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Bio 450

Dr. Amani Filimban •

Assistant professor of Behavioral physiology

1 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
• A glucose tolerance test measures how well the body’s
cells are able to absorb glucose, after ingestion a
certain amount of glucose.
• Types of glucose tolerance test:
– Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
– Intravenous glucose tolerance test (InGTT)
1. Oral GTT:
• This is a method used for testing the ability of the
pancreas to secrete insulin and is used in the clinical
diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
• Adults are given orally 75g of glucose in 300ml of
water. This glucose load is consumed within 5 minutes.
Blood samples for plasma glucose are obtained at (0-
30-60-90-120 minutes) after ingestion of glucose.

2 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban

Normal person Diabetic person
-The fasting plasma glucose -The fasting plasma glucose
concentration is less than 100 mg concentration is high than
% ( in the range 70 -125 mg 115mg/100ml.
/100ml). - The rest of the values are much
-Within 30 min. after glucose higher than in the normal following
ingestion the plasma glucose rises glucose ingestion.
to 130-160 mg % in less than 1 - It takes 5 or more hours to return
hour. towards normal.
- It starts to fall rapidly reaching -This indicates that the pancreas
normal levels again within 90-120 cannot secrete adequate quantities
min. of insulin and therefore a
- This indicates that enough insulin hyperglycemic response occurs.
was secreted which caused the
return of blood glucose back to
3 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban
• Intravenous GTT .
• This is performed by giving a rapid infusion of
glucose in the vein followed by serial plasma
measurements. Patients are given (0.5 g/ kg ) body
weight as a 25 % or 50 % solution over 2-3 minutes.
For example, If the person weight 70kg, so the dose
of glucose is (70X0.5 gm = 35 gm).
• Construct a graphic curve illustrates the relationship
between the time and blood glucose level.
• This is generally used in patients with gastrointestinal
abnormalities such as malabsorption.

4 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban

• Intravenous GTT .
• illustrates the relationship between the time and
blood glucose level.
• This is generally used in patients with gastrointestinal
abnormalities such as malabsorption.

5 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban

The following table shows the blood samples taken from two
persons. Constructing two graphic curves and determine which one
is the normal or diabetic person.

Time Glucose Glucose Glucose

concentration concentration concentration
Sample (1) Sample (2) of student
Fasting 90 160
30 min.
140. 200
60 min.
210 320
90 min.
160. 350
120 min.
110 400


6 Endocrinology Dr. Amani Filimban

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