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Faculty of economics and political science, Cairo

First Level
Credit hour
Course: Introduction to Public Administration (A101)

Research proposal: Carbon emissions by 2050: clean alternatives

Name Code Email

Rahaf Khaled Ibrahim Khodeir 5220678

Rahaf Kadry Sayed Mohamed 5220395

Sara Mohamed Abdelmonem 5220369
Mahmoud Basheer

Mona Wael Abu Ela 5210032


Submitted to:Dr. Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim;

Ms. Ghadeer yehia

Submission Date: November 16, 2022

Ministry of Planning and Economic Development's plan to use green hydrogen as a
clean alternative to fuels that produce carbon emissions

Executive summary:
Our research question mainly discusses Egypt's plan to reduce the carbon emission
problem by using green hydrogen. We chose The Ministry of Planning and Economic
Development, its structure is a complex hierarchy headed by minister Dr. Hala Al-Saeed
under her is the deputy of the minister, and further down we will find assistants to the
minister, leading to heads of the sectors, as well as several departments and various
bodies ex: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). We chose
the carbon emission problem as now the world has opened its eyes to it as we saw in
COP27. Mainly due to it becoming a hectic problem that affected the environment from
every aspect… ex: Ozone depletion. After we did our research we came to the result that
Egypt is using the participatory approach, in which it forms a group containing
representatives from the ministry of planning and environment, this working group will
start the planning stage in all its perspectives but before that Egypt has to solve some
pending issues in order to implement this plan, mainly consisting of lessening the
investor worries, as well as the existing high transportation fees.
Imagine that you were looking up to the sky and suddenly you didn't see it blue anymore,
crossing the streets with you coughing so much that it became a routine, what would
you feel? Unfortunately, this could happen in Egypt. We are so close to being like this, a
highly polluted state: only if Egypt didn't realize all of this, take a look to the future to see
what will happen and started to reduce carbon emissions but how? Do you know what
carbon emission is? And what are their causes? Let's take it from the begging, carbon
emissions result when burning fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum products, and
also appear in manufacturing cement. How Egypt is going to solve this problem? The
newly introduced concept of GREEN HYDROGEN is going to use green hydrogen to
reduce carbon emissions. This will not take only one night, Egypt will plan day and night
and make a lot of studies such as visibility study and so on to come up with the perfect
plan. We came up with our research question "What is Egypt's plan to reduce carbon
emissions by using green hydrogen?" and the managerial function we are going to talk
about is planning as a result we are going to study The Ministry of Planning and
Economic Development as it's highly attached with our question. In our research, we
depended on interviews as we made an interview with Mr. Seif Saleh, assistant for the
minister of planning and economic development. He was very generous with giving us
information which helped us with doing the research and even understanding what the
articles were writing about, we will discuss the details of the research, moreover, we
also read various documents talking about this topic and made sure that our reading
was accredited.

The organizational structure of the Ministry of Planning:

• Tall Organization

• Excellency Minister Hala Al-Saeed

• Deputy Minister Ahmed Kamal

-assists her in some important files

Assistants to the Minister
• sustainable development:

its main goal is to improve the quality of life of the Egyptian citizen.
• technical office:

Its main task is to conduct research and studies to help the minister make the most
appropriate decision.
• digital transformation:

Focuses on doubling returns and accelerating comprehensive development.

• Investment:

Trying to increase the benefit from the state's assets and achieve the best return that
can be obtained.
• National projects:

projects that direct their revenues to all citizens to help them provide many decent job

● at the same level as:

• human development

Focuses on improving abilities and changing the situation for the better, Making
detailed reports by exploiting national energies in mobilizing and analyzing this
• infrastructure sector

It is considered the most important sector because it contributes to businesses

and projects that have an impact on the economy of all parts of the Republic,
preparing plans for major projects for many sectors, directing their investments
and supervising their implementation.
• regional planning

Enabling sustainable and balanced regional development throughout the Republic.

( each unit focusing on a specific need )
• international cooperation :

Preparing strategies and cooperating with other organizations, bodies and

countries .
• sustainable development:

with a focus on Egypt’s vision 2030, which is related to the environment.

• a macroeconomic unit :

focusing on gross domestic product (GDP) and economic performance of the

• human rights:

Its specialization revolves around observing and studying problems related to

human rights and trying to find solutions and provide a decent life and a better
standard of living (assistant ministers Follow-up on the most important files of the
2030 Sustainable Development Plan and Africa's Agenda 2063- subsidiary bodies.
• Cairo Demographic Center (CDC)

• Institute of National Planning (INP )

• National Investment Bank (NIB )

• National Institute for Government institute (NMI)

(it works to build capacities gradually for students or leaders)

• Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics(CAPMAS)

• The Sovereign Fund of Egypt (TSFE)

What is planning?
What is planning?

There are 4 functions in the management of any project, and one of those functions is

Planning is a function in management that can be defined as setting goals and setting
the actions that are required to achieve those goals and to do that the managers are
supposed to be aware of the environmental conditions and to be able to predict the
futuristic conditions as much as possible.

When applying the previous steps on our topic which is "finding clean alternatives to
fuels that produce carbon emissions by 2050"
We can discuss how the ministry of planning and economic development is seeking to
achieve its goals which are:

1- Using green hydrogen as a clean alternative to fuels that produce carbon emissions
in order to protect the climate.

2-enhancing Egypt's position as a global energy hub in the production of green hydrogen

3-increasing sources of renewable energy in Egypt

4-Maximizing the benefits of the site of the Suez Canal and the seaports around it.

Those goals can be achieved by setting a course of action. One of those actions is
studying the environment and looking for a financing source to fund this project, this
can be done by attracting investors to fund this project. We can attract investors by
showing them that Egypt can lead the world in producing green hydrogen, as it can
produce green hydrogen at the cheapest price compared to other countries in the green
hydrogen industry. The particular reason why Egypt can produce green hydrogen at the
cheapest price is the unique site of the Suez canal that helps in the transportation of the
electrolyzers that are used in the production of green hydrogen.

Using the Suez Canal to transport the electrolyzers will reduce the transportation cost
compared to any other country that produces green hydrogen and does not have such
an advantage.

This will lead to the production of green hydrogen at the lowest cost compared to other

"Egypt is capable of producing green hydrogen at the cheapest price worldwide.

At COP27, Egypt signed a framework agreement with nine developers for a green
hydrogen and derivatives mega-project at the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone)."

ahram online, editor. "Egypt to launch low-carbon hydrogen strategy by year-end:

Electricity minister."

All the aforementioned points are considered Egypt's competitive advantage, which
resulted in signing a number of MoUs on green hydrogen with multiple local and
international entities. This shows that Egypt has managed to attract investors to fund
this project.
"Today's signings continue Egypt's previous successes in the field. Egypt already signed
various agreements with 16 developers to implement projects in the field of producing
green hydrogen and its derivatives, 9 of whom signed framework agreements during the
previous 27th UN Climate Change Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh," said Minister of
Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohammed Shaker.

"Egypt signs 7 MoUs with regional, int'l partners to produce green hydrogen - Energy -
Business." Ahram Online, 7 December 2022, Accessed 7 January 2023.

Another action that should be taken in order to achieve the main goals is to raise the
lower class's awareness about the importance of the production of green hydrogen and
how implementing such a project will positively affect Egypt's economy.

As shown in the previous part, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, the
one responsible for implementing this project, has planned very well by setting clear
goals to achieve and then setting clear actions in order to achieve those goals, and it
has also studied the environmental conditions very well and planned how to make good
use of Egypt's advantages as a producer of green hydrogen in order to attract investors.

Main results:

This paper's main objective is to examine Egypt's plans to limit carbon emissions,
specifically by using green hydrogen. Through a variety of means, Egypt has already
made progress towards that target in the past, reducing the economy's carbon intensity
by over 23% between 2005 and 2019. However, given that its 2019 level of 884 grams of
CO2e per US$ is approximately 56% above the global average and well above the EU
average, this is not nearly enough to save the environment. This is when Egypt began
looking into more innovative approaches, such as green hydrogen, which, with the
proper plan and execution, will be a highly effective means to minimize carbon
emissions to a more reasonable level.1

The method used to locate, choose, and evaluate data on this subject is the
participatory approach, which provides a detailed explanation of the concept of this

Egypt’s climate change policies State of play ahead of COP27. (2022).EPRS | European Parliamentary
Research Service .
project in order to help in estimating the proportion of investments going to this project,
based on the standards and experiences of other countries. Under this context, the
participatory approach is about forming a working group with representatives from the
planning and environment ministries to coordinate and decide on the best course of
action for incorporating the environmental dimension into the planning system. Hence,
this working group will start the planning stage as follows: since natural resources are
used in this project, certain indicators need to be calculated, such as the ecological
footprint (the project's impact on the environment) and value-added and usage
efficiency per unit of natural resources (water, gas, and electricity), to see if they should
proceed with it to further stages. If this project generates waste indicators for pollutant
loads resulting from sewage (tons per year), the number of emissions of air pollutants
(tons per year), and the number of carbon emissions (tons per year), this process
determines whether or not this project will be included in the Sustainable Development
Plans. 2

In order to implement the plan, we must help lessen investors' worries to encourage
them to increase their investment since they are more likely to do so when the business
environment for green hydrogen improves and appears to be profitable. The project's
primary issues are the high transportation fees required to transport it securely from
one location to another, the electrolysis process' need for sustainable renewable energy
rather than electricity, which requires places where the renewable energy, for instance,
sun and wind, is abundant to supply enough energy to operate the machine used for
electrolysis; some people aren't aware of the harmful impact of carbon emissions, so
when the green hydrogen starts prevailing they won't keep up with using it as they would
rather use energy sources they are more familiar with rather than try something new.
Luckily, the planning and environment ministries planned to fix such concerns by
utilizing some of its comparative advantages including Egypt's immaculate
geographical location solved the renewable energy problem by having both of the
renewable energies needed in places where this project is planned to be constructed,
lower transportation fees due to the presence of the Suez Canal, which will make it
easier to move green hydrogen within the country and to import it, and alongside
periodic campaigns to keep people more familiar with and educated about green
hydrogen uses.

Environmental Sustainability Standards Guide “Strategic Framework For Green Recovery.” (2021).
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development .

Many countries, including developed and emerging countries, announced their entry into
the green economy, and Egypt joined them, following national projects aimed at
including green hydrogen in future plans for energy 2035.
These countries opted for green hydrogen, because it is environmentally friendly, and
what results from its combustion is also more efficient, as it contains the equivalent of
three times the production of traditional fossil fuels, and twice the production of electric
He sought to try to introduce it mainly in various sectors such as energy, industry and
others as an alternative to traditional methods. Among the President’s directives to the
government is to develop green hydrogen production strategies as a national
production in Egypt and aspires to implement these projects, since hydrogen depends
on renewable sources, this will increase the demand for Renewable energy sources
The government and the private sector participated in preparing reports to study the
project and its work as a pilot project for green hydrogen production in Egypt, according
to a strategy signed by the relevant ministries. And the attempt of some local Arab
companies with their foreign counterparts to issue a pilot model for the green hydrogen
production project in Egypt. The government is trying to work to increase regulation and
provide a stable environment for the investor, and to develop legislation to attract the
attention of investors.
With the support of the French Development Agency, it will fund strategic research and
study the development of hydrogen in Egypt, as France is currently aspiring for
cooperation between the two governments in the field of hydrogen, directing the
Egyptian government committee to evaluate the experimental projects presented to it
and preparing experts as support and support for Egypt.
Egypt is still conducting a feasibility study, as there is a lot about commercial levels of
green hydrogen production as an energy source that is still a future step for Egypt, and
its vision is not entirely clear to him. And for investors, they need a good study and
abundance in all aspects and directions of the project. It is a new long-term project.

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