1 Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques and Their Use in Bioanalysis

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ISSN 00062979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2020, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 147166. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2020.

Russian Text © The Author(s), 2020, published in Biokhimiya, 2020, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 174196.


Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques

and Their Use in Bioanalysis
O. L. Bodulev1 and I. Yu. Sakharov1,a*

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, 119991 Moscow, Russia
email: sakharovivan@gmail.com
Received August 13, 2019
Revised November 1, 2019
Accepted November 1, 2019

Abstract—Recently, there has been a rapid progress in the development of techniques for isothermal amplification of nucle
ic acids as an alternative to polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The advantage of these methods is that the nucleic acids
amplification can be carried out at constant temperature, unlike PCR, which requires cyclic temperature changes.
Moreover, isothermal amplification can be conducted directly in living cells. This review describes the principles of isother
mal amplification techniques and demonstrates their high efficiency in designing new highly sensitive detection methods of
nucleic acids and enzymes involved in their modifications. The data on successful application of isothermal amplification
methods for the analysis of cells and biomolecules with the use of DNA/RNA aptamers are presented.

DOI: 10.1134/S0006297920020030

Keywords: nucleic acids, amplification, isothermal, bioanalysis, aptamers

Quantitative and qualitative determination of nucle neoplasia, Burkitt lymphoma, lung cancer, largecell
ic acids is an important problem of modern biology and lymphomas, glioblastoma, and other diseases differ from
medicine. This research area has been developing very the levels in normal tissues.
rapidly since the early 1990s, and it is very likely that the Another group, beside medical professionals, that is
number of studies on this topic will continue to grow in interested in the development of highly sensitive tech
the next decades. Detection of DNA/RNA of pathogenic niques for the analysis of nucleic acids is food chemistry
bacteria and viruses could be essential for choosing an specialists, as these methods allow to evaluate the quality
appropriate treatment strategy. Recent studies have dis of food products reliably and with high accuracy [1]. The
covered the correlation between the risk of developing methods of nucleic acid analysis have been also success
certain diseases in humans and single nucleotide poly fully used for a long time in forensic science [2].
morphisms or short insertions/deletions. It was also Identification of nucleic acids in biological samples
found that human microRNA genes are often located in and directly in live organisms without prior purification is
the vicinity of genome regions and sites associated with a very important task. These methods are based on
cancer. The expression levels of some microRNAs in hybridization, which accounts for their high selectivity.
patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, colorectal Considering that the concentration of nucleic acids in the
investigated samples is often very low and its changes in
Abbreviations: CHA, catalytic hairpin assembly; EASA, exonu various pathologies could be small, such identification
clease IIIassisted signal amplification; EXPAR, exponential methods should be highly sensitive and have low detec
amplification reaction; HCR, hybridization chain reaction; tion limits. To satisfy these requirements, current meth
HDA, helicasedependent amplification; ICSDP, isothermal ods of DNA/RNA analysis are often used in combination
circular strand displacement polymerization; LAMP, loop with different variants of polymerase chain reaction
mediated isothermal amplification; MDA, multiple displace
(PCR). PCR is commonly used in practice because of its
ment amplification; NASBA, nucleic acid sequencebased
amplification; pWGA, primasebased whole genome amplifica high efficiency, as it allows to synthesize up to 109 copies
tion; RCA, rolling circle amplification; RPA, recombinase (amplicons) of the analyzed sequence. However, it has a
polymerase amplification; SDA, stranddisplacement amplifi number of drawbacks, e.g., possible nonspecific
cation; WGA, whole genome amplification. hybridization resulting in the accumulation of undesired
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. products.

PCR with realtime product detection (quantitative DNA sequence. Elongation of this primer leads to the dis
PCR, qPCR) is commonly used for nucleic acid quantifi placement of the earlier synthesized sequence. The ends of
cation [3]. The two main qPCR variants use (i) Taq DNA both synthesized sequences form the loops due to the
polymerase and linear probe (TaqMan technology) or complementary interactions. As a result, two structures
(ii) intercalating dyes (SYBR Green, Eva Green, with loops at the ends are synthesized, which initiates fur
BOXTO, etc.), as the fluorescence of these dyes dramati ther amplification cycle with the same primers [7].
cally increases upon their binding to the doublestranded LAMP has an exponential character and generates
DNA. The linear range of qPCR is 10 to 5·109 copies of up to 109 DNA copies within 1560 min. The use of sev
the analyzed sequence [4]; the sensitivity of this method eral primers ensures high specificity of the reaction.
varies significantly and depends on the structure of used LAMP can be also used for RNA amplification using
primers. qPCR is also characterized with high repro reverse transcription.
ducibility. LAMP products are most often detected by elec
Cyclic temperature changes essential for PCR facili trophoresis or analysis of changes in the reaction mixture
tate nonspecific hybridization of primers and amplicons turbidity, which increases as a result of magnesium
[5]. PCR cannot be used for the analysis of live cells, as it pyrophosphate formation [8]. The concentration of
requires the melting of the DNA duplex in the course of pyrophosphate formed in the course of LAMP could be
reaction, which is achieved by DNA heating. Finally, also evaluated with the fluorescent dye calcein (fluorex
PCR thermal cyclers are expensive. on) [9]. DNA can be detected using intercalation dyes
The above limitations of PCR have stimulated the [10, 11]. Due to its simplicity, LAMP can be easily com
development of various platforms for the isothermal bined with microfluidic technologies to allows method
DNA/RNA detection. In this review, we present current automation and reduce the time of analysis and reagent
ly known isothermal amplification techniques, their consumption [11].
advantages and drawbacks in bioanalysis. LAMP is widely used as a screening technique,
The methods for isothermal nucleic acid amplifica because it can be conducted at a constant temperature
tion can be classified into two major groups: 1) techniques and is highly efficient and specific. LAMP has been used
that increase the analytical signal by increasing the ana for identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes,
lyte concentration; 2) techniques that increase the ana severe acute respiratory syndrome, anthrax, human and
lytical signal without changing the analyte concentration. avian influenza viruses, and other pathogens [12, 13].
LAMP was able to detect Leptospira DNA at a concen
tration as low as 200 pg/ml. The specificity of detection
AMPLIFICATION TECHNIQUES was 100%, as evaluated with 172 bacterial strains [12].
THAT INCREASE ANALYTICAL SIGNAL Beside bacterial pathogens and viruses, LAMP can
BY INCREASING THE ANALYTE be used for the detection of pathogenic protozoans, e.g.,
CONCENTRATION plasmodium. Using nested PCR for comparison, Poschl
et al. [14] showed that the sensitivity of LAMP with
All methods of isothermal nucleic acid amplification Plasmodium falciparum was 100%. All PCRnegative
aiming to increase the analyte concentration use samples for P. falciparum were also negative according to
enzymes. LAMP. In the diagnostics of Plasmodium vivax, LAMP
Figure 1a shows the principle of the loopmediated detected 22 of 23 PCRpositives samples (96% sensitivi
isothermal amplification (LAMP) technique. This method ty). All 82 PCRnegative samples were also negative
was first described by Notomi et al. in 2000 [6]. Several according to LAMP. Hence, LAMP can be used as a reli
primers (more often, four, but sometimes, six) comple able method for the diagnostics of Plasmodium species.
mentary to different regions of the analyzed DNA are However, in another study, LAMPbased assay produced
used together with DNA polymerases with pronounced some false positives [15]. LAMP was successfully used for
strand displacement activity. LAMP is conducted at 60°C. identification of Salmonella in food products in situ and
LAMP is initiated by hybridization of the forward detection of stxA2 (Shiga toxin 2 subunit A) in
inner primer with the complementary 5′terminal frag Escherichia coli O157:H7 cells [15a, 15b].
ment of the analyte DNA followed by its elongation by When used for analysis of Burkholderia mallei and
DNA polymerase. In the next step, forward outer primer Burkholderia pseudomallei strains, LAMP primers failed
hybridizes with the 5′end fragment of the analyte and to detect all sequences for which they were intended, but
elongated by DNA polymerase with the synthesis of a new were capable to direct the synthesis of fragments of genes
strand displacing the earlier synthesized sequence. After from heterologous strains [16]. The author suggested that
this, backward inner primer interacts with the compli these unsatisfactory results were due to the presence of
mentary fragment in the vicinity of the 3′end of the newly GCrich regions in the genomes of investigated bacteria
synthesized sequence. After elongation of this primer, and formation of secondary structures at the temperature
backward outer primer hybridizes with the synthesized of LAMP.

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020


a b


Fig. 1. Isothermal nucleic acid amplification techniques using polymerases: a) loopmediated isothermal DNA amplification (LAMP);
b) nucleic acid sequencebased amplification (NASBA); c) helicasedependent DNA amplification (HDA); d) exponential amplification
reaction (EXPAR); e) stranddisplacement amplification (SDA); f) recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA); g) rolling circle amplifi
cation (RCA).

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

LAMP displays higher specificity in comparison with biochips using probes labeled with fluorescent dyes or
PCR, as it uses at least six primerbinding sites in the ana peroxidase have also been employed [11, 21]. Thus,
lyzed sequence. The sensitivity of LAMP was found to be NASBA with peroxidaselike DNAzyme was used for
an order of magnitude higher that the sensitivity of PCR. identification of the classic swine fever virus strains [23].
Moreover, LAMP is less sensitive to the inhibitors present NASBA has been also used in combination with the
in biological samples [17]. A serious drawback of this platebased oligonucleotide analysis, e.g., for detection of
method is a high risk of contamination, often leading to the grass carp reovirus [24]. The developed technique was
the generation of false positives in negative controls [18]. able to specifically detect 14 copies/μl within 5 h.
Another isothermal method of nucleic acid amplifi It must be mentioned that NASBA often produces
cation is nucleic acid sequencebased amplification1 false positive and false negative results. At the same time,
(NASBA). In this method suggested by J. Compton in it is less sensitive to the inhibitors present in biological
1991, RNA molecules are amplified using three enzymes: samples than PCR [25].
avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase, Helicasedependent amplification (HDA) is a PCR
RNase H, and T7 RNA polymerase [19]. The reaction is analogue, in which DNA duplex is dissociated by helicase
conducted in two steps (acyclic and cyclic) (Fig. 1b). instead of temperature increase (Fig. 1c) [26]. This tech
In the first denaturation step (65°C), RNA interacts nique uses helicase, DNA polymerase, and proteins bind
with specific primer containing T7 RNA polymerase pro ing singlestranded DNA. In the first step of the amplifi
moter sequence. In the presence of reverse transcriptase, cation cycle, helicase molecules attach to both ends of the
this enzyme synthesizes DNA on a singlestranded RNA, doublestranded DNA, which results in the duplex disso
forming an RNA/DNA hybrid. All reactions are usually ciation. The forward and reverse primers hybridize with
carried out at 41°C. The produced hybrid is cleaved by the singlestranded DNA released from the duplex and
RNase H with the formation of a singlestranded DNA stabilized with the DNAbinding proteins. This is fol
that hybridizes with the second primer. Elongation of this lowed by primer elongation by DNA polymerase. In the
primer produces doublestranded DNA. Next, RNA is end of the first HDA cycle, two DNA molecules are
synthesized by T7 RNA polymerase on the DNA tem formed. This process is repeated multiple times to
plate. The resulting RNA molecules interact with the sec increase the analyte concentration. HDA has the expo
ond primer; after elongation, the formed RNA/DNA nential kinetics and can produce up to 107 copies of the
hybrid is cleaved by RNase H. The resulting single analyte [27]. HDA is carried out either at 37°C or within
stranded DNA hybridizes with the first primer, which is the temperature of 60 to 65°C. At the lower temperature,
elongated by reverse transcriptase. T7 RNA polymerase the mismatch repair protein MutL is used, while amplifi
synthesizes copies of the original RNA, which initiates cation at higher temperatures does not require the pres
the next amplification cycle. ence of this protein. Decreasing the amplification tem
The advantage of NASBA in comparison with perature results in higher amount of nonspecific ampli
reverse transcription PCR is the use of the same medium fication products, which can cause generation of false
for reverse transcription and the following amplification. positives [28].
NASBA is more sensitive and less timeconsuming than The level of the offtarget background amplification
PCR and can produce up to 109 copies of the analyte in HDA is higher than in PCR [29]. In order to minimize
DNA. However, it should be mentioned that although the primer/primer duplex formation, primer modifica
exponential amplification techniques are highly efficient, tion have been suggested [30]. Another approach to min
they are characterized by nonspecific reactions, result imizing the background amplification involves the use of
ing in the generation of false positives. dimethyl sulfoxide, betaine, and sorbitol, which, unfortu
Immediately after its development, NASBA was nately, could also inhibit DNA polymerase. Highmolec
used for the diagnostics of HIV infection in patients’ ularweight crowding agents, such as polyethylene glycol,
blood serum [20]. Nowadays, this method is widely used have been used for the same purpose, since they increase
for detecting Salmonella species, hepatitis viruses, papil the efficiency of polymerase reaction while simultaneous
loma viruses, and human enteroviruses. NASBA was also ly reducing primer artifacts [28].
used for the detection of mRNAs and microRNAs [21, Comparison of HDA with fluorescence detection
22]. and RTPCR revealed that RTPCR has higher sensitiv
NASBA products are monitored by electrophoresis ity, and the produced concentration dependencies are
with ethidium bromide. Microfluidic devices and better linearized. In particular, the detection limit for the
M. tuberculosis DNA in HDA was 1 fM vs 100 aM in RT
1 PCR [28].
In our opinion, the name NASBA commonly used in English
language scientific literature provides too little information on HDA has been used for the diagnostics of bacterial
the principle of this method; we believe it is more appropriate and viral infections and detections of pathogens in water
to call it isothermal nucleic acid sequencebased RNA amplifi and food. HDA products are usually analyzed by elec
cation. trophoresis with ethidium bromide. Lateral flow devices,

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

biochips, and electrochemical biosensors have also been used exclusively for amplification of short oligonu
used. For example, HDA in combination with the lateral cleotides with the production of up to 108 analyte copies
flow test was used by Tang et al. [31] for identification of [27].
Salmonella typhimurium in water samples with the detec Unlike other amplification methods that require
tion limit of 100 CFU/ml. high primer concentrations, EXPAR uses high concen
HDA with electrochemical signal detection was used tration of the probe, which is two times longer than the
for the quantitative determination of Salmonella species analyzed sequence. This is the reason for possible probe
[32]. The capture probe was immobilized on the electrode dimerization resulting in the formation of nonspecific
surface, while the signaling primer was modified with amplification products. The extent of offtarget back
fluorescein. The conjugate of antifluorescein antibodies ground amplification depends on the probe structure. In
with horseradish peroxidase was used as a detection sys particular, the presence of G and Arich fragments in the
tem. The detection limit was 10 DNA copies. probe could promote background amplification due to
HDA was also used for the DNA chipbased detec the DNA polymerase binding to purine bases. The back
tion of Phytophthora kernoviae pathogen in plant leaves ground amplification could be also due to the formation
[33] with the detection limit of 10 ng/ml. A combination of a hairpin structure by the probe. So far, there is no effi
of HDA and platebased enzymelinked oligonucleotide cient approach for suppressing background amplification
assay for identification and quantitative determination of in EXPAR [36].
Karlodinium veneficum and Karlodinium armiger was sug The use of EXPAR for the detection of DNA
gested and used for detection of Karlodinium spp. in sea oligonucleotides was first described in 2003 [37]. Later,
water [34]. The detection limit of this technique was EXPAR has been used for improving the sensitivity of
50 CFU/ml. fluorescencebased quantitative detection of a fragment
In addition to the pathogen detection, HDA has of the p53 gene mRNA with the detection limit of 10 fM
been successfully used for the development of assays for and the working range from 10 fM to 10 nM [38]. A com
microRNAs (cancer markers). Ma et al. [35] described a bination of colorimetric assay with gold nanoparticles and
sensitive fluorescent technique for determination of EXPAR was reported by Li et al. [39] for the analysis of
miR21 microRNA with the detection limit of 12.8 fM microRNAs. The achieved detection limit was 46 fM; the
and linearity range from 100 fM to 10 nM. linear range was 50 fM to 10 nM. EXPAR was also suc
Exponential amplification reaction of nucleic acids cessfully employed for the detection of DNA methylation
(EXPAR) [36] uses a probe consisting of two identical and RNA mutations.
sequences complementary to the analyzed nucleic acid EXPAR using aptamers was applied for the detection
connected by the nickase recognition site (Fig. 1d). of protein molecules (thrombin, plateletderived growth
During the reaction, the analyte hybridizes with one of factor, and mucin 1) [36, 40]. This method was also used
the probe copies forming two types of duplexes. The for the detection of mercury cations with the detection
duplexes in which the analyte is attached to the probe 5′ limit of 100 pM [41].
end cannot be elongated by DNA polymerase and disso EXPAR technique was used for highly sensitive
ciate relatively rapidly at the temperature of EXPAR detection of the enzymatic activity for such enzymes as
(60°C). In the other duplex, attachment of the analyte to telomerase (in HeLa cells) [42], methyltransferase, and
the 3′end of the probe leads to its elongation by DNA uracilDNA glycosylase [36, 43].
polymerase. Duplex formation generates the recognition Stranddisplacement amplification (SDA) first sug
site for nickase. Hydrolysis of the duplex by nickase gested in 1992 is based on a cyclic reaction involving
results in its dissociation and release of analyte copy. polymerization, cleavage, and displacement [44]. The
Nickases widely used in EXPAR are Nt.BbvCI, principle of SDA is shown in Fig. 1e. In the first step,
Nb.BbvCI, AlwI, Nt.AlwI, Nb.BssSI, Nt.BsmAI, and doublestranded DNA is denatured at 95°C (all further
Nb.BtsI. SDA steps are conducted at 37°C), which allows primers
In the next cycle, the analyte is elongated by DNA to anneal to both daughter strands. The 5′ends of the
polymerase and the synthesized sequence is cleaved by primers contain nickase recognition site and do not inter
nickase. The following commercially available enzymes act with the DNA analyte. Klenow fragment (lacking the
are used in EXPAR: phi29 polymerase, Klenow fragment, exonuclease activity) catalyzes elongation of the DNA
and polymerases Vent and Bst lacking the 3′5′ exonucle sequence from the 3′ends resulting in the formation of
ase activity. Although 5560°C is the optimal temperature duplexes with the nickase recognition sites. Enzymatic
for EXPAR, this reaction can be also performed at 37°C. hydrolysis with nickase leads to the generation of new 3′
In the latter case, the use of Klenow fragment is prefer end sequences, which initiates polymerization reaction
able [36]. Higher amplification temperatures increase the with simultaneous displacement of the daughter strand of
efficiency and the specificity of EXPAR. the analyzed chain. This process is repeated multiple
EXPAR provides exponential accumulation of the times and results in the exponential accumulation of the
analyte molecules. This amplification technique can be analyzed sequence. In the case when only one primer is

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

used, amplification has a linear character. The efficiency used (forward and reverse), two semiconserved duplexes
of SDA is up to 107 analyte copies [27]. are formed in the reaction, i.e., RPA has the exponential
Like other amplification techniques, SDA is used for character. When one primer is used, amplification is lin
the detection of genomic DNA. Samples with numerous ear.
components, such as human blood containing bacteria RPA can be conducted at 2245°C, although its
and viruses, have been successfully analyzed by SDA, optimal temperature range is 3742°C [52]. Both single
which indicates the potential of this technique in medical and doublestranded DNAs, as well as methylated DNA,
and biological studies. can be used for amplification. RPA can be performed in
Due to its high specificity, SDA was successfully the presence of PCR inhibitors, such as heparin, ethanol,
employed for detecting singlenucleotide polymor and hemoglobin [53], which allows to conduct amplifi
phisms. In particular, identification of point mutations by cation directly in biological samples (milk, urine, feces,
the chemiluminescence method was described by Shi et pleural fluid) following thermal lysis [54]. At the same
al. [45]. The use of magnetic particles in this technique time, RPA is inhibited by some detergents (e.g., SDS and
allowed to significantly decrease the detection limit (to CTAB).
0.1 fM). RPA can be conducted either in homogenous or het
SDA can be used for detecting large RNA molecules, erogeneous media. In the case of heterogeneous amplifi
such as viral RNAs, mRNAs, and rRNAs, consisting of cation, one or both primers are immobilized on a solid
hundreds or even thousands of nucleotides. Zhao et al. support. Despite the high rate of homogenous amplifica
suggested a twostep colorimetric and fluorescence tech tion, heterogeneous amplification is used more widely,
nique that involves RNA cleavage by DNAzyme followed because in the majority of cases, it prevents the matrix
by SDA [46]. This method was also applied for quantita effect and allows to develop more sensitive analytical
tive determination of microRNA and cancer cells [47, 48] techniques. It has been also reported that heterogeneous
with the detection limit of 16 fM and linear range from RPA reduces nonspecific amplification [55].
16 fM to 100 nM. The detection limit for Ramos cells was Despite the fact that RPA is fast and sensitive, high
45 cells/ml; the linear range was 45 to 1000 cells/ml. background signal often presents a problem for its imple
A highly sensitive SDAbased technique for the mentation. In order to eliminate this disadvantage, the
telomerase activity detection was developed by Ding et al. primer contains the site for the specific E. coli IV
[49]. This method used molecular beacon with fluores endonuclease (Nfo), which recognizes and cleaves the
cence readout and allowed to determine telomerase activ duplexes [52]. This primer can be used in the DNA poly
ity in four HeLa cells. merasecatalyzed elongation stage only after its cleavage
In recent years, aptamers have been widely used for by the endonuclease creating a hydroxyl group at the 3′
analytical purposes. Because aptamers are DNA/RNA end. The primer can be conjugated with a fluorophore
oligonucleotides, there have been attempts to combine and quencher; in this case, its cleavage will be accompa
aptamerbased analytical methods with nucleic acid nied by the fluorescence signal increase. Endonuclease
amplification techniques. The methods based on the mediated cleavage serves as an additional step to
aptamer interaction with thrombin and cocaine have been decrease the background signal in RPA. RPA and PCR
described that demonstrated significantly higher sensitiv are comparable in their efficiency, but RPA is positioned
ity due to the use of SDA [50, 51]. Since a large number as the fastest among all other amplification techniques
of aptamers to various molecules exist, the suggested [54].
approach seems very promising. RPA can be used in combination with various signal
Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is readout methods for detection of different pathogens,
another method of nucleic acid isothermal amplification e.g., Yersinia pestis [55]. In this study, the forward primer
[27, 52]. Beginning from 2006, when Niall Armes was immobilized in the wells of enzyme immunoassay
described RPA for the first time [53], the interest to this microplate, and the reverse primer was modified with
technique has been steadily growing. The first step of the biotin for binding the peroxidasestreptavidin conjugate.
amplification cycle involves complex formation between The achieved detection limit was 0.3 fM, with the colori
recombinase and forward and/or reverse primer (Fig. 1f). metric peroxidase substrate 3,3′,5,5′tetramethylbenzi
In the presence of a sequence complementary to the dine; the linear range was 10 fM to 10 nM.
primer, recombinase unwinds the duplex, thus allowing RPA is often used in combination with electrochem
primer interaction with the analyte. This reaction is facil ical detection techniques. Using this approach, Ng et al.
itated by the DNAbinding proteins. In the presence of [56] developed an amperometric biosensor that allowed
DNA polymerase with the chain displacement activity, DNA detection from 1 CFU of M. tuberculosis. In anoth
the recombinase complex dissociates; DNA polymerase er electrochemical method, ruthenium complex
binds to the doublestranded DNA and elongates the [Ru(NH3)6]3+ was used as a mediator, which intercalated
primer at the 3′end. The newly synthesized duplex serves into the doublestranded DNA [57]. The detection limit
as a template for the next cycle. When two primers are of this technique was 11 CFU/ml.

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, and Raman method using luciferase. The detection limit for the
scattering have been used as alternatives to the electro model RNA analyte was 2 pM; the linear range was 2 pM
chemical detection. Recently, a bandagelike wearable to 1 nM.
flexible RPAbased fluorescence sensor was developed for RCA was used to increase the sensitivity of the
detecting Zika virus DNA in real time [58]. methyltransferase activity assay [68]. The detection limit
Another common amplification technique is rolling of the developed method was 8.1·10−5 units/ml; the linear
circle amplification (RCA) developed in 1995 [59]. This range was between 4·10−4 and 1·10−2 units/ml. RCA was
method is based on using a circular DNA (Cprobe) also successfully used for detecting DNA methylation
formed by the interaction of the analyzed sequence with [69].
the singlestranded DNA probe flanked by the sequences RCA technique can be used for increasing the ana
complementary to the analyte sequence. In the process of lytical signal via increase in either analyte concentration
complex formation, the 5′ and 3′ends of the probe are or amount of detected probe.
brought together and then ligated to form a circular mol All amplification techniques that increase of analyt
ecule (Fig. 1g). ical signal via increase in the analyte concentration
This circular DNA hybridizes with the primer, which employ DNA polymerases that are susceptible to the
is elongated by DNA polymerase, resulting in the gener inhibitors present in the tested samples, which might
ation of a sequence consisting of numerous copies of ana often lead to the generation of false negatives. On the
lyte DNA. other hand, the offtarget background amplification
DNA polymerases most often used in RCA are phi29 caused by dimerization of primers/probes could be the
and Bst. Usually, RCA is carried out at 3037°C [60]. cause of false positive results. These drawbacks can be
Linear amplification at constant temperature takes from minimized by using detection methods that are highly
several hours to several days and results in the synthesis of specific to the analyzed sequence.
multiple analyte copies. The efficiency of RCA is estimat All the amplification techniques presented above are
ed as 103 analyte copies. based on the use of specific sequences. However, isother
Recently, RCA modification was reported that mal amplification techniques using random primers have
involves addition of the second primer that hybridizes also been developed, including whole genome amplifica
with the sequence elongated from the first primer, thus tion (WGA) used to increase the amount of DNA for its
making RCA exponential [60]. sequencing.
RCA is widely used for the detection of bacterial and The first variant of WGA termed multiple displace
viral DNAs/RNAs and microRNAs. Moreover, RCA is ment amplification (MDA) was suggested in 2001 [70].
highly specific due to the use of DNA ligase that catalyzes This method uses random hexamer primers interacting
ligation only in the case of perfect complementarity of the with the circular genomes, which results in the formation
3′ and 5′end sequences [61, 62]. For this reason, RCA of multiple replication forks. MDA uses phi29 DNA
can be used for detecting singlenucleotide polymor polymerase characterized by high processivity and low
phisms [63]. error frequency. The cascade of MDA reactions results in
Schopf et al. used RCA for the detection of M. tuber the exponential accumulation of doublestranded DNA
culosis genomic DNA [64]. In the first step, DNA was and 104fold increase of the plasmid DNA concentration
treated with restriction endonucleases and denatured at within several hours.
high temperature. Next, DNA fragments were immobi In 2002, MDA was adapted for the amplification of
lized by hybridization with capturing oligonucleotides linear genomes (Fig. 2a). This technique allows to syn
covalently bound to the Sepharose gel particles. thesize ~2030 μg of DNA with an average length of
Following RCA, fluorescently labeled DNA fragments ~10 kb from 110 copies of human genomic DNA, which
complementary to the tested DNA were added. The can be further used for sequencing and genotyping.
detection limit of this method was 4.3 fM for DNA and An alternative to WGA is primasebased whole
104 CFU/ml for M. tuberculosis. RCA products can be genome amplification (pWGA), which imitates replication
also monitored by intercalation of the SYBR Green dye of the T7 bacteriophage DNA in vivo [71]. Genomic
into the DNA duplex. The detection limit for the miR DNA is unwound by the bifunctional T7 gp4 protein
let7a microRNA was 10 fM; the linear range was 25 fM exhibiting the activities of helicase and primase, which is
to 1 pM [65]. The use of RCA allowed visualization of the followed by the synthesis of RNA primer complementary
let7 microRNA family directly in live A549 lung cancer to the singlestranded DNA (Fig. 2b). DNA is synthe
cells [66]. sized by the highly processive T7 DNA polymerase.
DNA polymerization in RCA can be monitored by pWGA generates 110 ng of human genomic DNA with
pyrophosphate accumulation in the reaction medium. In in 1 h at 37°C. Circular DNAs can also be used as tem
the study by Mashimo et al. [67], pyrophosphate was plates. Using only 100 DNA copies, the amplification
converted to ATP by adenylyl transferase, which was fol coefficient may reach 108. Also, pWGA does not require
lowed by ATP quantification by the bioluminescence thermal denaturation of genomic DNA (unlike MDA).

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020


a b

Fig. 2. WGA techniques: a) MDA; b) pWGA.

AMPLIFICATION TECHNIQUES THAT PROVIDE 3′overhanging sequences of four or more nucleotides are
INCREASE IN THE ANALYTICAL SIGNAL not cleaved by exonuclease III.
WITHOUT INCREASING ANALYTE In 2010, Plaxco et al. [74] described the principle of
CONCENTRATION EASA for the first time (Fig. 3). This method involves
hybridization of the analyzed nucleic acid with a DNA
Isothermal amplification techniques that provide an probe that forms a doublestranded structure with blunt
increase in the analytical signal without changing the ends. This allows stepwise removal of mononucleotides
analyte concentration usually have linear amplification from the probe 3′end by exonuclease III. As a result of
kinetics. Some of them use enzymes; other do not, which enzymatic hydrolysis, the analyte molecule is released
makes these methods less expensive and eliminates the and can interact with another probe, which initiates the
drawbacks typical for enzymatic assays. Both types of next amplification cycle. Hence, one analyte molecule
methods will be presented below, as all of them have their could generate a large number of molecules formed by the
own advantages and disadvantages and can be used for probe hydrolysis. If the probe is modified with a label, the
development of analytical procedures. recorded analytical signal will be amplified in the course
One of the isothermal amplification techniques that of reaction. EASA is usually carried out at 25 or 37°C.
does not change the analyte concentration is exonuclease Later, similar amplification techniques were devel
IIIassisted signal amplification (EASA) [7, 72]. oped using T7 and λ exonucleases [75], which, unlike
Exonuclease III catalyzes stepwise deletion of mononu exonuclease III, cleave mononucleotides from the 5′end
cleotides from the 3′hydroxylated ends of double of the probe (but not from the 3′end).
stranded DNAs by hydrolyzing the phosphodiester bond In the pioneer study [74], EASA was used for quan
[73], i.e., displays the nonspecific 3′5′ exonuclease tification of a model DNA oligonucleotide using molecu
activity. The substrates for this enzyme are DNA mole lar beacon containing fluorescence dye at the 5′end and
cules with blunt or recessed 3′ends. The substrates with quencher on one of the nucleotides located in the inner

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

region of the beacon sequence. The probe forms a hairpin exonucleases also catalyze such side reactions. This fact
structure by selfhybridization, in which the overhanging significantly limits further development of amplification
end is resistant to hydrolysis by exonuclease III. The fluo techniques using these enzymes.
rophore in the resulting hairpin structure is close to the EASA was used to increase the sensitivity of several
quencher, thus producing very weak fluorescence signal. enzymatic assays (e.g., for T4 polynucleotide kinase,
In the presence of DNA analyte, the hairpin structure methyltransferase, and telomerase [8284]) that employ
opens with the formation of a double stranded structure either exonuclease III or λ exonuclease.
with the blunt 3′end, which allows removal of mononu One of the novel isothermal amplification tech
cleotides by exonuclease III and subsequent fluorophore niques is the method with formation of Yjunction probes
release accompanied by the increase in fluorescence. [7]. These structures are formed from two partially com
Simultaneously, released analyte interacts with another plementary probes (usually 46 bp) that do not form
beacon molecule, thus initiating the next EASA cycle. duplexes because of only partial complementarity. At the
Therefore, EASA has facilitated the development of a same time, they can form stable Yshaped complexes in
simple fluorescence technique for detection of DNA ana the presence of analyzed sequence that is partially com
lytes. plementary to both probes (Fig. 4a). Such complexes also
Later, numerous studies have been published [76 contain a restriction endonuclease site. Addition of the
80], where EASA was used to increase the sensitivity of respective endonuclease to the reaction mixture results in
nucleic acid assays employing fluorescence, electrochem the enzymatic cleavage of the duplex with the following
ical, colorimetric, and chemiluminescence readouts. dissociation of the Yshaped structure and release of the
The EASA method for quantitative determination of analyzed sequence, which is used for the formation of a
mercury ions with the detection limit of 1 pM Hg2+ and new Yshaped complex. The formed Yshaped structure
linear range from 10 pM to 100 nM was developed based participates in the next amplification cycle, eventually
on Hg2+ interaction with thymine [79]. A combination of leading to the formation of multiple fragments of the
EASA and aptamers has allowed to develop the detection hydrolyzed probes. The availability of a large number of
methods for ATP, lysozyme, and thrombin. restriction endonucleases (~3500) facilitates the design of
Some publications on the nucleic acid detection various Yshaped probes with different restriction
have reported the detection limits at the femto and even endonuclease sites. Sintim et al. [85] demonstrated that
attomolar levels. Such low detection limits for EASA the probe architecture significantly affects the rate of
should be considered with caution, because the authors of enzymatic hydrolysis of the Yshaped probes, which
the pioneer study [74] noticed that exonuclease III should be considered in their design. Nickases have been
exhibits considerable catalytic activity toward single successfully used by some researchers instead of restric
stranded DNA sequences, which should result in the tion endonucleases for the hydrolysis of Yjunction
enzymatic hydrolysis of the analyzed sequence. The exis probes [86]. The amplification reaction in this method is
tence of this side activity was also mentioned by other conducted at 2537°C.
authors [80, 81]. Moreover, we demonstrated that exonu As follows for Fig. 4a, amplification technique with
clease III was able to hydrolyze DNA molecules with the the use of Yshaped probes can be employed for the
Gquadruplex structure (unpublished data). Other detection of DNA, RNA, and analytes of other chemical

Fig. 3. Quantitative DNA oligonucleotide assay using EASA technique.

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020


Fig. 4. Isothermal amplification with the formation of Yshaped structures: a) method based on the formation and following enzymatic cleav
age of Yshaped probe; b) enzymefree method.

nature (such as antibiotics) using aptamers as recognition cleaved with exonuclease HaeIII. To monitor Yprobe
elements [87]. cleavage, one of its sequences immobilized on the elec
The electrochemical method for determination of a trode surface was conjugated with methylene blue.
28mer DNA model nucleotide using Yjunction probes Because methylene blue was located at a distance from
was developed in [88]. In this study, Yprobes were the electrode surface, it was not electrochemically oxi

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

dized. As a result of probe hydrolysis, methylene blue tetramethylbenzidine and horseradish peroxidase conju
acquired the ability to migrate towards the electrode sur gates with streptavidin, which enabled to record electrical
face, where it was oxidized, thus increasing the recorded current proportional to the concentration of Yjunctions.
current that was proportional to the analyte concentra The detection limit for the model DNA oligonucleotide
tion. The detection limit of this assay was 14 pM. was 10.9 aM; the linear range of the assay was 100 aM to
The use of Yjunctionbased method in combination 1 μM.
with lateral flow device with colorimetric readout for Another amplification method employing nickases is
detection of miR16 microRNA was described in [89]. In based on the use of specific duplexes [91] (Fig. 5). The
this study, the amplification reaction was conducted in a analyzed sequence forms a specific duplex with a DNA
homogeneous medium. The Yjunction was formed by probe simultaneously creating a site recognized by one of
the interaction of the molecular beacon, assistant DNA the nickases. The probe is modified with a label, thus
oligonucleotide, and miR16. The molecular beacon in enabling evaluation of the extent of probe hydrolysis by
the composition of the formed Yjunction was cleaved the enzyme. Next, specific nickase cleaves the probe,
into two fragments by Nt.BbvCI endonuclease, which which results in the duplex dissociation. The released
enabled interaction of the assistant oligonucleotide and analyte molecule interacts with the next probe, and the
miR16 with the next molecular beacon molecule, after process repeats multiple times. As a result, one analyte
which the process repeated again. The concentration of molecule can generate of a large number of probe frag
the beacon fragments was determined with the lateral ments, which leads to the increase in the recorded signal.
flow biosensor. The detection limit of this method for The reaction should be conducted at rather high temper
miR16 was 0.1 pM; the linear range was 0.1 pM to atures to ensure fast dissociation of the cleaved probe, but
10 nM. the temperature is limited by the thermal stability of nick
A modification of the Yjunction amplification tech ase. The temperature optimum of the reaction with
nique that did not require the use of the enzyme was sug Nt.AlwI nickase was 58°C [91].
gested in [90]. In the first step, the analyte molecule Depending on the label incorporated into the probe,
formed via complementary interactions a complex with different method of signal recording can be applied. For
two hairpin structures, one of which was conjugated with example, Lin et al. [92] used a hairpin DNA probe with a
digoxin (Fig. 4b). The hairpins were incapable of hemebinding aptamer in one of the chains of the hairpin
hybridization in the absence of the analyte. Next, the stem. The duplex formed by the probe with the analyzed
Yjunction was formed upon addition of the third biotin DNA sequence (19mer oligonucleotide of the p53 gene)
labeled hairpin that replaced the analyte molecule in the contained the Nt.BstNBI nickase cleavage site.
complex. The released analyte formed a complex with Enzymatic hydrolysis of the duplex released the heme
hairpins 1 and 2, thus initiating the next amplification binding aptamer, and addition of heme to the reaction
cycle. As a result, the final concentration of the produced mixture resulted in the formation of catalytically active
Yjunctions significantly exceeded the analyte concentra peroxidaselike DNAzyme, whose activity was monitored
tion. The concentration of the formed Yjunction con by oxidation of 2,2′azinobis(3ethylbenzthiazoline6
taining digoxin and biotin was monitored electrochemi sulfonate) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The ana
cally. For this purpose, Yjunctions were immobilized on lyte released from the duplex interacted with the next
the electrode surface via interaction with the attached probe molecule. The detection limit for the p53 gene frag
antidigoxin antibodies, followed by addition of 3,3′,5,5′ ment was 1 pM; the working range was 1 to 100 pM.

Fig. 5. Amplification based on the formation of DNA duplexes with their subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis by nickase.

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

This amplification technique was also used in com ing in the duplex formation and opening of the hairpin
bination with the electrochemical method of nucleic acid structure. The primer (usually, 8nucleotide long) is com
detection. Chen et al. [93] reported generation of a hair plementary to the 3′end of the probe stem. In the
pin DNA probe with covalently bound ferrocene, which absence of the analyte, the primer does not interact with
was immobilized on the surface of a gold electrode. the probe, while in the case of duplex formation, the
Following enzymatic cleavage of the site formed by the primer binds to the released 3′end of the probe.
probe interaction with the analyte, the fragments of the The binding of the primer initiates its elongation in
ferrocenemodified probe were released from the elec the presence of DNA polymerase and deoxynucleoside
trode surface. The detection limit for the DNA analyzed 5′triphosphates. The synthesized sequence displaces the
with this electrochemical biosensor was 68 aM; the linear analyte, resulting in its release from the duplex and
range was 0.1 to 100 fM. hybridization with another probe molecule, which initi
Recently, the use of the Nt.AlwI nickasebased ates the next polymerization/displacement cycle. Hence,
amplification technique for quantitative analysis of mer the analyte molecule acts as a trigger of polymerization
cury cations was reported [94]. Using formation of the reaction. The accumulation of the duplex consisting of
thymine–Hg2+–thymine complex as an indicator reac the probe and the synthesized sequence occurs in parallel
tion, Vijayan et al. have developed an assay with the with the probe consumption; the concentration of the
detection limit of 0.14 nM that can be used for determi duplex can be measured by various physicochemical
nation of mercury in drinking water. Aptamerbased methods. Therefore, ICSDP (commonly carried out at
nickasemediated amplification methods have been also 37°C) provides signal amplification at a constant analyte
designed for determination of lysozyme, carcinoembry concentration.
onic and prostatespecific antigens, and mucine16 in Guo et al. [96] used a molecular beacon modified
the human blood serum [95]. with fluorescein (label) and DABCYL (quencher) as a
This type of amplification is characterized by a high probe. The polymerization reaction was catalyzed by the
specificity. All the more surprising is the fact that the Klenow fragment. The detection limit of the developed
number of publications on this amplification method is ICSDP assay for the model 26mer DNA oligonucleotide
much smaller than for other isothermal amplification was 6.4 fM.
techniques. A similar principle was used for developing an assay
The new isothermal circular stranddisplacement for the miR210 microRNA [97] with the detection limit
polymerization (ICSDP) method was suggested in 2009 of 50 pM. However, the linear range of this method was
[96] (Fig. 6). This technique uses a hairpin DNA probe, rather narrow (from 330 pM to 1.66 nM). The developed
short primer, and DNA polymerase. The probe is modi assay was used for the analysis of miR210 in the trans
fied with a label allowing evaluation of the probe concen fected K562 cells.
tration. The probe 5′end forming the stem and a frag ICSDP was also used for the development of hetero
ment of the loop are complementary to the analyzed geneous techniques for the nucleic acid determination.
sequence, which leads to their specific interaction result Thus, Gao et al. [98] immobilized a ferrocenemodified

Fig. 6. Isothermal circularstranddisplacement polymerization (ICSDP).

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020


Fig. 7. Enzymefree isothermal amplification technique that uses hybridization chain reaction (HCR).

hairpin sequence on the surface of gold electrode. In the hairpin 1 and analyzed sequence results in the exposure of
presence of analyte, this hairpin opened exposing a meth the hairpin 1 stem, which is not participating in the duplex
ylene bluemodified fragment complementary to the formation, which allows this singlestranded fragment to
primer sequence. After hybridization, the primer was interact with hairpin 2. This leads to the duplex formation
elongated by DNA polymerase with the displacement between the two hairpins and simultaneous exposure of the
activity. The detection limit for the model DNA analyte uninvolved stem of hairpin 2, which interacts with anoth
(31 nucleotides) with the developed electrochemical er hairpin 1 molecule. Introduction of labels in the hairpin
biosensor was 28 fM; the working concentration range structure or dyes that can intercalate into the duplex makes
was 100 fM to 10 nM. A similar approach was used for the it possible to monitor the formed DNA. Therefore, HCR
detection of the mecA gene in methicillinresistant strains produces doublestranded DNA with nicks in each chain,
of Staphylococcus aureus [99]. and the length of this molecule is determined by the
It must be mentioned that because of the use of DNA amount of hairpin structures in the reaction mixture.
polymerase, ICSDP can be sensitive to DNA polymerase Usually, HCR is carried out at 25 or 37°C.
inhibitors, which could lead to false negative results. At In order to enhance amplification, new methods
the same time, the background amplification caused by have been developed that use hairpins with two or more
the nonspecific hybridization could lead to false posi loops, which allows production of branched double
tives. stranded DNAs [101]. A modification of the HCR tech
Unlike the isothermal nucleic acid amplification nique named hyperbranched HCR that uses four hairpins
techniques described above, hybridization chain reaction and two additional singlestranded DNAs has been sug
(HCR) does not used enzymes. This method was devel gested. The amplification kinetics in the hyperbranched
oped by Dirks and Pierce in 2004 [100]. HCR is based on HCR is exponential [102]. Therefore, the analyte in the
the formation of a doublestranded DNA as a result of HCR can initiate formation of DNA duplexes with nicks
interaction between two hairpin sequences, which is initi in both chains; the increase in the analytical signal inten
ated by the addition of DNA/RNA analyte (Fig. 7). The sity is achieved due to a large number of incorporated
structures of hairpins 1 and 2 are designed in such a way labels in the structure of the formed DNA.
that the complementary interactions between them are Bioanalytical applications of HCR often use biotin
kinetically obstructed. The duplex formation between labeled hairpins (one or two). For example, in the study

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

by Yang et al. [103], model DNA analyte initiated HCR CHA is based on the use of two oligonucleotide hairpins
resulting in the formation of biotincontaining duplex, as [108]. The first hairpin forms a duplex with the analyte via
one of the used hairpins was modified with biotin. Due to complementary interactions. The hairpin 1 sequence
the presence of biotin, this duplex was capable of inter complementary to the sequence of the hairpin 2 tail
acting with streptavidin adsorbed on magnetic particles. becomes available for the interaction. The structure of the
Because not all biotin molecules were involved in the used hairpin probes is modeled in such a way that they are
duplex immobilization on magnetic particles, the complementary to each other, but their interactions are
remaining biotin residues was used for the reaction with hindered kinetically.
the avidin–glucose oxidase conjugate. Glucose oxidation Newly accessible sequence interacts with hairpin 2,
by glucose oxidase resulted in the formation of hydrogen which is accompanied by the analyte displacement from
peroxide that corroded the surface of silver nanoparticles, the original duplex and initiates the next amplification
which was recorded with the surface plasmon resonance cycle. Hence, one analyte molecule can initiate forma
technique. The detection limit for the used analyte was tion of a large number of duplexes. It is very important in
6 fM; the linear range was 10 fM to 100 pM. the CHA to prevent the interaction between the hairpins
HCR was used in the design of electrochemical in the absence of analyte, because this can increase the
biosensor for determination of microRNAs in the lysates background signal, thus decreasing the method sensitivi
of HUVEC, HK2, HeLa, and MCF7 cells [104]. The ty. Although CHA is similar to HCR in the absence of
reached detection limit for the HsamiR175p need for the enzyme, the increase in the intensity of the
microRNA with a voltamperometric readout was 2 aM; analytical signal in CHA is achieved via multiple partici
the linear range was 100 aM to 100 pM. pation of the analyte molecule in the indicator reaction.
It was demonstrated that HCR could be effectively At present, the majority of studies using CHA aim at
used for visualization of intracellular RNAs. Thus, Wu et the development of methods for the analysis of
al. [105] suggested a fluorescence method for evaluation microRNAs, which are considered as promising biomark
of mRNA expression in a picomolar concentration range. ers in the diagnostics of oncological disorders [109]. CHA
It should be also mentioned that this technique does not products can be monitored using various physicochemi
require the use of reverse transcription. cal methods. For example, Zhang et al. [110] used elec
HCR application for the analysis of mercury ions, trophoresis for the CHAmediated detection of miR21
ATP, and proteins has been also reported. Guo et al. [106] microRNA with the detection limit of 10 pM. CHA with
used αfetoprotein and prostatespecific antigen as electrochemical detection was used by Shuai et al. [111].
model biomarkers. In the presence of analytes, immune In this study, hairpin 1 was immobilized on the electrode
complexes were formed on the electrode surface. The surface and hairpin 2 was modified by the biotin/strepta
secondary antibodies were covalently bound to the DNA vidin conjugate with alkaline phosphatase. The detection
oligonucleotide that initiated HCR. The detection limit limit of this method for miR21 was 50 aM; the linear
of this method with voltamperometric readout was range was 0.1 fM to 100 pM.
0.25 pg/ml for αfetoprotein and 0.17 pg/ml for the Jiang et al. [112] employed homogenous fluores
prostatespecific antigen. cence assay for the detection of miRlet7a microRNA
HCR was successfully used for identification of using molecular beacon and CHA for signal amplification
tumor cells [107]. In this case, the method was based on with the detection limit of 1 pM. The linear range of the
the interaction between aptamers and specific tumor method was 1 pM to 2 nM.
markers located at the tumor cell surface. It must be mentioned that some authors use a com
Another technique that does not require the use of bination of two different amplification techniques in
enzymes is catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA) (Fig. 8). order to further increase the assay sensitivity. These com

Fig. 8. Enzymefree isothermal amplification technique using catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA) approach.

BIOCHEMISTRY (Moscow) Vol. 85 No. 2 2020

binations were termed cascade amplification methods practical applications of highly sensitive, accurate, and
[24]. For example, Dong et al. [113] and Xu et al. [114] selective assays on their basis.
used nickaseassisted amplification technique in combi
nation with CHA and RCA, respectively. A combination
of RCA and EASA was employed for the identification of Funding. This work was supported by the Russian
genetically modified soybean (MON89788) DNA with Science Foundation (grant 171401042).
the detection limit of 45 aM [115]. In order to increase Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict
the sensitivity of RCA, it was combined with CHA; how of interest in financial or any other sphere.
ever, the detection limit in this case was insufficient Ethical approval. This article does not contain stud
(100 fM) [116]. ies with human participants or animals performed by any
A fluorescence biosensor developed for the detection of the authors.
of bisphenol A was used in a combination of Yjunction
method and EASA [117]. The detection limit for bisphe
nol A was 5 fM; the linear range was 10 fM to 10 nM. Sun REFERENCES
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