Grade 2 Exam Draft 2

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Name:______________________________________________ Grade: _______

Teacher: ____________________________________________ Score: _______

A. Change the verbs into Present tense. Write your answer on the blanks

1. (Ride) Sheila _________ in the jeepney to go to school.

2. (Bring) Teacher Ben __________ the children safely to school.

3. (Wait) They _______ patiently for the school bell to ring.

4. (Thank) Kattie _____ the driver before going down to the bus.

5. (Drink) Kyle ________ his milk every day before going to school.

A. Change the verbs into Past tense. Write your answer on the blanks.

1. (Die) All the dinosaurs _________ many years before we were born.

2. (See) I _________ an interesting toy with my parents yesterday.

3. (Play) We_________ a lot of games.

4. (Catch) The Policemen ____________ the culprit who caused the fire.

5. (Sell) Stella _______________ the seashells for P300 yesterday.

A. Change the verbs into Future tense. Write your answer on the blanks.

1. (go) Stella ___________ to the office tomorrow.

2. (bring) Carmen __________ the icecubes later.

3. (remove) He _________ the vandalism for good.


4. (Fly) The plane _______________ 45 min. from now.

5. (bounce) Sean ______________ up and down like a ball.

INSTRUCTIONS: Draw a Heart to the correct action verb.

1. Sharon and Ben (attend, are attending, will attend) the tutorial every


2. Donald (brushes, is brushing, will brush) her teeth three times a day.

3. Her Mom (washes, is washing, washed) daily their dishes.

4. Shawl, the father of Ken, (works, worked, will work) every week.

5. We (take, took, will take) a bath everyday.

6. Eagles (fly, flown, are flying).

7. She (makes, made, is making) her schedule for today.

8. Dona (is eating, eats, ate) snacks with Lanie at the moment.

9. Baron and Aaron (are going, go , gone) to the Music Room now.

10. We (cleaned, cleans, are cleaning) the room yesterday.

11. Sheen’s family ( woke, wake, is waking) up early last weekend.

12. Shaira (said, says, will say) it was a nice day.

13. The teachers ( go, will go, went) a week ago.


14. Guian, together with the kids, ( surprises, will surprise, surprised) her

in her birthday after school last Friday.

15. The class (celebrate, celebrated, are celebrating) their fiesta today.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6

Prepared by Dennis Kent Macariola

Subject Teacher

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