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country Country CoSeries NamSeries Cod 2019 [YR202020 [YR20 2021

China CHN Current ac BN.CAB.XO 0.720661 1.69418 1.789218

China CHN Foreign dirBN.KLT.DI -5E+10 -9.94E+10 -2.06E+11
China CHN Net capitalBN.TRF.KO -3.27E+08-75764997 91500854
China CHN AgriculturaEN.ATM.ME .. .. ..
China CHN AgriculturaEN.ATM.NO .. .. ..
China CHN AlternativeEG.USE.CO.. .. ..
China CHN CO2 emissioEN.ATM.CO7.605937 .. ..
China CHN Exports of NE.EXP.GN.. .. ..
China CHN GDP growth NY.GDP.MK5.950501 2.239702 8.109793
China CHN GDP per caNY.GDP.PC 5.575317 1.996619 8.013345
China CHN Net trade iBN.GSR.GN 1.32E+11 3.59E+11 4.63E+11
China CHN Patent applIP.PAT.RES 1243568 1344817 ..
India IND Current ac BN.CAB.XO-1.051115 1.226907 -1.052244
India IND Foreign dirBN.KLT.DI -3.75E+10 -5.32E+10 -2.75E+10
India IND Net capitalBN.TRF.KO -1.16E+09 -1.06E+09 -3.08E+08
India IND AgriculturaEN.ATM.ME .. .. ..
India IND AgriculturaEN.ATM.NO .. .. ..
India IND AlternativeEG.USE.CO.. .. ..
India IND CO2 emissioEN.ATM.CO1.775923 .. ..
India IND Exports of NE.EXP.GN-3.394739 -9.238185 24.32413
India IND GDP growth NY.GDP.MK3.737919 -6.596081 8.681229
India IND GDP per caNY.GDP.PC 2.679717 -7.484046 7.818249
India IND Net trade iBN.GSR.GN-7.35E+10 -8.34E+09 -7.4E+10
India IND Patent applIP.PAT.RES 19454 23141 ..
Sri Lanka LKA Current ac BN.CAB.XO-2.070887 -1.268905 ..
Sri Lanka LKA Foreign dirBN.KLT.DI -6.66E+08 -4.19E+08 ..
Sri Lanka LKA Net capitalBN.TRF.KO 23110883 28060183 ..
Sri Lanka LKA AgriculturaEN.ATM.ME .. .. ..
Sri Lanka LKA AgriculturaEN.ATM.NO .. .. ..
Sri Lanka LKA AlternativeEG.USE.CO.. .. ..
Sri Lanka LKA CO2 emissioEN.ATM.CO1.090676 .. ..
Sri Lanka LKA Exports of NE.EXP.GN 1.70418 -29.55935 10.25746
Sri Lanka LKA GDP growth NY.GDP.MK-0.220484 -3.472297 3.326764
Sri Lanka LKA GDP per caNY.GDP.PC-0.829147 -3.983142 2.22149
Sri Lanka LKA Net trade iBN.GSR.GN-5.15E+09 -5.19E+09 ..
Sri Lanka LKA Patent applIP.PAT.RES 356 353 ..
United Sta USA Current ac BN.CAB.XO-2.085756 -2.942488 -3.630071
United Sta USA Foreign dirBN.KLT.DI -2.09E+11 1.23E+11 -2.66E+10
United Sta USA Net capitalBN.TRF.KO -6.46E+09 -5.53E+09 -2.48E+09
United Sta USA AgriculturaEN.ATM.ME .. .. ..
United Sta USA AgriculturaEN.ATM.NO .. .. ..
United Sta USA AlternativeEG.USE.CO.. .. ..
United Sta USA CO2 emissioEN.ATM.CO14.67341 .. ..
United Sta USA Exports of NE.EXP.GN 0.470301 -13.23507 6.053677
United Sta USA GDP growth NY.GDP.MK2.294439 -2.767803 5.945485
United Sta USA GDP per caNY.GDP.PC 1.829668 -3.697922 5.82014
United Sta USA Net trade iBN.GSR.GN -5.6E+11 -6.54E+11 -8.45E+11
United Sta USA Patent applIP.PAT.RES 285113 269586 ..
Japan JPN Current ac BN.CAB.XO 3.44718 2.935419 3.192611
Japan JPN Foreign dirBN.KLT.DI 2.18E+11 8.55E+10 1.38E+11
Japan JPN Net capitalBN.TRF.KO -3.81E+09 -1.93E+09 -3.82E+09
Japan JPN AgriculturaEN.ATM.ME .. .. ..
Japan JPN AgriculturaEN.ATM.NO .. .. ..
Japan JPN AlternativeEG.USE.CO.. .. ..
Japan JPN CO2 emissioEN.ATM.CO 8.54098 .. ..
Japan JPN Exports of NE.EXP.GN-1.458491 -11.80165 11.77698
Japan JPN GDP growth NY.GDP.MK-0.240351 -4.506905 1.657071
Japan JPN GDP per caNY.GDP.PC-0.100125 -4.225555 2.125722
Japan JPN Net trade iBN.GSR.GN-8.62E+09 -7.6E+09 -2.25E+10
Japan JPN Patent applIP.PAT.RES 245372 227348 ..

Data from database: World Development Indicators

Last Updated: 03/30/2023
Code License Type
EG.USE.COMM.CL.ZUse and distribution of these data are subject to IEA terms and
EN.ATM.CO2E.PC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Indicator Name
Current account balance (% of GDP)
Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$)
Net capital account (BoP, current US$)
Agricultural methane emissions (% of total)
Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total)
Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)
CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
Exports of goods and services (annual % growth)
GDP growth (annual %)
GDP per capita growth (annual %)
Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$)
Patent applications, residents
Short definition

Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed thr

Long definition
Current account balance is the sum of net exports of goods and
Foreign direct investment are the net inflows of investment to a
Net capital account records acquisitions and disposals of nonpro
Agricultural methane emissions are emissions from animals, ani
Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions are emissions produced th
Clean energy is noncarbohydrate energy that does not produce
Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning o
Annual growth rate of exports of goods and services based on co
Annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on
Annual percentage growth rate of GDP per capita based on consta
Net trade in goods and services is derived by offsetting imports
Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed thro
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Y
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Ye
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Ye
World Bank staff estimates from original source: European Com
World Bank staff estimates from original source: European Com
IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (
Climate Watch. 2020. GHG Emissions. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available at: https://www.climatewatchdat
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Ye
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), WIPO Patent R
Economic Policy & Debt: Balance of payments: Current account
Economic Policy & Debt: Balance of payments: Capital & financi
Economic Policy & Debt: Balance of payments: Capital & financi
Environment: Emissions
Environment: Emissions
Environment: Energy production & use
Environment: Emissions
Economic Policy & Debt: National accounts: Growth rates
Economic Policy & Debt: National accounts: Growth rates
Economic Policy & Debt: National accounts: Growth rates
Economic Policy & Debt: Balance of payments: Current account
Infrastructure: Technology
Aggregation method

Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted Average
Weighted average
Weighted average
Weighted Average

Statistical concept and methodology

IPCC category 4 = Agriculture. Methane emissions result largely

Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions are emissions produced t
Energy data are compiled by the International Energy Agency
Carbon dioxide emissions, largely by-products of energy produc

Growth rates of GDP and its components are calculated using the least squares method and constant price data in the local cu
For more information, see the metadata for constant U.S. dollar GDP (NY.GDP.MKTP.KD) and total population (SP.POP.TOTL).

Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty procedure or with a nation
Development relevance

The environmental effects of carbon dioxide are of significant interest. Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up the largest share of the
The environmental effects of carbon dioxide are of significant interest. Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up the largest share of the
Governments in many countries are increasingly aware of the urgent need to make better use of the world's energy resources
The environmental effects of carbon dioxide are of significant interest. Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up the largest share of the

An economy's growth is measured by the change in the volume of

nt U.S. dollar GDP (NY.GDP.MKTP.KD) and total population (SP.POP.TOTL).

Patent data can be used in the analysis of a wide array of topics related to technical change and patenting activity including in
Limitations and exceptions

National reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that follows the Intergovernmental Panel
National reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that follows the Intergovernmental Panel
The IEA makes these estimates in consultation with national stat
Each year the CDIAC recalculates the entire time series since 1949, incorporating recent findings and corrections. Estimates ex

To obtain comparable series of constant price data for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added b

A patent is an exclusive right granted for a specified period (generally 20 years) for a new way of doing something or a new tec
General comments
Note: Data are based on the sixth edition of the IMF's Balanc
Note: Data are based on the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance o
Note: Data are based on the sixth edition of the IMF's Balanc
k Convention on Climate Change that follows the Intergovernmental Panel on
k Convention on Climate Change that follows the Intergovernmental Panel on
Restricted use: Please contact the International Energy Agency f
ries since 1949, incorporating recent findings and corrections. Estimates exclude fuels supplied to ships and aircraft in international transp

for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added by industrial origin to a common reference year. Because rescali

Note: Data are based on the sixth edition of the IMF's Balanc
period (generally 20 years) for a new way of doing something or a new tec
License URL

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