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PERSPECTIVE Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 7/8  April 2010

The future of discovery chemistry: quo
vadis? Academic to industrial – the
maturation of medicinal chemistry to
chemical biology
Torsten Hoffmann1,*, torsten.hoffmann@roche.com and Cheryl Bishop2,

At Roche, we set out to think about the future role of medicinal chemistry in drug discovery in a project
Perspective  FEATURE

involving both Roche internal stakeholders and external experts in drug discovery chemistry. To derive a
coherent strategy, selected scientists were asked to take extreme positions and to derive two orthogonal
strategic options: chemistry as the traditional mainstream science and chemistry as the central
entrepreneurial science. We believe today’s role of medicinal chemistry in industry has remained too
narrow. To provide the innovation that industry requires, medicinal chemistry must play its part and
diversify at pace with our increasing understanding of chemical biology and network pharmacology.

Introduction acquired something of a bad reputation in drug chemistry. We held exploratory interviews to
The discipline of chemical biology has now been discovery. Medicinal chemistry is often referred assemble views on such topics as the organization
around for more than a decade, as witnessed by to as a ‘mature science’ evoking images of the of discovery chemistry in pharmaceutical com-
several scientific journals, such as the Journal of grandfather of drug discovery – geriatric, slow panies, the level of innovation apparent, current
Chemical Biology, Nature Chemical Biology and ACS and even grumpy. In this article, we outline a challenges and what would constitute scientific
Chemical Biology, to name a few. But regardless of chain of thoughts that concludes that chemistry breakthroughs, as well as the likely future of
its history and origin, the field of chemical biology, has a wider part to play in innovative drug discovery chemistry given the challenges faced
defined here as both the use of chemistry to discovery than it is currently permitted by by the industry in general. The external experts
advance a molecular understanding of biology industry to have. The application of chemical were leaders of R&D or chemistry departments in
and the harnessing of biology to advance biology, blurring the boundaries between big pharmaceutical companies (12), independent
chemistry (http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTech- chemistry and biology, within industry holds the chemistry consultants and academics (4) and
nology/Policy/Bulletins/Issue3/Chemicalbiolo- promise of delivering innovation in healthcare peer-reviewed scientific journal publishers (3).
gy.asp), has not taken broad hold in those that reaches far beyond the limitations of tra- The interviews were not designed to gain quan-
organizations that could really benefit from its ditional medicinal chemistry. titative insight into the performance of discovery
advances, large pharmaceutical companies. At Roche, we set out to think about the future chemistry but were a discussion of personal
Indeed, today, medicinal chemistry remains the role of medicinal chemistry in drug discovery in a opinions of the status quo and potential quo vadis.
main discipline of chemistry practised in the project involving both Roche internal stake- Here, we reflect on our findings from these
pharmaceutical industry and, unfortunately, it has holders and 19 external experts in drug discovery discussions, describe our approach to thinking

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Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 7/8  April 2010 PERSPECTIVE

about the strategy for discovery chemistry going the achievement of project-related milestones, strategic options. Using this line of thinking, two
forward and opine on the opportunities that such as reaching decision gates. Other metrics orthogonal main options were explored: chem-
might lie ahead for discovery chemistry as it truly include the number of development candidates istry as the traditional mainstream science and
evolves into chemical biology. or leads produced, the time taken to advance chemistry as the central entrepreneurial science
candidates through the pipeline and the incre- (Table 1).
Status quo mental change in value of the portfolio over
Although there are two distinct ways that Big time. Although these metrics can be easy to Chemistry as the traditional mainstream
Pharma companies organize discovery chemistry, measure, their effect on encouraging innovation science
central chemistry and therapeutic area (TA) is considered low [1]. In fact, they might actively In this option, scientists were asked to consider a
alignment, neither was seen as better than the discourage some forms of innovation. We would strategy for chemistry in which current chem-
other by the experts we spoke to. In the former argue that the problem is not the volume of istry is leveraged to the full but is kept on the
structure, all chemists are aligned and report to a compounds being produced and the number of traditional tracks of medicinal chemistry. Effi-
chemistry site head who, in turn, reports to a projects in the early discovery research phase ciency remains the focus of performance and, as
global chemistry head. In a therapeutically but rather the quality of those compounds and such, innovation is likely to be incremental and
aligned organization, a chemistry site head the diversity of approaches taken. activities remain within the defined limits of the
reports to a TA chemistry head who, in turn, We believe that given the challenges expected current approaches and therapeutic interests of
reports to a TA head. The relative success of each to face the Pharma industry in the next five to the organization. Small molecules were defined
organizational structure will depend on the cul- ten years and beyond, a significant investment in as organic molecules of synthetic or biological
ture of the organization in question. There is an innovation is the only way forward for proprie- origin with molecular weight of 1000 g/mol or
increased risk of having chemistry play a sup- tary pharmaceutical drug discovery and devel- less, in most cases less than 500 g/mol.
porting part in the central chemistry model, and opment. The increasing cost pressure put on The key opportunities for chemistry to deliver
organizations counteract this through leadership healthcare systems (and, therefore, the industry), new medicines to patients here were oral
that is inclusive and that involves the complete the widespread encouragement of generic use bioavailability, clinical differentiation and the
cross-functional team in decision making, by payers, heightening regulatory hurdles and potential of applying more holistic polyphar-
regardless of reporting lines. In the TA alignment the potential to address currently unmet medical macology approaches, also using phenotypic
model, there is stronger involvement in and needs and specific patient populations as bio- screening systems [2]. It was hypothesized that
ownership of drug discovery projects but a logical science matures must drive the industry small molecules will remain the only therapeutic
weaker network between chemists across TAs and to innovate. Regulatory authorities will proac- option for oral delivery, which will be particularly
a higher risk of slow adoption of best practices. tively approve innovative treatments that can important as large developing economies with
The greatest tension in discovery research in truly change health care options for patients. limited cold supply chain capabilities experience

Perspective  FEATURE
Big Pharma companies, however, seems to result Consequently, we believe that the status quo is high growth in consumption of pharmaceuticals.
not from how companies are organized but not an option for the future of discovery There are also specific therapeutic opportunities
rather from the competing goals of efficiency chemistry in the Pharma industry. for differentiated small molecules where large
and innovation. Key levers for encouraging (and molecules are facing serious challenges to per-
discouraging) specific behaviours are the metrics Taking extreme positions form; for example, targets within the CNS and
used to reward performance. The metrics cur- To derive a coherent strategy for discovery intracellular targets in general. Finally, the
rently used in discovery in Big Pharma could be chemistry at Roche, selected scientists were application of polypharmacology [3], the
considered ‘efficiency’ metrics and are based on asked to take extreme positions and to derive designed ability of a small molecule to interact

Taking extreme positionsa
Chemistry as. . . The traditional mainstream science The central entrepreneurial science
. . .Characteristics The practise of medicinal chemistry within ‘Blue sky’ or fundamental research
the limits of current approaches
Efficiency remains the focus of performance Discovery chemists are innovators and fully leverage their
potential to reinvent pharmaceutical R&D
Innovation is likely to be incremental Broadened scientific competencies are required, and the
interface with biology is crucial
. . .Opportunities to deliver Oral bioavailability Delivery of nonpermeable molecules and macromolecules into
better medicines to patients cytoplasm and cell nucleus
Clinical differentiation Molecules that regulate gene expression
Oligo-pharmacology Molecules that direct cellular self-renewal, pluripotency and
Phenotypic screening approaches stem cell differentiation
Further improved safety profiles based on
improved in vitro and in silico tools
. . .Outcomes Small-molecule therapeutics: organic molecules New therapeutic modalities combining design and synthesis
of synthetic or biological origin with molecular of molecules with the increased knowledge of chemical biology
weight of less than 500–1000 g/mol
To derive a coherent strategy for Research Chemistry at Roche, selected scientists were asked to take extreme positions and to derive strategic options. Two positions were explored.

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PERSPECTIVE Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 7/8  April 2010

with multiple targets, is largely within the realm but within a defined set of organizational goals. implanted stem cells into functional insulin-
of a small-molecule drug. Discovery chemists are not limited to using secreting beta cells, neuronal glia cells, fully
There is no doubt that small molecules have innovative methods but are encouraged to functional cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes,
intrinsic advantages, such as oral bioavailability pursue innovative goals. Discovery chemists are then such treatment modalities would revolu-
and broad accessibility of all cellular compart- scientifically broad innovators who propose and tionize health care options for patients with
ments, consistent manufacturing processes, a work on all targets for existing and novel ther- severe life-threatening and devastating chronic
low cost of goods, and a reliable and predictable apeutic modalities. As a central enabling science, diseases.
patent situation. It is well documented in the however, discovery chemistry fully leverages its A historical comparison to research in material
literature [4], however, that unfavourable mole- potential to reinvent pharmaceutical R&D. The science might serve to illustrate the powerful
cular properties can be correlated with target most significant research results will influence potential of this scenario. In the late 1920s, the
promiscuity and an increased risk of off-target society because they will revolutionize health- most important scientific breakthrough for
activities leading to toxic adverse effects. Con- care options. To achieve this, broadened scien- DuPont was the result of such fundamental
sequently, if discovery chemists succeed in tific competencies are required from chemists research (http://www2.dupont.com/
designing small molecules with a polar surface and the interface with biology becomes even DuPont_Home/en_US/index.html). The head of
area >75A2, log D < 3, ligand efficiency >0.5 more crucial to success. The decision regarding research noted: ‘We are including in the budget
and a daily human dose of less than 10 mg, then the best approach to a specific target, large or for 1927 an item of $20,000 to cover what may
the risk for off-target side-effects would be very small molecule, is made as data are generated. be called, for want of a better name, pure science
much minimized. To state the obvious, such rules Viewing chemistry as an entrepreneurial or fundamental research work. . .the sort of work
and criteria for successes need to be used in a science offers the potential for a step change in we refer to. . .has the object of establishing or
meaningful manner and with appropriate care. value creation for patients, payers and the discovering new scientific facts.’ The chemistry
With respect to personalized healthcare, dis- industry through the development of what we research team around the chemist Dr Wallace
covery chemistry is optimally positioned to term ‘new therapeutic modalities’. Three exam- Hume Carothers developed the understanding
design and deliver tailor-made molecules using ples of what we mean by this are given below of radical polymerization and established the
rapid and close iterative design and character- and describe innovations resulting from this basic principles for condensation polymeriza-
ization cycles, in vitro and in silico. Individual approach. tion. The efforts led to the invention and com-
isoforms of targeted proteins in certain patient Example 1. Delivery of nonpermeable mole- mercialization of nylon in 1938, which marked
populations may serve as a simple example that cules and macromolecules into cytoplasm and the beginning of the modern materials revolu-
may benefit from a well-organized small-mole- the cell nucleus [7]. In this research scheme, tion. Neoprene, a synthetic rubber, was designed
cule discovery platform with rapid feedback active and passive transport mechanisms, endo- by the same group in 1933.
loops from early clinical research back to and transcytosis, artificial viruses, and cell- Another important element for successful
Perspective  FEATURE

molecular design and the medicinal chemistry penetrating peptide motifs must be studied in discovery chemistry – regardless of the
bench. greater detail. This example encompasses approaches taken – is based on effective
In addition, an improvement to current intracellular delivery of polar small molecules, knowledge sharing and improved in silico pre-
practise in this traditional approach would be to peptides, proteins, and DNA and RNA. If suc- diction tools. Organizations that have learned to
move away from single pharmacology targets cessful, the approach would fully enable thera- effectively manage knowledge sharing from
and to apply discovery chemistry to more hol- peutic siRNA application in its broadest sense. molecular design all the way up to clinical safety
istic and phenotypic screening approaches. For Example 2. Molecules that regulate gene and efficacy will become most successful in
example, cellular assay systems that resemble expression [8]. In this approach, researchers future. In addition to strong multi-dimensional
the disease-like state of a particular medical investigate mRNA, rRNA and tRNA as drug tar- optimization capabilities in vitro, in silico tools
condition could be used, rather than applying gets for the alteration of gene transcription in must be constantly improved based on accu-
assay formats using recombinant cells and sin- the nucleus and of gene translation in the mulating internal and external knowledge. If we
gle-target pharmacology as the primary read-out initiation, elongation and termination phase of had powerful substructure searchable knowl-
mechanism. the protein biosynthesis. Besides antibiotic edge databases that would enable chemists to
An excellent example of a molecule arising therapeutics, the whole research area has been map chemical substructures to complex mole-
from the traditional approach and exerting dual neglected by medicinal chemistry in the past, cular functions, such as network pharmacology
pharmacology is the peroxisome proliferator- although it offers a unique opportunity for the [10], in vivo efficacy, safety and tolerability, then
activated receptor a/g coagonist Aleglitazar [5]. design and discovery of new therapeutic mod- such in silico tools would enable chemists to
At a rather low daily dose of 150 mg per patient alities that have the potential to cure diseases, in rapidly design and synthesize constantly
and with a strong cardioprotective safety profile, particular in those cases in which the mispro- improved molecules. Equally important, the use
Aleglitazar represents an innovative antidiabetic cessing of a protein during protein biosynthesis of such in silico tools must also consider the
treatment option designed for diabetic patients or the protein itself is causing the disease (such latest technology developments of interactive
at risk of cardiovascular complications [6]. as cystic fibrosis or Alzheimer’s disease). user computer interfaces, such as interactive
Example 3. Molecules that direct cellular self- touchscreen surfaces, where large sets of
Chemistry as the central entrepreneurial renewal, pluripotency and stem cell differentia- molecular structures can be visualized and
science tion [9]. Regenerative medicine could become rapidly sorted with respect to their biological
In this option, chemistry has the freedom to the future standard treatment for many diseases functions and properties.
pursue experimental work that, in part, could be 20 years from now. For example, if we had an oral Both options – chemistry as the traditional
considered ‘blue sky’ or fundamental research, treatment that would enable differentiation of mainstream science and chemistry as the central

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Drug Discovery Today  Volume 15, Numbers 7/8  April 2010 PERSPECTIVE

Perspective  FEATURE

entrepreneurial science – can be made to be with our increasing understanding of chemical new approaches, and such dedicated groups
mutually exclusive through an exercise of biology and network pharmacology. To foster must have the freedom to operate and to con-
thought. But in reality, it is the proper balance innovation, we must enable smaller discovery duct research with relevance to the improve-
between efficiency and innovation that industry research teams composed of the most gifted ment of healthcare. Research teams will need to
requires to bring valuable medicines to patients and curious scientists that are able to reach be relieved from milestone pressure and
in the future. Therefore, we support a broad- across the boundaries of scientific disciplines rewarded in a manner that recognizes their
ening of the discipline of medicinal chemistry to and create organizational structures that sup- contribution to innovation. Following this
chemical biology, which could result in a para- port the right focus, whether efficiency or approach, chemists with a broadened horizon
digm shift for the pharmaceutical industry innovation, at the right time during discovery towards chemical biology will have a crucial and
(Fig. 1). research. Research teams must have direct central role in truly advancing this research field
interfaces to all scientific disciplines involved in for improved treatment options for patients.
Concluding remarks pharmaceutical research and development, as The United Nations General Assembly with its
We believe today’s role of medicinal chemistry in well as to experts in the field, whether they are resolution 63/209 has declared that year 2011
industry has remained too narrow. To provide internal or external to the organization. Short will become the International Year of Chemistry
the innovation that industry requires, medicinal feedback loops with clinical teams must be – a most timely decision to remind us that
chemistry must play its part and diversify at pace created to ensure rapid improvement of these chemistry is indeed a central science.

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Acknowledgements 3 Bajorath, J. (2008) Computational approaches in 8 Thomas, J.R. and Hergenrother, P. (2008) Targeting RNA
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members Bodo Baumeister, Simona Ceccarelli, 3, 1371–1376 effect in stem cell differentiation. Cell Stem Cell 4,
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Steger and David Wadsworth were highly associated with in vivo toxicological outcomes: a 10 Hopkins, A.L. (2008) Network pharmacology: the
appreciated. The authors acknowledge the review. Exp. Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol. 5, 921–931 next paradigm in drug discovery. Nat. Chem. Biol. 4,
5 Benardeau, A. et al. (2009) Aleglitazar, a new, potent, 682–690
Steering Committee members of this project,
and balanced dual PPAR alpha/gamma agonist for the
Hans-Joachim Böhm, Nader Fotouhi and Steve treatment of type II diabetes. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Torsten Hoffmann
Arlington, for their trust, dedicated support and 19, 2468–2473 F. Hoffmann-La Roche,
guidance. 6 Henry, R.R. et al. (2009) Effect of the dual peroxisome Grenzacherstrasse 124, PRCB,
proliferator-activated receptor-alpha/gamma agonist Building 92/8.88, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland
References aleglitazar on risk of cardiovascular disease in patients
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2 Feng, Y. et al. (2009) Multi-parameter phenotypic 7 Asokan, A. et al. (2007) Strategies for the cytosolic
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profiling: using cellular effects to characterize small- delivery of macromolecules: an overview. In Handbook
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Perspective  FEATURE

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