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J] * Introduction There are. situations in our life, that are certain to happen, some that are impossible and some which may or may not happen. a Consider the following statements : (i) The Sun coming up from the West India winning the cricket world cup. ) It may rain today. If'we look at the above statements, we find that itis impossible that the Sun will Come up from the West. On the other hand, India may or may not win te cricket Grorld cup and like wise it may or may not rain today. The last Reo statements show uncertainity or occurence: of that event. In this chapter, we will leam more about the chances of the occurence of events. Probability Briefly, probability is defined as the measurement of uncertain an event. Example : We know that when a coin is throws it has two possible out comes ther head or tal. Thus, when a coinis throw ‘head or tail is equally likely to be Sbained. In this case, we say that the ‘probability of getting head or tals equal Highlights + Induction + Probability 4 Teams related t0 probability «+ Empirical Probability ity or occurence of ie. 4 for each of them. # Terms Related to Probability (i) Experiment : An experiment can produce some will defined results. (ii) Random Experiment :Itisan experiment, if conducted repeatedly under the same conditions does not give the same outcome. Example : Throwing a dice, the possibility of getting either 1, 2,3, 4, 5 or 6 is equal but the result or the outcome can not be pridicted in advance. (ii) Trial and Event : The performance of a random experiment is known as a trial and the outcome of the experiment is called an event. Example. The throwing of dice is known as trial and the outcome is called an event. % Some Examples Based on Probability The event that have many possiblities can have probability between 0 and 1. Those which have no chance of happening have probability 0 and those that are bound to happen have probability 1 Now, let us learn more about probability through some examples Example 1. On throwing a dice, the possibility of getting either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 is equally possible. Thus, we can say that each of 1, 2,3, 4, 5 and 6 has one-sixth probability. Example 2, On tossing a pair of coins, possibility of getting head (H) and tail (7) are HH, HT, TH and TT. ‘Thuswe can say, that each possibilty has one-fourth probability Example 3. Ifa container has 9 red balls and 5 white balls and if a ball is pulled out randomly without seeing, the chances of getting a red ball are much higher. Thus we can say y that the more the number of same objects, the hig ther is its probability. * Empirical Probability If we make ‘n’ number of triak nun trials of a random experiments then the Probability _(P) occurence of an event (E) ee is given by —Prababiiy ae —_ Number of trials in which event occurs "Total number of trials PIE Example : A dice is thrown twice. Find the probability of getting a number which j, always divisible by 3. Solution : Total number of trials = 2 Out of 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6 marked on dice only 3 ang 6 are divisible by 3. Probability of getting a number divisible by 3 2a s6res) + Miscellaneous Solved Examples Example 1. A coin is tossed 100 times ang head is obtained 52 times. On tossing a coin at random, find the probal head and tail. Solution : Total number of tral Number of heads = 52 Number of tails = 100 -52 = 4g P (getting a head) Number of heads Total number of trials ub? 100 8) ” 25 Number of tails Total number of tails 48 “100 12 25 Example 2. A dice is thr outcomes are noted as sh P (getting a tail) own 100 times and own below : Cubonee 1 [2 | 3 aa et Uneaten as Ta [as [ae be When a dice is thrown at random, Probability of getting ; (i 3 (iii) 2 (ii) 5 (iv) 6 ae: 214 Ye Active Maihs-7 A Solution : Total number of trials 100 (i) Pigetting a3) = 15. 100 3 ~ 20 (i) P (getting a 5) = 28. 100 (ii) P (getting a 2) = 22. 100 au 50 (iv) P (getting a6) = 23, ~ 100 Example 3. A survey of 200 boys of a school showed that 120 out of them like cricket and rest all dislike cricket. If one boy is chosen at random. What is the probability that the choose boy : (i) likes cricket (ii) dislikes cricket? Solution : Total number of boys = 200 Number of boys who like cricket = 120 Number of boys who: dislike = 200 - 120=80 120_3 P (Chosen boy like: ket) = =— ( Pt oy likes cricket) = 55 =E Exercise M218 11 whether the following is certain to 1, Tell sible, can happen but not happen, impos certain = (i) You are older today than yesterday. (ji) A tossed coin will land heads up (ii) Acdice when tossed shall land up with 8 on top. (iv) The next tra ) Tomorrow will be a cloudy day. fic light seen will be green. (v) 4 2s z ae sitios (i) P (Chosen boy distkes cricket) = 20. =2 70075 # Alternate Method Since, the chances of an event which is bound to happen is 1 3 P (Chosen boy dislikes cricket) = 1 - = Example 4. A pencil box contains 8 pencils out of which three are red coloured, one is green coloured and the rest of them are black in colour. What is probability of drawing a: (i) Red pencil (ii) Green pencil (iii) Black pencil. Solution : Total number of pencils = 8 Number of red coloured pencils = 3 Number of green coloured penci Number of black coloured pencils (i) P (Drawing ared pene) = § (i) (Drawing a green pene) = 2 (ii) P (Drawing a black pencil) = bles in a box 2. There are 6 mar 6 marked on each of numbers from 1 to them : (i) Whatis the probability of drawing am with number 2? (ii). Whatis the probability of €r with number 5? able awinga marble 3, Acoinis lipped to decide which team starts the game. What is the probability that your team will start? Active Maths 4. A coin is tossed 150 times and head is obtained 87 times. On tossing a coin at random, find the probability of getting = ahead (i) tail 5. A dice is thrown 200 times and the outcomes are noted as shown below : Pee & em 31 | 20 | 52 | 28 | 39 | 30 When a dice is thrown at random, find the probability of getting : w 5 (i) 3 6. (ii) 4 (iv) 6 A dice is tossed 90 times and the number 5 js obtained 18 times. Now a dice is tossed at random. Find the probability of getting the number 5. ‘A survey of 250 childrens showed that 170 like milk while 80 di: these childrens, one children is chosen at random. What is the probability that the chosen children : (i) tikes mik? (i) dislikes milk? Chapter End Exercise Tick (V) the correct answer in each of the following : 1. The probability of being chosen for a wt work is 10%. This event can be described 3 : as: @i Qo (2) Unlikely a 2 i (b) likely (4. Adieis thrown at random, the pr ; . babili (©) Certain oO of getting an odd number is. td (d) None of these () (a) 0.1 2. The probability of rolling a number (b) 0.01 sreater than 3 with a dice is : (0) 05 ws 5. 002 ; = 5. Acoin is tossed 40 ti it i : times in which head j (b) 3 tf obtained 10 times on tossing the coin . na random, the probability of getting ata is. 3 J (a3 : 3 . a) ao GO ws 3. On tossing a coin, the ility of i in, the probabili landing on head is : neon () i 1 4 (a) 2 2 4 : 3 oO Prababity 216 Active Maths-7 W p p Mmrratanne = _ six out of 24 students in a elas & Fanded, the probability 1 "rangers selecting a right handed sturten : tis : (a) 024 OC 025 o {¢) 030 a) Oo Onrolling a die, the numb, y: possible outcomes ig 2 tal likely (a) 0 OC bb)os oO 6 oO Ws o 8, Acard is drawn from a pack of 100 numbered 1 to 100, the Drobabitity ot drawing a square number is : 1 (5 2 Os 1 © 59 @ 0-058 1 Os 9. Fill in the blanks : (i) The probability of certain eventis (i) The Sun coming up from West : event. (it) An results, The performance of a random experiment is known asa ...... On throwing a dice, the possibility of getting either 1,2, 3,4, 5 or6is possible. The probability of any event lies between and 10. Write (T) for true and (F) for false : (i) The probability of an impossible event is 1 ‘can produce some will defined (iv) ) (vi) ao (ii) Probability is the measurement of uncertanity or occurence of an event. (_] (iii) The probability of tolling a number greater than 5 wth adie is o (iv) The probability of selecting a vowel from the list a, e, 1,0 and U is 1. Dey (©) Ian outcome does not happen, itis said to have a good chance. Oo (vi) All events have the same probability.) 1. What isthe probability of drawing a even black card from a pack of 62 cards? 2. The six faces of die are numbered from 1 to 6. What is probabilty of getting a 4 up on rolling i? 217 Sane ed

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