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Homer is the name ascribed by the ancient Greeks to the legendary author of the Iliad and
odyssey. The odyssey focuses on the journey of Odysseus to his home Ithaca, after the fall of

Odysseus’ journey to return home to Ithaca after the battle of troy takes ten years. Among his
many trials during this quest, Odysseus must first escape imprisonment by calypso on the island
of ogygia, endure a battle with the Cyclops, survive a descent to Hades, and suffer the god
Neptune’s bitter wrath at sea. He goes through many trials, all the while Penelope his wife
faithfully waiting for him but not knowing if he is still alive. With the help of Hermes and Zeus,
and his son Telemachus, Odysseus is finally home, in his rightful place at the palace.

Section under study: meeting of Telemachus and Odysseus

Meet at the swineherd’s hut after Odysseus sheds his beggar disguise. They form a full ambush
plan to get rid of the suitors. The suitors decide to murder Telemachus when he comes home ,
after they receive news of his landing. Telemachus’ quest to find his father has clearly matured
him. He is willing to help his father kill all the suitors and restore Odysseus to the throne.

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