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OBJECTIVE 10: Designed, selected, organized and used diagnostic, formative and summative

assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements. (PPST 5.1.2)


The teacher demonstrated exemplary skills in designing, selecting, organizing, and effectively utilizing
diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment strategies that were consistent with curriculum
requirements. By incorporating a variety of assessment methods, the teacher ensured a comprehensive
and well-rounded evaluation of student learning and progress.

The teacher skillfully designed assessment strategies that aligned with the curriculum's learning goals
and objectives. These assessments included diagnostic assessments to gauge students' prior knowledge
and identify areas of need, formative assessments to monitor ongoing progress and provide timely
feedback, and summative assessments to evaluate overall achievement at the end of a unit or course.
By carefully designing assessments that aligned with curriculum requirements, the teacher ensured that
students' knowledge, skills, and understanding were accurately measured.

Furthermore, the teacher selected appropriate assessment tools and techniques that effectively
captured students' learning outcomes. These tools included written tests, oral presentations, projects,
portfolios, observations, quizzes, and self-assessments. By choosing diverse assessment methods, the
teacher accommodated different learning styles and allowed students to showcase their knowledge and
skills in various ways.

The teacher also organized assessments in a systematic manner, ensuring clarity and fairness in the
evaluation process. This involved creating clear assessment criteria, rubrics, scoring guides, and grading
scales. By providing transparent guidelines, the teacher communicated expectations to students and
facilitated a consistent and equitable assessment process.

Moreover, the teacher utilized assessment strategies formatively, using ongoing feedback to guide
instruction and support student learning. By analyzing assessment data and identifying areas of strength
and areas for improvement, the teacher could tailor instruction to meet individual student needs. This
formative approach allowed for timely interventions, targeted support, and instructional adjustments to
optimize student progress.

In addition, the teacher incorporated summative assessments to evaluate students' overall achievement
and mastery of the curriculum requirements. These assessments provided a comprehensive snapshot of
students' learning outcomes and allowed for reflection on instructional effectiveness and curriculum
Overall, the teacher's design, selection, organization, and use of diagnostic, formative, and summative
assessment strategies demonstrated a commitment to meeting curriculum requirements. By employing
a variety of assessment methods, the teacher obtained a comprehensive understanding of student
learning, provided timely feedback, and made informed instructional decisions. Through this thoughtful
and systematic approach to assessment, the teacher supported student growth, ensured accountability,
and promoted continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

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