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Lecture 11

The MIPS Architecture


A Little Bit of History

John Louis von Neumann
Born 28 December 1903, Budapest, Hungary; died 8 February 1957, Washington DC. Promoter of concepts which have led to the development of has become known as the von Neumann Architecture.


The von Neumann Architecture

Define the computer as a collection of four main subsystems: bus Processor (CPU) Memory Control Unit ALU GEEK Input-Output

program and data

A program is consists of a stream of instructions which are stored in memory. The program is executed by sequentially fetching instructions from memory and carrying them out according to specification. 11.3

Memory and Addressing


32-bit word = 4 bytes

Byte addressable

0x000000 0x000004 0x000008 0x00000c 0x000010 0x000014 0x000018 0x00001c

0x000000 0x000001 0x000002 0x000003 0x000004 0x000005 0x000006

. . .

Words start at addresses that are a multiple of 4 (alignment)

Endian Conventions
word address

0x00000c 0x00000c
byte address



BIG Endian LITTLE Endian

0x00000c 0x00000d 0x00000e 0x00000f

Example: store 0x00010203 according to little endian and to a big endian conventions,
0x00 0x03 0x01 0x02 0x02 0x01 0x03 0x00

BIG Endian LITTLE Endian


0x00000c 0x00000d 0x00000e 0x00000f

The MIPS Architecture

Its a RISC architecture:
Reduced Instruction Set Computer: less number of instructions (stick to the basics, complex operations are made up of blocks of simple instructions). Counter example: the x86 family is CISC.

Its a load and store architecture:

Only two kinds of instructions can access memory: loads and stores.


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