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MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 1
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Scope and Objectives

Growing awareness and concerns about climate change, energy

security and natural resource scarcity led by the rapid expansion
of economic activity in the last two decades have put
government and business under immense pressure to optimize
the natural resources, to increase use of renewable energy and
recycled material and to reduce the environmental effects
involved in the production and consumption of goods and
The primary objective of this course is to provide environmental,
economical and social perspective of manufacturing processes,
systems and tooling including material, energy and toxicity
analysis during the various phases of product life cycle. A
multidisciplinary approach will be undertaken. Collection and
analysis of real world data from industry will be encouraged.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Evaluation Scheme
EC Component Duratio Weightage Date, time Nature
NO n (%)

1 Mid Exam 90min 30 13/03 9.30 - CB


2 Seminar//Case study 20 OB

3 Project 10 OB
4 Comprehensive Exam 3hr 40 08/05 FN CB

Chamber consultation hour: Every Tuesday between 4 to 5 pm

Notices concerning the course: All notices concerning the course will be displayed on
CMS notice board only
Makeup Policy: Makeup will be permitted only in genuine medical cases with prior
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be
maintained by all the students throughout the semester and no type of academic
dishonesty is acceptable
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


Manufacturing is the production of goods through the use of labour, machinery,

tools and biological or chemical processing or formulation. Manufacturing can
either mean transforming raw materials into finished goods on a large scale, or
the creation of more complex items by selling basic goods to manufacturers for
the production of items such as automobiles, aircraft, or household appliances.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Different eras of human
❖ Stone Age: 3.3 million to 5,000 years ago.
❖ Bronze Age: 5,000 to 1,400 years ago (1,200 BC)
❖ Iron Age: 1,200 BC to 500 BC.
❖ Classical Era: 500 BC to 500 AD.
❖ Medieval Era: 500 AD to 1500 AD.
❖ Early Modern Era: 1500 AD to 1800 AD.
❖ Modern Era: 1800 AD to present.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Overconsumption of Natural
Many of the natural resources our society uses are diminishing due to
Overconsumption means consuming resources that we cannot
replenish or that cannot sustain themselves at the rate we are
consuming them. Ecosystems are unable to cope with excessive
resource extraction, resulting in biodiversity loss and the deterioration
of the natural world.

logging industry

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Consequences of exploitation
of resources
❖ Deforestation ❖ Ozone depletion

❖ Desertification ❖ Greenhouse gas increase

❖ Extinction of species ❖ Water gasification

❖ Forced migration ❖ Metals and minerals

❖ Soil erosion depletion

❖ Oil depletion

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The Limits to Growth

Donella H. Meadows
Dennis L. Meadows
Jørgen Randers
William W. Behrens III

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

If ‘Development’ gave global equality of
quality of life and resource use:

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

It seems incredible but the 'sustainability' concept as we know it today
dates back to under 30 years ago: it appeared for the first time in 1987
in the famous Brundtland Report (also entitled 'Our Common Future')
produced by several countries for the UN.
The United Nations defined sustainable development in the Brundtland
Report as development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The term 'sustainable development' first appeared in an official

document signed by thirty-three African countries in 1969, under
the auspices of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act from 1969), defined
sustainable development as: 'economic development that may have
benefits for current and future generations without harming the
planet's resources or biological organisms'.
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Why Sustainability is so Important?

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 2
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Overconsumption of Natural
Many of the natural resources our society uses are diminishing due to
Overconsumption means consuming resources that we cannot
replenish or that cannot sustain themselves at the rate we are
consuming them. Ecosystems are unable to cope with excessive
resource extraction, resulting in biodiversity loss and the deterioration
of the natural world.

logging industry

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Consequences of exploitation
of resources
❖ Deforestation ❖ Ozone depletion

❖ Desertification ❖ Greenhouse gas increase

❖ Extinction of species ❖ Water gasification

❖ Forced migration ❖ Metals and minerals

❖ Soil erosion depletion

❖ Oil depletion

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The Limits to Growth

Donella H. Meadows
Dennis L. Meadows
Jørgen Randers
William W. Behrens III

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

It seems incredible but the 'sustainability' concept as we know it today
dates back to under 30 years ago: it appeared for the first time in 1987
in the famous Brundtland Report (also entitled 'Our Common Future')
produced by several countries for the UN.
The United Nations defined sustainable development in the Brundtland
Report as development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The term 'sustainable development' first appeared in an official

document signed by thirty-three African countries in 1969, under
the auspices of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act from 1969), defined
sustainable development as: 'economic development that may have
benefits for current and future generations without harming the
planet's resources or biological organisms'.
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Sustainable development

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Triple bottom line of

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Triple bottom line

• Three pillars of sustainability are interdependent and in long

term, none can exist without the others.
• The three pillars have served as a common ground for
numerous sustainability standard and certification system in the
recent years.
• Starting from the value creation solution, direct effects between
the solution and each sustainability dimension system can be
✓ The primary effects on the environment are the use and
conversion of energy, materials, greenhouse gases etc.
✓ The primary effect on the society are the improvement of living
standards, the use of products, prosperity etc.
✓ The primary effects on the economy are manufacturing
processes, factories, logistics etc.
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Advantages and Disadvantage of
Applying the Triple Bottom Line
Pros Cons
• Aims to have positive impact on the • May be more difficult to assess non-
world financial inputs or outputs
• May boost employee retention as • Lack of comparability across impact
workers may appreciate favorable groups (i.e. companies may need to
working conditions choose one bottom line over the
• May result in greater external funds other)
from investors seeking ESG • May result in competing strategies,
investments making it difficult to easily pivot from
• May result in greater sales from one plan to another
customers seeking to support ESG • Will likely increase the cost of
companies operations due to needing to find
• May result in long-term efficiencies alternative products or processes
that reduce costs in the long-run

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

4Rs of sustainability

The 4 R’s are a simple way of reminding us how we can

make a difference in sustainability.
They make us aware of how we handle materials and how
we throw them away.
The 4 R’s are:

1. Refuse.
2. Reduce,
3. Reuse,
4. Recycle,

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

4Rs of sustainability

1. Refuse: choose to refuse wasteful and polluting

products. Around 20-25% of food waste relates to its
2. Reduce: Limit the amount of waste you create in the
first place. This includes buying products with less
packaging and choosing the most sustainable options.
3. Reuse: Reducing waste is about more than just
reducing what you purchase. It is about considering
what you can reuse. This means not putting it in the
waste but using it for another purpose.
4. Recycle: recycling items is the final option and the final
R as we look at the importance of the 4Rs.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals at a glance

(image source

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Sustainable engineering

Sustainable engineering is the science of applying the

principles of engineering and design in a manner that
fosters positive social and economic development while
minimizing environmental impact.
This is largely accomplished through efforts to redesign
and retrofit existing systems based on an analysis of
current operations, production quality, and the functional
deficiencies that may potentially hinder these processes.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Common focuses within the world of
sustainable engineering include
• Food production and preservation
• Housing and shelter
• Waste disposal and management
• Pollution reduction
• Water supplies
• Energy development and consumption
• Transportation
• Restoring natural resource environments
• Improvements in industrial processes

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 3
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Triple bottom line of

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

4Rs of sustainability

1. Refuse: choose to refuse wasteful and polluting

products. Around 20-25% of food waste relates to its
2. Reduce: Limit the amount of waste you create in the
first place. This includes buying products with less
packaging and choosing the most sustainable options.
3. Reuse: Reducing waste is about more than just
reducing what you purchase. It is about considering
what you can reuse. This means not putting it in the
waste but using it for another purpose.
4. Recycle: recycling items is the final option and the final
R as we look at the importance of the 4Rs.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals at a glance

(image source

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Common focuses within the world of
sustainable engineering include
• Food production and preservation
• Housing and shelter
• Waste disposal and management
• Pollution reduction
• Water supplies
• Energy development and consumption
• Transportation
• Restoring natural resource environments
• Improvements in industrial processes

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Sustainable engineering

Sustainable engineering is the science of applying the

principles of engineering and design in a manner that
fosters positive social and economic development while
minimizing environmental impact.
This is largely accomplished through efforts to redesign
and retrofit existing systems based on an analysis of
current operations, production quality, and the functional
deficiencies that may potentially hinder these processes.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Drivers of SM

❖ Financial/other ❖ Dedication and synergy

promotional offers and among manufacturers
supporting aspects ❖ Effects from supply chain
❖ Govt. agencies pressure ❖ Monetary benefits
❖ Expected future law and ❖ Competition and
rulings benchmarking
❖ At present law and rulings ❖ Expected demand from
❖ Industrial resources market.
❖ Technological resources
❖ Perception of public

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Barriers of SM

❖ Indefinite return on ❖ Perplexity in technology

investments ❖ Major initial expenditure
❖ Less enforcement by ❖ Interposing factors
public for betterment ❖ Inadequate market
❖ Less effective law and demand
rulings ❖ Unfamiliarity about system
❖ Ineffective legislation ❖ Less interest toward
❖ Ambiguity of future laws sustainability.
and rulings
❖ Lesser industrial resources

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Case study: Drivers and Barriers in Sustainable Manufacturing
Implementation in Malaysian Manufacturing Firms by Nordin e. al. 2015
General Background of Respondents
and Companies

General background of the respondents (n=56)

General background of the

companies (n=56)
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Malaysian Manufacturing

Drivers of sustainable
manufacturing practices

Barriers of sustainable manufacturing practices

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


• Regulations and government policy could increase the statutory

requirement and the environmental consciousness of the
manufacturing companies.
• The role of top management in showing their commitment to the
implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices through
direct involvement in the environmental issues of the firm.
• ISO14001 could act as an active tool for promoting comprehensive
organizational changes leading to sustainable development.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Sustainability Approaches in

Traditional Engineering Sustainable Engineering

Considers the object or process Considers the whole system in which the
object or process will be used
Focuses on technical issues Considers both technical and non-technical
issues synergistically
Solves the immediate problem Strives to solve the problem for infinite
future (forever?)
Considers the local context Considers the global context
Assumes others will deal with Acknowledges the need to interact the
political, ethical, and societal experts in other disciplines related to the
issues problem

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Principles of Sustainable
"If design is the first signal of human intention, our intention
today can be to love all ten billion people who will live on
our planet by 2050. We can do this. If we imagine and
embrace our cities as part of the same organism as the
countryside, the rivers and the oceans, then we can celebrate
ourselves, all species and the natural systems we support and
that support us. This is our design assignment. If we are
principled and have positive goals, we can rise to this
occasion. It will take us all; it will take forever—that is the
point." (McDonough, 1992)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

[McDonough, 1992]
❖ "Insist on rights of humanity and nature to coexist in a healthy,
supportive, diverse and sustainable condition.
❖ Recognize interdependence. The elements of human design interact with
and depend upon the natural world, with broad and diverse implications at
every scale. Expand design considerations to recognizing even distant
❖ Respect relationships between spirit and matter. Consider all aspects of
human settlement including community, dwelling, industry and trade in
terms of existing and evolving connections between spiritual and material
❖ Accept responsibility for the consequences of design decisions upon
human well-being, the viability of natural systems and their right to coexist.
❖ Create safe objects of long-term value. Do not burden future generations
with requirements for maintenance or vigilant administration of potential
danger due to the careless creation of products, processes or standards.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

[McDonough, 1992]
❖ Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full lifecycle of
products and processes, to approach the state of natural systems, in which
there is no waste.
❖ Rely on natural energy flows. Human designs should, like the living world,
derive their creative forces from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this
energy efficiently and safely for responsible use.
❖ Understand the limitations of design. No human creation lasts forever
and design does not solve all problems. Those who create and plan should
practice humility in the face of nature. Treat nature as a model and mentor,
not as an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled.
❖ Seek constant improvement by the sharing of knowledge. Encourage
direct and open communication between colleagues, patrons,
manufacturers and users to link long term sustainable considerations with
ethical responsibility, and reestablish the integral relationship between
natural processes and human activity."

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 4
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Triple bottom line of

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

4Rs of sustainability

1. Refuse: choose to refuse wasteful and polluting

products. Around 20-25% of food waste relates to its
2. Reduce: Limit the amount of waste you create in the
first place. This includes buying products with less
packaging and choosing the most sustainable options.
3. Reuse: Reducing waste is about more than just
reducing what you purchase. It is about considering
what you can reuse. This means not putting it in the
waste but using it for another purpose.
4. Recycle: recycling items is the final option and the final
R as we look at the importance of the 4Rs.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals at a glance

(image source

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Common focuses within the world of
sustainable engineering include
• Food production and preservation
• Housing and shelter
• Waste disposal and management
• Pollution reduction
• Water supplies
• Energy development and consumption
• Transportation
• Restoring natural resource environments
• Improvements in industrial processes

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Sustainable engineering

Sustainable engineering is the science of applying the

principles of engineering and design in a manner that
fosters positive social and economic development while
minimizing environmental impact.
This is largely accomplished through efforts to redesign
and retrofit existing systems based on an analysis of
current operations, production quality, and the functional
deficiencies that may potentially hinder these processes.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Drivers of SM

❖ Financial/other ❖ Dedication and synergy

promotional offers and among manufacturers
supporting aspects ❖ Effects from supply chain
❖ Govt. agencies pressure ❖ Monetary benefits
❖ Expected future law and ❖ Competition and
rulings benchmarking
❖ At present law and rulings ❖ Expected demand from
❖ Industrial resources market.
❖ Technological resources
❖ Perception of public

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Barriers of SM

❖ Indefinite return on ❖ Perplexity in technology

investments ❖ Major initial expenditure
❖ Less enforcement by ❖ Interposing factors
public for betterment ❖ Inadequate market
❖ Less effective law and demand
rulings ❖ Unfamiliarity about system
❖ Ineffective legislation ❖ Less interest toward
❖ Ambiguity of future laws sustainability.
and rulings
❖ Lesser industrial resources

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Case study: Drivers and Barriers in Sustainable Manufacturing
Implementation in Malaysian Manufacturing Firms by Nordin e. al. 2015
General Background of Respondents
and Companies

General background of the respondents (n=56)

General background of the

companies (n=56)
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Malaysian Manufacturing

Drivers of sustainable
manufacturing practices

Barriers of sustainable manufacturing practices

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


• Regulations and government policy could increase the statutory

requirement and the environmental consciousness of the
manufacturing companies.
• The role of top management in showing their commitment to the
implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices through
direct involvement in the environmental issues of the firm.
• ISO14001 could act as an active tool for promoting comprehensive
organizational changes leading to sustainable development.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Sustainability Approaches in

Traditional Engineering Sustainable Engineering

Considers the object or process Considers the whole system in which the
object or process will be used
Focuses on technical issues Considers both technical and non-technical
issues synergistically
Solves the immediate problem Strives to solve the problem for infinite
future (forever?)
Considers the local context Considers the global context
Assumes others will deal with Acknowledges the need to interact the
political, ethical, and societal experts in other disciplines related to the
issues problem

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Principles of Sustainable
"If design is the first signal of human intention, our intention
today can be to love all ten billion people who will live on
our planet by 2050. We can do this. If we imagine and
embrace our cities as part of the same organism as the
countryside, the rivers and the oceans, then we can celebrate
ourselves, all species and the natural systems we support and
that support us. This is our design assignment. If we are
principled and have positive goals, we can rise to this
occasion. It will take us all; it will take forever—that is the
point." (McDonough, 1992)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

[McDonough, 1992]
❖ "Insist on rights of humanity and nature to coexist in a healthy,
supportive, diverse and sustainable condition.
❖ Recognize interdependence. The elements of human design interact with
and depend upon the natural world, with broad and diverse implications at
every scale. Expand design considerations to recognizing even distant
❖ Respect relationships between spirit and matter. Consider all aspects of
human settlement including community, dwelling, industry and trade in
terms of existing and evolving connections between spiritual and material
❖ Accept responsibility for the consequences of design decisions upon
human well-being, the viability of natural systems and their right to coexist.
❖ Create safe objects of long-term value. Do not burden future generations
with requirements for maintenance or vigilant administration of potential
danger due to the careless creation of products, processes or standards.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

[McDonough, 1992]
❖ Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full lifecycle of
products and processes, to approach the state of natural systems, in which
there is no waste.
❖ Rely on natural energy flows. Human designs should, like the living world,
derive their creative forces from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this
energy efficiently and safely for responsible use.
❖ Understand the limitations of design. No human creation lasts forever
and design does not solve all problems. Those who create and plan should
practice humility in the face of nature. Treat nature as a model and mentor,
not as an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled.
❖ Seek constant improvement by the sharing of knowledge. Encourage
direct and open communication between colleagues, patrons,
manufacturers and users to link long term sustainable considerations with
ethical responsibility, and reestablish the integral relationship between
natural processes and human activity."

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

The “IPAT” Equation

Disaggregating the Problem

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

NASA | A Year in the Life of
Earth's CO2
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Land area

19 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Population Year 2022
year-2022/ BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Absolute Poverty-2016

21 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions 2020

22 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions from Cement production 2020

23 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions from Gas 2020

24 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 6
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

The “IPAT” Equation

Disaggregating the Problem

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

NASA | A Year in the Life of
Earth's CO2
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Land area

5 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Population Year 2022
year-2022/ BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Absolute Poverty-2016

7 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions 2020

8 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions from Cement production 2020

9 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CO₂ Emissions from Gas 2020

10 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Population Dynamics

We are adding 70-80 M people/yr

Add one Germany or 2X Canada each
year BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Affluence and GDP, GWP

❖ GDP = Gross Domestic Product

❖ GWP = Gross World Product

❖ GWP = market value of all goods and services produced

for a year

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

To improve, we want…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IPAT examples

1. Automobiles and gasoline

2. pig iron and energy

3. global carbon

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Gasoline Used in Automobiles

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Energy used to make pig iron

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Carbon emissions

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 7-8
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

The “IPAT” Equation

Disaggregating the Problem

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IPAT examples

1. Automobiles and gasoline

2. pig iron and energy

3. global carbon

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Gasoline Used in Automobiles

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Energy used to make pig iron

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Carbon emissions

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Energy use

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Figure 1-2 Energy sources and
uses in the United States,
expressed in quads per year, lines
connecting energy sources and
demand sectors show the
percentage of energy sources
provided to various demand
sectors (left) and the percentage
of the demand provided by various
sources of en ergy (right). (EIA,

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Using the data in Figures 1-1 and 1-2, compare per capita
annual energy use in the United States and worldwide.
Assume a U.S. population of 300 million and a world
population of 7 billion. Convert the result, expressed in BTU
per person, into the number of gallons of gasoline that
would be required to provide the energy. Assume that the
energy content (higher heating value) of gasoline is
124,000 BTU/gal (Argonne National Laboratory, 2011).

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


Determine the efficiency of energy utilization for a pump. Assume the

following efficiencies in the energy conversion:
• Crude oil to fuel oil is 90% (0.90) (i.e., the energy required to
produce and refine crude oil consumes 10% of the energy of the
crude oil input to the process).
• Fuel oil to electricity is 40% (0.40) (i.e., the conversion of thermal
energy into electrical energy occurs with an efficiency of 40%,
roughly the average for the U.S. electrical grid).
• Electricity transmission and distribution is 90% (0.90) (i.e., losses of
electricity in transmission from the power plant to the point of use
are 10%).
• Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy of the fluid
being pumped is 40% (i.e., the efficiency of the pump in converting
electrical energy into the mechanical energy of the fluid is 40%).

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Material Use

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Using the data in Figure 1-6, compare per capita annual
materials use in the United States and worldwide. Assume
a U.S. population of 300 million and a world population of 7
billion. How much does the result change if the mass of fuel
used is added? As a rough approximation of the mass of
fuel used, use the per capita use of gasoline equivalents
from Example 1-1 (e.g., 2700 gallons of gasoline equivalent
per year for the United States) multiplied by the density of
gasoline (about 6 lb/gal).

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Using the data in Figure 1-7, compare the fraction of lead

that was recycled in 1970 with that recycled in the mid-

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IPAT examples

The population of India is 1.37 billion and the annual GDP

per capita is estimated as $2041 per person. If the total Co2
emission of the country is estimated as 2299 million tonnes
for the year, calculate the value of the Co2 emitted per
dollar of GDP.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IPAT examples

Assume that population is increasing by 1% and GDP per

capita is 4% and the technology use is reducing the Co2
emission per GDP by 0.25%. Then impact on environment
for use of that technology is

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

For sustainable production

From a Production point of view

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

For sustainable production

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Note that “e” and “P” are

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

A Renovated IPAT

• Sustainability requires quantifying the component

forces of environmental impact and
• Integrating the factors
• Population, income, consumers’ behavior, and
producers’ efficiency jointly force impact.
• Forcing impact I are P for population,
• A for income as gross domestic product (GDP)per
• C for intensity of use as a good per GDP, and
• T for efficiency ratios as impact per good

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Why Consumer?

• Industrial ecologists call it ‘‘intensity of use,’’ calculated as

annual uses per gross domestic product (GDP) of goods from
fuel and iron to timber and land.
• For example, energy and carbon per GDP have become popular
indicators of performance with regard to global warming.
• Here, we shall illustrate how dimensionally correct identities
transparently connect environmental impact to intensity of use
plus other forces driving impact
• Illustrations of impact range from water consumed and land
tilled to greenhouse gases emitted.
• The driving forces range from population and GDP to food per
GDP and crop per hectare.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 9-11
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

A Renovated IPAT

• Sustainability requires quantifying the component

forces of environmental impact and
• Integrating the factors
• Population, income, consumers’ behavior, and
producers’ efficiency jointly force impact.
• Forcing impact I are P for population,
• A for income as gross domestic product (GDP)per
• C for intensity of use as a good per GDP, and
• T for efficiency ratios as impact per good

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Why Consumer?

• Industrial ecologists call it ‘‘intensity of use,’’ calculated as

annual uses per gross domestic product (GDP) of goods from
fuel and iron to timber and land.
• For example, energy and carbon per GDP have become popular
indicators of performance with regard to global warming.
• Here, we shall illustrate how dimensionally correct identities
transparently connect environmental impact to intensity of use
plus other forces driving impact
• Illustrations of impact range from water consumed and land
tilled to greenhouse gases emitted.
• The driving forces range from population and GDP to food per
GDP and crop per hectare.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Role of Dimensions

• Dimensions Make an Iron Framework from Forces to Impact.

• If the objective were anticipating greenhouse warming, the
tons would require conversion to degrees Celsius by
• The multipliers would be carbon dioxide tons per ton of coal
burned and degrees warming per carbon dioxide ton.
• The multiplication and change of dimensions must proceed
until the dimensions on the driving side of the identity
correspond to those on the resulting side.
• Dimensions provide an ironclad audit of forces proposed for
an index of impact, and the simplicity guarantees wide

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Introducing ‘C’

• Intensity of use, such as energy per GDP.

• Consumers lever C as they decide to employ more or
less of their economic muscle on the product that will
eventually impact the environment.
• We define dematerialization, or resource sparing by
consumer behavior, as a declining C and so negative c.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Combination A × C

• The combination A × C is per capita consumption or, in

the example, per capita energy use.
• P × A × T challenges consumers. Consumers must meet
their challenge by using their lever C of less energy per
• Similarly,
• Given P × A × C emission, mitigation depends solely on
producers using their lever to lower the ratio of emission
to energy, which makes P × A × C the producers’

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Combination P × A

• Sustainable consumption and production are responding

to wants and needs for a better life with minimum impact.
• P × A, with dimension GDP, challenge consumers and
producers to use their levers C × T, emission per GDP.
• C × T accepts the drive for a better life embodied in the
forces of population and income and challenges
consumers’ lifestyle and producers’ skill to lessen impact
and so to sustain a good life.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Low Impact

• A goal is finding which actor has leverage for lessening

environmental impact.
• Recasting the identity to separate consumption per
person into A × C and the sustainability levers of energy
per GDP into C × T has a virtue.
• It separates economic muscle A from the C consumers
choose and from the T producers lever.
• It separates the effects of lifestyles from technologies to
lower impact per economic output, which must both be
understood on the journey to sustainability.
• It separates the consumers’ choice C from the
producers’ accomplishment T.
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
• IPACT simply shows changing environmental impact
means changing four multiplying forces:
• The number of people,
• The economic muscle of each, the fraction of economic
activity devoted to a good, and the impact of making the
• Consumers can lessen impact by using lever C, and
• Producers can lessen impact by innovating with lever T.
• Dematerialization is declining C, and efficiency is
declining T.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Income Elasticity

• There is need to connect food consumption to income

with an income elasticity b.
• Per capita consumption A × C is proportional to Ab, and
so a + c=b × a

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• Engels’ law that the proportion of family budgets spent on
food declines as income rises means b < 1, making the
demand for food inelastic.
• If we know the income elasticity b of per capita consumption a
+ c, we also know the elasticity of per GDP consumption c is
(b - 1).
• If b = 0.3, then the elasticity of c is -0.7. Whenever the
elasticity b of consumption per person is less than 1, the
elasticity of intensity of use c will inevitably be a negative (b-
• In another way, let the estimated income elasticity of
changing per capita consumption be 0.3; then, a 1% annual
increase in a of income will cause a 0.3% increase in a + c of
per capita consumption, and thus, a 0.7% fall in c intensity of
use. BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
• Such a coupling of dematerialization with rising income plus
reasonable rates of change of population, income, and yield project
shrinking global cropland.
• Developing as well as developed nations dematerialize.
• During the last quarter of the 20th century in six developing nations
with income rising faster than 2% per yr, food per GDP
dematerialized at 1.5–2.0% per yr.
• At the same time, in five of these developing nations, food per capita

The mirroring of global income by

the intensity of consumption of
food. The changes of population (p),
income (a), intensity of consumption
of food (c)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

IPACT: Example

• Indian population is 1.3 billion. The GDP was found to be

$ 1.64 trillion and the electronic consumption during the
same period is $ 11 billion. The Co2 emission was
measured as 2.5 GT for the period. Find out the
efficiency of the electronic manufacturing industries.
• The population of India is increasing at 1.2% and the
GDP per capita is increasing with a rate of 5%. It is
estimated that the Co2 emission is increasing at a rate of
5.2% then find out the electronic industries efficiency if
the electronic consumption is increasing at a rate of
1.3% per GDP.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Environment & Economy

• Bangkok, Shanghai and Mexico City are more polluted

today than they were 20–30 years ago.
• New York, London and Tokyo are cleaner than 20–30
years ago.
Do higher income levels imply a worse or better

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Environmental Kuznets Curve
• Environmental quality deteriorates in early stage of
economic development/growth and improves in later
stage as an economy develops.
• In other words, environmental pressure increases faster
than income in the early stage of development and slows
down relative to GDP growth in higher income levels.
• This systematic relationship between income change
and environmental quality has been called the
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC).

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


• EKC hypothesis posits a well-defined relationship between

level of economic activity and environmental pressure
(defined as the level of concentration of pollution or flow of
emissions, depletion of resources, etc.).
• An Environmental Kuznets Curve reveals how a technically
specified measurement of environmental quality changes as
the fortunes of a country or a large human community
• The EKC hypothesizes an inverted-U-shaped curve when
pollution indicators are plotted against income per capita.
• The EKC results have shown that economic growth could be
compatible with environmental improvement if appropriate
policies are taken

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

As societies become wealthier, concerns shift from economic growth to
environmental protection. The environmental Kuznet’s curve (EKC) models
this phenomenon. Environmental degradation increases as per capita
income increases until a turning point at which the environment improves
although per capita income continues to increase.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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Factors for Different Shapes

• The height or degree of convexity of the curve is largely a

function of policies and markets.
• A steeper rise in the curve reflects excessive resource
intensity and waste generation.
• A steeper fall (likely but not inevitable) as environmental
awareness rises and institutions improve with economic
growth reflects stronger pressures to reduce environmental
degradation when it has reached high levels and when
policies are seen to be responsible
• Energy subsidies may result in higher energy intensity of GDP
and, other things equal, a higher level of emissions, a lower
level of environmental quality and a steeper environmental
Kuznets curve.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• The improvement of the environment with income growth,
however, is not automatic but depends on policies and
• Better policies, such as removal of distortionary subsidies and
introduction of more secure property rights over resources
and pollution taxes (or other efficient instruments) to
internalize externalities, are expected to reduce the
‘environmental price’ of economic growth.
• Thereby flattening out the income–environment relationship
and possibly achieving an earlier turning point.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Curve Prediction

• The environmental Kuznets curve is a reduced form function

that gives the ‘net effect’ of income on the environment.
• The income–environment relationship is often studied by
specifying and estimating flexible functional forms with
quadratic and higher-order terms that relate ambient emission
levels (concentrations) or emissions to income per capita and
to other variables such as population density and site
• we employ the most basic model that includes only income
per capita and population density and the variables of special

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

The Econometric
Basically, the EKC focuses on the relationship between income and
environmental factors. In general form, the EKC hypothesis is formulated as

In this formulation, E denotes the environmental indicator, Y denotes income

and Z denotes an explanatory variable which is supposed to cause
environmental degradation.
The standard EKC model takes the following,

Where: emissions per capita zit in locality i ,at time t, coefficients βi,
independent variable average GDP per capita yit, other explaining factors Xit
and error term εit

(Grossman & Krueger, 1995)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 12
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Environmental Emissions

The impact of the environmental emissions are global,

regional and local.

Global regional Local

Greenhouse gases • Hydrocarbon combines

with nitrogen oxides • Emission of
• Chlorofluorocarbon
originating from certain toxic air
(CFC) refrigerants
• Methane combustion process pollutant
• Air quality degradation
• Nitrous oxide
over urban areas
• Carbon dioxide

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Environmental Emissions

Environmental emissions and their impacts are global, regional,

and local in scope. They also act on timescales ranging from
hours to decades. While there are many types of environmental
emissions, in this section atmospheric emissions and their
impacts will be used to provide an example of the different
spatial and temporal scales associated with environmental
❖ Ozon depletion in Stratosphere
❖ Global warming
❖ Regional and local Air quality

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Ozon depletion in Stratosphere

• There is a distinction between "good" and "bad" ozone (O,) in

the atmosphere Tropospheric ozone, created by
photochemical reactions between nitrogen oxide and
hydrocarbons at the Earth's surface, is an important
component of smog.
• A potent oxidant, it causes lung irritation that can lead to
serious lung damage, and damages crops and trees.
• Stratospheric ozone, found in the upper atmosphere performs
a vital and beneficial function for all life on Earth by absorbing
harmful ultraviolet radiation.
• The potential destruction of this stratospheric ozone layer is
therefore of concern and represents a global environmental

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

CFCs reach the stratosphere because of
their chemical properties: high volatility,
low water solubility, and persistence in the
lower atmosphere. In the stratosphere,
they are photo-dissociated to produce
chlorine atoms, which then catalyze the
destruction of ozone (Molina and Rowland,

𝐶𝑙 + 𝑂3 → 𝐶𝑙𝑂 + 𝑂2
𝐶𝑙𝑂 + 𝑂 → 𝑂2 + Cl
𝑂3 + 𝑂 → 𝑂2 + 𝑂2

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Global Warming

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Greenhouse effect

Step 1: Solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere - some

of this is reflected back into space.
Step 2: The rest of the sun's energy is absorbed by the land and
the oceans, heating the Earth.
Step 3: Heat radiates from Earth towards space.
Step 4: Some of this heat is trapped by greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm enough to sustain life.
Step 5: Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, agriculture
and land clearing are increasing the amount of greenhouse
gases released into the atmosphere.
Step 6: This is trapping extra heat, and causing the Earth's
temperature to rise.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• The current concern about the greenhouse effect and
climate stems from the amounts of greenhouse gases
that are being released into the atmosphere from the
burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, agricultural and
industrial practices, release of synthetic
chlorofluorocarbons, and other humankind activities.
• Accumulation of these heat-absorbing greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere can result in an enhanced
greenhouse effect and consequent global warming
amplified by human activities.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Gas Main Source Greenhouse Relative
Factor abundance
H₂O Evaporation of oceans and 0.1 0.10
CO2 Combustion of fossil fuels 1 0.036
CH4 Anaerobic decay of organic 30 0.0017
matter by livestock
N2O Artificial fertilizers 160 0.0003
CFCs Refrigerants and solvents 20000 0.00001

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Regional and Local Air Quality

• There are different sources and pollution at regional and

local level.
• These stationary, mobile and area sources.


Stationary Mobile Area

Factories and Automobiles, trucks, Associated with

other other transportation human
manufacturin vehicles activities
g process

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Air Pollution Sources


Primary Secondary
Pollutant Pollutant

• Primary pollutants are directly emitted to the atmosphere.

• Secondary pollutants are formed in the atmosphere from
precursor gases through chemical reactions and
microphysical processes.
• Air pollutants may have a natural, anthropogenic or mixed

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• Key primary air pollutants include particulate matter (PM), black
carbon (BC), sulphur oxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) (including
nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, NO2), ammonia (NH3),
carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), non-methane volatile
organic compounds (NMVOCs), including benzene, and certain
metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including
benzo[a]pyrene (BaP).
• Key secondary air pollutants are PM, ozone (O3), NO2 and several
oxidised volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Key precursor gases
for secondary PM are sulphur dioxide (SO2), NOX, NH3 and VOCs.
• Particulate matter is a mixture of aerosol particles (solid and liquid)
covering a wide range of sizes and chemical compositions. PM is
either directly emitted as primary particles or it forms in the
atmosphere from emissions of certain precursor pollutants such as
SO2, NOX, NH3 and NMVOCs.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

• Benzo(a)pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) found
in fine PM. Its origin is the incomplete combustion of various fuels.
The main sources of BaP are domestic home-heating, in particular
wood- and coal-burning, waste-burning, coke and steel production,
and road traffic. Other sources include outdoor fires.
• Particulate matter is a mixture of aerosol particles (solid and liquid)
covering a wide range of sizes and chemical compositions. PM is
either directly emitted as primary particles or it forms in the
atmosphere from emissions of certain precursor pollutants such as
SO2, NOX, NH3 and NMVOCs. PM is emitted from many
anthropogenic sources, including both combustion and non-
combustion sources. Natural emissions of PM also occur, including
from sea salt and windblown Saharan dust

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

MF F485 (II SEM, 2022-2023)

Lecture 13-15
R. S. Vidyarthy
Assistant Professor
BITS Pilani Mechanical Engineering Department
Hyderabad Campus BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Metrics for Sustainable
⚫ A set of tools with which can help in better design and
characterize sustainable manufacturing systems.
⚫ A robust set of metrics will enable the vision outlined
by researchers in the field, and will help integrate the
specific advances in manufacturing technology into
the broader framework of sustainable production
⚫ Sustainability is not only concerned with the
environmental issues.
⚫ Environment is one of the major issue.
⚫ Three metrics are in terms of economic, social and

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Financial Metrics
⚫ Economic metrics are focused on investment decisions and
increasing profitability over time.
⚫ Net Present Value (NPV):
- Determining whether an investment in future cost savings
is worthwhile requires adjusting future cash flow into a
current time frame.
- This discounts all future cash flows of an investment with
a risk-adjusted discount rate.

where X is the Cash Flow in


Period t, i is the interest rate,

and I0 is the investment in
period t.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ Mohan wants to invest ₹50,000 in a small project. He is
expecting ₹15,000 return at the end of each year for
next 5 years. His plan is to sell the project at the end of
5th year at cost of ₹30,000. Currently bank is offering 5
% of annual rate of interest on FD. Which plan he
should select.

4 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ Imagine a company can invest in equipment that would cost $1
million and is expected to generate $25,000 a month in revenue for
five years. Alternatively, the company could invest that money in
securities with an expected annual return of 8%. Management
views the equipment and securities as comparable investment risks.

5 BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
⚫ A complete cost analysis needs to be performed frequently
in green manufacturing for decision making.
⚫ Since green manufacturing-related adjustments either lead
to a cost-saving or may require extra cost for operations.
⚫ Decisions have to be made based on the cost and payback
of the activities prior to the implementation of sustainability
⚫ Current standards and guidelines define LCC as the
consideration of all costs, which a system causes over its
⚫ The cost can be divided into the phases of “before use,”
“during use,” and “after use”.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ LCC not only as a cost calculation method but rather also as
a controlling method for the estimation of all costs
associated with an artefact.
⚫ A general procedure for purchasing, operating, and
maintaining production equipment using LCC.
⚫ Based on a decision for LCC the maintenance strategy and
the application conditions are defined for alternative
production equipment
⚫ For relevant LCC factors, costs and yields are registered
and evaluated. The choice can then be decided upon based
on a qualitative or a quantitative method, applying dynamic
investment decision tools.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Cost of Ownership

⚫ The cost components typically considered in the CoO

analysis include the equipment costs, setup costs, and
annual costs for operation of facilities.
⚫ The equipment costs and setup costs are one-time
capital costs occurring at the beginning of the project.
⚫ The annual operational costs reach into the future
depending on the designed lifetime of the equipment
for operation.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ C1 : equipment cost;
⚫ Setup cost:

I: installation fee including labor cost; T: transportation fee; P:

number of people to be trained; and F: training fee for each person.
⚫ Annual operational cost:

S: footprint for the equipment, feet2;RS: footprint cost rate, $/feet2/year;U:

electricity consumed, KWH/year; RE: electricity rate, $/KWH; O: cost of
various consumables, H: downtime, hours; RM: maintenance cost, $/hour;
N: number of pieces of equipment needed for the system;
i: discounting rate;
t: t years into the future;
B: total amount of output from the system; and
VE: economic value of unit output

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Example 1:
The initial investment for the green production facility is 10 million.
The green production facility is emitting 100 Kg of CO2 per year. If
the net value of the plant to be achieved after two year is 50
million. The emission from the production process is 100 g of CO2
per product. Determine the profit achieved per product from the
estimated profit for the plant. Assume the uniform interest of 5%
for each year.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Example 2:
If you are thinking of setting up a plant for producing
environmentally friendly car. The targeted efficiency of the car is 20
km per litre and the initial investment for developing such
technology is 100 million. The net value of the plant after two year
is 500 million. The car can be used for 3 lakh km for the targeted
efficiency. The manufacture is planning to have a profit of 50000
per car. Determine the number of car to be produced in the two
years for the targeted net value of the plant. The government has
put a emission limit of 200 kg of Co2 per year. Assume the uniform
interest of 5% for each year.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Example 3:
You have to estimate the annual operation cost for a plant. The cost of
various consumable including space is 2 million per year. The plant is
used to produce aluminimum cans for cold drinks. The production
capacity for the plant is 10000 cans per year and the profit per can is
200 Rs. The plant is expected to emit 1000 kg of Co2 per year. Assume
there is no downtime cost. The targeted profit per year is 0.3 million.
The one kwh of energy costs 5 rupees.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Metrics for Ecology
⚫ The first approaches for the assessment of environmental
aspects go back to the Technology Assessment (TA).
⚫ TA evaluates the impact of new technologies based on system
analysis, simulation models, and technical prognosis methods.
⚫ Metrics for ecology can be generally differentiated based upon
their evaluation approach and their aggregation method.


Evaluation Aggregation
approach methods
1. Utility analysis
2. Harm & Utility analysis 1. Low level
3. Approach of critical quantities 2. High level
4. Hierarchical approach
5. Verbal-argumentative approach
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Evaluation approaches
⚫ Utility analysis: The combination of qualitative and quantitative
criteria to a quantitative result, weightings of each criteria are
subjective to user.
⚫ Harm and utility analysis: Close to cost–utility analysis, each
criteria is evaluated on a scale, the sum of all evaluations is the
final output.
⚫ Approach of critical quantities: For each criteria a threshold is
defined; the value between current criteria value and threshold is
measured and compared.
⚫ Hierarchical approach: Criteria are structured according to a
⚫ Verbal-argumentative approach: Goals/aims are defined
qualitatively. Verbal argumentative is used if quantification of
criteria is not possible.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Aggregation methods
• Low level
- Vertical aggregation: One element is aggregated over the
vertical (life cycle of a product), e.g., CO2 emissions.
- Aggregation to one criterion: Aggregation of several
elements is converted to one criteria, e.g., greenhouse
gases and global warming potential.
• High level
- Aggregation to one value: The available information is
aggregated to classical media, e.g., soil, water, and air.
- Aggregation to multiple values: Aggregation of all elements
to one criterion.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Metrics for Society
⚫ The difficulty is in determining how to quantify and develop
metrics around social sustainability.
⚫ Any environmental issue can be rationalized as also being
social, since only the environmental matters that create social
problems tend to be recognized, but the reverse is not
necessarily true.
⚫ The injury and fatality rate of a production process does not
have surrogate environmental metrics associated with it.
⚫ Unlike environmental issues, social goals (i.e., acceptable
living standards for all of the world’s populations) tend to be
subjective, making it nearly impossible to reach consensus on
these issues.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ Social metrics based on the responsibilities that businesses
have to do for communities and society. These are:

1. Human development and welfare which includes topics

such as education and training, health and safety, and
management competence.
2. Equity which consists of wages and benefits, equal
opportunity, and nondiscrimination and
3. Ethical considerations which cover human rights, cultural
values, and intergenerational justice.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

⚫ Social aspects that are related to products consist of three

1. Effects at the level of resource extraction and upstream

2. Impacts upon consumers, and
3. Indirect effects of product use upon society

⚫ For products, impacts can be scaled by dividing the total

facility impacts by the production rate to obtain a per
product impact
⚫ However, this measure can be complicated when a facility
creates more than one product.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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