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Appendix 5: Interview Transcripts

Male Teacher with positive perception

Researcher: Good afternoon, Mr. Fjr (Name of teacher).

Teacher-1 : Good afternoon.
Researcher: First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Juliana.
Here, I would like to ask you to answer the questions
5 connected with EFL online teaching, the use of technology
or E-learning systems during this pandemic. I have several
questions. There are more than fifteen questions. First of
all, let me ask you for general question. Number one, Do
you perform EFL online teaching?
10 Teacher-1 : Yes, I do. In this pandemic, my school conducted online
teaching between the teachers and the students.
Researcher: Ok. Thank you. Next. What E-learning technology do you
use to perform EFL online teaching? Synchronous or
asynchronous systems?
15 Teacher-1 : I used both of them. Sometime I used synchronous and
sometime I used asynchronous systems.
Researcher: Ok thank you. It means that you used both of them.
Number three, in general, how would you describe your
perception toward E-learning technology on EFL online
20 teaching performance?
Teacher-1 : The use of E-learning systems for this pandemic is very
helpful because during this pandemic we could not meet the
students face to face. So, with these technologies, we can
still do teaching and learning with students.
25 Researcher: Well. So, what factors do you attribute to use the E-learning
technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-1 : What do you mind with factors?
Researcher: The factors that motivate you to use the E-learning systems.
Researcher: Of course. The first factor is before I teach to the students I
30 see the material and then I make the condition of teaching
because online and offline are really different. We cannot
teach too much, too long because sometime some of the
students they have some problems with internet quota and
35 Researcher: Well, furthermore the question, it’s about the internal
factor. Here, I would like to give you some questions.
Firstly, How would you describe your behavior intention
toward EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-1 : It’s so far so good the E-learning systems that I Used. It’s
40 very helpful for teachers. But the system also has some
disadvantages. It’s about the motivation to use by the

teachers and the students. And sometime we got

misunderstanding because we cannot get the students face
to face. But overall, these systems are very helpful in this
45 pandemic.
Researcher: Well, what do you feel in performing the EFL online
Teacher-1 : For the first, it’s hard to conduct the systems. But after five
meetings, we can adopt the systems. I mean that I and my
50 students can adopt the systems well.
Researcher: Ok. Do you think that using E-learning technology would
improve the quality and quantity of your EFL online
Teacher-1 : The use of E-learning systems can improve the quality and
55 quantity of my online teaching because they are very useful
because we have some applications. For example we have
Zoom or Google Meet for the online teaching or sometime I
used the application to record. For the audio recording, I
used Audacity and for video recording and editing, I used
60 OBS studio and Filmora. They are very helpful for me.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology would be
useful for both teachers and students on EFL online
Teacher-1 : I think that the E-learning systems are useful for the
65 teachers and the students because in this pandemic we are
separated so far. Some of my students move to their village.
So, we get so far. And then, with the technologies we can
see and meet each other and we try to understand each
other. So, I think it’s very useful for teachers and students.
70 Researcher: So, do you believe that your interaction with the E-learning
technology would be clear and understandable on
conducting the EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-1 : Not at all. But if we said that it’s helpful, yes, it’s helpful.
But when we talk about clear explanation and
75 understandable, sometime I found an understandable and
misunderstanding and misconception when I talked and
explained the material to the students.
Researcher: Ok. Do you think that using E-learning technology on EFL
online teaching would be easy? Would you like to explain
80 it?
Teacher-1 : For me, it is easy to use. But I saw that for some of my
friends, it’s hard for them. For me, it’s easy because this
pandemic I already teach and use the technology for this
online teaching. So, I think it’s easy.
85 Researcher: Ok. are there any influences of people or things that make
you to use the E-learning technology on EFL online

Teacher-1 : There are many influences why I used E-learning

technology. It comes from people and things. For the first, I
90 sometime learned about everything in Youtube and I see
the tutorial and how to make one or how to make this, of
course it influenced me to make an online teaching. And
some of my lecturers when I studied in Mulawarman
University, I used the technology and I think that it’s good
95 and I tried to practice the technology.
Researcher: Ok. Do you think the management in your school would
support you to use the E-learning technology on EFL online
Teacher-1 : The management of my school strongly supported the
100 teachers to use the technology. We got the free internet
connection with big size or capacity internet connection.
Researcher: Ok. Do you think the management is aware of the benefits
and strategic advantages of using the E-learning system on
EFL online teaching?
105 Teacher-1 : The management of my school aware about the use of e-
learning technology. We have for the first time of the early
pandemic, we got in house training on how to organize the
online teaching and the use of e-learning technology. And
then we have a meeting to talk about this and sometime the
110 teachers shared each other about problems and solutions to
make the online teaching.
Researcher: Ok. Next, do you think the management would evaluate
and revise the E-learning system over its life cycle? For
example plan-design-implement-update), would you like to
115 explain?
Teacher : In my school sometime the headmaster came to our online
teaching. So, he got the link to Zoom Meeting and Google
Meeting to join, to monitor the online teaching and learning
progress. And then after that, when there was a problem,
120 the headmaster evaluated to the teachers.
Researcher: Ok. Thank you. In general, do you believe the organization
would support the use of the E-learning system on EFL
online teaching?
Teacher-1 : Yes, Of course. The school supported the use of e-learning
125 systems.
Researcher: Ok. If the E-learning technology does not support your
language, do you think it will be difficult to perform EFL
online teaching?
Teacher-1 : So far, there is no problem related with language that we
130 used during the online teaching. It’s not difficult to perform
my online teaching so the language that we used is clear
because I mixed my language both English and Indonesian

so the students could understand what I talked about and

explained the materials. I did not speak English fully,
135 because my students could not understand. So, when I used
English fully, there would be a problem on my online
Researcher: Ok. How’s about facilitation condition? Do you have the
sources and knowledge necessary to perform EFL online
140 teaching?
Teacher-1 : I have Youtube, the government’s book, and other books.
And sometime I used some links in internet. So, I could
study from these sources to perform my online teaching.
Researcher: Does your school provide the needed facilities of E-
145 learning technology to perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-1 : Yes, it does.
Researcher: Well, I think that’s all the questions, Mr. Fjr (name of
teacher), thank you for your information, I hope that your
online teaching and learning will be continued and getting
150 better. Thank you very much for a help.
Teacher-1 : Yes, you’re welcome.

Female Teacher with positive perception

Researcher: Good morning, Mrs. Ys (Name of teacher).

Teacher-2 : Good morning.
Researcher: First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Juliana.
Here, I would like to ask you to answer the questions
5 connected with EFL online teaching, the use of technology
or E-learning systems during this pandemic. I have several
questions. There are more than fifteen questions. First of
all, let me ask you for general question. Number one, Do
you perform EFL online teaching?
10 Teacher-2 : I performed the online EFL online teaching.
Researcher: What are the E-learning technologies that you use?
Teacher-2 : The technology that I used for E-learning during this
pandemic for synchronous I used Zoom and for
asynchronous I usually used Google Classroom and
15 WhatsApp.
Researcher: Ok. Thank you. In general, how would you describe your
perception toward E-learning technology on EFL online
teaching performance?
Teacher-2 : In general, my perception toward the use of E-learning on
20 EFL online teaching is very helpful especially during this
pandemic time. I used for teaching and learning. It helped
for my students. We could not be in the same classroom so

we used technology when I could distribute my material, I

could post my video and then my students could watch it
over and over again until they understood. I could share
25 links. There are many sources of English materials. So, it’s
very helpful. And my school also obligated us to use the E-
learning technology for teaching and learning during this
pandemic time.
Researcher: Ok. What factors do you attribute to use the E-learning
30 technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-2 : Because of the pandemic and it is obligation for teaching
my students and the requirement must be held and
obligated. The students did not only study the soft skills but
also the knowledge of English. So the E-learning is very
35 helpful for them.
Researcher: Ok next question. How would you describe your behavior
intention toward EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-2 : It’s positive. The school very supported. It’s comfortable so
I have to use the E-learning technology for online teaching
40 and learning to my students.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology would
improve the quality and quantity of your EFL online
Teacher-2 : Basically, it is really improved because basically the
45 technology is to facilitate to the assessment. Basically the
pedagogy must became the first thing when you teach.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology would be
useful for both teachers and students on EFL online
50 Teacher : The E-learning technology is very useful because it
connects us between teachers and students in this pandemic
for online teaching and learning.
Researcher: Do you believe that your interaction with the E-learning
technology would be clear and understandable on
55 conducting the EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher : I believed that the interaction is clear and understandable
when I and my students used the E-learning technology.
And it’s easy to be used because there are lot of sources on
how to use that and many in Group WhatsApp, Youtube
60 and Instagram that you may find.
Researcher: Are there any influences of people or things that make you
to use the E-learning technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-2 : There are lot people influenced me to use the E-learning
technology. Because you know that in a teachers group now
65 days, we try to facilitate and accommodate the advance of
technology and how the students learn now days so we try

to facilitate this thing, so the technology is interesting for

our students and we try to focus on our students’ need.
Researcher: Do you think the management in your school would
70 support you to use the E-learning technology on EFL online
Teacher-2 : The school management provided us the E-learning
technology during the pandemic era when we started to
distance learning.
75 Researcher: Do you think the management is aware of the benefits and
strategic advantages of using the E-learning system on EFL
online teaching?
Teacher-2 : The school management aware the benefit of using the E-
learning technology for this distance learning. So the
80 headmaster provided what we need to organize the online
teaching and learning and informed what it should be done
during the pandemic. My school management provided
trainings related with what teachers needed for their online
teaching and learning and also the internet quota for Zoom
85 and Google Classroom. Zoom cannot be used for more than
two hours because we cannot pay it. So, teachers can use
the features of Google Classroom in order to minimize the
data voucher or internet quota. The school and government
provided the fee or fund for the internet quota for teachers
90 and students.
Researcher: If the E-learning technology does not support your
language, do you think it will be difficult to perform EFL
online teaching?
Teacher-2 : I don’t think so because I teach English so there’s no
95 problem related with the language use in using the
technology. And of course, if there is a language problem,
it affects on the online teaching performance. Actually my
students are in the novice level, so they are difficult to use
English. So I have to repeat the instruction, how to do the
100 thing, how to share the link and how to do certain the
activity until they understand. That’s it.
Researcher: Do you have the sources and knowledge necessary to
perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-2 : Yes, I do.
105 Researcher: Does your school provide the needed facilities of E-
learning technology to perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-2 : As I said before that my school provided and supported us
to the online teaching and learning by providing trainings,
and data voucher of internet.
110 Researcher: Well, I think that’s all the questions. Thank you very much
for the time
Teacher-2 : You’re welcome.

Male Teacher with negative perception

Researcher: Good afternoon, Mr. Lds (Name of teacher)

Teacher-3 : Good afternoon.
Researcher: First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Juliana.
Here, I would like to ask you to answer the questions
5 connected with EFL online teaching, the use of technology
or E-learning systems during this pandemic. I have several
questions. There are more than fifteen questions. First of
all, let me ask you for general question. And the first
question is, do you perform EFL online teaching?
10 Teacher-3 : Yes, I do. I performed my online English teaching during
this pandemic.
Researcher: Ok. What E-learning technology do you use to perform
EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : Sometime I used Zoom Application and sometime I used
15 WhatsApp Group Discussion and E-mail.
Researcher: Thank you. Next question. In general, how would you
describe your perception toward E-learning technology on
EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-3 : Well, in general I do agree that the use of e-learning
20 systems technology can facilitate the distance learning
during this pandemic. However, it’s not effective for me
and my students when we organize the EFL online teaching
due to some factors such internet connection, internet data
quota, students’ participation, and so on.
25 Researcher: What factors do you attribute to use the E-learning
technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : Actually there are many factors that influence or attribute
why I used the e-learning systems on online teaching on my
classroom, as I said before. One of them is the effectiveness
30 of using these technologies whether they are effective or
Researcher: How would you describe your behavior intention toward
EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-3 : I think in this pandemic that the use of e-learning systems
35 needed. We needed the E-learning systems, we need Zoom,
we need WhatsApp, we need Google Clasrroom to
facilitate our distance learning. But the implementation is
not effective because it lacks of interaction and
participation of the students. And the students did not
40 motivate to join in the online course. So, I did not enjoy to
perform the online teaching.
Researcher: What do you feel in performing the EFL online teaching?

Teacher-3 : I did not enjoy to perform my EFL online teaching during

this pandemic by using the technology because my students
45 lacks of participation and interaction they did not join the
course because of some reasons. For example they did not
have smart phone to facilitate the online learning, they did
not have data voucher of internet quota, and they faced
internet connection problem, when I used the media of
50 Zoom on my online teaching.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology would
improve the quality and quantity of your EFL online
Teacher-3 : Talking about the teaching quality, I think it did not
55 improve. It’s usual, it’s same when offline teaching. I think
it’s better to organize the face to face meeting. So it did not
improve my teaching quality. It increased the quantity of
teaching activity because there were many tasks to be done.
It consumed my time, it’s not useful for me and my
60 students. When the students were asked to submit their
assignment on time, they were late. I had closed the book of
my students’ attendance and score at the time, suddenly I
received their assignment both via Google Form and
WhatsApp that it made me to re-open the book again and to
65 record their attendance and score. And sometime they sent
their task, old task that it made me forget. So, it made me
busy and added my teaching activities. It consumed my
time. It’s not useful for me. I disliked this pandemic
situation although the media of e-learning can be used to
70 facilitate the teaching and learning in a distance.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology would be
useful for both teachers and students on EFL online
Teacher-3 : As I said before, the use of E-learning systems can facilitate
75 our distancing learning, it can facilitate the online teaching.
However, it is not effective because there are many
problems we found when we used the E-learning systems.
Researcher: Do you believe that your interaction with the E-learning
technology would be clear and understandable on
80 conducting the EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-3 : When I organized my online teaching using Zoom, the
problem was internet connection. Actually my students
came from different remote area in East Kalimantan. They
lived in the orphanage. During the pandemic, they went
85 home in Mahulu and Kubar where the internet facility or
connection was weak or low. So, when we organized the
online teaching using Zoom, sometime it connected well

and sometime it did not connect well. It influenced our

interaction and communication. It took lag or slowness
90 interaction. And some of my students did not understand
how to use Zoom. They did not understand how to use the
features of Zoom since there was no provided training from
the school because the government did not allow schools to
organize the directly meeting between teachers and their
95 students to conduct the training during the pandemic.
Consequently, my students did not understand to use the
facility or the features of the Zoom and this affect on our
online interaction.
Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology on EFL
100 online teaching would be easy?
Teacher-3 : For me, it is easy to use the online teaching media such as
Zoom, Google Classroom, WhatsApp or Email. But for my
students, it’s not easy. It’s very difficult. They did not
understand how to use Zoom Cloud Meeting and how to
105 use the Google Classroom how to use E-mail because they
were new students actually, they passed from their junior
high school then they move to and continue to vocational
high school. So, it’s new experience for them to use the e-
learning systems. And they were not provided the training
110 on how to use Zoom Cloud Meeting and how to use Google
Classroom. So, it means that for me as a teacher, I can use
and understand to use the systems but my students cannot
use them. So, it’s not effective because we got missed-
information and missed-understanding related with
115 the material and the instruction to be done by the students.
Researcher: Are there any influences of people or things that make you
to use the E-learning technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : During this pandemic, we asked to our friends, teachers in
our WA group about what the best or suitable media to use
120 in online teaching and learning, some of them, my friends,
teachers it’s better use Zoom for synchronous meeting and
to use Google Classroom for asynchronous meeting and to
save the data internet quota. My friends, teachers in the WA
group and my understanding and knowledge related with
125 the use of media online teaching influenced me to use the
media of online teaching and learning.
Researcher: Do you think the management in your school would
support you to use the E-learning technology on EFL online
130 Teacher-3 : This is the basic reason why I said that it’s not effective to
the use the e-learning systems. My school, my headmaster
did not facilitate the training how we use the e-learning

system how the students can use the e-learning systems

because the government did not allow to conduct the face to
135 face meeting during the pandemic. So, it depends on
teachers what e-learning system chosen and used on their
online teaching and learning and the teachers studied the e-
learning systems by themselves and also the students. So, it
think that the management of my school did not facilitate
140 the training. So my students could not be able to use the e-
learning systems.
Researcher: Do you think the management is aware of the benefits and
strategic advantages of using the E-learning system on EFL
online teaching?
145 Teacher-3 : My school management did not aware the advantages of
using of e-learning systems because my headmaster did not
facilitate the training to use the e-learning systems specially
for my students. It might be caused by the prohibition of
150 gathering to the school or social distancing and fund or fee
because my school is private school we have a limited fee
to organize anything.
Researcher: Do you think the management would evaluate and revise
the E-learning system over its life cycle?
155 Teacher-3 : My school management never evaluated the use of e-
learning systems technology that the teachers used.
Researcher: In general, do you believe the organization would support
the use of the E-learning system on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : Generally, the school management or my headmaster
160 instructed us to use the e-learning systems. However, the
school management did not facilitate how to use them. And
they did not provide the internet facilitation or data internet
quota. So, we are as teachers, we find out our solution, we
choose our own e-learning systems to our students.
165 Researcher: Thank you. If the E-learning technology does not support
your language, do you think it will be difficult to perform
EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : As I said before that my students came from different
remote area in East Kalimantan. They came from Mahulu
170 and then Kutai Barat, where their internet connection was
very low. So, sometime when we organized Zoom, the
information or the communication during the online
teaching became a problem. We could not communicate
effectively. The communication was not effective to be
175 directly conveyed to the students due to lag information or
low internet connection. It’s difficult to understand what
the students communicated due to lag information. So,
sometime I asked my students to communicate or chat via
chat box. Unfortunately, some of them did not understand

180 to use the features of Zoom. So, it affected on our

communication during the use of Zoom. We often missed
communication, to teach the material because of lag
information and low internet connection.
Researcher: Do you have the sources and knowledge necessary to
185 perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-3 : I studied the e-learning systems by myself from the tutorial
in Youtube, I study from my teacher friends, and some
books that explored the use of e-learning systems. So, I can
use the Google Meet and Zoom Cloud Meeting. However,
190 my students did not do what I have done, even though I
asked them to watch the tutorial on how to use the e-
learning systems.
Researcher: Ok, my last question, does your school provide the needed
facilities of E-learning technology to perform EFL online
195 teaching?
Teacher : My school management did not facilitate the use of E-
learning systems. They did not facilitate the training both
for the teachers and the students and my school did not
facilitate the internet quota for the teachers and the students
200 to organize the e-learning systems because my school is
private school. It’s not government school. So, there’s no
payment or fund. We have limited fee to do anything.
Researcher: Well, I think that’s all the questions. Thank you very much
for the time.
205 Teacher-3 : You’re welcome.

Female Teacher with negative perception

Researcher: Good afternoon, Sir.

Teacher-4 : Good afternoon.
Researcher: Firstly, thank you very much for the time. Here, I conduct
my research to fulfill my magister of English Education
5 study. Therefore, I would like to ask about your perception
toward the EFL online teaching during the Covid-19
pandemic, especially the use of E-learning systems. There
are some questions to be asked. Ok, Ibu, for first question, I
would like to ask you about general question first. Number
10 one; do you perform online teaching during the Covid-19
Teacher-4 : Yes, I do.
Researcher: What E-learning technology do you use to perform EFL
online teaching?

15 Teacher-4 : Ok. For synchronous system, I used Zoom and then video
call with WhatsApp application. And for asynchronous
system, I used Google Classroom because in my school,
SMK 3 Muhammadiyah Samarinda, we used Google
Classroom to collect the score and anything about the
20 students’ achievement.
Researcher: Ok. Thank you. How would you describe your perception
toward E-learning technology on EFL online teaching
performance in this pandemic?
Teacher-4 : Ok. My perception toward E-learning technology in this
25 pandemic, I think it makes me tired and confused because
there are too many applications and I need to study more.
And I think when we study the technology, it needs more
time. It can be short time. Pandemic situation makes
teachers to understand the technology faster than the
30 situation I mean like that.
Researcher: Ok. So it means that you have to learn many kinds of tools
and then many systems. And what factors do you attribute
to use the E-learning technology on EFL online teaching
during this pandemic?
35 Teacher-4 : Ok. For internal factor, I need to stabilize the internet factor
first. And then I give motivation before start teaching with
Zoom or Google Classroom because in the pandemic there
are many students who do not care about the materials. We
need to motivate the students to open or join the Zoom and
40 then to do the exercise at the Google Classroom. And then
for external factor, I need to make a better situation I need
to give short exercise not completed exercise because I
have just limited time to teach my students.
Researcher: Thank you. How would you describe your behavior
45 intention toward the use of E-learning systems on EFL
online teaching performance to this pandemic, Ibu?
Teacher-4 : Ok my behavior intention toward EFL online teaching
performance, I think I need more time to study the E-
learning system or technology and I do not know why I
50 do not like the pandemic situation. I like to teaching
directly because I am teaching to vocational school and all
of my students are men not women. So, I need to teaching
them directly not indirectly.
Researcher: What do you feel in performing the EFL online teaching?
55 Teacher-4 : I feel exhausted and then I feel very bad because I have to
teaching and I need more talking in the class. I mean when
we are directly teaching to the students, I don’t need to talk
much. But in this online teaching, I need speaking more and
more and it makes me exhausted. You know, it makes me
60 tired too.

Researcher: Thank you, Ibu. Do you think that using E-learning

technology would improve the quality and quantity of your
EFL online teaching?
Teacher-4 : Maybe not improve because it depends on the teachers. I
65 mean when the teachers have the technology knowledge
and it can make them easier to teach. If you like me, I don’t
have any technology knowledge; I need to use only Google
Classroom, duplicate the Youtube, I don’t make any videos
or others.
70 Researcher: Ok. Do you think that using E-learning technology would
be useful for both teachers and students on EFL online
Teacher-4 : Ok. Like I said before that it depends on teachers and
students. In Samarinda in my school in my students; the
75 students needed to be motivated. I mean they will ignore
you as a teacher when you are teaching in online learning.
So, I think online learning in my school is not useful.
Researcher: Do you believe that your interaction with the E-learning
technology would be clear and understandable on
80 conducting the EFL online teaching performance?
Teacher-4 : Maybe for several materials will be clear. But when we are
teaching difficult material like tenses I mean or speaking, it
cannot be online teaching and learning at my school not
other schools.
85 Researcher: Do you think that using E-learning technology on EFL
online teaching on this pandemic would be easy?
Teacher-4 : It’s not easy because I need to make videos I need to think
how the strategy I used to teach my students with the
strategy that is appropriate for my students in this school
90 based on their skills. I mean that SMA and SMK are
different from the English knowledge. In this SMK, they
use skills not only material, they need to practice. I mean
like my friends in this school, they are motivated and there
are several teachers have skills in technology. So, I need to
95 learn with them. I think that’s all.
Researcher: Are there any influences of people or things that make you
to use the E-learning technology on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-4 : I handle everything by myself because many teachers also
have difficulty like me to use the technology. It depends on
100 me to use the technology. There’s no any influence from
others to use the technology of e-learning.
Researcher: Ok next. Do you think the management in your school
would support you to use the E-learning technology on
your EFL online teaching?
105 Teacher-4 : My headmaster and the other principle, they motivated and
supported to use the technology. But it’s back again to the

teachers. It depends on the teachers, when the management

of my school gives the support and the teachers did not use
the support, that’s mean I need to talk here that it is based
110 on the teachers. If the teacher uses this technology this
support and the other students did not use it, it is useless.
So, in my school every teacher has own strategy to teach.
Researcher: Ok. Next question. Do you think the management is aware
of the benefits and strategic advantages of using the E-
115 learning system on EFL online teaching to this pandemic?
Teacher-4 : In this pandemic, the headmaster and the management
supported the online learning. But they are not aware about
how to review our online teaching in this pandemic
situation. They did not do anything. So, it is based on the
120 teachers again.
Researcher: Ok. Do you think the management would evaluate and
revise the E-learning system over its life cycle?
Teacher-4 : For this time, I don’t think so. The school management did
not evaluate or revise the use of e-learning system on my
125 online teaching.
Researcher: In general, do you believe the organization would support
the use of the E-learning system on EFL online teaching?
Teacher-4 : They supported me but not in this short time.
Researcher: Ok. For language barrier. If the E-learning technology does
130 not support your language, do you think it will be difficult
to perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-4 : For first material?
Researcher: Yes. Do you think the language problems would affect the
effectiveness EFL online teaching?
135 Teacher-4 : Yes, of course. It’s like I previously said that when we are
directly teaching, it will be different from online teaching
because the students who joined via Zoom were little. I
mean when one class has thirty students, the students who
joined the Zoom only a half of them. It’s not useful. We
have a problem in communication.
140 Researcher: Ok. For facilitation condition. Do you have the sources and
knowledge necessary to perform EFL online teaching?
Teacher-4 : I just study from my friends. It is just asking not finding the
Researcher: Ok. The last but not the least. Does your school provide the
needed facilities of E-learning technology to perform EFL
145 online teaching?
Teacher-4 : My school provided the needed facilities for online
teaching. My school has increased the quota for internet
because when this pandemic happened, the teachers will
teach online and it will make slower the network so the

150 school has to increase the quota again. It’s only the internet
Researcher: Well, Do you want to say or add something about your
perception on EFL online teaching before we end this
interview, Ibu?
155 Teacher-4 : Ok maybe I just want to make clear that I am teaching at
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Samarinda. It will be different
when you are interviewed at SMA because my students
have low English skills because they are only oriented on
their major of vocational school. Just it. Thank you so
160 much.
Researcher: Ok. Thank you so much, Ibu.

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