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Mitochondria - where glucose or an amino acid bind

- Produces ATP from oxygen to to a receptor protein on the plasma

glucose membrane, which then moves the
Microfilaments is inside the cell molecule into the cell without the
Membrane protein expenditure of energy
- To receive amino acid-based Diffusion
hormones that cannot pass through - the movement of ions and molecules
plasma membrane away from regions where they are in
Lysosome high concentration towards regions
- Contains acidic environment where they are in lower
(ENZYME) that is capable of concentration.
digesting wide variety of molecules Endocytosis
Active transport - the plasma membrane engulfs the
- Uses energy (ATP) to move a substance and moves it through the
molecule against its concentration membrane.
- the use of energy from ATP to move - phagocytosis and pinocytosis
ions and small molecules against - A cell ingests bacteria.
their concentration gradient. Integral protein in the PM
PLASMA MEMBRANE - is to form channels to allow for the
- The plasma membranes of adjacent passage of ions.
cells are held together by Answer is B: the inside of a cell is negative
desmosomes. while the exterior side of the
- It contains receptors for specific mem brane is positive. This difference
signaling molecules. in charge constitutes a difference in
- It is selectively permeable. electrical potential (or voltage), known
The sodium-potassium pump as the resting membrane potential. An
- mechanism that ensures that there is action potential is generated when the
a higher concentration of sodium membrane is stimulated and the
ions in the extracellular fluid than in potential reversed.
the intracellular fluid Osmosis
PHOSPOLIPIDS - diffusion of water through a
- to present a barrier to the passage of membrane
water-soluble molecules. cell nucleus
- a cell contains molecules that have a - contains chromosomes which are
hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic composed of molecules of DNA.
end DNA
- Phosphate is the HYDROPHILIC - is composed of units called
- Lipid is the Hydrophobic nucleotides which consist of a sugar
- polar head and non-polar tail (deoxy ribose) attached to a
RIBOSOME phosphoric acid group (PO 3 OH)
- Synthesize protein and one of four bases.
ER Chromosomes
- Synthesize fatty acid, phospholipid - contain the code for the sequence of
and cholesterol amino acids used to construct
Facilitated diffusion different proteins
- movement along a concentration codon
gradient assisted by protein carrier - adenine, guanine, cytosine &
molecules. thymine
- refers to the role of the protein . mRNA “transcribes”
carriers. - this code then moves from the
- protein channels or molecules nucleus to a ribosome in the
cytoplasm where it is
“translated” intravenous solutions allows red
- the protein is assembled by joining blood cells to retain their normal size
the required amino acids in the and disc-like shape.
appropriate sequence Protein
Mitosis - molecules in the cell membrane that
- is the process by which a somatic serve as receptors or binding sites
cell divides to produce two cells with for hormones or other chemical
identical DNA. messengers
- then during mitosis, the two peroxisomes
chromatids separate and move into - A cell whose job is to detoxify
the two daughter cells harmful or poisonous substances
Meiosis such as alcohol would have many
- occurs only in the gonads. This - uses molecular oxygen to convert
process results in four daughter and detoxify harmful substances
cells. Human cells have two copies such as alcohol and free radicals
of each of 23 chromosomes, one Microvilli is for absorption
copy being inherited from the father - tiny finger-like projections that
and the other copy from the mother. increase the surface are of the cell
The gametes need to have only one for quicker absorption
copy of each of the 23 interphase, prophase, metaphase,
chromosomes, so that when the anaphase, telophase
sperm fuses with the ovum, the Cilia
“diploid” number of 46 (two copies of - Whiplike cellular extensions that
each chromosome) is restored. move substances along the cell
Nucleolus surface are called
- site where ribosome assemble prior Gene
to their migration into the cytoplasm - DNA segment that carries
transfer RNA information for building one protein
- molecule that carries an amino acid or polypeptide chain
to the ribosome for incorporation into Membrane Conjunctions
a protein • Tight junctions are areas where the
- molecule that contains anticodons membranes of adjacent cells fuse together.
Cytoskeleton This creates an impermeable leak proof
- forms an internal framework inside cellular sheet and prevents substances from
the cell and is made of microtubules, passing between the cells. Tight junctions are
intermediate filaments, and found in epithelia lining fluid containing
microfilaments cavities, such as the small intestine.
Filtration • Desmosomes are areas where fine protein
- do not involve the movement of filaments extend between two adjacent cells
molecules from an area of greater and are anchored in button-like thickenings of
concentration to an area of lower the cell membranes called plaque. This type
concentration of junction holds adjacent cells together very
dehydrated patient firmly and is found in areas where cellular
- hypotonic intravenous drip sheets are subjected to considerable
- it is solution that contains fewer mechanical stress, such as the skin. Within
solutes than the cell each cell, the plaques on one side are
- Isotonic solutions have the same connected to plaques on the opposite side by
solute and water concentrations as thicker protein filaments that act to internally
the cell. Isotonic solutions cause no anchor the plaques in place.
visible changes in cells since there is • Gap junctions consist of hollow protein
not an area more highly cylinders, called connexons, which extend
concentrated. The use of isotonic completely through the plasma membrane of
neighboring cells and meet and join together again. A nuclear membrane then forms
in the extracellular space. This creates a around each chromatin mass, the spindle
continuous channel for the passage of breaks down and disappears,
substances between the interiors of the two
adjacent cells. Gap junctions, which promote The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER):
intercellular communication, are found - is studded with ribosomes b. makes
between the cardiac muscle cells in the proteins on its ribosomes
heart. The smooth ER:
Translation - lacks ribosomes on its surface
- during protein synthesis, of - functions in lipid metabolism, drug
assembling proteins by decoding the and pesticide detoxification
information in messenger RNA Five molecules in PLASMA MEMBRANE
centrioles 1. Lipid molecules (phospholipids) provide
- rod-shaped bodies that lie at right the medium in which protein molecules
angles to each other and internally float, form the basic fabric of the
are made up of fine microtubing membrane, and are relatively
Interphase impermeable to most water-soluble
- period of the cell cycle when the cell molecules.
grows and performs its metabolic 2. Cholesterol molecules have a stabilizing
activities effect and help to keep the membrane
- DNA replication fluid.
anaphase 3. Protein molecules are responsible for
- phase of cell division during which the most specialized functions of the
the chromatids are pulled apart and membrane. They act as enzymes, serve
move to the opposite ends of the cell as receptors or binding sites for
Prophase hormones and other chemical
- cancer drug interferes with the messengers, act as carriers that bind to
development of mitotic spindle fibers substances and move them through the
during cell division cell membrane, and form pores through
• Prophase- chromatin threads coil and which water and small molecules can
shorten so that visible bar-like bodies, called move.
chromosomes, appear. Each chromosome is 4. Carbohydrate molecules add an
made up of two strands, called chromatids, identification tag to mark protein
which are held together by a centromere. molecules, and make the cell membrane
Additionally, the centrioles separate and move a fuzzy, sticky, sugar-rich area.
toward opposite sides of the cell, directing the 5. Glycoprotein molecules determine blood
assembly of the mitotic spindle (composed of type; act as receptors that certain
microtubules) between them as they move. bacteria, viruses, or their toxins can bind
• 2. Metaphase chromosomes cluster and to; and play a role in cell-to-cell
align in the center of the spindle, midway interactions
between the centrioles, forming a straight line STEPS OF PROTEIN SYSTESIZE
of chromosomes. 1. Uncoiling of DNA the DNA segment or
• Anaphase the centromere split and the gene that specifies one polypeptide or
chromosomes move slowly apart toward protein uncoils.
opposite ends of the cell. A cleavage furrow 2. Transcription (DNA-directed synthesis
appears over the midline of the spindle and of mRNA) one strand of DNA acts as a
eventually pinches the cytoplasmic mass into template for the synthesis of the
two parts in a process called cytokinesis. complementary mRNA molecule, and
• Telophase- the chromosomes reach opposite there is a transfer of information from
ends of the cell and their movement ends, the DNAʹs base sequence (code) into
and they then uncoil and become chromatin the complementary base sequence of
mRNA (codon).
3. Translation (RNA-directed synthesis of
a polypeptide or protein) involves five
steps. First, mRNA leaves the nucleus
and attaches to ribosomes. Second,
tRNA (anticodon) transports an amino
acid to the mRNA strand and recognizes
a mRNA molecule (codon). Third, the
codon and the anticodon bind. Fourth,
the ribosome moves the mRNA strand
along as each codon is read
sequentially. Finally, as each amino acid
is bound to the next by a polypeptide
bond, its tRNA is released. The
polypeptide or protein chain is released
when the termination (stop) codon is

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