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Dr. R.M.L.

#1&2, Gottigere, B.G. Road, Bangalore - 560 083


Name VaRua B.S.

Subject:.d f Sidenee
Batch :.. YcasB.6thSemet2020 Bath
Register No. A4201OS.
Add. SI No.

This is to certify that Smt,/Sri..ARUN.B.S.
has satisfactorly completed the course of Assignment prescribed by the KSCVfor the
semester Degree . k . . B . . course in the year 20 23- 20 24

Signature of the Student Principal Subject Teacher

Rein- Discuste paiaoa nelatad to "Choracta Ecdence
The Bo siom velted to Chancta Eideree car be
found n tte Lhdian Eiderer At, I82.
Tk Seik sectioo tHat addene Choasta
adence is Seion s to Seion S5 ot tte At
SetionS2 ot te Eideree At stata te Gereal
tte Baadissalsle cuidence ot te Bad
Chaco oa PesonLt staes
52, Tn Gl Caen, Re chaaev to pae Conducted
Sbtedelevant.I CiL CakstHe act that aue peson
is oda paticulaw choracev is irveevat

The Pauision eshbltethad n Gil Case te

choaca a pemon is generly relennt ubendetiming
damag tay aenttled to

Wk slould bouew undatadthat Sectinot

poy deadn usth Gal Casen Sdo not oide
Coaeheie dance On-te adisabi se of te
ChoaeN eridene ?n Canna Cases.
tov Cotesnal Casen te piionelatad to Chota
Siderce Can be fandn Gtion S3, S45SS wbih
oddhers te adisaity o eidee ot Bad chancta.
God Chonta SRovtoun Bad Chancai epectiy
Povision fo eaderce on Chovacten gien?a
Jan Eidence At,1832
a) idence abod te choadt tte faties to te
b) pacecdirgoand
dene alodHe chaad od te Wetnea'
Setiorlao,la6,las, Is3 S\SS ttte A dealt
te chaacles da Wetneca
Setion toss pade o Ckaats ote

Seckion S2tb Ss ete At laydau Re

velet unde Setiou52 to Ss
Tte&idee ot Chaacti oylee tended agait
pody b a Caacty
Je word Chaadenote le ollectiequatti
Choadaiste eaedaly moantad Zaoal t t distingisk
Te od Chaaca han baen de fenedo Section s
ottte Eidevee Aetaincudes both Peplation aspostl.
budt cxcept os povded in Section S4 edeee aybe
not ot aticaow
woe shoun.
ach by uich Reptation o Dapatin
Setion 52- Io al Cases chaaclen to Conde
This Stion oHe Sicdeee Act Say that Cood

Jn Gal poceedirgotte Ederee ot Cod Cloncta

Bad Chaasa not ging to helpte lout

Ja C&al Cases, te fastthttr choact t

Rmpcbak ainy Condced fnupated to ktrn îe Loedenut,
exbept fn So fby a, Suct chaacte appea fomm fact
oteuose velet

Sccton 53- Pelevang otChncte in Cinanel bases

Accodg to Scetion s3 o te Evidenae Aet, in He
Cansnal otentngste fad thad te petorn is aceunedis
good chavadi ii velewaut.
e nvoCence v Cinnasti ot ona e d ean
On his choact
Section S3A- &idence ot chaacten ov Beuto Seyual
Eemen not edevnt Centosa asen

3Sa, Section 3548,Scstioo 354c, Section 3s40

Section 346,Seeion 396A Scctioo 396A8, Smtion 3L
Section 3A%L, Seion 36D, Setion 336DA, Setion 36D8
ton 3)6E e Lnd?on Pen Code, 1B60 b
atlept to Comait any Suchoffonces, ee tte quetia
vict oNot such pnaon's evioa Sexual Expenee
uny peson Shall nóf be velexaut ontte isaeo
Such Const ote qualsty ot Cose
Section S4 ReNiow Bad Chaad Lneleraut
this section saysthat peviawa Bad Chaatew
not elennt except fnep Aead au llous
’Ja Q&nsnal poceetings tHeLncevat
fact that te acauned
unlen eidence
peson has a bacd Chanadas
Las boen ghuen that te hana Good Chovactav, nlh
Case R becones Pelevat
Poge no-s
Eyplanatien I
Ths Secion coes nd appy to Case Pa
ulscb te Bad cacav co stself a fat

Explanaton 2
Apevia Couttioo îs Relevatas Eidee

Sedtion SsChaac affectig Darsges

Ja Caal CaeaHe fat thatte Chanc t
whch he Onglt to vecee is velet.
Jn bstion S2, 53, s4 S5sHe uod
chandte fncluden both Repuatiun S Dsposttion;but
except s poidedin Section S4, Sidence may be
and notof
disposton u choun
|hee ae afeo pou sio, ulee ue Can
adeepo undostanding ot houo Chavacte eadences
Onde e Eideve Aettte Geroad Re ort
Chact Eicdence is otlincd inSections

tas Rae seftkd te paple that Chonacte
&idene shald nat be tte dctongado Ra Cil
Casen Shelps to pienit unfai pa judtoe
baxd O a pesos chanctN.

2) Exceptiom Alotg Chanct &idence'i

eidence in cR
eXCeption unda e Indarn Eidence Aet t allas o
Cirgna Cases
A) Aieanalst, ot &Rdence o Bad ChanetasctnS
Stion S3 te At loefdence ota
but only und Cetala Cromitnces Canitian.
pouison pott e plection to iutadcr
eidenee of te acld Bad Chavact i13 dent
only be
pesentd aft-He arened chonco han been oteu
'ataced byte defonee
B) SidenCe o God Choractav (Section S4)
Setan S4 te Tndan Eidence At alo
He defence to Renat ewtdence shaine thadtei chonct
s Pncoisteut th He alegrd offee

untt pcudie Shelp etabeh a postáe Bopcon ot

c) Revouy Bad Chanctay Seton s s)

TWs seion dealh
peiau baiA chaactatpevian
allaun teBad
pcecnten opot
Characar if its
evideuce otHe accuncd
eleatE ote case
Haweve, e pecike creunstancm unda ultch
Such evidece can be adnted
dsoation the vuen ot Reeane.

3) Balaneirg Poleyance Sfo~nes -

Casen ndette idence At, t's west be Cone
balanced to enae foknas pont Poutoe
Te Ad Prcopoaa gateqgondh bo raitatete
A) Tue Disoction SReleuance.

eteunt eidee s odnited.

Tle Cauttames te potatiie Vade ot e
Contuion pajudiee,
Contal tte adiaakirt, Coada ecence Smaista

To peuet unde pjudiee, Chaacta Edence
is ofton Sued to Gnstaton'
eicewce t ee
Cout Nestete
Scop extent otthe Chwate ene t
Peman dhectty melevaat to te Yssun at hand
Sennestat te fous otte thiad Renins onte
fe Inian Svi dence Ae, 1842- 3ke a Balance beten

Whe Chaeda i derce

n Civil Casen, cceptiou eósta n iasnd huen ud
Seaion s3,54 ss ot te At
Ihee exception alo for te Pahidetoo of
idence an Bad Choacto

Ram Bab Meha (i990)

Cat otdia held
hat e Sidee ot te God Chaado t te acued
R od seable t rebutHe Josecution eidence, een
fHe acaumd doen nottakete snd an a htness

Chandey denee n nal Caen to

ahen Ced'lty S pobbity ot the accue
Trsowoeit ntte offencen chovqd.

pere last doda han held hate

Rnue, Eidence
et te accacd chacten raita,ta qoodo Bad
becones Pelevant Arsable
The Cout ado emphasized tah te
chovaceN dHe accuned anen eae hn
on cheal
esantial to CanwodietHe poseeutions Ca

a besna taeidaee ot Good Chaatew otte

acaused Car b atoced to Couteyte poteiton
llcgtios Slacat doubt aout e veNady ot
posation Cose.
Te Cout ban enthasiedtat chaast
Cweiad le in pente.
Bhogapy SPefeences

Manupava Cute
esttaw Tdia Ote
hdian Konaon Wetete

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