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Assignment on Primary Source vs Secondary Source

For the convenience of conducting a research we need sources of information. These sources
can be classified as (i). Primary & (ii). Secondary. Let's have a look what they refer to.

Primary sources can be described as those sources that are closest to the origin of the
information. They contain raw information and thus, must be interpreted by researchers.
These sources are firsthand, contemporary accounts of events created by individuals during
that period of time or several years later (such as correspondence, diaries, memoirs and
personal histories).Examples of primary sources include manuscripts, newspapers, speeches,
cartoons, photographs, video, and artifacts.

Secondary sources are interconnected with primary sources and often interpret them. These
sources are documents that relate to information that originated elsewhere. Secondary sources
often use generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources. Examples
of secondary sources include textbooks, articles, and reference books.

Prepared by-
BMS Roll No. : N-52016

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