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Exercise 1

The information and communication technology revolution can be easily recognized

as the latest revolution in the history of mankind, impacting every facet of business, society,
and life worldwide with a speed beyond imaginaton. The last centuries have seen a continuous
evolution process, which started with industrial revolution at the end of 18th century. This
revolution has its roots in the invention of the first electronic computers in the 1940s continued
with the development of information technology during following decades and exploded in the
early 1990s. In the 1960s and 1970s, computer technology was mainly utilized in business data
processing and scientific applications of a mostly number crunching nature. As a result, the use
of this technology was limited to those who had a good command of these systems and
computer programming languages. With the invention of microprocessors a new idea of
distributed information established itself and computers became available on a personal basis.
The contemporary development of networking both on a local and a wide area (LAN and
WAN) merged computer and information tecnnology with telecommunication. In 1980s the
matching of the two technologies led to the information communication technology with a
strong focus on the management and dissemination of information by both providers and users.
The most noticeable explosion in the information and communication technology revolution
was the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW) and its potential in the early 1990s. During
the past two decades, WWW technologies have become the driving force in allowing people
worldwide to communicate and exchange information in ways that have created a totaly new
dimension for mankind, at such a point that “global villages” are the words today better
describing our planet. In recent years, through the use of web-enabled technologies,
organizations of all types and sizes around the world have managed to utilize these technologies
to conduct both information processing and disseminaton with their prospective customers,
suppliers, students, and governments. These technologies, now allowing readily available
information for everyone regardless of their geographic location, bring the true meaning of the
information age to its realization and prepare a new era for mankind: the knowledge society.
In recent years, the science of understanding the nature of information processing and
management combined with computer and telecommunication technologies to process,
disseminate, and manage information has become known as “information and communication
science and technology”. It has many resources and components and originated many new
disciplines but, what is more, it intervenes in changing mankind's habits and lifestyle.

1. The author organizes the ideas in the text by ….

A. contrasting the technology of earlier years to that of recent years
B. showing the revolution of technology in different areas
C. explaining the cause and its effects of technology across different eras
D. emphasizing the characteristics of technology in each period
E. presenting the development of technology chronologically
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The computer was only employed by those who understood the systems and
programming languages in its early development.
B. Computers are primarily used for individuals.
C. In global villages, every individual is connected via World Wide Web.
D. An individual’s habit and lifestyle determine the way in the use of information and
communication technology.
E. Everyone should always be aware of the future of information technology.

3. The purpose of the text is to ....

A. propose a new term, “global village”
B. describe a brief history of information and communication technology
C. present the causes of the communication revolution
D. provide examples of the massive use of the Word Wide Web
E. explain the making of microprocessors

4. In which sentence of the text does the author mention that everyone can access information
A. Sentence 6 paragraph 1
B. Sentence 8 paragraph 1
C. Sentence 2 paragraph 2
D. Sentence 4 paragraph 2
E. Sentence 1 paragraph 3

5. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word merged (Paragraph 1)?
A. Combined
B. Helped
C. Provided
D. Served
E. Connected

6. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that …   
A. Information explosion occurred in the 1990s.
B. Information is available depending on geographical location.
C. In the information age, people are networked together through technology.
D. Information is processed and distributed widely by organizations to create global
E. World wide web was created to answer the information and communication demand.

Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat
belts. In European countries, this regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this
new regulation has become controversial and is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some
of the arguments.

The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.
Seat belt has become standard component in cars. The research shows that most car accident
will cause an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts
die because of this. By wearing the seat belts, the injury will not happen since belts restrain our
body on the car seat when the accident happens.

Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don't have seat belts. This is because the
traffic conditions in the past were unlike the recent traffic conditions. The designer of old cars
didn't consider a seat belt as an important part. Besides, the drivers wearing the seat belt will
think that they are completely safe, so they may drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but
how about safety of other?

The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents. It doesn't mean that
we are completely safe In short, our safety depends on ourselves.

7. What is the function of seat belts?

A. To reduce the traffic conditions.
B. To become a standard component in cars.
C. To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.
D. To prevent the drivers driving cars carefully.
E. To increase the risk of injury in car accidents

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Governor Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat has agreed to lend Timor
Leste a helping hand as the neighboring country pleads for assistance from Indonesia to
quarantine its citizens airlifted from coronavirus-stricken China, an NTT administration
official said.
“I've informed the governor of the 17 Timor Leste nationals who are due to be repatriated
from China and he said he was willing to quarantine them in NTT," Marius Ardu Jelamu, the
provincial administration spokesperson, said on Wednesday evening.
Marius said the administration was ready to help Dili put their citizens into quarantine in
NTT should President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo instruct them to do so.
The governor had ordered the NTT Health Agency and the director of WZ Johannes General
Hospital in the provincial capital of Kupang to set up a temporary shelter at the Naimata Mental
Hospital for the Timor Leste returnees, he added.
Timor Leste Planning and Strategic Investment Minister Xanana Gusmao previously said
his country had requested assistance from Indonesia for the quarantine on Bali of 17 of its
citizens awaiting repatriation from China, saying that Timor Leste lacked the proper
infrastructure and equipment to handle coronavirus cases.
The Bali provincial administration confirmed that Timor Leste, through the Indonesian
Embassy in Dili, had asked for Indonesian permits and assistance to quarantine 17 of its citizens
on the island. However, the administration on Monday rejected Timor Leste’s request. (rfa)

8. Which statement is true according to the text?

A. Timor Leste’s government refused to help its own citizen.
B. The 17 Timor Leste’s citizens infected with coronavirus are on the way to Kupang.
C. Bali’s administration expressed its willingness to help 17 citizens of Timor Leste.
D. NTT administration is still waiting for the instruction from the president regarding the
E. Coronavirus-stricken China will be airlifted from China.

Exercise 2

Forest fires this year have consumed more than 147,000 hectares (360,000 acres) in
Bolivia's eastern Santa Cruz department, the regional government reported Saturday. As in
neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed at
expanding farming or pasture land. They come in a year when climate change has become an
increasingly urgent issue with mammoth wildfires in the Western US as well as in Greece and
Rosado said a Super Puma helicopter was being used to douse the larger fire sites with water,
and emergency personnel and equipment were being deployed to key spots. He added that 831
fires had been reported just in the first days of August, for a total this year of 15,555.
Each year Bolivia confronts forest-fire outbreaks started by settlers in remote areas or by
agribusinesses trying to expand their production. Bolivian NGO the Friends of Nature
Foundation estimates that forest fires last year destroyed more than 2.3 million hectares of
forests and grassland.

1. It is known from the third paragraph that the ____ of agriculture production causes the forest
fire outbreaks in Bolivia.
The best word to fill in the gap is ....
A. expansive
B. expansion
C. expanding
D. expansively
E. exapansionary

2. According to the passage, the firefighters ____ the fire in larger fire sites by means of a
Super Puma helicopter.
The best word to fill in the gap is ....
A. blew in
B. blew up
C. blew off
D. blew out
E. blew away

3. In the passage, there is a statement like this:

"As in neighboring Brazil, the fires have been aggravated by widespread deforestation aimed
at expanding farming or pasture land."
If the forest ____ for expanding farming land, the fires wouldn't have been intensified.
A. was burnt
B. hadn't burnt
C. weren't burnt
D. weren't burning
E. hadn't been burnt

4. It can be concluded from the text that many forest fires ____ occurred in Bolivia were
caused by human.
The best word to fill in the gap is ....
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
E. of which

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial subjects to be discussed today. This
controversy is caused by so many things all over the world having so many different views
about it. Capital punishment happens when someone is put to death for a crime, for example
murder of drug trafficking. Many people think capital punishment should be reinstated in
Britain, but there are just as many people who think that the criminal system is better the way
it is.
One important argument against the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put
to death. If capital punishment is used, the authorities must therefore have evidence beyond the
shadow of any doubt that they have accused the correct person. Furthermore, capital
punishment removes all possibilities for a person who has done something seriously wrong to
be able to change and to be rehabilitated.
Another strong point against capital punishment is that two wrongs do not make a right. Killing
a victim, for instance, and then being sentenced to death do not suddenly make everything all
right or make things better. A poor, helpless victim’s life has been stolen from him, but killing
the murder will not bring the victim back.
Nevertheless, those who are in favor of the death penalty have many points to justify their
stance. Most importantly, it punishes the criminal by doing to him what he did to others. It acts
as a form of revenge for the victim’s family by letting them know that the criminal has felt
some of the pain he inflicted on another.
Furthermore, capital punishment could act as a deterrent to anyone who ever thought about
committing certain crimes because he would know that when he was found guilty, the death
penalty awaited him. It can also save money because, instead of the criminal being kept in
person for the rest of his life, he is killed.
After weighing up the arguments for and against capital punishment, I have come to the
conclusion that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain thirty or so years ago.

5. What does writer the mainly talk about?

A. The motives of capital punishment.
B. The controversy of capital punishment.
C. Capital punishment for murderer.
D. Capital punishment and basic human rights.
E. Weak law enforcement in Britain.

6. What is the writer’s stance regarding capital penalty?

A. The writer neither supports nor defies it.
B. The writer supports it.
C. The writer defies it.
D. The writer doesn’t take side.
E. The writer has no idea about it.
7. “….and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain…”
The underlined word has the same meaning with…

A. put to an end
B. put off
C. carried forward
D. taken place
E. taken off
8. From the text, we know that the writer thinks….
A. Britain should learn from other countries to enforce the law regarding murdering.
B. Britain is the only one country of which citizens are against death penalty.
C. Britain citizens who are for the capital penalty should learn the value of life.
D. Britain could have applied death penalty since long time ago.
E. Britain should have continued applying capital penalty.

9. Why are some people against death penalty? 
A. There is a chance to put someone who isn’t guilty to death.
B. Some criminals deserve death penalty.
C. It acts as a form of revenge for the victim’s family.
D. The criminals must feel the pain felt by their victims.
E. Sentencing criminals to death is better than keeping them in jails.

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