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Recently we have seen the growth of NFT popularity despite the current downtrend of the crypto

market, Nft itself is still in its early development stages with limitless opportunity. At the moment
NFT has only speculated with very few ways or areas to monetize your Nft, Even the Nft
marketplace is not user-friendly, lastly, there is no fully integrated multichain Nft ecosystem like
those in Defi that will give users the ability to dive across the different marketplace for their NFT
and other ways to earn with your Nft.

NFT lending will increase the monetization of NFT by integrating some Defi features into Nft such
as Lending, borrowing{and renting) and Staking of NFT.Nft such as virtual land, domain names, IP
rights, gaming asset, virtual art, and many more could be traded, and owners could earn yield by
staking and lending them.
Escrow smart contract biulted on near protocol will store Nft for lending,it will include function for
rental pice,rental period and Nft price.
Upon successful return of Nft to the lender,The Nft price which in this case act as the collateral will
be stored in escrow smart contract and returned to Nft Borrower.If the NFT is not returned on time
then the collateral will be liquidated and be ready for claim to Nft lender or Nft system.

The platform will generate fees from each transaction on borrowing ,lending and staking.

NFT holders/owners and Nft marketplace.

Initially, the user of the system will get an airdrop of our native token each time they lend, borrow
or stake, the rate will be very small to attract users and the yield return will be bigger(most of the
revenue will be used to pay stakers)

At the moment there are many Nft marketplaces and few Nft Defi protocols, so it's fairly adopted to
some extent.

Defi for you(

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