Assignment 1 - School Feeding Programme

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Assignment instructions
The following assignments are inspired by a real performance audit. However, due to
pedagogical reasons, the information in the background story is shortened and
simplified, and all information connecting the story to a specific SAI has been removed.
Please read the background story carefully and try to connect its elements to the
concepts you’ve heard during the presentations – the story contains all the information
you need to answer the questions. As you progress, and as new assignments and
questions are added, there will also be new relevant information added as well.

Audit on the School Feeding Programme

The School Feeding Programme strives to improve access to quality and inclusive
education for children by promoting the consumption of healthy food in schools. The
objective of the Programme is to enhance health and nutrition of learners and provide
social protection. The Programme is connected to Sustainable Development Goal
regarding equal and quality education for all children. In practice, this means that all
children in all schools should have appropriate, high quality and regular meals, regardless
of geographical location or social status. The objective is to improve the nutrition, health
and cognitive development of school children. According to the analysis conducted
during the setup of the Programme this will contribute to improved attendance rates and
learning results.
The main responsible institution for implementation of the Programme is the Ministry of
Education. The Programme is financed from the Ministry’s annual budget, the Ministry is
also responsible for guidelines and setting of goals for the programme. The food is
procured centrally and distributed to the schools through regional distribution centres.
The country is facing challenges in the implementation of the School Feeding
Programme. There are several news articles in papers regarding the main deficiencies of
the programme. There are indications of shortage of food and delays in some of the
regions. According to media and follow up reports at the Ministry, the amounts stated in
the Programme have not been always delivered in time in all regions, while some regions
did not have any delays nor shortages. The food is also more expensive than the price on
the local market.

Assignment 1: Defining the 3Es
1.A. Present an input-output model for the School Feeding Programme by filling in the
text into the schematics bellow: shortly state what are the inputs, activities, outputs and


1.B. Give examples of how you would measure economy

1.C. Give examples of how you would measure efficiency

1.D. Give examples of how you would measure effectiveness


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