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House Speech

Destruction of the House of Thieves

R.A NO. 3019

It is the policy of the Philippine Government, in line with
the principle that a public office is a public trust, to repress
certain acts of public officers and private persons alike
which constitute graft or corrupt practices or which may
lead thereto. This Law is announced and introduced to
provide great efficiency too many Filipinos in the form of
equality of rights and privileges middle class or poor,
Health care’s the level of quality of each citizens are the
same, whether rich or poor. Governors, Politicians by the
use of their given power is used for their own personal
gains instead for the good of the Filipino citizen this law
will surely revoke their withheld power. This Law protects
the Rich and the poor, The hard worker and the minimum
wagers alike, This Law will strip away any power if
misused or used by the pursuit of personal gains. This will
penalize the offenders and sentence them to maximum
prison time of 20 years and not just the normal prison
where you sit, eat, and sleep, this Law will strip away any
Human Rights that was left with the vile offender, for that
conclusion corruption is no joke treating it poorly while it
sips away the basic needs of the vulnerable Citizen
activity: I am aware

Effects of the Law to the teen me.

There are many laws that helped me in my current teen age
years for example the RA 9155, RA 10533 also known as the
K to 12 and RA 9509 this Laws helped me in my current
position as a teen because this laws improve the livelihoods
of teens alike .
RA 9155 of (2001), It shall be the goal of basic education to
provide them with the skills, knowledge and values they need
to become caring, self- reliant, productive and patriotic
citizens. The Philippines shall encourage local initiatives for
improving the quality of basic education.
RA 10533 also known as the K to 12 .The passage of the
Enhanced Basic Education Act, or Republic Act 10533 aims
to ensure the continuity of the reform beyond this generation,
and into the next. The K to 12 system was signed
into law with the passage of the Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10533).
RA 9509, The improvement of all Filipino livelihood at skills
which they have learned and become productive members of
In conclusion the Law is not only there to protect us but
support us, so maybe we should not complain the laws/things,
we don’t have instead we should appreciate it and maybe the
Government will give us a more efficient and settle law to
keep us more intact in our society, religion and work and or

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