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E v o
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A The Content Creation Proce

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Table of
01 The nova-touch

02 Language

03 Stars

04 Shall we?

05 Date?!

06 Anna jade


08 The end.
Page 1

My name's agatha i have been this condition since I'm

The supernova touch I'll explain to you all the supernova
touch my skin can't touch water , something electric and
somone has the condition as mine actually i can touch a
water a little bit so i can wash with wipes.
Chapter - 1

I have a friend since we're highschool milly

She's been looking for me for four years
And i have this nurse her name is erica she's black american
5'1 feet tall and she has a small eyes. And milly is white orange
hair long lashes she's 5'7 tall and she's smart.

"Am i getting back at the hospital?" Agatha asked milly, "yeah"

milly answers, "i wish i have the same condition as mine"
Agatha said.

They got back at the hospital "Back at the room 342 again"
agatha says while walking
"Welllllcomeeeee back nurse,erica!" Agatha said "well another
day, another meal" nurse erica says, "well there's nothing new"
agatha says, "and also somone has the same condition as you"
nurse erica says, "well thats nice" agatha says while mouth is
full, "your mouth is full agatha don't talk!" Milly says, "his name
is darry if your interested agatha, and also he's staying in room
Page 2

Nurse erica says, "well is he fine?" Agatha says, " i don't

know to you if he's fine!" Nurse erica laughing "and you
can call him if you want" nurse erica says,"later if i
finished my food" agatha says smiling.

Can we call nurse erica or erica?

Chapter - 1

I think we should call her erica.

"Did you ever feel like to have supernova touch?" Agatha

said, "if i have it i can feel it girl" milly says "is that mean or
what?" Agatha says while playing ipad "no its not I'm just
explaining" milly says "okay" agatha said.

"Can you get back in the bookstore tomorrow?" Agatha

said, "sure, what book do you wanna buy, I'll buy it for
you" milly says "i think the fault in our stars" agatha said
"you know maybe I'll call him?" Agatha said "do
everything you want" milly says

"Hi I'm agatha and i have the same condition as you!"

Agtha says in the ipad
"So?" Darry says.
Page 3

"nah, just kidding" darry says

"I thought you were serious" agatha said
"안ㅣ여 (No)" darry said
"You know how to korean too!" Agatha said

" (yes)" darry says
"잘진ㅔ쏘 여? (How are you?)" Darry said
"내잘지냍소여 (I'm fine thanks!) Agatha said
"Maybe this is enough korean," darry says
Chapter - 2

"Yeah maybe (chuckle)" agatha said

"Have you read some books?" Agatha questioned,
"A bit" darry answers.

"Milly buy the fault in our stars and also buys some jello" Agatha said,
"Sure,bye" milly answers.

(Agatha called darry)

"Hey what is it?!" Darry questioned agatha,
"Eh, nothing just doesn't have to talk to" agatha answers, (suddenly Erica came
"Here's another day another meal" erica said, "sure it is" agatha said ,
"Is that darry?" Erica said,
"Yeah,he is!" Agatha answers,
(On the phone) "hey nurse,erica!" Darry said "hello!" Erica said,
"Girl something fishy, just kidding!" Erica says, (agatha laugh),(erica walking out)
"Hey, erica!" Agatha said,
"What?" Erica said,
"Eh,sorry nothing" agatha said

"Did you ever feel like you wanna be free?"agatha said

"No, I haven't" darry answers

"I'm back girl agatha!!" Milly said

"Where are you agatha?" Milly said

Where does agatha go to?!

Page 4

The phone ringing cause milly's calling me

Chapter - 3

"Hello agatha where the hell are you?!" Milly

questioned while running "I'm right here at the
rooftop with darry looking at the stars" agatha
answered, "I'm coming hang on" milly said.
"I will go too!" Milly continued

Milly runs in the rooftop well she's for real runner

cause she broke the world record just kidding she's
runs for 0.02 seconds just kidding! She know that i
will do nothing wrong she know me i know her that's
why we're bestfriend? I know that she's doesn't have
family too just like i do and well she has a sibling
diego a 12 years old boy that she live in too but
diego is like my brother too and he's living with us in
here at the hospital and we got along together for
real bad and we play games like soccer and when it
rains he always pushes me at the nearby house in
order for me to get not wet.
Page 5

Lets continue,
"Hey agatha where are you?" Milly shouting
"I can't breathe milly help" agatha said and sighs, "what? I'm coming" milly said "are
Chapter - 3

you okay?" Milly says with worried voice

"I can't breathe cause i love the freaking view" agatha says with giggling voice, "the
hell fu- this" milly says with tired voice,
That's not the only time i freaked out milly its a bout' millions thousand hundred times
Like she's for real worried and she thinks I'm 50/50^^
"Are you okay?" "Are you wet?" "Wake up agatha" "hey wake up girl you can do this"
She even call a doctor and i was like "no don't call a doctor this is just a prank!"
"Fusgwhskk" milly says well I'm expert at pranks i even use a nurse for a prank in milly.

Later at the agatha's room

"Thanks, lily for the jello" Agatha said illy short for milly,
"Hey agatha none of this pranks is okay" milly said, "no it is fun" agatha answered
"Ooh let me open this book" agatha said
"Oh thank you milly" agatha says,
"Oh it's nothing really?" Milly says,
"Really?" Agatha answered
"Yeah for real" milly said

"Hey agatha are you awake?" Darry says while whispering,

"Are you asking me?" Agatha said,
"Yes" darry answers,
"Yes I'm awake" agatha says.

Where will they go?

Page 6

"what is it?" Agatha said

"Wanna walk outside?" Darry said
"Sure!" Agatha answers
Chapter - 4

"Quiet walk agatha nurse erica might caught us walking

out in hospital!" Darry said

"This is a nice spot darry" agatha says

We both smiled at each other and laugh like strange
"we're fresh air" darry said "do you ever think we belong
to each other?" Darry asked "i think we belong to each
other" agatha answered with energized voice
"I love you" darry said "that's so fast darry like we just
met last month, but i love you too although we can't
touch each other"
Agatha said "but in another way we can feel our love at
each other" darry said with a handsome voice, "hey why
are you two awake?" Diego said "you asked wrong
people ask yourself why are you awake?" Agatha said.
Page 7

I felt like he's the one i need in my life well i need milly too i
need them and they need me did they need me? I think i
Chaper - 4

doesn't have to do in my life or in this world like i born to just

do nothing to this world i felt in since I'm highschool and i
ever feel that i doesn't have family except for milly and diego
and which is true we're family but i don't how to help them
cause they're helping me and i don't know how to pay milly
and diego back cause see I doesn't have a job i can't work
because I'm sick i have supernova touch and if your asking
why I'm here at the hospital but i just have supernova touch
If you read in my explanation in supernova touch I can't just
touch: water, electricity the same condition as mine but why i
have to stay into the hospital? The thing is if you have this
condition your reserved in the hospital and if you overcome
your supernova touch your free.

"Milly wake up i have a date!" Agatha said

"Shall we?" Darry asked.
Page 8

"Wait you have a date?" Milly asked suprisingly

"Yes,just said it" agatha says

I'll describe darry's look cause i haven't describe him to y'all he has blue eyes there
we're tiny he's tall as enough to bend down to me perfect nose tiny lips black hair and
I'll describe agatha or myself I'm 5'6 tall brown eyes a bit tiny eyes un-perfect nose
smiling lips brown hair as well so shall we continue?
Chapter - 5

"Good luck don't forget the umbrella's it might rain" milly said
"Yeah i will not forget girl" agatha answers

"Where shall we go or where do you want to go? Furuki café? Or amethys park?" Darry
asked, "I don't know maybe amethyst park" agatha answered
(In the middle lf the way) "it will rain all day" radio in the taxi, "sir can you get back us in
the hospital please can you? Agatha said, "sure!" Taxi driver answers (hope not by
blackpink playing) "i love this song" agatha said.

"Hey don't be upset Agatha" darry said,

"I'm not upset darry I'm just—it sucked you know? It rained." agatha said "it's okay what
can i make up to you?" Darry said "maybe read with me?" Agatha answered "sure what
book?" Darry said "we have our own book" agatha said "mine is the fault in our stars"
Agatha said "mine is the;the outsiders" darry said
At the fifth floor they read all day long
"I suddenly craved at pizza" agatha said
"One moment I'll get you" darry said
"Thanks" agatha said
I can still hear darry's shoes while he's leaving.

"Wh- why are you pointing tha-?" Agatha said nervously as her head sweating.
Page 9

"its a fake gun girl" ? Said

Chapter - 6

"What's your name?" Agatha asked

"Anna my last name is jade anna jade" anna answered, "well we're similar i
have supernova touch too" anna said, "how'd you know my condition?"
Agatha asked
"Well i checked who has a supernova touch in here hospital theres;
darry,agatha,vannesa,mary,anna, johnny and lucien.
"Impressive" agatha said, "my hobby is digital art" anna said "I'm back agatha"
darry shouting "who is she?" Darry says "anna;anna jade" Agatha said "she
has supernova touch as well" Agatha said "well its nice" darry said.

"Milly,i just met anna here she is she's going to stay here at my room she has
supernova touch too!" Agatha said (anna smiled at milly) "what about
diego?" Milly says "he will be at the other side of my bed" agatha said "okay
as long as your fine" milly said.

"I'm bored" darry said, "what are your likes?" Agatha asked darry
"Lamborghini's" darry answers,"I'll buy you Lamborghini hot wheels" agatha
said "thanks" darry said

"I have bad news" darry says, "what is it?!" Agatha said "nurse erica slipped
and she's unable to work" darry said "oh that's sad" agatha said "maybe we'll
visit her" agatha said "we can't she's in another state like 17 hours of driving"
darry said.

What will happen next?

Page 10

"I'm gonna walk for a while" agatha said "walking at night?" Darry asked "yes"
agatha answers "let me go with you" darry said "sure" Agatha said.

"I'm cold" agatha said "here take my jacket" darry said darry throw his jacket to
Chapter - 7

"Milly milly!!" Diego shout "the hell?" Milly said "where's agatha?" Diego asked "i
don't know" milly said.

"This is fun hanging out with you!" Agatha said "one of the best hour lf my life"
darry answers while tying his shoes.

"I can't seem to have an idea to cheat" darry said, "did i said something
wrong?" Agatha asked "No,no" darry said "i can feel losing somone you know
that feeling that someone will lose" agatha asked "i already felt it twelve times"
darry said "I can't seem to save them" darry said.

"let's build our memories" agatha said "i can see atlantis" darry said "what does
it look like?" Agatha asked"every day i can feel it and saw it" darry said "I'm
sleepy" agatha said "but i want to sleep here outside" agatha said "I'll watch
you sleeping" darry said "sleep now my firefly" darry said with a tuned voice
Suddenly agatha fell asleep "i hope you know my story my firefly i wanna make
long memories with you my firefly" darry said while agatha sleeping "shall we
look at the moon? My little loon" darry said.

"I feel your pain, darry" agatha said "i felt it a wrong way my love" darry said "I'm
hopeless for my little lamb" darry said "who's your little lamb?" Agatha asked
"my best friend who died" darry said "I'm sorry" agatha said "don't be i already
moved on two years ago" darry said "you will never my story like she do" darry
said "what do you mean, that's mean to me" agatha said with mad voice "I'm
Page 11

"I seen you agatha as a sun" darry said "why?" Agatha asked "your burning" darry said "your
not funny anymore" agatha said with sad voice "I'm leaving" agatha says "no don't" darry said
"fourth of july the world's gonna die" darry said "are you sure my dragonfly?" Agatha said "I'm
sure as the sun" darry said "the evil spread when we die" darry said "what?" Agatha asked.
Chapter - 8

"Agatha where are you?" Milly shouted

"I walked a cross an empty land" darry said

"You doesn't make me complete" agatha said "i need someone to begin" darry said
"Your like a fallen tree my dear" agatha said
"Your my person used to love" agatha said to darry "I'm getting tired" darry said "if you have a
minute to talk somewhere we only we know" darry said "why don't we go?" Agatha asked "it
doesn't let me in" darry said "why don't we go?" Agatha asked for the second time "that is not
the answer for everything" darry said "why don't you think like mary?" Agatha said "who is she?
Darry asked "nothing" agatha said "I've been tryna to do it right" darry said "i lived a lonely life"
darry said "can't you be my family?" Agatha asked "i don't where i belong I don't know why i
went wrlng for love" darry said suddenly it started raining and doesn't have a nearby to go on
and they didn't have a umbrella "hey run darry" Agatha said "we're both going to die no
matter what" darry said "we're belong to each other my sweetheart i can't leave you here"
agatha said "you said we're belong to each other then join me in the rain then if we belong to
each other" darry said "i need some time" agatha said they suddenly kissed each other and
nothing happens and darry is dying and agatha is not "why I'm not dying? No no.." agatha said
"don't stop to hope agatha" darry said with dying voice "i doesn't have supernova touch?"
Agatha said "yes you doesn't have be- be-.." darry said dying "no you can't just leave me here
darry I'm weak no" agatha said darry died at that time and that's not my expectations
"They say love is a pain i wanna be okay I've been starving my self teach me how to be okay i
don't wanna die and blame my emotions - agatha.

Did you get enough love my little dove?

The end of the uneven.

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