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Hello, 6th grade students! Today, we are going to talk about contractions in English.

Contractions are a shortened form of two words that are combined into one by removing one or
more letters and replacing them with an apostrophe ('). Contractions are commonly used in
spoken English and informal writing. They make language more concise and easier to speak.

Let's take a closer look at some examples of contractions:

1. "It is" becomes "it's"

2. "Do not" becomes "don't"
3. "Cannot" becomes "can't"
4. "I am" becomes "I'm"
5. "We will" becomes "we'll"

Now, let's move on to an exercise related to contractions:


1. Complete the sentence with the correct contraction: "I _____ (do not) know the answer."

Answer: don't

2. Complete the sentence with the correct contraction: "She _____ (is not) feeling well today."

Answer: isn't

3. Complete the sentence with the correct contraction: "They _____ (will not) be able to
attend the party."

Answer: won't

4. Complete the sentence with the correct contraction: "We _____ (have not) seen that movie

Answer: haven't

5. Complete the sentence with the correct contraction: "He _____ (would have) gone to the
concert if he had known about it."

Answer: would've

I hope this exercise helps your students practice using contractions correctly!

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