Com 216 Introduction To Computer Trouble Shooting 1

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Introduction to Computer System Troubleshooting

Basic computer troubleshooting involves diagnosing, identifying and solving computer systems
problems. Like any electronics equipment, a computer may stop working or unable to start at
all because of several reasons. The reasons could be either software or hardware failure or both
Trouble shooting  is a systematic approach to problem solving that is often used to find and
correct issues with  computers and software systems.

Troubleshooting a PC requires a combination of the technician’s knowledge, intuition, and

experience. There are many diagnostic tools that are included as standard programs for
Microsoft software systems. There are also many diagnostic tools available from third-party
vendors that can assist in the troubleshooting process. The value of diagnostic tools is they can
be used to save time and money when trying to identify problems that may be caused by two
or more components. For example, it can be difficult to determine if a problem is caused by a
troublesome CPU or a bad motherboard. When this situation arises, a simple solution is to
substitute a known or good CPU for the suspect CPU. However, this substitution alone can be a
very expensive proposition

The first step in troubleshooting is gathering information on the issue, such as an undesired
behavior or a lack of expected functionality and area of faults, there are three major fault areas
to be considered:
 Hardware failure.
 Software failure.
 User-generated problems.

The most common error or problem is the user-generated problem. Some users like to play
around with Control Panel, and others will try to solve their problems alone. Users with a little
technical knowledge can be the most dangerous. They often attempt to fix a problem alone
before calling the technician. When this happens, you may very well be faced with more than
one problem. First, the original problem likely still exists, and then there are additional
problems created by the user. Repairing computers in a school setting can be the most
frustrating. Some students love to experiment on the settings on a school’s computer before
trying the activity on their home computer.

in other to troubleshoot properly, it is critical to determine from the computer user what the
last action on the computer was prior to the problem occurring or before computer failure.
Often, the last action taken by the user can lead the technician directly to the problem. Find out
if the user recently installed some new software. Perhaps, there has been a recent hardware
upgrade to the problem PC. Has the user recently downloaded a file from the Internet? Ask as
many questions of the user as possible. This can save valuable time.

There is no one foolproof method to troubleshooting. There are too many variables that can
cause a computer to fail, but there are recommended procedures that can be used to help you
organize your approach to solving a computer problem, first thing is to isolate the problem. You
must determine if it is a hardware problem, software problem, or user-generated problem. This
is easier said than done. The best way to go about this is to determine when and where the
problem is occurred,

1st stage: During POST

If the problem occurs during POST, it is most likely a hardware failure. In this stage, no
operating system software or allocation software has been loaded. The post may fail to
complete if a damaged hardware device fails POST or fails its own diagnostic routine. For
example, a telephone modem that has been damaged during a thunderstorm may cause the
computer to lock up during the POST. If you just built the computer system and it fails to
successfully boot the first time during POST, chances are you have improperly installed the
RAM, CPU, or CPU cooling device. A high-speed CPU that has an improperly installed cooling fan
and heat sink may generate excessive heat in a few seconds, causing the computer to freeze
while performing the POST. Improperly seated RAM may also cause the computer to fail during
POST. When memory is improperly seated, a beep code typically will be issued, indicating a
problem with RAM. Go back and reinstall these devices and remove all unnecessary devices,
such as adapter cards that are not required for system operation, and reboot the system. If the
problem still persists, you can either substitute parts to determine which hardware device is
causing the failure during POST,

POST beep codes and their meaning

1. Steady, short beeps

The power supply may be bad, this is a good one. We tested the power supply to see if it turned
things on, but what if it's not turning everything on? Or if the voltages are wrong? This POST
test helps us narrow the cause down to the power supply. A replacement would usually be

2. Long continuous beep tone

Memory failure. This is usually what you hear when one or both of your Random Access
Memory (RAM) sticks goes bad. If there is more than one stick installed, try taking one out first
to see if the computer boots, if it does not, try with the other one. Usually, this will tell you
which stick has gone bad, and you can replace or upgrade accordingly. If there is only one stick
installed, you will need to replace or upgrade to fix the problem.

3. Steady, long beeps

This is another POST code that noted a bad power supply. The difference is, while the “steady,
short beeps” code notes that the power supply may be bad, this POST code notes that is has
gone bad.

4. No Beep
No beep can mean that the power supply is not plugged in, or not turned on. This can also be a
sign of the power supply being completely dead.
5. No beep (system turns on and runs fine)
This one is a bit elusive, but if you make sure to check every once in a while, you can save
yourself some troubleshooting later on. If the system works fine, but does not beep once when
you turn the machine on, your "beeper" may have actually died out. Under normal
circumstances, most computer systems will beep one short beep.

6. One long, two short beeps

This POST code means that there has been a video card failure. Your first action should be to try
reseating the video card, if any. This can sometimes solve the problem all together as some
computer systems, especially those that are often connected to projectors, will move the
VGA/DVI/Video cable so often, that it will actually slowly unplug the video card enough to stop
working. If reseating the video card does not work, it may need to be replaced. Once you get
into smaller, more complex components, the resolution becomes cheaper to replace than to

2nd Stage : During loading of Operating System

If the problem occurs during stage two—operating system loading and initialization—the
problem is most likely related to a corrupt operating system file or a device driver. You can
identify when stage two starts by observing the screen display. Many computer systems display
the results of the POST as it occurs. You will see the RAM check verified on the screen as well as
the hard disk drive identified and other devices present. Failure during the second stage is
usually the result of a corrupt required operating system file such as ntldr or failure to properly
detect and initialize a piece of hardware such as the sound card. It can also be the failure of a
required hardware driver file. The fastest way to repair a system failure that occurs during the
loading and initialization of the operating system is by reinstalling required system files. Simply
insert the installation CD/DVD and then reboot the computer. When the installation CD/DVD
boots, follow the screen prompts.
3rd stage: After logon
Third Stage, System logon is the end of the second stage. Keep in mind that not all operating
systems require a logon. The third stage is when the desktop first appears. During the third
stage, startup programs, services, and applications are loaded. The most common problems
that can occur during this time are usually due to corrupt or incompatible drivers and files. Files
can become corrupt in various ways such as by virus attacks and hardware failures. For
example, an intermittent RAM failure can corrupt files also if the file contents is being
transferred or copied during the time of RAM failure. Files are also corrupted by being stored in
an area of the hard drive that has a bad sector. All data saved to the bad sector is lost, thus
corrupting the contents of the complete file.

Steps in Basic computer troubleshooting

Step one
Determine the area of the problem
Before going to the repairing process, you should identify and isolate the type of difficulty your
PC encountered. This is the first step in basic computer troubleshooting. Generally, computer
problems fall into two main areas: hardware and software. Your computer fails to work due to
hardware or software failure. Is it hardware or software problem or combination? You must
answer this question, because the troubleshooting methods and tools you implement for both
breakdowns are different.

Hardware problem
Hardware problem occurs when one of the key parts of a computer is unable to work properly.
The key components of a computer that are required to run a computer include Motherboard, 
CPU, Memory,  Power unit,  Hard Drive,  Sound and Video Cards,  CD/DVD Drive (optional),
Floppy Drive (optional), Monitor, and  Keyboard. Among these computer parts, the most
failure-prone parts are memory, power unit, hard drive, video card and CD/DVD drive.
Software problem
Other than hardware defect, a computer may stop working because of software problem as
well. In fact, most of the problems of a computer come due to software problem and system
configurations.  Software includes both the operating system and application programs. A
problem related with operating system may stop the entire system, in this case you should
repair it using boot disk or reinstall from scratch. Whereas the fault caused by application
program can be corrected by using software repair programs such as registry cleaner or
reinstalling it again.

Some of the reasons for software problems include

- Corrupted or missing system files
- Virus attack
- Invalid hardware or incompatible driver
- Corrupted registry
- Improper program installation/removal

Step two
Troubleshooting the problem
The second step in basic computer troubleshooting is dealing with the identified problem. How
are you going to solve the problem? What do you need to resolve it? To come down to the best
solution, you must ask these kinds of questions and answer accordingly.

Hardware troubleshooting
If it is a hardware problem, you either repair or replace it with new one. Actually, not all parts
of a computer are repairable. Even if it is maintainable, in most cases replacing the defective
part with a new one is cheaper than repair it. There are a number of ways to identify
malfunction hardware; the most common methods are using POST (Power-on-self
Test), bootstrap and diagnosing application. For example, Dell computer comes with
Diagnostics CD, so that you can easily boot your system from the CD and identify which
component is defective.

The POST tests the basic functioning components of a computer – CPU, Memory, Hard drive, 

keyboard  and display controller. The results of the tests are displayed on your computer screen
and tells which hardware part has a failure or is not configured properly. In fact, some of the
methods mentioned above are only applicable for if the system is not dead. If it is a dead
system, you will be forced to test individual parts by using other similar working system
unit (swapping method).

Most of the time, the causes of a dead system is malfunction PSU unit. So, make sure that the
PSU is working properly before going to test other components. This is very important when
you perform basic computer troubleshooting.

Software troubleshooting
Reinstalling and updating software is the primary way of troubleshooting systems problem
created by software. Any system error or corruption related with installed applications can be
fixed by installing an updated and fresh copy again.

On the other hand, if it is windows boot problem, there are a few way outs. Depending on the
defect type, you can repair it using boot disk, update/fix Master boot record (MBR), use Safe
Mode or reinstall it again from scratch (this is your last option to do). Rebooting your PC to Safe
Mode enables you to remove or repair particular type of program responsible for system

Trouble shooting procedure

1. Identify the Problem
 The first step in the troubleshooting process.
 A list of open and closed-ended questions is useful.
2. Establish a Theory of Probable Cause
 Based on the answers received, establish a theory probable cause.
 A list of common problems can be useful.
3. Test the Theory to Determine Cause
 Test your theories to determine the cause of the problem.
 A list of quick procedures to common problems can help.
4. Establish a Plan of Action to Resolve the Problem and Implement the Solution
 A plan of action is needed to solve the problem and implement a permanent
5. Verify Full System Functionality and Implement Preventive Measures
 It is important to perform a full system check.
 If applicable, implement preventive measures to avoid future problem
6. Document Findings, Actions and Outcomes
 Findings, repairs and notes should be documented.
 This log will be helpful for future reference.

Trouble Shooting PSU Unit (PSU)

A bad PSU can be the root of many PC problems, It is rarely recommended that an
inexperienced user open a PSU to make repairs because of the dangerous high voltages
present. Even when unplugged, power supplies can retain dangerous voltage and must be
discharged (like a monitor) before service. When a component is failing, sometimes you’ll see
some warning signs in advance. For example, if a hard drive were to fail, there are some obvious
signs, such as frequent blue screens, missing files, etc. Power supplies also exhibit pretty obvious
symptoms, but not many. The following are list of PC problems that often are related to the PSU:

 Any power-on or system startup failures or lockups.

 Burning smell frequent case of a PSU dying is almost a burning smell.
 Spontaneous rebooting or intermittent lockups during normal operation.
 Intermittent parity check or other memory-type errors.
 Hard disk and fan simultaneously failing to spin (no +12v).
 Overheating due to fan failure.
 Small brownouts cause the system to reset.
 Electric shocks felt on the system case or connectors.
 Slight static discharges disrupt system operation.

The following fairly obvious symptoms point right to the PSU as a possible cause:
 System is completely dead (no fan, no cursor)
 Smoke
 Blown circuit breakers
Following is a simple procedure to help you zero in on common PSU–related problems:
1. Check AC power input. Make sure the cord is firmly seated in the wall socket and in the
PSU socket. Try a different cord.
2. Check DC power connections. Make sure the motherboard and disk drive power
connectors are firmly seated and making good contact. Check for loose screws.
3. Check DC power output. Use a digital multimeter to check for proper voltages. If it's below
spec, replace the PSU.
4. Check installed peripherals. Remove all boards and drives and retest the system. If it
works, add back in items one at a time until the system fails again. The last item added
before the failure returns is likely defective.
Many types of symptoms can indicate problems with the PSU. Because the PSU literally powers
everything else in the system, everything from disk drive problems to memory problems to
motherboard problems can often be traced back to the PSU as the root cause.

Self Test for PSU

If your computer isn’t turning on; unplug all of your components from the PSU. Before doing this,
ensure that the switch on the PSU is turned OFF, take the 20- or 24- pin connector and locate the
green wire (pin 13 on the 20 pin connector). There’s only a single green wire, so it should be quite
easy to find. Next to it should be a black wire (pin 3,5,7,13,15,17). Take a paper clip and bend it into
a U shape. Now, insert one point of the paper clip into the green wire slot and the other point into
any black wire, then with the PSU plugged into the wall, turn the switch on the PSU itself to
the ON position. If the fan turns on, it’s likely that your PSU isn’t the problem,

You can also check the power output of the PSU (ATX) with a multimeter, there are four specific
volts of direct current to look out for:
 +3.3 VDC +/- range of 5%. 3.465vdc to 3.135vdc
 +5 VDC +/- range of 5%. 5.25vdc to 4.75vdc
 +12 VDC +/- range of 5%. 12.6vdc to 11.4vdc
 -12 VDC +/- range of 10%. -10.8vdc to -13.2vdc
if you start to see your VDC ratings go anything outside of that range, your PSU is bad and needs to
be replaced.
ATX power supply voltage reading

Troubleshooting Motherboards and Processors

The motherboard and processor are two of the most important hardware components inside the computer.
The various pieces of hardware inside the PC communicate with one another through the circuits on the
motherboard, while the CPU stores and executes programming instructions. The motherboard and CPU can
both be expensive to replace, however, but diagnosing hardware failure on your own can reduce the
potential repair costs for your business.

Causes of Motherboard Boot Problems

There’s a lot of potential issues that can cause a motherboard to fail post. Three main
categories tend to dominate problematic motherboards;
 Faulty or loose cable
 BIOS/UEFI errors
 Defective motherboard

Diagnosing a defective motherboard or CPU isn't an exact science, however, as most hardware components
exhibit similar symptoms when failing. Common symptoms of motherboard issues are similar to CPU
 The system does not display anything; an error code appears;
 one or more beeps occur; the system locks;
 the system reboots;
 a Windows BSOD (blue screen of death) appears;
 one or more of the ports, expansion slots, or memory modules fails.
Motherboard problems and power problems are probably the most difficult issues to
troubleshoot. Because various components are located on the motherboard, many things can
cause errors. POST(power-on self-test) is one of the most beneficial aids for troubleshooting a
motherboard. The meaning of any codes that appear on the screen should be researched. If
multiple POST error codes appear, you should troubleshoot them in the order they are
presented. The following list helps with motherboard troubleshooting:
 Is the motherboard receiving power? Check the power supply to see if the fan is turning. If
the CPU or motherboard has a fan, see if it is turning. Check voltages going from the power
supply to the motherboard.
 Check the **BIOS/UEFI** settings for accuracy. (Basic input/output system BIOS, Unified
Extensible Firmware Interface,  UEFI) if the problem is with motherboard’s internal software.
There are three different ways to reset your motherboard if you can’t post (reach/access the
BIOS/UEFI). First, pull your motherboard’s CMOS battery. Second, apply a jumper and let it sit ten
minutes. Third, perform a “deep reset” by applying a jumper, removing the CMOS battery and
waiting overnight.
 Check to see whether your components are properly seated, majority of unbootable
computers originate from loose wires or improperly seated components. With the right
build methodology, you only need to check four components for problems. A computer in
its minimal boot configuration requires only the following:
 One stick of RAM
 A power supply
 A motherboard (of course)
Reseat the CPU, adapters, and memory chips.
 Check for overheating. Power down the computer and allow the computer to cool. Power
on the computer with the cover off.
 Check the motherboard for distended capacitors. These are small components that might
appear to be bulging, motherboards consist of a variety of subsystems, which are highly fragile.
Pay close attention to signs of physical damage – in particular, check your capacitors for signs of
bulging, Also check for signs of scratches on the integrated circuits of your motherboard. If
sighted, replace the motherboard as soon as possible

 Remove unnecessary adapters and devices and boot the computer.

 Plug the computer into a different power outlet and circuit, if possible.
 Check to determine whether the motherboard is shorting out on the frame.
 Check the CMOS battery voltage.

Troubleshooting Computer RAM Memory

Memory problems are less common than other computer problems because memory sticks have no moving
parts and thus fewer points of failure. However, due to this many RAM problems go undiagnosed. Memory
usually will last longer than other computer components so manufacturers offer longer warranties for it than

other parts. Computer memory problems are generally caused by;

 Defective memory chips

 Wrongly installed memory chips
 wrong configuration of memory chips.
 At times, some newly installed software on your computer system,

Causes of Memory Damage

1. Power surges can damage most computer components, including RAM. You should plug
your computer and other expensive electronics into a surge protector. Make sure you
know the difference between a surge protector and a power strip.
2. Before you handle any parts in your computer, make sure you ground yourself by
touching a piece of grounded metal to discharge static electricity. Electrostatic discharge
can damage your computer.
3. Excessive heat can cause RAM and other parts to wear out over time. Individual
components can overheat, or heat from one component can cause damage to adjacent
4. If you have overclocked any part of your computer incorrectly, it may cause damage in
the form of excess heat.
5. Your memory module may have some fault that passed through quality control and
worsened over time. This is the most likely cause behind a damaged RAM.
It is also possible that the memory module is fine, but one or more memory slots on your
motherboard are defective, hindering the RAM's performance. The defect may even be so bad
that it damages the memory stick.

Symptoms of a RAM Problem

The Following are some memory failure scenarios and respective solutions
1. Computer Fails To Boot: Many times your computer memory chips get loosened so you
have to make sure that memory modules are completely installed. Also check your RAM
chips when you have installed them for the first time.
2. Degrading performance: If you’re computer boots up, but slowly diminishes in
performance through the day to the point where it slows down to a crawl, it’s likely
you \have a RAM problem.
3. Missing RAM: Windows might show that you have less RAM than you actually have
seated. This can usually be solved by re-seating the RAM or switching the slots the RAM
sits in, but if not, this could indicate that you need a replacement stick.
4. Computer Boots Up With a Blank Screen: You may have loose memory chips and you
may be using some different type of memory which isn’t compatible with your system.
You also need to check you VGA card as well if you see this type of problem.
5. Computer Shoed Blue Screen before restarting; A blue screen with white text flashes before
restarting. Blue-screen errors are annoying because you don't even have a chance to read the error
message. Bad RAM is one thing that cause them
6. Files Corruption; Random corruption of files across your system could indicate a bad RAM
problem, too. This can worsen over time and eventually, the file structure of your hard
drive will be compromised to the point where you can’t boot up the computer anymore.
7. Computer hangs and reboot: when computer randomly restarts while you are in the middle of
an operation or freeze sporadically. It may also reboot almost immediately upon opening the

desktop. This could be a sign of faulty RAM This type of problem is generally caused by faulty

RAM, faulty PSU or overheating. Reseat RAM and rotate RAM to different slots.
8. 3 Short Beeps: This certainly means some RAM issue like bad dim slots on the
motherboard or faulty RAM chips. Try replacing them with new RAM.
9. Failure to install a software: An attempts to install a new program repeatedly fail for unknown
reasons. You try to reinstall the operating system, but keep getting odd error messages.

When it is absolutely convinced that there a issue with the RAM, it’s time to take some steps to try
and nail that down as a possibility. For starters, you can run a memory test. In many cases, there’s a
option to test your memory in your computer’s BIOS settings.
As a second test, you can download and install Memtest86+ for free. This is a tool that is aimed at
memory failure detection, and obviously, will tell you if your memory is defective or not. You can
mount it to a USB drive or burn it to a disc and boot off of that. Alternatively, built into most
Windows machines is the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. Generally, if Windows detects a
memory problem, it’ll automatically ask you if it can test the memory.

Windows Memory Diagnostics

Windows Memory Diagnostics, is a free memory diagnostic tool that included with Windows
Operating systems. With Windows Memory Diagnostic utility you can test and diagnose your
computer’s memory RAM for problems, in cases that you face problems with your computer
stability, like crashes, blue screens, or if your computer becomes unresponsive.
The RAM Memory error diagnosis is a required step when troubleshooting computer problems
or when you want to ensure that your computer is stable, because the RAM chips are one of
the most important components to any computer. Keep in mind that the best way to test your
RAM for problems, is outside the OS. For this action the better tool to diagnose your RAM for
errors, is the free Memtest86 memory Diagnostic utility

Trouble shooting Hard Disk Drive

Hard drives are one of the most common computer parts that fail without notice. Additionally, hard
drive errors can cause many types of Windows errors.If you can boot into Windows, you can use the
built-in CHKDSK function to help troubleshoot a failing hard drive or hard drive with errors.
Causes of Hard Drive Failure
Hard drive failure is one of the most common and frustrating problems for computer users,
even there is money to replace a failed hard drive, the content of the hard drive (software) and
impotant files / documents might be lost forever A hard disk drive failure occurs when
a hard disk drive malfunctions and the stored information cannot be accessed with a properly
configured computer. Hard disk drives (or HDD) are mechanical. Most are based on a “spindle
and platter” system that works much in the way a record player does. The arm reads the data
on the platter. The second type of hard drive, and one that has become extremely popular, is
the Solid State Drive or SSD. This type of hard disk uses an electrical cell grid to write data
directly to a memory module, exactly like the RAM in your system. These drives read and write
data extremely quickly and are a key reason why today’s computers are so fast.

The key cause of failure for either an HDD or an SSD is one thing: mechanical failure.
For HDD drives, this means the spindle and platter system may be wearing out or losing
precision due to age or heavy use.
For SSD drives, the “blocks” to which data is written do wear out. They can only be written to a
certain number of times, and then, without warning, the drive is dead. Some other key causes
 Excessive heat – Either form of drive will fail if used continually in a very hot environment
or improperly cooled computer system
 Static Electricity – A dry environment can make for high amounts of static electricity.
 Lightning or power surges – A mass shock to your computer system can quickly spell the
end of a hard drive.
 High Magnetic Fields – Magnets and hard drives of any kind are a bad mix.
 Impact – The parts inside a hard drive are very sensitive. Dropping a drive or laptop can
cause immediate hard drive failure

Warning Signs That Suggest Failure Is Imminent

If you haven’t had the opportunity to check your SMART settings (see above), but suspect that
your hard drive may be failing, you may consider the following issues as warnings that a hard
drive crash is on its way:
1. Computer Crashes Or Blue Screen Of Death – A classic Windows scenario that is all but
licked with the newer versions starting at Windows 7 and extending to 8 and now 10.
whenever you start to experience BSOD, Backup the drive!
2. Error Messages While Copying Or Moving Files – this is not something that happens
unless there are disk problems at hand. At the very least, it might be a good time to do a
SMART test or do a disk check by going into Explorer, right clicking on the problematic
drive, clicking the Tools tab and clicking the “Check” button.
3. Losing Files Without Notice – This can sometimes mean that your drive is having issues.
A disk check again may help.
4. File Access Takes A Long Time – Today’s hard drives are fast. If your system was made in
the past 10 years, you shouldn’t be waiting long periods of time for your file access.
5. Noise – Most recently manufactured hard drives are whisper quiet. Any noise at all,
particularly a clicking hard drive noise, can mean the drive may be on its last legs. Do
your best to backup whatever you can, or shut down the system and check the drive

Video Card Troubleshooting (Graphics Card or Monitor?)

It's often hard to tell if the graphics card is causing display problems or the monitor. A failing
monitor can cause very similar symptoms to a failing graphics card. You can test the monitor by
plugging it into another computer with a working card or by replacing the suspect graphics card
with a card known to be functional. If the display problem persists, the monitor is faulty rather
than the card. If the problem disappears, this is a good indication that your graphics card is at

Symptoms and solution of a failing Video Card

1. Stuttering: When a graphics card is going bad, you can see quite a bit of stuttering beforehand.
You shouldn’t use this to determine whether your graphics card is bad or not, though. Malware,
virus,  a dying hard drive and even RAM problems can all cause this same issue; however, if you
start seeing other warning signs to go with this one, there’s a good chance it’s your graphics
2. Screen glitches: Other times, you’ll see the screen glitch out. If you’re playing a game or
watching and movie and suddenly start seeing tearing or weird colors appearing all over the
screen, your graphics card might be dying. Sometimes if you restart your computer, the screen
will go back to normal, but the same problem to come back later then the graphics card is
3. Strange artifacts: Similar to screen glitches, a bad graphics card can usually result in strange
artifacts all over the screen. This can sometimes be fixed by a restart, but once again, if you
have a faulty graphics card, expect the problem to come back. It’s worth noting that the cause
of this usually comes from excessive overclocking, heat problems and even too much exposure
to dust.
4. Blue screens: Blue screens is something we’re all familiar with. A computer can blue screen for
a number of reasons, whether that be problems with RAM, hard drives, graphics cards or other
components. But, if the system crashes and/or blue screens when you start doing some graphic
intensive tasks (e.g. video games, watching movies, etc), this could be an indication that the
graphics card is failing.
5. Fan noise: This does not necessarily correlate to needing to replace your graphics card, but
keeping an eye out for a louder-than-normal fan noise on your graphics card can indicate the
card is getting too hot. If it’s getting too hot, you’ll want to stop what you’re doing and try and
clean it out as best as possible. If the fan isn’t able to quiet down, it’s possible that something is
internally wrong.

If video problems is being experience,
1. First check the obvious things that the display has power and is connected properly to
the adapter, that no one has changed settings for the adapter or display, and so on.
2. Reseat the video card If your video card is not on-board, verify that it's not loose by
removing the video card from its slot in the motherboard and then reseating it. If
reseating the video card has not resolved the issue, or your video card is on-board and
you have access to another known working video card, try an alternative video card in
the computer.
3. Exchange video If reseating the video card has not resolved the issue, or your video card
is on-board and you have access to another known working video card, try an
alternative video card in the computer.
4. Replace video card If an alternative video card didn't work or you do not have an
alternative video card to try, buy a new video card to replace the defective video card in
the computer.
5. Replace motherboard If an alternative video card didn't work, and replacing the video
card with a new one did not resolve the issue, it's likely a defective motherboard and
should be replaced.
6. Before replacing the motherboard, try booting the system in Safe Mode (press F8 during
boot to display the Windows boot menu)
7. Check that the correct video adapter driver is installed and not a compactable type is
installed, if it is not the right one uninstalled it and install the right type

8. Download the latest display driver. Remove your old driver by going to "Add/Remove
Programs" and selecting the driver. Install your new driver by following the installation
setup provided to you from the download. A new driver should fix any bugs from your
previous driver.
9. Problems with RAM, processor or motherboard can also cause no display from monitor.
RAM problems are usually followed by beep sounds. For other issues, the best way is to
connect to another computer and check if it is working.

No display or black screen on a computer monitor

If your computer screen works initially when starting up the computer, but then goes blank
when Windows starts to load, reduce the resolution of the monitor
Monitor is not on
Make sure the monitor is on. If you do not see a power LED (blue, green, or orange light) on the
front of the monitor, press the power button until it comes on. If no light comes on after several
attempts, make sure the connections are properly connected.

Computer is asleep
If your computer monitor was on and you stepped away from the computer, then upon
returning, it was black, it is likely that the computer is asleep. Try moving your mouse, clicking
the mouse buttons, or pressing any key (e.g. spacebar) on the keyboard to wake it up.

Connections not properly connected

Check the data cable

Make sure that you are connecting the monitor's VGA cable to the back of the computer in the
15-pin connector, as shown to the right, or the older computer 9-pin connection.

Check the power cable

If the data cable is plugged in, make sure the monitor is getting power by verifying there is a
light (blue, green, or orange) on the front of the monitor.
If you see no lights on the monitor, make sure it is connected to a working wall outlet. If the
power cord is removable from the back of the monitor, try replacing it with another power
cable. If you still cannot power on the monitor after trying another wall outlet and cable, the
monitor is bad and should be replaced.

Check the LED status

If the monitor has a light on the front, but that status light is orange or flashing, make sure the
monitor is not in a suspend mode by moving the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard. If
this does not help, turn the computer and monitor off and reconnect the data cable on the back
of the computer and, if removable, on the back of the monitor. Turn the computer and monitor
back on. If you still encounter the same issue, continue reading through the other possibilities.

Monitor settings are not correct

Verify the brightness and contrast are turned up or adjust the brightness and contrast. If
adjusting the brightness or contrast has no effect on the monitor, continue reading through the
other possibilities.

Problem with the computer

If the computer was working when the screen went blank, the computer might have a problem.
Try powering down the computer by pressing and holding the power button until the computer
turns off. Once the computer is off, wait a few seconds and then try powering the computer on

Does the computer beep when it is turned on or does it sound like the computer is working? If
the computer does not beep or beeps abnormally, the computer is experiencing a hardware
issue or is exhibiting a No POST.
Printer Troubleshooting
Whenever a printer is power on, it has to initialize, making herself ready for use, no printer can
work without propel initialization. Once the printer initialized, Printer self test should be carry
out to ascertain that the printer is in good working condition.

Without paper, your printer will not be able to print. Make sure you have paper loaded into the
printer paper cartridge or tray. Next, verify that no printer paper is jammed or partially fed into
the printer

Symptom The Printer is not printing

 Check to see if the printer getting power
 If there are no lights or no display on the front of the printer, the printer is not getting
electricity or power. Check to make sure the power cord is plugged in both to the wall or
power strip and to the back of the printer. Wiggle the power cord where it plugs into
the back of the printer to make sure it is not loose. Some models of desk jets have a two
part power cord. In this case, check along the length of the power cord to make sure
both parts are plugged in together.
 If the printer is still not getting power, plug the power cord into a different outlet on the
power strip. If this does not work, try plugging the printer into a different wall outlet.
Check to see if you can print a Windows test page
The windows test page is a basic communication test between your computer and the printer.

Troubleshooting connection problems

There are several ways that printers can be connected to a computer. Some printers are
connected over a network either via network cable (ethernet) or wirelessly (via WiFi or
Bluetooth), the vast majority of local printers are connected via USB. Older printers may be
connected via parallel cable, but this is less commonly seen today.
Verify that the USB cable is firmly connected to both the printer and the computer. You should
also try restarting the computer. If you are still unable to print, try plugging the printer into a
different USB port on your computer. USB ports do sometimes fail, so it is important to
determine whether the printer will work on another USB port. If you have another compatible
USB cable available, you might also try swapping out the cable.If all of that fails, it's possible
that either the USB or printer drivers are missing or corrupted

Verify that the parallel cable is firmly connected to both the printer and the computer. You
should also try restarting the computer. Most modern computers will only have one parallel
port (in fact, some newer machines have no parallel ports at all) so trying another port isn't an
option. However, you may still wish to try another cable if you have one available.
If that fails, it's possible the printer drivers are missing or corrupted.

Check to see if there is paper in printer. Is there a paper jam?

 If the printer has paper in the paper tray, the paper may be jammed or not feeding
properly. Take the paper out of the paper tray and check to see that the top piece of
paper is not crinkled or bent.
 If the printer is a DeskJet, lift open the front cover and look to see if a piece of paper is
halfway fed through. If it is, remove paper gently from the top and close.
 If the printer is a LaserJet, open the top of the printer and check for paper underneath
the toner cartridge. If there is paper there, gently remove it, and replace the toner
Check to see if the computer receive s signal from the printer.
 The computer and the printer must be communicating before the printer will print.
When you send a document to print, does a small printer appear on the Windows
taskbar (down by the time)? If this printer appears on the taskbar, the computer thinks
the printer is receiving communication. At this point, the printer should blink lights (if a
DeskJet) or says "printing" or "receiving" on the display (if a laser printer). If the printer
is not receiving the communication from the computer, try restarting the computer.
After you have logged in, see if you can print now.

Check to see if Printer offline or Paused.

 If the printer is off-line or paused, the print jobs will just stack up in the print queue but
nothing prints.
 Left mouse-click on the Start button
 Go to Settings
 Then choose Printers
 The Printer folder should open and display the printers installed on this PC.
 Place your mouse arrow on the printer you are checking and right mouse click. A dialog
box should open.
 If the printer is paused or offline you will see a black check mark next to the words
"Pause Printing" or "Printer Offline."
 Left mouse-click on the black check mark and see if you can "uncheck" it.
 If the check mark will not go away, try restarting the PC (Start – Shutdown – Restart).
 Then repeat steps 1 through 7 again.

Check to see if there multiple jobs in the Print queue.

 If the printer is a local printer (i.e., there is a cable running directly from the printer to
the computer you are printing from), power off the PC, power off the printer, count to
10, and then turn both the printer and the computer back on again. Sometimes this will
allow the printer to start printing again.

The printer is printing streaks on the page
 If the printer is a DeskJet, go to the HP DeskJet Utilities menu in the Program menu.
Choose the "Clean the Print Cartridges" option. If this does not work, try replacing the
ink cartridge. If the new cartridge does not help the streaking, place the cartridge back
inside the original packaging and save it until the other cartridge has been used up. This
just tests to see if the ink cartridge is defective.
 If the printer is a LaserJet, try changing the toner cartridge. If the new toner cartridge
does not improve the streaking problem, return old cartridge to the printer and place
the new toner cartridge back in its original packaging for later use.
 If neither option works, please visit the printer maintenance vendor list to schedule
printer service.

The printer in spite of everything is not printing?

 Turn the PC off. If the printer is a local printer, i.e., has a direct cable hookup to the PC,
turn the printer off also so both the PC and printer are turned off at the same time. After
30 seconds, turn the PC and the printer back on again. Try to print a Windows test page.

CD Troubleshooting
Symptom: The computer won't read the CD
Check to see if the label side of the CD is faced up
Check to see if the CD be read from the CD Rom drive of another computer
 If the CD can be read from another computer's CD ROM drive, the CD ROM drive may be
bad and need to be replaced.
 The CD ROM drive may also have dirt or debris inside. Try cleaning the drive with a
standard audio CD player cleaning kit. After cleaning the drive, try to read the CD again.
Check to see if the CD scratched or dirty
 CD, CDR, or CDRW drives read discs by shining a laser onto the CD and then measuring
the amount of light that gets reflected back. Most of the time a small scratch won't
 If the CD is dirty, you can clean the CD using a CD Cleaning kit or you can also use a mild
detergent, like dish soap, and warm water, wash the CD and dry with a soft cloth. Once
the CD is fully dry, insert the CD into the CD ROM drive and try to read it.
 If the CD is not dirty, you can try to clean the CD Rom drive using a professional CD
cleaner kit
Check to see if the CD is a CD-R or CD-RW that was burned
 A number of older CD drives cannot read some types of CD-R CDs. Try using a different
CD-R disk with a different dye under the reflective layer. You will have noticed that some
CD-R disks are blue, gold, green, or even silver colored. Some of the colors have a lower
light reflectivity value and an older CD Rom drive may have difficulty reading that brand
of CD-R media.

Keyboard Troubleshooting
Symptom Keyboard doesn't respond and gives off a constant beeping noise when booting up
Check the plug to make sure it's connected securely.
 Try unplugging it and re-plugging it again. If there is no response, check the indicator
light on the keyboard. Is it on? Do the lights respond when you press the caps lock or
the num lock key? If not, maybe your keyboard is broken.
Check to see if there a key stuck
 Gently pry off the cover and clean it with alcohol. Make sure it is not connected to your
machine when you are cleaning it. The space bar frequently comes off track. Gently pry
it off, noting which way the bar lies in your particular keyboard so you can replace it
Mouse Troubleshooting
The mouse is not working
Symptom: The mouse is acting erratic
Reboot the computer and see if that corrects the problem. If not check to see if there is
insufficient memory.

Symptom The mouse will only move one way, either vertically or horizontally
 Clean the mouse
 Shut down your machine and unplug your mouse from the computer. Open the
underside of the mouse and remove the ball. If the ball is a rubber ball, do not clean it
with alcohol. Clean it with a soft cloth. There should be no lubricant placed on a mouse
ball. Clean the roller in the body of the mouse with a cotton swab that is slightly damp
with alcohol. Replace the ball when the rollers are dry and replace the bottom portion.

Networking Troubleshooting
My PC is not working on the Network
Programs that require network drives to run or operate properly: SIS, HR, FRS, PROD – ALPHA,
Network Shares, and some school applications. You would also need a network connection to
print to the network laser or color laser printers within CCRI.
Message "No Domain Server Available" or there are no Network drives (like the S drive).
Some computer problems/Errors and Solution
Shutdown problems
It can happen that the computer shuts down suddenly or it takes a long time to shut down. If
you are facing these situations, it is best to look into the problem deeply. There may be a
serious and bigger problem involved than just the computer shutting down.

Freezing computer
excessive heat can cause the computer to freeze and even lock up. The internal temperature of
the computer is controlled by a fan. This fan is prone to accumulating dust and will not cool the
system properly when it does. Removing this dust can solve this problem. In fact, this is the first
things to do before you decide to buy a new heat sink or a fan

The system clock keeps resetting back to days gone by

Date and time is important to a computer, and the wrong date and/or time can cause a host
issues that appear to be software-related, The motherboard’s CMOS battery, which powers the
onboard Real-Time Clock (RTC), is too low or dead, and needs to be replaced, Look at the number
on your battery and buy one with the same number. 

The computer keeps restarting in a loop

When the computer constantly restarts before getting to a login screen, a bit of troubleshooting
is in order to make sure it’s not a software problem. Try to boot in Safe Mode. If it doesn’t
work, or you can’t even select Safe Mode before it restarts, then it’s almost certainly a
hardware fault.
RAM is the number one culprit. Essentially, the bootloader can’t load itself into RAM because
the RAM has decided to take unofficial leave. The PC is able to power up normally, but it will
constantly restart right before loading the OS completely.
Power down the computer, open up the case, and reseat the RAM modules. If the problem
persists, the RAM might be bad, use a good RAM to correct this problem
Blank monitors
Blank monitors are among the most common computer problems. Most people who have
computers will have dealt with non-working blank monitor at least once. The first thing to do is
to check the supply cord and power systems. Sometimes, the video cable may be loosened. In
this case, push the video cable into place again. If you can access another monitor, connect it to
the CPU and see if it works. If it does, the problem is in the monitor or its wire.
Sometimes the monitor may display strange colors. Make sure that all the pins are properly
secured on the CPU.

Low memory problem

Problem –Computer has enough memory space but even then also gives error message “Low
disk Space” when you try to save any files or folder in your PC. To get rid of this problem you
must delete unwanted files from your Hard disk.  Sometimes virus attack can also show such
kinds of problem so scan your computer with updated antivirus and remove it from computer.
Or you can run Disk cleanup Command to clean Hard Disk.

CPU over heating problem

Overheating of CPU is caused by temperature issue which is a bad sign as it can destruct the
processor and can cause several problems in the hardware of the computer.   To avoid
overheating of the CPU due to the temperature problems, it is important that you must take
suitable measures to cool down both CPU and processor.
1. Ensure that fresh air is from outside is entering directly toward components with high
temperatures like CPU, graphic card, RAM, etc.
2. Improve fresh air exchange when you rearrange the cables and hardware to maximize
air circulation.
3. Ensure that the air from the hot parts of the computer is vented outside the CPU.
4. Supply your computer with fan or heat sink
Computer running slow problem
Computer run very slow and the sometimes it hangs out.– This problem can come in many ways
either your RAM is not working problem, the hard drive is full, virus or unwanted program, etc.
The best solution for you is defragged your hard drive, Open RAM slot and clean it then inserts
it, fix registry errors, uninstall unwanted programs.

Non-System Disk Error 

The Non-System Disk Error or Disk Error message might appear when the computer BIOS
cannot find a bootable operating system on any of the storage devices included in the notebook
computer's boot path. ... You can change the order of the search by changing the Boot order in
the system BIOS.

Error when booting

Errors on boot usually happen during reboots. Some error messages will be self-explanatory but
others may be technical. Make sure that all the wires that lead to the computer are properly
pushed in. Sometimes, floppy disks and external hard drives can also cause error problems.
Remove them and try to reboot.

Starting problems
If you are unable to start your computer, the best thing to do then is to restart the system and
choose an existing configuration like Safe Mode or Last known Stable Configuration. The Safe
Mode is the best option to choose because it will give the computer a chance to analyze the
problem as well as adjust to new settings.

System Error Blue Screen

Often it is seen that a blue screen appears suddenly while you are working or when you start
your computer. This is usually due to either a hardware failure or a driver problem. Reinstalling
the driver or correcting the hardware problem can help to solve the issue. If nothing seems to
work, you should consider backing up and re-formatting your Hard Drive, then reinstalling your
operating system.

RAM Faults and Errors

Whenever RAM fault occurs your monitor shows a blue screen with a memory reference like
x000xxxx as a boot interruption. RAM faults cannot be prevented but you can fix them. There
may be frequent PC restarts. This is due to faulty RAM chips. These Faulty RAM chips are unable
to store the boot loader or NT loader file therefore the OS cannot find it and hence it shuts
down all the processes, due to non-availability of the boot loader file in the RAM as a result the
PC restarts again and again. This problem can be fixed by replacing the old RAM with a new

Noisy Computer
It means that the computer system is making noise while running. The reason of Noisy
Computer is Dirty Fan. The dust particles sticks on the Fan including the Heat Sink and other
parts such as Motherboard and other electrical parts of computer .This dust Blocks the smooth
action of Fan and causing the fan to make noise.
Clean your system completely by removing motherboard from its place and also clean the Fan
and Heat sink with a brush or soft cloth.

Spontaneous Reboots:
A computer that reboots often (while you're in Windows or other operating system) is another
indication of a bad power supply.
1. Complete CompTIA A+ Guide to IT Hardware and Software, 7th Edition  
5. Upgrading and Repairing PCs (22nd Edition) 22nd Edition by Scott Mueller (Author)

Group Research
Describe and discuss BIOS
Describe and discuss UEFI
Compare and contrast BIOS and UEFI
 Describe and discuss computer components over clocking, mention it merits and demerits

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