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1st Day of Work immersion.

Around 10:00 am, we are at Municipal Police Station (MPS). MPS police officers orient us and told
us what we are going to do, and of course they introduce their selves.
Together with MPS officers, we attended the Bible study at Municipal gymnasium. It is led by a
baptist pastor from butbut. We learned a lot from the bible study since it is related by what we are
going to do which is work immersion.

In the afternoon, Sir Palangyo Chief of Investigation who will give us lecture about crimes had
other important meeting so we didn’t meet him, instead, we did some basic Marching like a CAT,
or a real Cadet that is led by Sir Rodell. The main purpose of CAT Is to develop self discipline,
secondly is exercise.

I have learned that you can't be successful without God by your side and without self discipline.

At exactly 8:00 am, we arrived at MPS tinglayan. We help in cleaning and after that, Sir Panglayo
the chief of Investigation lecture us about Crimes which is crime


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