infections and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

Day 6 of the Anxiety Summit 6

30 Alex Howard Nutrition and Psychology to Reset Your Nervous System
31 Luminara Serdar, BS Drainage in Anxiety and Autism
32 Eva Detko, PhD Vagus Nerve Infection and Anxiety
33 Kiran Krishnan Acetaminophen, Spore-based Probiotics and the Liver
34 Michael Murray, ND 5-HTP: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Liver Protection

Day 7 of the Anxiety Summit 6

35 Jay Davidson, DC Impact of Toxins on Lyme Disease and Infections
36 Lisa Bloomquist Neuropsychiatric Toxicity from Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics
37 Omowunmi Osinubi, MD Military/Civilian Toxic Exposures: Mood and Brain Health Effects
38 Trudy Scott, CN GABA, Theanine and Tryptophan: Anxiety and Infections
39 Uma Naidoo, MD Your Brain on Food: Anxiety, OCD and PTSD

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.
Your Roadmap to Finding Your Solutions on
Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections
About Trudy
Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist who educates anxious individuals about nutritional
solutions for anxiety. She is known for her expertise in the use of targeted individual amino acids, nutritional
solutions for the social anxiety condition called pyroluria, and the harmful effects of benzodiazepines.
Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious
Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings and host of The Anxiety Summit, an online educational platform
for both consumers and health professionals, and dubbed “a bouquet of hope”.
Trudy also educates health professionals via the Anxiety Nutrition Institute, sharing research and practical how-
to steps.
Trudy is passionate about sharing the powerful food mood connection because she experienced the results
first-hand, finding complete resolution of her anxiety and panic attacks.
Find out more here:
The blog, which has a new article each week (new research, case studies, protocols and more):
Register for The Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections, November 2-8, 2020:
The Anxiety Nutrition Institute (for practitioner training):
Prior Anxiety Summits 1-5:

The information provided in The Anxiety Summit 6 via this document, the interviews, the blog posts, the website, the audio files, the videos and
transcripts, the comments and all other means, is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice
from your physician or other health care professional. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or
supplementation program, before taking or stopping any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have a health problem.

By Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution,

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host of The Anxiety Summit and founder of The Anxiety Nutrition Institute
©2020 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved.

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