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GCSE Urbanisation

© January 2018 The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. Literacy Resource copyright PiXL. This resource is strictly for the use of member schools for as long as they remain members of The PiXL Club Ltd.
1. Growth of Urban Areas 2. Urban Growth Creates Opportunities 3. Urban Growth Creates Challenges
• Describe the pattern of urban change globally. • Using a named example, explain how a city may be • Outline the characteristics of a squatter settlement.
• Explain the differences in urban growth between HICs important regionally, nationally and internationally. • State two problems caused by rapid urbanisation in LICs.
and LICs. • Suggest the social reasons why people choose to • Give reasons for why waste disposal in LICs is difficult.
• Identify the factors which cause changes in urban growth. leave a rural setting for an urban setting.
• “Pollution is a growing problem in all LIC cities”. Discuss.
• Suggest how patterns of migration impact on urban • “There are economic benefits for an individual if they
• Assess the extent to which rapid urbanisation creates
growth rates. move to the city”. Discuss how true this is in an LIC.
social problems in urban areas in LICs.
• Describe and explain the emergence of megacities. • Assess the extent to which urban industrial growth
• To what extent will access to services limit
will stimulate economic development.
• Suggest how megacity growth will change in the future. unemployment and crime in an LIC?

6. UK City Challenges 5. UK City Opportunities 4. Case Study: LIC Urban Growth

• State the difference between a brownfield and • For a city you have studied, suggest reasons for its • Describe and explain the reasons why a named LIC city
greenfield site. importance in the UK and the wider world. grew over time.
• “Brownfield sites should always be used before greenfield • How can cities change through time? • Explain the challenges faced by groups of people living in
sites”. Justify the reasons behind this argument. • Describe the benefits of regeneration within an poorer parts of an LIC city.
• Outline the disadvantages of building new homes on a urban context. • Use an example to describe how problems in a squatter
brownfield site. • To what extent has migration had an impact on the settlement in an LIC can be reduced.
• Assess the social, economic and environmental challenges growth and character of a city you have studied in • Describe the strategies used by local people to improve
created by urban change. the UK? squatter settlements over time.
• “Urban sprawl negatively impacts on the rural-urban fringe”. • Assess the social, economic and environmental • “Urban planning is improving the quality of life for the
To what extent do you agree with this statement? opportunities created by urban change. urban poor”. To what extent do you agree with this

7. Case Study: Urban Regeneration 8. Sustainable Urban Living

• Describe the social and economic reasons for why regeneration projects are needed in • What is meant by the term “sustainable urban living”?
some cities in the UK. • Use a named case study to describe the characteristics of sustainable urban living.
• Outline the characteristics of an urban regeneration project. • Assess the effectiveness of traffic and congestion management schemes in an
• Assess the effectiveness of government schemes to improve cities in HICs. urban setting.
• Discuss the consequences of high levels of traffic and congestion in urban areas. • Outline the ways in which water and energy conservation can be promoted in urban areas.
• Use a named case study to suggest how urban areas can be revitalised. • “Cities are sustainable”. Discuss.

© January 2018 The PiXL Club Ltd. All rights reserved. Literacy Resource copyright PiXL.
This resource is strictly for the use of member schools for as long as they remain members of The PiXL Club Ltd. GCSE Urbanisation

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