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Difficult to formulate
Modu Behaviourally Anchored Scale: This
critical incident method. Thus, it has method
is a combination of adjective rating
merits of both the methods and does scale and
limitations of both. The example is given below: away with the
Figure 14.5: BARS
Job Dimension Job Knowledge
Excellent (7) Knows everything there is to know about the job; never has to be told how to do
anything nor ever has to ask questions about the job
Very good (6) Knows almost everything there is to know about the job; knows when assistance is
needed and asks for it
Good (5) Knows the most important elements of the job and quite a few of the less important
job elements
Average (4) Knows some of the most important elements of the job and afew of the less important

Below average (3) Lacks knowledge about some of the most important job elements and most ofthe less
important job elements
Very poor (2) Lacks knowledge about basic job elements but is willing to learn
Unacceptable (1) Lacks knowledge about basic job elements and is unwilling to learn
1. This method is quantitative in nature.
1. It is very difficult to formulate a BARS for so many jobs as the process involves many steps.
Table 14.5: Advantage and Limitation of BARS
Merit Limitation

1. Quantitative 1. Difficult to formulate

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