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Citation: 13 Soc. F. 230 1934-1935

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Stanford University

summate cunning in a maze of supplemen-

BY is a behaviour pattern, anticipa-
tory a social attitude
set or tendency, predis-
position to specific adjustment to desig-
tary or even irrelevant questions yet all
that has been obtained is a symbolic
response to a symbolic situation. The
nated social situations, or, more simply, a words "Armenian woman" do not con-
conditioned response to social stimuli.' stitute an Armenian woman of flesh and
Terminological usage differs, but students blood, who might be tall or squat, fat or
who have concerned themselves with atti- thin, old or young, well or poorly
tudes apparently agree that they are dressed-who might, in fact, be a goddess
acquired out of social experience and or just another old and dirty hag. And
provide the individual organism with the questionnaire response, whether it be
some degree of preparation to adjust, in "yes" or "no," is but a verbal reaction
a well-defined way, to certain types of and this does not involve rising from the
social situations if and when these situa- seat or stolidly avoiding the hurt eyes of
tions arise. It would seem, therefore, the hypothetical woman and the de-
that the totality of the social attitudes of rogatory states of other street-car occu-
a single individual would include all his pants. Yet, ignoring these limitations,
socially acquired personality which is the diligent investigator will jump briskly
involved in the making of adjustments to from his factual evidence to the unwar-
other human beings. ranted conclusion that he has measured
But by derivation social attitudes are the "anticipatory behavior patterns" of
seldom more than a verbal response to a non-Armenian males towards Armenian
symbolic situation. For the conventional females encountered on street cars. Usually
method of measuring social attitudes is to he does not stop here, but proceeds to
ask questions (usually in writing) which deduce certain general conclusions re-
demand a verbal adjustment to an entirely garding the social relationships between
symbolic situation. Because it is easy, Armenians and non-Armenians. Most of
cheap, and mechanical, the attitudinal us have applied the questionnaire tech-
questionnaire is rapidly becoming a major nique with greater caution, but not I
method of sociological and socio-psycho- fear with any greater certainty of success.
logical investigation. The technique is Some years ago I endeavored to obtain
simple. Thus from a hundred or a thou- comparative data on the degree of French
sand responses to the question "Would and English antipathy towards dark-
you get up to give an Armenian woman skinned peoples. 2 The informal question-
your seat in a street car?" the investigator naire technique was used, but, although
derives the "attitude" of non-Armenian the responses so obtained were exceedingly
males towards Armenian females. Now consistent, I supplemented them with
the question may be constructed with what I then considered an index to overt
elaborate skill and hidden with con- behavior. The hypothesis as then stated
1 See Daniel D. Droba, "Topical Summaries of seemed entirely logical. "Whatever our
Current Literature," The American Journal of Sociology, 2 "Race Prejudice: France and England," Social
1934, p. 513. Forces, September, x928, pp. io-ci.

attitude on the validity of 'verbalization' be taught to swear, a child to sing

may be, it must be recognized that any "Frankie and Johiny" in the Mae West
study of attitudes through direct question- manner. The words will have no meaning
ing is open to serious objection, both be- to either child or parrot. But to prove
cause of the limitations of the sampling that there is no necessary relationship
method and because in classifying atti- does not prove that such a relationship may
tudes the inaccuracy of human judgment not exist. There need be no relationship
is an inevitable variable. In this study, between what the hotel proprietor says
however, there is corroborating evidence he will do and what he actually does when
on these attitudes in the policies adopted confonted with a colored patron. Yet
by hotel proprietors. Nothing could be there may be. Certainly we are justified
used as a more accurate index of color in assuming that the verbal response of
prejudice than the admission or non- the hotel proprietor would be more likely
admission of colored people to hotels. to indicate what he would actually do
For the proprietor must reflect the group than would the verbal response of people
attitude in his policy regardless of his whose personal feelings are less sub-
own feelings in the matter. Since he ordinated to economic expediency. How-
determines what the group attitude is ever, the following study indicates that
towards Negroes through the expression the reliability of even such responses is
of that attitude in overt behavior and very small indeed.
over a long period of actual experience, Beginning in 193o and continuing for
the results will be exceptionally free from two years thereafter, I had the good for-
those disturbing factors which inevitably tune to travel rather extensively with a
affect the effort to study attitudes by direct young Chinese student and his wife.3
questioning." Both were personable, charming, and
But at that time I overlooked the fact quick to win the admiration and respect
that what I was obtaining from the hotel of those they had the opportunity to
proprietors was still a "verbalized" reac- become intimate with. But they were
tion to a symbolic situation. The re- foreign-born Chinese, a fact that could
sponse to a Negro's request for lodgings not be disguised. Knowing the general
might have been an excellent index of the "attitude" of Americans towards the
attitude of hotel patrons towards living Chinese as indicated by the "social dis-
in the same hotel as a Negro. Yet to tance" studies which have been made, it
ask the proprietor "Do you permit mem- was with considerable trepidation that I
bers of the Negro race to stay here?' "does first approached a hotel clerk in their
not, it appears, measure his potential company. Perhaps that clerk's eyebrows
response to an actual Negro. lifted slightly, but he accommodated us
All measurement of attitudes by the without a show of hesitation. And this
questionnaire technique proceeds on the in the "best" hotel in a small town noted
assumption that there is a mechanical for its narrow and bigoted "attitude"
relationship between symbolic and non- towards Orientals. Two months later I
symbolic behavior. It is simple enough passed that way again, phoned the hotel
to prove that there is no necessary cor- and asked if they would accommodate
relation between speech and action, be- 3The results of this study have been withheld
tween response to words and to the until the present time out of consideration for their
realities they symbolize. A parrot can feelings.
"an important Chinese gentleman." The pearance of baggage (by which, it seems,
reply was an unequivocal "No." That hotel clerks are prone to base their quick
aroused my curiosity and led to this study. evaluations), cleanliness and neatness were
In something like ten thousand miles far more significant for person to person
of motor travel, twice across the United reaction in the situations I was studying
States, up and down the Pacific Coast, we than skin pigmentation, straight black
met definite rejection from those asked to hair, slanting eyes, and flat noses. And
serve us just once. We were received at yet an air of self-confidence might entirely
66 hotels, auto camps, and "Tourist offset the "unfavorable" impression made
Homes," refused at one. We were served by dusty clothes and the usual disorder
in 184 restaurants and cafes scattered to appearance consequent upon some hun-
throughout the country and treated with dred miles of motor travel. A super-
what I judged to be more than ordinary cilious desk clerk in a hotel of noble
consideration in 72. of them. Accurate aspirations could not refuse his master's
and detailed records were kept of all these hospitality to people who appeared to
instances. An effort, necessarily sub- take their request as a perfectly normal
jective, was made to evaluate the overt and conventional thing, though they
response of hotel clerks, bell boys, eleva- might look like tin-can tourists and two
tor operators, and waitresses to the pres- of them belong to the racial category
ence of my Chinese friends. The factors "Oriental." On the other hand, I became
entering into the situations were varied as rather adept at approaching hotel clerks
far and as of often as possible. Control with that peculiar crab-wise manner which
was not, of course, as exacting as that is so effective in provoking a somewhat
required by laboratory experimentation. scornful disregard. And then a bland
But it was as rigid as is humanly possible smile would serve to reverse the entire
in human situations. For example, I situation. Indeed, it appeared that a
did not take the "test" subjects into my genial smile was the most effective pass-
confidence fearing that their behavior word to acceptance. My Chinese friends
might become self-conscious and thus were skillful smilers, which may account,
abnormally affect the response of others in part, for the fact that we received but
towards them. Whenever possible I let one rebuff in all our experience. Finally,
my Chinese friend negotiate for accom- I was impressed with the fact that even
modations (while I concerned myself with where some tension developed due to the
the car or luggage) or sent them into a strangeness of the Chinese it would evapo-
restaurant ahead of me. In this way I rate immediately when they spoke in unac-
attempted to "factor" myself out. We cented English.
sometimes patronized high-class estab- The one instance in which we were
lishments after a hard and dusty day on refused accommodations is worth record-
the road and stopped at inferior auto ing here. The place was a small Cali-
camps when in our most presentable fornia town, a rather inferior auto-camp
condition. into which we drove in a very dilapidated
In the end I was forced to conclude that car piled with camp equipment. It was
those factors which most influenced the early evening, the light so dim that the
behavior of others towards the Chinese proprietor found it somewhat difficult to
had nothing at all to do with race. decide the genus voyageur to which we
Quality and condition of clothing, ap- belonged. I left the car and spoke to

him. He hesitated, wavered, said he antipathies of their white clientele, is

was not sure that he had two cabins, anything but negative towards the
meanwhile edging towards our car. The Chinese. In terms of "social distance"
realization that the two occupants were we might conclude that native Caucasians
Orientals turned the balance or, more are not averse to residing in the same
likely, gave him the excuse he was looking hotels, auto-camps, and "Tourist Homes"
for. "No," he said, "I don't take Japs!" as Chinese and will with complacency
In a more pretentious establishment we accept the presence of Chinese at an ad-
secured accommodations, and with an joining table in restaurant or cafe. It does
extra flourish of hospitality. not follow that there is revealed a dis-
To offset this one flat refusal were the tinctly "positive" attitude towards the
many instances in which the physical Chinese, that whites prefer the Chinese to
peculiarities of the Chinese served to other whites. But the facts as gathered
heighten curiosity. With few exceptions certainly preclude the conclusion that
this curiosity was considerately hidden there is an intense prejudice towards the
behind an exceptional interest in serving Chinese.
us. Of course, outside of the Pacific Yet the existence of this prejudice, very
Coast region, New York, and Chicago, the intense, is proven by a conventional
Chinese physiognomy attracts attention. "attitude" study. To provide a com-
It is different, hence noticeable. But the parison of symbolic reaction to symbolic
principal effect this curiosity has upon the social situations with actual reaction to
behavior of those who cater to the real social situations, I "questionnaired"
traveler's needs is to make them more the establishments which we patronized
attentive, more responsive, more reliable. during the two year period. Six months
A Chinese companion is to be recom- were permitted to lapse between the time
mended to the white traveling in his I obtained the overt reaction and the
native land. Strange features when com- symbolic. It was hoped that the effects
bined with "human" speech and action of the actual experience with Chinese
seems, at times, to heighten sympathetic guests, adverse or otherwise, would have
response, perhaps on the same principle faded during the intervening time. To
that makes us uncommonly sympathetic the hotel or restaurant a questionnaire
towards the dog that has a "human" was mailed with an accompanying letter
expression in his face. purporting to be a special and personal
What I am trying to say is that in only plea for response. The questionnaires
one out of .511 instances in which we pur- all asked the same question, "Will you
chased goods or services necessitating accept members of the Chinese race as
intimate human relationships did the fact guests in your establishment?" Two
that my companions were Chinese ad- types of questionnaire were used. In one
versely affect us. Factors entirely un- this question was inserted among similar
associated with race were, in the main, the queries concerning Germans, French,
determinant of significant variations in Japanese, Russians, Armenians, Jews,
our reception. It would appear reason- Negroes, Italians, and Indians. In the
able to conclude that the -"attitude" of the other the pertinent question was unen-
American people, as reflected in the be- cumbered. With persistence, completed
havior of those who are for pecuniary replies were obtained from 128 of the
reasons presumably most sensitive to the establishments we had visited; 8i restau-
rants and cafes and 47 hotels, auto-camps, It is impossible to make direct com-
and "Tourist Homes." In response to the parison between the reactions secured
relevant question 92. per cent of the former through questionnaires and from actual
and 91 per cent of the latter replied "No." experience. On the basis of the above
The remainder replied "Uncertain; depend data it would appear foolhardy for a
upon circumstances." From the woman Chinese to attempt to travel in the United
proprietor of a small auto-camp I received States. And yet, as I have shown, actual
the only "Yes," accompanied by a chatty experience indicates that the American
letter describing the nice visit she had people, as represented by the personnel
had with a Chinese gentleman and his of hotels, restaurants, etc., are not at all
sweet wife during the previous summer. averse to fraternizing with Chinese within
A rather unflattering interpretation the limitations which apply to social re-
might be put upon the fact that those lationships between Americans them-
establishments who had provided for our selves. The evaluations which follow are
Replies are to the question: "Will you accept members of the Chinese race as guests in your establishment?"



Total .......................... 47 32. 8i 96

Number replying ................ 2.2 2.5 2.0 12. 43 38 51 45

No ............................ 2-0 2.3 29 II 40 35 37 41
Undecided: depend upon circum-
stances ....................... 1 2. 1 3 3 4 3
Yes ............................ 1 o o o o o o i

* Column (I) indicates in each case those responses to questionnaires which concerned Chinese only. The
figures in columns (2.) are from the questionnaires in which the above was inserted among questions regarding
Germans, French, Japanese, etc.

needs so graciously were, some months undoubtedly subject to the criticism which
later, verbally antagonistic towards hy- any human judgment' must withstand.
pothetical Chinese. To factor this experi- But the fact is that, although they began
ence out responses were secured from 32. their travels, in this country with con-
hotels and 96 restaurants located in ap- siderable trepidation, my Chinese friends
proximately the same regions, but unin- soon lost all fear that they might receive
fluenced by this particular experience with a rebuff. At first somewhat timid and
Oriental clients. In this, as in the former considerably dependent upon me for guid-
case, both types of questionnaires were ance and support, they came in time to
used. The results indicate that neither feel fully self-reliant and would approach
the type of questionnaire nor the fact of new social situations without the slightest
previous experience had important bearing heistation.
upon the symbolic response to symbolic The conventional questionnaire un-
social situations. doubtedly has significant value for the

measurement of "political attitudes." men may meet and adjust in some way
The presidential polls conducted by the one to the other.
Literary Digest have proven that. But a The questionnaire is probably our only
"political attitude" is exactly what the means of determining "religious atti-
questionnaire can be justly held to meas- tudes." An honest answer to the question
ure; a verbal response to a symbolic situa- "Do you believe in God?" reveals all
tion. Few citizens are ever faced with there is to be measured. "God" is a
the necessity of adjusting themselves to symbol; "belief"a verbal expression. So
the presence of the political leaders whom, here, too, the questionnaire is efficacious.
periodically, they must vote for-or But if we would know the emotional




CONDIONs Chinese notso Chinese not so

Accompanied by accompanied at Accompanied by accompanied at
investigator inception of investigator inception of
situation* situation

Total ............................................ 55 12. 165 19

Reception very much better than investigator would

expect to have received had he been alone, but
under otherwise similar circumstances ............. 19 6 63 9
Reception different only to extent of heightened curi-
osity, such as investigator might have incurred
were he alone but dressed in manner unconventional
to region yet not incongruous .................... 2.2 3 76 6
Reception "'normal................................ 9 2. 2.1 3
Reception perceptibly hesitant and not to be cx-
.plained on other than "racial" grounds ............ 3 1 4 1
Reception definitely, though temporarily, em-
barrassing ...................................... 1o x o
Not accepted ..................................... 1 o o o
* When the investigator was not present at the incepLion of the situation the judgments were based upon
what transpired after he joined the Chinese. Since intimately acquainted with them it is probable that errors
in judgment were no more frequent under these conditions than when he was able to witness the inception
as well as results of the situation.

against. Especially is this true with responsiveness of a person to the spoken

regard to the president, and it is in relation or written word "God" some other
to political attitudes towards presidential method of investigation must be used.
candidates that we have our best evidence. And if we would know the extent to
But while the questionnaire may indi- which that responsiveness restrains his
cate what the voter will do when he goes behavior it is to his behavior that we
to vote, it does not and cannot reveal must look, not to his questionnaire re-
what he will do when he meets Candidate sponse. Ethical precepts are, I judge,
Jones on the street, in his office, at his something more than verbal professions.
club, on the golf course, or wherever two There would seem little to be gained from

asking a man if his religious faith pre- would be should the situation arise. A
vents him from committing sin. Of questionnaire will reveal what Mr. A
course it does-on paper. But "moral writes or says when confronted with a
attitudes" must have a significance in the certain combination of words. But not
adjustment to actual situations or they are what he will do when he meets Mr. B.
not worth the studying. Sitting at my Mr. B is a great deal more than a series of
desk in California I can predict with a words. He is a man and he acts. His
high degree of certainty what an action is not necessarily what Mr. A.
"average" business man in an average "imagines" it will be when he reacts
Mid-Western city will reply to the ques- verbally to the symbol "Mr. B."
tion "Would you engage in sexual inter- No doubt a considerable part of the
course with a prostitute in a Paris data which the social scientist deals with
brothel?" Yet no one, least of all the can be obtained by the questionnaire
man himself, can predict what he would method. The census reports are based
actually do should he by some misfortune upon verbal questionnaires and I do not
find himself face to face with the situation doubt their basic integrity. If we wish to
in question. His moral "attitudes" are know how many children a man has, his
no doubt already stamped into his person- income, the size of his home, his age,
ality. But just what those habits are and the condition of his parents, we can
which will be invoked to provide him reasonably ask him. These things he has
with some sort of adjustment to this situa- frequently and conventionally converted
tion is quite indeterminate. into verbal responses. He is competent to
It is highly probable that when the report upon them, and will do so accu-
"Southern Gentleman" says he will not rately, unless indeed he wishes to do
permit Negroes to reside in his neighbor- otherwise. A careful investigator could
hood we have a verbal response to a sym- no doubt even find out by verbal means
bolic situation which reflects the "atti- whether the man fights with his wife
tudes" which would become operative in (frequently, infrequently, or not at all),
an actual situation. But there is no need though the neighbors would be a more
to ask such a question of the true reliable source. But we should not expect
"Southern Gentleman." We knew it all to obtain by the questionnaire method
the time. I am inclined to think that in his "anticipatory set or tendency" to
most instances where the questionnaire action should his wife pack up and go
does reveal non-symbolic attitudes the home to Mother, should Elder Son get
case is much the same. It is only when into trouble with the neighbor's daughter,
we cannot easily observe what people do the President assume the status of a
in certain types of situations that the dictator, the Japanese take over the rest
questionnaire is resorted to. But it is of China, or a Chinese gentleman come to
just here that the danger in the question- pay a social call.
naire technique arises. If Mr. A adjusts Only a verbal reaction to an entirely
himself to Mr. B in a specified way we can symbolic situation can be secured by the
deduce from his behavior that he has a questionnaire. It may indicate what the
certain "attitude" towards Mr. B and, responder would actually do when con-
perhaps, all of Mr. B's class. But if no fronted with the situation symbolized in
such overt adjustment is made it is im- the question, but there is no assurance
possible to discover what A's adjustment that it will. And so to call the response

a reflection of a "social attitude" is to havior is time consuming, intellectually

entirely disregard the definition commonly fatiguing, and depends for its success upon
given for the phrase "attitude." If social the ability of the investigator. The
attitudes are to be conceptualized as former method gives quantitative results,
partially integrated habit sets which will the latter mainly qualitative. Quantita-
become operative under specific circum- tive measurements are quantitatively ac-
stances andoflead to a particular
ajustenttheymus, pattern
inthemain be curate; qualitative evaluations are always
of ad justm en t th ey m u st, in th e m ain , be s b e t t h r o s o u a u g e t
derived from a study of humans behaving subject to the errors of human judgment.
in actual social situations. They must Yet it would seem far more worth while
not be imputed on the basis of question- to make a shrewd guess regarding that
naire data. which is essential than to accurately meas-
The questionnaire is cheap, easy, and ure that which is likely to prove quite
mechanical. The study of human be- irrelevant.
Social Science Programfor 1933
President Max Mason, in commenting upon the work of the Foundation during 1933, directed
attention to the fact that because this period "has been marked by economic, social, and
political stress in many parts of the world, giving rise to pressing problems of national and
international scope,". the Foundation, while carrying on its regular program in the advance-
ment of knowledge through selected fields, has chosen for intensive study and work "those
subfields which contribute more directly to the general problem of human behavior, with
the aim of control through understanding." Accordingly, "in the social sciences the prob-
lems of economic structure and process, international relations, and community organiza-
tion and planning have been considered of principal importance."
Of a total of $9,89o,8o6.31 contributed during 1933, for various philanthropic projects,
$1,636,ooo was appropriated for the social sciences. Information Service of the Rockefeller
Foundation summarizes these grants as follows:
In a general program aiding the social sciences as a whole, support was given to twenty
institutional centers in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Near East, and the Orient.
In support of a program of specific research in economic planning and control, appropria-
tions were made in 1933 to the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York City; to
the Financial Section and Economic Intelligence Service of the League of Nations; to the
Economic Foundation, New York City, for a study of the history of prices; to the Uni-
versity of Louvain, Belgium, for researches on the business cycle; and to the Industrial Rela-
tions Counselers, New York City, for unemployment studies. In the field of international
relations, grants were made in 1933 to the Foreign Policy Association, New York City; the
Fiscal Committee of the League of Nations, for a study of international taxation problems;
the Geneva Research Center, Switzerland; the American Council of the Institute of Pacific
Relations; the German School of Politics, Berlin; and the American Geographical Society,
for the preparation of a map of Hispanic America on a r to i,ooo,ooo scale. For research
in community organization and planning, grants were made to the Social Sciences Research
Council's Committee on Government Statistics and Information Service, Washington, D. C.;
to the Science Advisory Board, Washington, D. C.; and to the joint Committee on Research
of the Community Council of Philadelphia, Pa.
During 1933, the Rockefeller Foundation providedcioa funds with which active fellow-
ships were maintained in the social sciences. A special fellowship program in agricultural
economics and rural sociology which had been supported over a five-year period came to an
end, June 30, 1933. In the final year there were ma2 men holding fellowships.
Emergency Grants: Grants totaling $589,000 were made. by a special trustee committee of
the Foundation in support of studies of pressing economic problems. Six research agencies
and two universities received such aid in conducting special investigations: the Brookings
Institution for three concurrent economic studies; the Social Science Research Council for
studies of relief cases, unemployment reserves and relief, national policy in international
economic relations, and the Tennessee Valley development; the American Municipal Asso-
ciation for the work of its Advisory Service on Public Works; the Slum Clearance Committee
of New York for its preliminary program; Columbia University for a study of the effects of
sales taxes; the University of California for field studies of barter groups; and the New York
Adult Education Council and the Committee on the Use of Leisure Time for their general
programs. In addition, the Foundation arranged for visits to the United States by certain
reign authorities on social and economic subjects, in order that American institutions
might profit by their comment and advice.

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