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LON OER MOV East Cl sn Monsript of ‘eBhgoodsto During the medieval period saw many religious trends which infllenced tthe life of the people. The two main popular religious id ‘were Bhakti and Sufism. as nae ee aa Jn ancient times, the idea that all living things pass through countless cycles of birth and rebirth came tobe widely accepted. Likewise, the philosophy that human beings differ by birth gained prominence. Most learned texts promoted the philosophy that social privilege came from birth in nti. To break the|inxo birth related status many new ideas evolved and the teachings of Buddhism and Jainism became popular, They offered the possiblity to break the cycle of rebirth through personal salvation. The idea of a Supreme God also emerged where individuals could attain freedom from bondage through devotion or Bhakti The book Bhagavadit’ became popular and Shiva, Vishny and Durga too. The Purans became popular ‘and local myths and legends pare were popular in Purans became a part ofthe local culture, The ce id away wth the cst discrimination for Bat. Thenew Bhatt affected even the Buddhistand Jainstyle ‘of worship. ew Bhakti movements emerged between 7th 10 th centuries, In South Trai, the Nayanar and AWzar saints, who Were devotees of Shiva and Ashu spread the message of Bhaktl and devotion to God among all wions of the soil, iespeetive of thet casies These saints were highly critica of Jainism and Budehis They used Tamil language and mi anchor preaching and composing ne tyymns. Some ofthe saints we from fower classes. They travelled widely, preaching values of cart They took inspiration fom Sangam literature, the earliest Tamil Bmature. The Pandya and Chola rulers Bult temples around the places itera the Bak saints. Mt strengthened the inks between Bhakti and temple worship. Nayanars and Alvars yaar between 7th and 1Oth centuries worshipped Vshnt and his The fou hey, AWvar (Azhar) means immersed They were Cotton amare a Laem on so Th Bute ae Jondecongoed beat pean, sata SEES a etinon Bat stl Mah. Sh con, “crest Cosas 0h IneCoorsis stained Th ror laa! rathaatcan ur? ut oot! wane redo uo ca when he ous, car pola at te KA an Gis Nosh eto Some te ura a Ks sce he ‘ais res tomaietoccsiel Sontareact sam was d0t os "ede ayn saree ngage. HE BE stat ie we 1th cory Pes ll Ty, sti arya ewe are Rll a liv a a neato ae we ae en rican cn irate tea Stor ts een Societe tooes tne soc helen et enter ee ce Tae Shino et call Po! Walon Soe Simic ein ws eneand ros to sensieis The Cha sila was areng the most nel cc ‘Msheediningay wanna cht ac (Binanral ors cents an stb na iherbanby tetas aa srs Cv i ‘etSeetne usb wean Buta aH of Dah (item searconna sutra ofr. ‘est sisal rmsd args Feergretoa contest mesg ty sb Tete ta fh ite. Kaba beliraay Mosimunt, aie . stn Saat ‘Gary Nanak : Founder of Sithism : =i teen | tao tht te any Sian cv ® a ee ee inant Yt Bons trega ye eel hate pntg aden sete eyes (i) Thecter hsvowsbect nae panigcaies ct dena Sosterterer ries mee wee Spee Sha Watcoatety eee : oe Sia scams teeters oso. ats aa mpage ssf i arnt egal es Gra we Lah De ee Duan. Canara, Bander, Wate sal : Hate oul rie ts tg a, ‘ars eb 0 of uel adances en Se wine ster ce aches Eee enone eredtaches oth of aoa Langage on ener smi 2 ea eid wth he po fea heen tary re al Col igs by tone of ess goer eve ht Br {SS ses at apf eo ot speak Ge Sega ne th cote. Capa a Bits | ‘eto song an ings necro ‘ \ ‘Bere Kn Zt Gone eye is aces ena Ones sr Sit eda aT fac) iy Sn a st coat Wace notepad gas. ine te Muga E Seeote aeere raion Gromer setae Ine an mommies, jst en PORE ster tomeenoconnan eee SS eee enone iri ase 2 oe oom ales ofthe Mughats, However, when Mughal pray fe ‘ere, by be lnependet The met aa SSeatens eis pe ener eee oe eaes Reena gos tie eer se Sirmmmener neritercrm ann Sec eee thee Seo Seen eer oma samen a et tired Na ts on ne oo ‘Subsequonty the compary ls obtained scene Mua i, Hema . ton shu 1758) (Bach a yee in Se mem trae ag org Scenes om gan Oe ta 9 ‘Singh was deployed there. Shivaji was defeated and faroey oo poking taycrowaa ness etre 2 Sarena tie Sarracenia Shane uemneers eee mee 16 Se os Peretti nieentee ret Shao tla peaisoans Rafter tS tin. ThePshwawasteeagotingeoun, = Sia eis Theos enpoontoncge Som sesiadseantcnet ah ikapastage he wanes ater Mnatte ‘Stele ana Rego He cd eas ane na ata (740378) care he nee te Musas, He sh na A. Malti coce Gustins HE) 1 When userid tostcnod tone (asranatsm TE hmaaushan CED oc

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