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Jul 10, 2023

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9% 91%
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7 Min

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“…guilty…guilty. Thomas Robinson is declared guilty by the jury and is hereby
sentenced to…death for his crimes of rape and assault towards Miss Mayella
Ewells.” Judge Taylor firmly held onto his gavel as a commotion broke out
within the audience. Guilty, I was. I’d seen this comin’, there was no way they’d
ever let a black man win in court. But I still feel…enraged, by the injustice. I
was framed, yet I lost just because I’m black? What was with these people?
They know I’m innocent. Savages…not them all…my fellow people were there,
once again disappointed at this injustice. Scout and Jem, standing among my
people, who were shocked at the verdict, though too young to understand
the jury’s decision. Atticus…
Atticus was stuffing papers into his briefcase,
walked over to the news reporter then nodded at Mr Gilmer, the man who
caused my children to be fatherless, and my wife a widow. I stared at Atticus
who was walking over to me now, my hopes of justice destroyed. I couldn’t
blame him, he’d tried his best to help me. “Tom, don’t worry, I’ll appeal the
case and get you your justice.” He whispered as he placed a hand on my
shoulder, comforting me… I suppose. “Thank you suh, but-” I was cut off as
Atticus removed his coat and placed it over my shoulders then took his leave.
I watched as his back disappeared through the doorway then all of a sudden,
two hands picked me up and led me to my temporary cell for the night.
UP! It’s time to go” I woke up to two figures, one of them was…Mr Finch?
“Goodbye, Mr. Finch, you’ve tried your best, so there ain’t no use tryin’
anymore,” I told him. Mr. Finch took a step closer to the cell and stared me
right in the eye. “Tom, listen to me. You must do your best not to lose hope
because I’m doing my best to help you. I will get you out.” He turned and
took his leave while the guard grabbed me and led me to the truck. I was
going to die, what could Mr Finch do? The road to the prison was bumpy. I sat
at the back of the truck, handcuffed with two armed officers sitting next to
either side of me, acting like I was a dangerous serial killer. I, the innocent,
was about to be executed for crimes I never committed while those Ewells
get to enjoy their freedom. Those whites had never treated us Negroes with
any respect, yet I had been kind enough to help them and this is how they
repay me? No, I mustn't give up, just like what Mr. Finch had said, I must…
escape. I couldn’t die, I…don’t want to die. Even if I die, I die fighting for my
innocence. My heart was slowly beating faster and faster with each bump we
hit on the road, a sign that we were closer to the prison. For my wife, my
children, and my fellow people, I will fight for my innocence. I’ve been

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counting down the days to my death but soon I’ll escape from it. I’ve been
locked up in this hell of a place. My fight for innocence will soon begin, I will
get out of here.
“Exercise period, come on.” The doors to our cells opened
with a click. I stepped out, dazed by the sunlight, and headed toward the
yard with my fellow prisoners. Everyone soon broke out into their little ‘gangs’
while I stood alone. Being a so-called ‘rapist’ was bad, even in prison, but
being a Negro just made matters worse. I didn’t have time to bother with
friends anyway, my plan for freedom had just begun.
With each step I took
closer to the fence, my heart beat faster. My eyes searched around for guards
who might already be on me. “WHAT’D YA SAY-“A gang fight broke loose. It
was a sign, God was helping me escape. He knew I was innocent. Thank, god.
Without wasting any more time, I turned to face the fence, took a deep
breath and my only hand grabbed onto the fence. I climbed and climbed and
climbed. My heart was skipping beats, my forehead sweaty and my hand
tired. I had to keep going, I needed to go faster.
“YOU! STOP!” Guards were
taking out guns as I heard gunshots but I knew they couldn’t stop me. I was
almost over the fence, I was reaching the top. Freedom was so close…I could
almost feel it. Yes. But then, I felt a pang on my back, then another. I couldn’t
move, my hands let go. I fell to the ground. No…I was so close…
Then, there
was nothing, but…darkness

5% Plagiarized
Sadly, though, if my access to the machine only lasts 24 hours, it's time to go.
Your friend John's been keeping up with us. How is that? Harold Finch : I ...

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All of their guns are pulled up towards the ship, including the guards
themselves, who are strapped to ... GRU Don't worry--I will get you out of this!...
going to blow the mine, but I will get you out first. Slave Worker: The east
passage is the best way out, but it's guarded. Lawrence: Leave them to me.

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by KL McNulty · 2020 · Cited by 315 — The results from this systematic review
and meta-analysis indicate that exercise performance might be trivially
reduced during the early follicular phase of KL McNulty · 2020 · Cited by
315 — In women, exercise performance might be reduced by a trivial amount
during the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle when compared with ...

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