What Is Hypnosis

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What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the Bypass of the Critical Mind to …

achieve an altered brain wave state…… Deep inside….. your

unconscious…. is the ability to have a deep full sensory

experience…..to experience a deep sense of amazement. Hypnosis is

a common occurrence; we experience it every day at many times. Let

me give you an example; have you ever been watching a movie that

you really, really enjoyed? Remember how it made you feel as you

were lost in it, and you felt so absolutely amazing? And perhaps

during the movie maybe someone called out your name and you

didn’t hear them? Or perhaps while you were watching this movie

someone said something, and you didn’t hear it? If this happened to

you, then congratulations you…….experience hypnosis.

Here is another example, can you remember a time when you were

driving somewhere, and as you were driving along….. your thoughts

begin to drift,….. and suddenly you find yourself in that place and you

don’t remember how you got there. Your subconscious guided

you….deep inside…your unconscious…knew how to…. bring you to

that place….. If this has ever happened to you then you, once again,

experience hypnosis. Have you ever lost your keys? And you look

around frantically because you were in a hurry, or maybe you were

going someplace and you were late? Finally when you are about to

give up, you look back in a place you previously checked and

suddenly the keys are there? But for some reason when you were

looking for them you couldn’t see them. Imagine that, you’re once

again in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is perfectly safe, and perfectly natural. If you have already

been hypnotized before, than you know this. A person cannot be

stuck in hypnosis and cannot be made to do anything against their

personal code. This is important,… you don’t have to ……believe this

works to experience deep hypnosis….. However you have to… give

me permission to guide you,….. as you…. go into deep trance. You

don’t have to…. believe this will work,….. you just need to….. give

me permission to guide you deeply into trance. Without your

permission, I cannot guide… your unconscious…. to help you. You ca

experience the amazing deep hypnosis projection. Once you

decide….… I have your permission…….all you need to do is, relax….

and let ……your unconscious…….. enjoy the ride into deep hypnotic

sexperience. As I said before…hypnosis is a naturally occurring

phenomenon but this time we are going to….. take it much much

further……. further than you ever have before. Now there are a few

things that are important for you to understand before we begin.

As mentioned before, for 30 percent of the people who listen to

hypnosis products …….will achieve immediate deep hypnosis……..

For everyone else you will need to do something called

“conditioning.” No worries, conditioning is very easy and it can be

achieved simply by listening to the “conditioning phase 2 and 3” of

this MP3 every night for 2 to 3 weeks. Most people………….

complete the conditioning phase easily……. So you will be able to…..

see results immediately,….. easily…quickly. The conditioning

exercises are designed to….. develop your neural pathways for deep

trance. It is also important that you …….you enjoy the conditioning

phase……… I’ll explain why in a moment. Hypnosis is a lot like going

to sleep at night. Have you ever noticed that when you try to ….go to
sleep ….at night, you seem to stay awake? But have you also noticed

that when you let go….and stop trying….before you know it…you’re

asleep…now……….because deep…deep inside when…you’re

unconscious……you just ended up there and you don’t know how

you did. That’s how hypnosis works.

I want to also explain something else to you. When people are in

Hypnosis most of the time they don’t realize it until they……

experience a powerful sensation…... Now while you are in

hypnosis….you can experience powerful sensations..and.. “see

amazing things” …. from the power of…… your unconscious……

without even knowing…… you’re in hypnosis….. Have you ever been

to a hypnosis stage show? One of the common tricks is to tell a

hypnotized person that their hand is stuck and you can’t move them.

When this happens you’ll notice the look on the persons face is one

of utter surprise, utter amazement. Have you ever thought about why

the person is so amazed? It’s obvious. It’s because they did not

realize that they were under hypnosis. It’s because other than
relaxation, hypnosis doesn’t feel like anything, because it is an altered

brainwave state. However just because it doesn’t feel like anything…

doesn’t meant you can’t “feel amazing things” and “see amazing

things” …. from the power of your unconscious. Think about what I’m

saying…hypnosis doesn’t feel like anything…but while in hypnosis

you can “feel amazing things.” and “see amazing things” …. from the

power of your unconscious. This is exactly why you are surprised

when you “see and feel amazing things” under hypnosis. You will

know when ……you’re in hypnosis, a theta brain wav state….

because of the sensations that you experience and see in hypnosis.

During the conditioning exercises in the mp3s, When you …

experience them,…… it will be a sign that the conditioning is

complete and for you to move onto the next mp3. Conditioning also

consists of neural pathway conditioning exercises, why are they

called exercises? Good question. They are exercises for your brain.

You’re probably saying to yourself, “but you told me not to try to…be

hypnotized…just let it happen.” Exactly, these exercises are for …

You’re Unconscious. The exercises are designed to produce powerful

experiences and results. Once you….. feel and see these

experiences…. you will know the exercise is complete and you can

move to the next phase. Most people will….. experience these

sensations the first time…… they listen. If you don’t experience them

the first time, it’s okay. That’s why it’s called an “exercise”. And why

do we do exercises? We do them to get better at something and to

hone an ability or a certain skill,…….. or to develop your neural

pathways for deep trance. …….Even if you do not…. immediately feel

a sensation from a hypnotic exercise……, it doesn’t mean it didn’t

work. It just means that its exercising your subconscious mind…….


.Keep doing the exercise until you’ve succeeded and then your

subconscious will create a neural pathway making it easy for you to

….experience the beautiful woman you desire….. After you’ve

experience a successful exercise, you will know that…you are ready

for the Kama Sutra.

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