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1. Brief

This policy is intended to provide tools for addressing employee conduct and
performance issues in a reasonable, consistent, and effective manner.
2. Purpose

The purpose of the disciplinary policy and procedure is to set and maintain
standards of conduct within the Organization, and in doing so, ensure that all
employees are treated fairly and consistently.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all our employees.

4. Type of Conduct & Performance issues

1) Unsatisfactory Job Performance

 Failure to meet performance objectives.

 Attendance issues.
 Failure to meet deadlines

2) Unacceptable Personal Conduct

 Rude behavior to customers or colleague

 On-the-job minor mistakes.
 Breach of dress code
 Indiscipline
 Involuntary Discrimination.
 Unwillingness to follow health and safety standards.
3) Grossly Inefficient Job Performance.

 Lack of response to counseling and corrective actions.

 On-the-job major mistakes.

4) Severe offensive behavior/Felony

 Corruption/ Bribery.
 Breach of employment agreement/code of conduct.
 Harassment/ Voluntary discrimination.
 Workplace Violence.
 Theft/Fraud.
 Substance Abuse.

5) Sequence of Disciplinary Action

 Verbal warning
 Written Warning
 Loss of privileges/ No increment
 Suspension without pay
 Termination

However gross misconduct may not necessarily follow the above sequence.
Management has right to take appropriate decision based on the severity of the

5. Procedure

1) Respective Manager/HOD must report any misconduct of their staff

immediately to HR in writing.
2) Prior to imposing disciplinary action, Manager/HOD should review to
assess their particular situation and determine whether corrective
action or discipline is warranted:
3) HR will conduct internal enquiry and take appropriate action in
consultation with Manager/HOD
6. Appeal

1) Employee can to appeal to the Management to revoke the decision in

2) Management reserves the right to take the final decision.

7. Effective Date

 This policy will be applicable with immediate effect.

Company will have full right to withdraw, amend this policy as and
when required


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