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Impact of Reels and Shorts on Micro Fame

Rachit Tambi, Preeti Srivastava, Rishab Bansal, Roshni Banerjee, Suryansh Rastogi, Ritika Dhawan

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow (226010), INDIA


The popularity of social media platforms has led to the emergence of a new type of fame known as
micro-fame. Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are two of the newest short-form video platforms
that have become increasingly popular among the younger generation. This study aims to investigate
the impact of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts on micro-fame, with a focus on the attitudes and
behaviours of youth towards these platforms. Using a mixed-methods approach, this study explores
the relationship between the frequency of youth's use of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts and
their level of micro-fame on these platforms. Additionally, it examines the perceptions of youth
regarding the potential positive and negative outcomes of micro-fame and how these perceptions
relate to their attitudes and behaviours towards these platforms.

Keywords: Micro-Fame, popularity, perceptions, reels, shorts, social media


Social media has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and consume content. With the rise
of platforms like Instagram and YouTube, people can now create and share content with millions of
users across the globe. The emergence of these platforms has also led to the development of a new
type of fame, known as micro-fame. Micro-fame refers to a level of online celebrity that is not as
prominent as traditional celebrities but still enjoys a significant following and influence (Mehmet
Serdar Erciand Enes Emre Baar (2020)).

Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are two of the newest short-form video platforms that have
become increasingly popular among the younger generation. These platforms allow users to create
short, engaging videos that can be shared with their followers or discovered by a wider audience. As
the popularity of these platforms continues to grow, it is important to understand the impact that they
have on micro-fame, especially among young people.


The impact of short-form video platforms on micro fame has been widely discussed in recent years.
Research shows that these platforms have enabled individuals to build a following and gain
recognition in a relatively short amount of time (Chen & Xie, 2021). In particular, Instagram Reels,
YouTube Shorts, and TikTok have become popular among youths, with many aspiring to gain micro
fame on these platforms.
The rise of social media platforms has transformed the entertainment industry. Social media has
created new opportunities for individuals to gain fame and recognition, especially among young
people. In his study, Marwick (2013) discussed the concept of micro-celebrity, which refers to the
self-presentation of individuals on social media platforms to gain a small following and a level of

Several theories have emerged over time to explain why some apps abruptly gain a large number of
new users. A study of the TikTok app supported the user-centric theory, which is a series of repeated
stages that emphasizes the users and what they want. Users of UCD (User Centred Design) must study
and plan in a variety of ways in order to create products that are both helpful and simple to use (Kling,
Rob 1977).

According to Jiang Xiao Yu 39 (2019) research, the user-centric theory comes to the same conclusion.
Another article backed up the business strategy, which contributed to the sudden surge in interest.
According to the Economic Times, in 2019, an Indian court decided that the app TikTok cannot be
downloaded because it contains pornographic and objectionable material, as the government claimed.


To conduct this research, we utilized a variety of techniques to ensure that our findings were accurate
and reliable. Our data collection process was carried out using a simple random sampling method,
where we have surveyed 77 respondents from India across all age groups who were willing to
participate in our survey. To gather this data, we used a Google Form survey to ask questions and
collect responses from the participants.

Our statistical test of choice was the Chi-Square test. This test is a powerful tool used to determine if
there is a significant association between two categorical variables. By applying this test to our data,
we were able to uncover any significance between variables and understand the relationship between

Before we could apply the chi-square test, however, we had to perform several data preparation
techniques to ensure that our data was fit for analysis. We began by cleaning the data to check for
missing values and inconsistencies, which were then removed to improve the accuracy of our results.
We also performed data transformation to meet the requirements of the statistical test, and data
reduction to eliminate any unnecessary or redundant data. Another analysis tool we have used is
Spearman’s Correlation (Rank Correlation) to check the association between the variables.

Despite our efforts, there were some limitations to our research. One such limitation was the small
sample size, which may have impacted the accuracy of our results. Additionally, our use of a Google
Form survey may not have been representative of the entire population, and our research was limited
to India and did not include respondents from other countries. Nonetheless, we believe that our
research provides valuable insights into the topic and helps to contribute to the wider body of
knowledge in the field.

A. To investigate the relationship between the frequency of youth's use of Instagram Reels and
YouTube Shorts and their level of micro-fame on these platforms. (Appendix 1)

In order to analyse this objective, we have used 9 variables out of 27 (Appendix 2). To evaluate
further we’ll be checking upon these variables using:

a. Chi-Square Test b. Rank Correlation

1. To test the significance between upload frequency and popularity experienced:
To determine whether upload frequency affects the popularity of content creators on Instagram’
reels or YouTube's shorts platform, we need to conduct a statistical analysis that examines the
relationship between these two variables. We have used chi-square test for this as we have
categorized the data of both the variables.

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 16.129a 6 .013
Likelihood Ratio 19.900 6 .003
Linear-by-Linear Association .842 1 .359
N of Valid Cases 77

This is a crosstabulation table that shows the relationship between two variables: "popularity
experienced" and "upload frequency". The table contains counts and expected counts of individuals
falling into each combination of categories. The total sample size is 77.
The chi-square tests at the bottom of the table are used to test whether there is a statistically
significant association between the two variables. The Pearson chi-square test has a value of 16.129
with 6 degrees of freedom, and a p-value of .013, indicating that there is a statistically significant
association between the two variables. The likelihood ratio test also indicates a statistically significant
association with a value of 19.900 and a p-value of .003. However, the linear-by-linear association
test does not indicate a statistically significant association.

2. To test the significance between upload frequency and motivation:

To determine how
upload frequency is
affected by the motivation
of using these platforms
to experience popularity among content creators on Instagram’ reels or YouTube's shorts platform,
we need to conduct a statistical analysis that examines the relationship between these two
variables. We have used chi-square test for this as we have categorized the data of both the

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 25.794a 12 .011
Likelihood Ratio 32.113 12 .001
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.242 1 .134
N of Valid Cases 77

This table shows a crosstabulation of upload frequency and motivation for using a platform. The data
is based on a sample of 77 users. The table shows that the most common motivation for using the
platform is "To share my experiences with others" (31 users), followed by "To gain followers/likes"
(19 users). The least common motivation is "To earn money" (2 users). In terms of upload frequency,
the majority of users (29) upload content rarely, followed by monthly (20), weekly (15), and daily
(13). The chi-square tests show a significant association between upload frequency and motivation (p
< .05), indicating that upload frequency and motivation are not independent variables which means
that there exists a relationship between motivation behind uploading a short video on these platforms.

3. To test significance of change in interaction of creators after getting micro-fame:

To determine how content creators’ way of interaction with their followers’ changes after gaining
popularity on these platforms. We have used chi-square test for this as we have categorized the data of
both the variables examines the relationship between these two variables.

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 12.662a 4 .013
Likelihood Ratio 13.474 4 .009
Linear-by-Linear Association .748 1 .387
N of Valid Cases 77

The crosstabulation table shows the distribution of participants based on their responses to two
variables - popularity experienced and popularity interaction. The table indicates that among the
respondents who have experienced popularity, the majority of them (52.5%) reported that they have
had a positive interaction with their followers, while 42.5% reported having mixed or negative
interactions. On the other hand, among those who have not experienced popularity, only 12% reported
positive interaction, while 60% reported mixed or negative interactions. This suggests that
experiencing popularity on social media might increase the likelihood of having positive interactions
with followers. The Chi-Square test results indicate a statistically significant association between
these two variables (p < .05). This suggests that there is a relationship between the experienced
popularity of users and their interactions with followers. The finding could be useful for content
creators and marketers in designing effective social media campaigns that promote user engagement
and increase followership.
4. To test the association between the variables and decide whether it really affects another
In order to analyse this, we need to conduct a statistical analysis that examines the relationship
between these two variables. We have used Spearman’s Rank Correlation for this and thus, will
further check the significance to arrive at our conclusion.

The correlation table presents the results of the Spearman's rho correlation analysis between different
variables. The analysis includes seven variables, namely followers increase, time spent, popularity
experienced, popularity outcome, short video opportunities, career aspiration, and popularity
interaction. The results indicate that:

 There is no significant correlation between followers increase and any of the other variables.
 Time spent is not significantly correlated with any of the other variables.
 Popularity experienced has a significant positive correlation with career aspiration (r = 0.322, p <
0.01), indicating that those who have experienced popularity on social media have higher career
 Popularity outcome has a significant positive correlation with short video opportunities (r = 0.298,
p < 0.01), suggesting that those who achieve better popularity outcomes have more opportunities
to create short videos.
 Short video opportunities have a significant positive correlation with popularity interaction (r =
0.154, p < 0.01), indicating that those who have more opportunities to create short videos also
have more interactions with their followers.

The results suggest that popularity on social media have a positive impact on career aspirations, short
video opportunities, and popularity interactions. This is crucial to for social media influencers, content
creators, and marketers to understand the relationships between different variables and create effective
strategies to enhance their social media presence.

B. To analyse how youth's perceptions of the potential positive and negative outcomes of micro-
fame on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are related to their attitudes and behaviours
towards these platforms.

The rise of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts has brought about a new form of micro-fame among
users, who are constantly seeking to increase their online presence and popularity. However, the
potential positive and negative outcomes of this pursuit of micro-fame have not been thoroughly
explored, particularly in relation to youth attitudes and behaviours towards these platforms. This part
of our research aims to analyse the perceptions of users regarding the potential outcomes of micro-
fame on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, and how these perceptions relate to their attitudes and
behaviours towards these platforms. We have used chi-square test to analyse this relationship and for
this we have used 7 variables out of 27.

1. To test the significance of users experiencing micro fame and taking break from these

In order to derive a rational conclusion for this, we need to conduct a statistical analysis that examines
the relationship between these two variables. We have used chi-square test for this purpose.

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 9.572a 4 .048
Likelihood Ratio 11.835 4 .019
Linear-by-Linear Association 8.153 1 .004
N of Valid Cases 77

In this crosstabulation table, the relationship between youth's experience with popularity and their
tendency to take breaks from social media is examined. The table shows the frequency counts and
expected counts for each combination of popularity experienced (no, yes, maybe) and social media
break (no, yes, maybe). The chi-square tests indicate that there is a significant relationship between
the two variables, with a p-value of .048 for the Pearson chi-square and .019 for the likelihood ratio.
The linear-by-linear association test also shows a significant relationship with a p-value of .004.
2. To test the outcome of users experiencing micro fame on mental well-being from these

For this purpose, we have to see first that is there any significance between these two variables. To
check this, we need to conduct a statistical analysis that examines the relationship between these two
variables. We have used chi-square test to calculate the significance behind this.

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 22.286a 8 .004

Likelihood Ratio 28.062 8 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association .005 1 .945
N of Valid Cases 77

The crosstabulation shows the frequency distribution of the two variables and the chi-square tests
examine the independence of the variables. The p-value of the Pearson Chi-Square test is less
than .05, indicating that there is a statistically significant association between the variables. However,
the linear-by-linear association test is not statistically significant, which suggests that there may not
be a linear relationship between the variables. Overall, these results suggest that there may be a
relationship between perceptions of popularity outcomes on social media and mental well-being, but
further analysis is needed to fully understand the nature of this relationship.

The study concludes that Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts have a significant impact on micro-
fame, especially among young people. The frequency of use of these platforms is a strong predictor of
micro-fame levels, and youth's perceptions of the potential positive and negative outcomes of fame
influence their attitudes and behaviours towards these platforms.

The findings suggest that there are significant relationships between various variables and the level of
micro-fame on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. Specifically, there is a significant association
between upload frequency and popularity experienced, indicating that content creators who upload
videos more frequently tend to be more popular on these platforms. There is also a significant
association between upload frequency and motivation, which suggests that content creators who are
motivated to use these platforms to gain popularity tend to upload videos more frequently. Moreover,
experiencing micro-fame on these platforms seems to have a positive impact on content creators'
interactions with their followers.

The study highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of micro-fame on Instagram Reels
and YouTube Shorts, which can have significant implications for the way we use social media and
consume content in the future. By understanding the factors that contribute to micro-fame and its
potential outcomes, we can develop strategies that promote responsible social media use and protect
young people from the negative consequences of fame.


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Digitalized World; Basic Book

1. Nomological Network

Use of short-form video platforms --> Motivations for platform use --> Micro fame --> Social and
emotional wellbeing --> Attitudes towards fame and social media

Independent variables:

 Use of short-form video platforms (Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts)

 Motivations for platform use (e.g., social connection, creative expression, desire for fame)

Dependent variables:

 Micro fame
 Social and emotional wellbeing
 Attitudes towards fame and social media

Mediating variables:

 Self-esteem
 Social comparison

Moderating variables:

 Age
 Gender
 Personality traits
2. Questionnaire:

Link to our questionnaire:

Variables Used for respective question numbers:

(age, gender, occupation, annual_income, socialmedia_platforms, time_required, time_spent,

upload_frequency. motivation, popularity_experienced, popularity_interaction, interaction_change,
popularity_outcome, outcome_variety, importance_followers, followers_increase,
socialmedia_mentalwellbeing, socialmedia_selfesteem, cyberbullying, response_cyberbullying,
socialmedia_comparison, socialmedia_break, shortvideo_opportunities, socialmedia_collaborations,
consequences, careerscareer_aspiration)

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