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ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

Orthologs, Paralogs, and

Evolutionary Genomics1
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Eugene V. Koonin
National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20894;


Annu. Rev. Genet. Key Words

2005. 39:309–38
homolog, ortholog, paralog, pseudoortholog, pseudoparalog,
First published online as a
Review in Advance on xenolog
August 30, 2005
The Annual Review of
Genetics is online at Orthologs and paralogs are two fundamentally different types of ho- mologous genes that evolved, respectively, by vertical descent from
doi: 10.1146/ a single ancestral gene and by duplication. Orthology and paral-
annurev.genet.39.073003.114725 ogy are key concepts of evolutionary genomics. A clear distinction
c 2005 by between orthologs and paralogs is critical for the construction of a
Annual Reviews. All rights robust evolutionary classification of genes and reliable functional an-
notation of newly sequenced genomes. Genome comparisons show
The U.S. Government that orthologous relationships with genes from taxonomically dis-
has the right to retain a
nonexclusive, royalty-free tant species can be established for the majority of the genes from
license in and to any each sequenced genome. This review examines in depth the defini-
copyright covering this tions and subtypes of orthologs and paralogs, outlines the principal
methodological approaches employed for identification of orthology
0066-4197/05/1215- and paralogy, and considers evolutionary and functional implications
of these concepts.

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

tiple, complete genomes of diverse life forms

Contents for comparative analysis provides a qualita-
tively new perspective on homologous rela-
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
tionships between genes. By comparing the
sequences of all genes between genomes from
different taxa and within each genome, it is,
in principle, possible to reconstruct the evo-
lutionary history of each gene in its entirety
PARALOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
(within the set of sequenced genomes). This,
A Super-Brief History of
in turn, will allow a deeper understanding of
Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
the general trends in the evolution of genomic
Orthology and Paralogy:
complexity and lineage-specific adaptations.
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Definitions and Complications . 312

Gene histories must be presented in the form
of scenarios that comprise several types of el-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

ementary events (55, 64, 84). The elementary
events of gene evolution can be classified as
TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
follows, roughly in the order of relative con-
tribution to the evolutionary process: (i) ver-
tical descent (speciation) with modification;
PARALOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
(ii) gene duplication, also followed by descent
Coverage of Genomes in Clusters
with modification; (iii) gene loss; (iv) hori-
of Orthologs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
zontal gene transfer (HGT); and (v) fusion,
One-to-One Orthologs and
fission, and other rearrangements of genes.
Inparalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Vertical descent and duplication might be
Orthologous Clusters and the
considered the primary events of genome evo-
Molecular Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
lution and have been well recognized in the
Xenologs, Pseudoorthologs, and
pregenomic era. In contrast, the crucial evo-
Pseudoparalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
lutionary importance of gene loss, HGT, and
Protein Domain Rearrangements,
gene rearrangements was among the major,
Gene Fusions/Fissions, and
fundamental generalizations of the emerging
Orthology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
evolutionary genomics (13, 14, 16, 50, 51, 57,
77, 78).
Along with the notion of elementary evo-
PARALOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
lutionary events, all descriptions of evolu-
GENERAL DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . 331
tion of genes, gene ensembles, and, ultimately,
Orthology and Paralogy as
complete gene repertoires of organisms
Evolutionary Inferences and
rest on certain key concepts of evolution-
the Homology Debates . . . . . . . . 331
ary biology, primarily, the definitions of ho-
Generalized Concepts of
mologs, orthologs, and paralogs. Developed
Orthology and Paralogy . . . . . . . 332
long ago by evolutionists, these related con-
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
cepts and terms have reemerged and have be-
come the subject of intense debate and nu-
merous misunderstandings with the advent of
molecular evolution and, subsequently, evo-
INTRODUCTION lutionary genomics (24, 25, 40, 46, 76, 80,
One of the most fascinating aspects of mod- 81, 97). The aversion of some biologists to
ern genomics is the radical change it brings to ideas and terms deriving from evolution-
evolutionary biology. The availability of mul- ary biology is reflected in the peculiar word

310 Koonin
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“homologuephobia,” albeit used in a tongue- tion of common origin of homologous or-

in-cheek manner (80). gans (74). Homology had been immediately
Homology, the most general definition, reinterpreted after the publication of Darwin’s
Homologs: genes
designates a relationship of common descent Origin of Species (8). Darwin himself never used sharing a common
between any entities, without further speci- the term homology, but less than a year after origin
fication of the evolutionary scenario. Accord- the publication of the Origin, Huxley, in his Orthologs: genes
ingly, the entities related by homology, in par- review of Darwin’s work, invoked homology originating from a
ticular, genes, are called homologs. The other as evidence of evolution (37). single ancestral gene
two key terms define subcategories of ho- Leaping forward a century, the distinc- in the last common
ancestor of the
mologs. Orthologs are genes related via speci- tion between orthologs and paralogs and the
compared genomes
ation (vertical descent), whereas paralogs are terms themselves were introduced by Walter
Paralogs: genes
genes related via duplication (23). The com- Fitch in 1970 in a now classic paper (23).
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related via
bination of speciation and duplication events, However, in the early 1960s, these concepts duplication
along with HGT, gene loss, and gene rear- were considered in a sufficiently clear form,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

rangements, entangle orthologs and paralogs albeit with the use of different and somewhat
into complex webs of relationships. Correct, awkward wording, in the prescient work of
coherent usage of these terms would be of cer- Zuckerkandl & Pauling, which laid the foun-
tain importance if only to provide clarity to dations of molecular evolution as a discipline
the descriptions of genome evolution. How- (104, 105). A parallel line of relevant devel-
ever, beyond semantics, these concepts have opments involved theoretical and empirical
distinct and important evolutionary and func- studies of gene duplications and their role
tional connotations. in evolution. Although the idea of duplica-
In this review, I discuss the intricacies of tion and its contribution to evolutionary in-
the definitions of orthologs and paralogs, in- novation was already present in Fisher’s clas-
cluding several derivative categories of ho- sic work of 1928 (22), the coherent concept
mologs and the respective terms, approaches was developed in Ohno’s famous 1970 book
used for identification of orthologs and par- Evolution by Gene Duplication (69). Ohno ar-
alogs, and the functional implications of gued that gene duplication, i.e., formation of
orthologous and paralogous relationships. paralogous genes, is the main process respon-
sible for the emergence of functional novelty
during evolution whereby one of the new-
HISTORY, DETAILED born paralogs escapes the pressure of pre-
DEFINITIONS, AND existing constraints (purifying selection) and
CLASSIFICATION OF becomes free to evolve a new function. In
ORTHOLOGS AND PARALOGS a subsequent section, I briefly discuss the
modern theoretical developments that pro-
A Super-Brief History of Homology vide a better-supported, more nuanced per-
The term homolog was introduced by Richard spective on the role of gene duplication in
Owen in 1843 to designate “the same organ in evolution. These advances notwithstanding,
different animals under every variety of form Ohno’s principal message has certainly with-
and function.” Owen clearly distinguished ho- stood the test of time and got a second wind
mologs from analogs, which he defined as a through the discovery of omnipresent dupli-
“part or organ in one animal which has the cations in genomes.
same function as another part or organ in a For 20 years after Fitch developed the
different animal” (72). He attributed homolo- notions of orthologs and paralogs, these def-
gies to the existence of the same “archetype” initions quietly stayed within the domain of
(structural plan) in all vertebrates but, not be- evolutionary biology. A search of the PubMed
ing an evolutionist, did not consider the no- database (National Center for Biotechnology • Orthologs and Paralogs 311

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

Information, NIH, Bethesda) shows that be- The advent of complete genomes necessi-
tween 1971 and 1990, the term ortholog(ue) tated a new language in which to discuss the
was used 35 times and the term paralog(ue) relationships between genomes meaningfully,
only 5 times. This is the low bound of the i.e., the parlance of evolutionary genomics.
usage of these terms because many old issues I would posit that orthology is the keystone
of biological journals, including Systematic definition of evolutionary genomics and par-
Zoology which published Fitch’s article, are alogy is the paramount, complementary no-
not in PubMed. Nevertheless, these numbers tion (the graphs in Figure 1 suggest the pri-
clearly show that orthologs and paralogs macy of orthologous relationships by showing
were hardly in vogue in the pregenomic era. that the term ortholog is used several times
Indeed, according to the Science Citation In- more often than paralog). Indeed, in order
dex (, to make any conclusions regarding evolu-
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Fitch’s article was cited only 48 times in the tion of genomes, one first must establish, as
first 20 years of its postpublication life. precisely as possible, the correspondence be-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

It all changed almost overnight in 1995, tween genes in the compared genomes, i.e.,
when the first two complete genome se- orthologous relationships that are inextrica-
quences of cellular life forms, the bacteria bly intertwined with paralogous relationships.
Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma geni- These constitute the framework on which any
talium, were released (26, 28). Figure 1 shows evolutionary anomalies and unique events can
the striking increase in the usage of the terms be mapped. In the following section, I discuss
“ortholog” and “paralog” during the past 14 the computational approaches developed to
years, illustrating the conspicuous change of disentangle orthologous and paralogous re-
fortune that genomics brought about for these lationships. Here, I present a general, theo-
concepts. Suffice it to say that, in the current retical breakdown of evolutionary situations
version of the PubMed database (which in- in which orthology and paralogy reveal their
cludes publications in all areas of biology and various faces.
medicine as well as chemistry and physics),
more than 1 in every 1000 papers includes
“ortholog(ue)” in its title or abstract. Orthology and Paralogy: Definitions
and Complications
Orthologs are genes derived from a single an-
cestral gene in the last common ancestor of the
compared species. This short, simple defini-
tion includes two distinct, explicit statements
that are important to rationalize; furthermore,
it does not include other requirements that
might seem natural but are not actually in-
trinsic to orthology. First, the requirement of
a single ancestral gene is central to the con-
cept of orthology. Once the ancestral genome
is shown to have contained two paralogous
genes that gave rise to the genes in question,
it will be incorrect to consider the latter or-
Figure 1
thologs, even if, on some occasions, there may
The time dynamics of the usage of the terms “ortholog” and “paralog”.
be the appearance of orthology (see below).
The PubMed database was searched using the Entrez search engine with
the following queries: “ortholog or orthologs or orthologue or Second, the definition specifies the presence
orthologues” and “paralog or paralogs or paralogue or paralogues” to of an ancestral gene in the last common an-
accommodate both the American and the British spelling of the terms. cestor of the compared species rather than

312 Koonin
ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

in some arbitrary, more ancient ancestor. Of distinction between equivalent and identical
course, this definition assumes the existence of functions).
a distinct common ancestor of the compared Paralogs are genes related via duplication.
species, a proposition sometimes challenged Note the generality of this definition, which
for prokaryotes owing to the high incidence does not include a requirement that paralogs
of HGT (see discussion below). This is re- reside in the same genome or any indication
strictive and might exclude cases where genes as to the age of the duplication leading to the
behave like orthologs in the evolutionary and emergence of paralogs (some of these dupli-
functional senses. Nevertheless, we shall stick cations occurred at the earliest stages of life’s
to the above definition of orthology for the evolution but the respective genes neverthe-
present discussion. An important statement less qualify as paralogs). As in the case of or-
that might at first seem natural is not included thology, the definition of paralogy does not re-
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in the definition of orthology: There is no re- fer to biological function, but there are major
quirement that orthology is a one-to-one re- functional connotations. Generally, paralogs
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

lationship. The ensuing discussion shows that perform biologically distinct, even if mecha-
such a restriction would have been artificial nistically related, functions. Functional differ-
and meaningless. Of even greater import is entiation of paralogs is a complex subject that
the connection between orthology and bio- has been addressed in numerous theoretical
logical function. It should be emphasized that and empirical studies; a brief synopsis is given
the above definition has nothing to do with in a subsequent section.
function. However, a crucial property of or- Figure 2 shows a hypothetical phyloge-
thologs, which is both theoretically plausible netic tree of a gene family that consists of
and empirically supported, is that they typi-
cally perform equivalent functions in the re-
spective organisms (I avoid the phrase “identi-
cal functions” because, in different biological
contexts, functions cannot be literally the
same). In a subsequent section, I discuss in
some detail both the available evidence of
the functional equivalency of orthologs and
some notable exceptions. Emphasized here is
the asymmetry of the relationship between
orthology and function: Orthologs most of-
ten have equivalent functions, but the reverse
statement is much weaker. Situations when
equivalent functions are performed by non-
orthologous (often, non-homologous) pro-
teins are common enough as captured in
the notion of non-orthologous gene displace-
ment, i.e., recruitment of non-orthologous
genes for the equivalent, essential functions
in different organisms (47, 52). Therefore
it is unadvisable (to put it mildly) to speak
of “functional orthologs” whereby functional
equivalency is taken as a proxy for orthol- Figure 2
ogy; of course, phrases such as “orthologous A hypothetical phylogenetic tree illustrating orthologous and paralogous
genes with the same function” are quite legit- relationships between three ancestral genes and their descendants in three
imate (disregarding, as a subtlety, the above species. LCA, last common ancestor (of the compared species). • Orthologs and Paralogs 313

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

three branches, each illustrating a distinct simple situation, nevertheless, requires the in-
case of orthologous-paralogous relationships. troduction of a new group of terms. Since
Note first of all, that under the evolutionary the duplication occurred in a single lineage
Co-orthologs: two
or more genes in one scenario illustrated by the tree in Figure 2, after the radiation of the analyzed species,
lineage that are, the common ancestor of the entire family ex- the paralogs in species A fit the definition
collectively, isted prior to the last common ancestor of all of orthology with respect to all other genes
orthologous to one three compared species. The latter already en- in this branch. Accordingly, genes YA1 and
or more genes in
coded three paralogous genes from the given YA2 are coorthologs (85) of the genes YB
another lineage due
to a lineage-specific family, which became the progenitors of the and YC. In branch 3, the situation is further
duplication(s) three branches of the tree. Thus, each gene in complicated by lineage-specific duplications
Outparalogs: branch 1 is a paralog of each gene in branches in each of the species. Thus, genes ZA1-3
paralogous genes 2 and 3, and vice versa. Branch 1 corresponds are, collectively, co-orthologs of genes ZB1-
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resulting from a to a straightforward case whereby evolution 2, etc. The scheme in Figure 2 also points
duplication(s) from the last common ancestor involved no- to different classes of paralogs with respect
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

preceding a given
thing but vertical inheritance. Accordingly, to speciation events. Relative to each speci-
speciation event
the genes in different species are orthologous ation event, it makes sense to define outpar-
to each other and, moreover, show a one-to- alogs (alloparalogs), which evolved via ancient
paralogous genes
resulting from a one orthologous relationship. However, this duplication(s) preceding the given speciation
lineage-specific is only a specific and not the most common event (genes X, Y, and Z in Figure 1), and in-
duplication(s) form of orthology (at least when large sets of paralogs (symparalogs), which evolved more
subsequent to a given species are analyzed). Branch 2 shows, in ad- recently, subsequent to the speciation event
speciation event
dition to the pattern of vertical inheritance, a (e.g., genes YA1 and YA2 relative to the radi-
lineage-specific duplication in species A. This ation of species A and B). Even more complex
evolutionary scenarios emerge when duplica-
tions are associated with internal branches of a
phylogenetic tree (rather than with the termi-
nal branches corresponding to species) such
that certain gene sets are inparalogs relative
to one speciation event and outparalogs rela-
tive to another.
The terms coorthologs, inparalogs, and
outparalogs are relatively new (85) and so far
have not been widely adopted. Nevertheless,
they seem to be helpful for concise and ac-
curate description of the evolutionary process
and functional diversification of genes.
Let us now examine the effect of line-
age-specific gene loss on the orthologous
and paralogous relationships between genes;
Figure 3 shows a hypothetical example of
differential gene loss in two lineages obscur-
ing these relationships. This hypothetical sce-
nario starts with two genes (X and Y) that
are outparalogs relative to the included spe-
ciation event. Subsequently, gene Y is lost in
Figure 3 species A, whereas gene X is lost in species
A hypothetical phylogenetic tree illustrating emergence of D; the species B and C retain both paralogs
pseudoorthologs via lineage-specific gene loss. (Figure 3). By comparing species A and D in

314 Koonin
ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

isolation, we might conclude that gene XA is quired from different sources. In a perfunc-
the ortholog of gene YD. Under the scenario tory analysis, such a pair of genes (XA and XB
in Figure 3, this conclusion is obviously false: in Figure 4a) would mimic orthologs. Ob-
Xenologous gene
These genes are paralogs because they evolved viously, however, these genes do not fit the displacement:
from two paralogous genes of the last com- above definition of orthology because they displacement of a
mon ancestor of the compared species (out- do not come from a single ancestral gene in gene in a given
paralogs). By analyzing the entire set of repre- the last common ancestor of the compared lineage with a
member of the same
sentatives of the given gene family in the four species. To designate such pseudoorthologs
orthologous cluster
species and applying the parsimony princi- acquired from different sources, the rarely from a distant
ple, we can infer the correct evolutionary sce- used but natural and useful term xenologs has lineage (xenolog)
nario and, accordingly, draw the conclusion been proposed (32, 33, 76). As with pseu- Pseudoparalogs:
that the genes XA and YD are, actually, out- doorthology caused by lineage-specific gene homologous genes
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paralogs relative to the divergence of species loss, distinguishing xenology from true or- that come out as
A and D; these genes only mimic orthology thology may be hard, if possible at all, in a pair- paralogs in a
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

and, for convenience, we may call them pseu- wise genomic comparison. However, when
analysis but actually
doorthologs. Such conclusions are interest- multiple genomes are analyzed such that we ended up in the given
ing not only from the evolutionary stand- can, if only roughly, identify the origin of genome as a result of
point but may also have substantial functional each gene, xenologs and true orthologs be- a combination of
implications. come distinguishable. vertical inheritance
and HGT
Now we must consider the effects of HGT A related but distinct situation transpires
on the observed orthologous and paralogous when a species (B) acquires via HGT a
relationships between genes. As shown in gene homologous to a gene that it already
Figure 4a, two species (A and B) may have has, without the latter gene being displaced
homologous genes of which one is ancestral (Figure 4b). The result of such an event could
for the given lineage but the other has been reasonably be described as pseudoparalogy
acquired via HGT from an outside source (such that XB1 and XB2 are pseudoparalogs)
C, displacing the ancestral gene. This phe- because the homologous genes in species B
nomenon has been dubbed xenologous gene are not paralogs under the simple defini-
displacement [XGD; (51)]. In an even more tion given above: They have not evolved via
complex case, both genes might have been ac- gene duplication at any stage of evolution.

Figure 4
Effect of horizontal
gene transfer on
orthology and
paralogy. (a) A
scenario with HGT
leading to xenology.
(b) A hypothetical
evolutionary scenario
with HGT leading
to pseudoparalogy.
LUCA, Last
Universal Common
Ancestor (of all
extant life forms). • Orthologs and Paralogs 315

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

As discussed below, there are situations, par- alogs) as well as more specialized notions,
ticularly those that involve endosymbiosis, xenologs, pseudoorthologs, and pseudopar-
where pseudoparalogy caused by HGT is alogs, additionally introduced. The advan-
common. tage, I believe, is that this system seems to
The concept of orthology is further com- be complete, i.e., includes definitions that ap-
plicated by another phenomenon that is com- ply to every logically imaginable case of ho-
mon in genome evolution, gene fusion, as well mologous relationships between genes. We
as the complementary process of gene fission now turn to the empirical manifestations and
(54, 83, 100). The impact of such evolution- implications of this system in evolutionary
ary events on orthology is that different parts genomics.
(often encoding distinct domains) of genes
in one species are orthologous to different
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genes in another species. Thus, a new type IDENTIFICATION OF

of orthologous relationship emerges whereby ORTHOLOGS AND PARALOGS:
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

a gene ceases to be the atomic unit of orthol- PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES

ogy. Further implications of this shift in mean- As soon as genome comparison became a
ing are considered in the final section of this practically important task, the questions arose
review. as to how should one delineate the set of cor-
Table 1 summarizes the meaning and area responding genes (or, inaccurately, but intu-
of applicability of each term introduced in itively, “the same” genes in different species),
this section. This system of definitions and i.e., orthologs. Indeed, evolutionary classifi-
terms is more complex than the simple di- cation of genes, which can only be based
chotomy of orthology and paralogy, with on the concepts of orthology and paralogy,
subcategories of paralogs (in- and outpar- becomes a must as soon as several genome

Table 1 Homology: terms and definitions

Homologs Genes sharing a common origin
Orthologs Genes originating from a single ancestral gene in the last common ancestor
of the compared genomes.
Pseudoorthologs Genes that actually are paralogs but appear to be orthologous due to
differential, lineage-specific gene loss.
Xenologs Homologous genes acquired via XGD by one or both of the compared
species but appearing to be orthologous in pairwise genome comparisons.
Co-orthologs Two or more genes in one lineage that are, collectively, orthologous to one
or more genes in another lineage due to a lineage-specific duplication(s).
Members of a co-orthologous gene set are inparalogs relative to the
respective speciation event.
Paralogs Genes related by duplication
Inparalogs (symparalogs) Paralogous genes resulting from a lineage-specific duplication(s)
subsequent to a given speciation event (defined only relative to a
speciation event, no absolute meaning).
Outparalogs Paralogous genes resulting from a duplication(s) preceding a given
(alloparalogs) speciation event (defined only relative to a speciation event, no absolute
Pseudoparalogs Homologous genes that come out as paralogs in a single-genome analysis
but actually ended up in the given genome as a result of a combination of
vertical inheritance and HGT.

316 Koonin
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sequences become available.1 Individual char- phylogenetic analysis and, in particular, the
acterization of each gene in each genome procedure generally known as tree reconcili-
rapidly turns into a gargantuan task for com- ation (20, 63, 73, 102). Under this approach,
putational analysis and completely impracti- the topology of a gene tree is compared with
cal experimentally as more genomes are se- that of the chosen species tree and the two
quenced (12, 30). Comparative genomics can are reconciled on the basis of the parsimony
be feasible and meaningful only if the num- principle, by postulating the minimal possible
ber of distinct entities to be analyzed is sub- number of duplication and gene-loss events
stantially reduced by introducing a rational in the evolution of the given gene. The rec-
classification of genes. A natural way to do so onciled tree is expected to reflect orthologous
is to delineate sets of orthologous (including relationships. However, genome-wide appli-
co-orthologous) genes. The extent to which cation of this approach is effectively precluded
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this is going to help in genome analysis criti- by both fundamental and practical difficulties.
cally depends on the nature of the relation- The principal obstacle faced by tree reconcil-
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

ships between genomes of different species iation (and any other phylogenetic approach)
that only can be deciphered empirically. To as a strategy for ortholog identification is the
take one extreme, if all genes in compared prevalence of HGT, especially in prokaryotes.
genomes formed perfect clusters of one-to- Strictly speaking, the wide spread of HGT in-
one orthologs, the number of entities to study validates the very notion of a species tree, al-
would be equal to the number of genes in each lowing, at best, the use of various forms of
genome and would remain constant regardless consensus trees for multiple genes as surro-
of how many new genomes were sequenced. gates of the species tree (15, 16, 98). Further-
Should that be the case, the entire enterprise more, even when a particular tree topology
of comparative-evolutionary genomics would is taken as the species tree, the possibility of
be straightforward to the point of being trivial. HGT of the analyzed gene undermines the
On the other end of the spectrum, should the concept of reconciliation because the topolo-
number of identifiable clusters of orthologs gies of the two trees are likely to be gen-
be small compared with the total number uinely different. At a more practical level, even
of genes in genomes, comparative genomics when HGT is not considered to be a ma-
would be in serious trouble. jor factor, as in the evolution of eukaryotes,
Since orthology and paralogy are defini- both the species tree and many gene trees are
tions that are inextricably coupled to cer- fraught by uncertainties and artifacts. Even
tain types of evolutionary events (speciation more practically, fully automated construc-
and duplication, respectively), the classical tion and analysis (with appropriate reliabil-
scheme for identifying orthologs involves ity tests) of trees for all genes in sequenced
genomes is a major challenge for software en-
gineering and is expensive computationally.
Note that the first efforts to delineate sets of orthologous Further in this section, I discuss several at-
genes shared by relatively large genomes were undertaken tempts at explicit phylogenetic classification
years before the appearance of complete genome sequences of orthologs and paralogs. However, given
of cellular life forms. Indeed, this was done as soon as the
first pair of related genomes containing many (on the or- the substantial difficulties faced by these ap-
der of 100–200) genes became available, namely, when the proaches, most genome-wide studies to date
genome of varicella-zoster virus was sequenced in 1986 and employ simplifications and shortcuts. The
compared with the previously sequenced genome of an-
other herpesvirus, Epstein-Barr virus (10). Subsequently, a simple but crucial assumption that underlies
core set of conserved (orthologous) genes was delineated such “surrogate” approaches is that the se-
for several herpesviruses (35). However, in these studies, quences of orthologous genes (proteins) are
the conceptual basis of comparative genomics was not con-
sidered explicitly and neither were the terms orthologs and more similar to each other than they are to
paralogs used. any other genes (proteins) from the compared • Orthologs and Paralogs 317

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

genomes, i.e., they form symmetrical best esis can be violated are the cases of pseu-
hits (SymBets). Conversely, it is assumed doorthology and xenology (Figures 3 and
that SymBets are most likely to be formed 4). Pseudoorthologs and xenologs will likely
genes that actually by orthologs, suggesting a very simple and form a SymBet and produce a false positive
are paralogs but straightforward method for identification of under this approach to orthology detection.
appear to be orthologs. For brevity, I call these two as- However, even though formally, neither pseu-
orthologous due to sumptions taken together the SymBet hy- doorthologs nor xenologs are orthologs, there
pothesis. It seems highly plausible, based is a subtle difference between these two situ-
lineage-specific gene
loss on the definition of orthology and the no- ations. Unlike pseudoorthologs, which never
tion that orthologs typically occupy the same can be considered orthologous given their ori-
functional niche, that the SymBet hypothesis gin by duplication, xenologs come across as
is true, at least statistically. Consider the alter- orthologs in comparisons of genomes from
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native: A gene from one genome is most sim- the donor and recipient lineages (i.e., XA is
ilar not to its ortholog but to a paralog from the ortholog of XC in Figure 4). Accordingly,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

another genome. As shown in Figure 5a, this xenology is likely to be a more reliable pre-
requires a substantial difference in the rates dictor of gene function that pseudoorthology
of evolution of paralogs sufficient to offset (see discussion below).
the divergence of paralogs prior to speciation Given these uncertainties, empirical re-
such that, using the notation of Figure 5a, sults on the prevalence of SymBets in genome
ASx > SDx + SDy + BSy (A and B are two comparisons are important to assess the level
species; S stands for speciation and D for du- of one-to-one orthology between genomes
plication; ASx and BSy are the amounts of that is critical for evolutionary and functional
divergence accumulated, respectively, by the genomics. Table 2 shows the number of Sym-
genes XA and YB after speciation; SDx and Bets between prokaryotic genomes separated
SDy are the amounts of divergence accumu- by varying evolutionary distances. These re-
lated by the paralogous genes x and y after sults clearly demonstrate that a one-to-one or-
duplication but prior to the speciation). It is thologous relationship is a major rather than a
generally unlikely that one paralog evolves so minor pattern in genome evolution. For rela-
much faster than another, given that paralogs tively closely related species, e.g., different γ -
retain similar functions. Although asymme- Proteobacteria, the fraction of probable one-
try in the evolution of paralogs has been de- to-one orthologs identified as SymBets typi-
tected in some studies, typically, it is relatively cally is >0.5. Predictably, the fraction of genes
small. Furthermore, even should that be the that produce SymBets drops with evolution-
case, only the first assumption of the SymBet ary distance but remains substantial (20%–
hypothesis will be violated. In other words, 30% of the genes) even between bacteria and
if one paralog evolves much faster than the archaea. This fraction also depends on the to-
other, this could lead to a false negative un- tal number of genes in a genome such that
der the SymBet method for ortholog detec- small genomes with few paralogs (e.g., My-
tion (a pair of orthologs missed) but not to a coplasma genitalium) show a high level of one-
false positive (no erroneous detection of or- to-one orthology even with distant species.
thologs). Lineage-specific gene duplications Detection of SymBets is arguably the simplest
producing inparalogs are likely to be a more method for the identification of probable or-
common cause of violation of the first as- thologs that is most suitable for closely related
sumption of the SymBet hypothesis; these du- genomes but also serves well at greater evo-
plications may obscure orthologous relation- lutionary distances for the specific purpose of
ships leading to false negatives (Figure 5b). It detecting one-to-one orthologs.
seems that the only realistic situations when The demonstration that numerous genes
the second assumption of the SymBet hypoth- in sequenced genomes produced SymBets

318 Koonin
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Figure 5
Orthology and genome-specific best hits. (A) An evolutionary scheme illustrating the connection
between orthology and symmetrical best hits (SymBets). X and Y represent two paralogous genes. The
branch lengths in the tree are taken to reflect evolutionary distances between the compared genes, and
the formulas for the distances between orthologs and paralogs are given. A molecular clock is assumed
for the evolution of orthologs but not paralogs. A and B are two species; D indicates a duplication event
and S indicates a speciation event; ASx and BSy are the amounts of divergence accumulated, respectively,
by the genes XA and YB after speciation; SDx and SDy are the amounts of divergence accumulated by
the paralogous genes x and y after duplication but prior to the speciation. (B) An evolutionary scheme
illustrating violation of the SymBet relationship caused by a lineage-specific duplication. Arrows
designate best hits; circles of similar shades represent inparalogs. X, Y, and Z designate three cases of
(co)orthologous relationships: one-to-one (X), one-to-many (Y) and many-to-many (Z). • Orthologs and Paralogs 319

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

Table 2 Symmetrical best hits between selected prokaryotic genomesa

Ec Yp Hp Bs Mg Aa Tm Mj Ma Ta
Ec-4289 0.584 0.456 0.305 0.527 0.519 0.428 0.24 0.151 0.308
Yp-4083 2385 0.432 0.28 0.525 0.496 0.423 0.218 0.144 0.275
Hp-1566 714 677 0.403 0.442 0.396 0.321 0.181 0.211 0.176
Bs-4100 1251 1144 631 0.648 0.495 0.465 0.239 0.153 0.306
Mg-480 253 252 212 311 0.469 0.515 0.235 0.281 0.238
Aa-1553 806 771 615 768 225 0.449 0.279 0.33 0.256
Tm–1846 808 780 503 858 247 697 0.245 0.294 0.265
Mj-1770 425 385 284 423 113 434 433 0.489 0.362
Ma-4540 649 589 330 627 135 513 543 866 0.415
Ta-1478 455 406 260 453 114 378 392 535 614
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The bottom half of the table shows the number of SymBets for each pair of genomes and the upper half shows the
fraction of proteins in the smaller genome that form SymBets with the putative orthologs from the larger genome.
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

Species abbreviations are as follows. Proteobacteria: Ec, Escherichia coli; Yp, Yersinia pestis; Hp, Helicobacter pylori:
Gram-positive bacteria: Bs, Bacillus subtilis; Mg, Mycoplasma genitalium: deep-branching, hyperthermophilic bacteria:
Aa, Aquifex aeolicus; Tm, Thermotoga maritima; archaea: Mj, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii; Ta, Thermoplasma
acidophilum; Ma, Methanosarcina acetivorans. For each species, the total number of protein-coding genes is indicated.

even between relatively distant species (90) more similar to each other than they are to
made it clear that construction of a genome- any other proteins from the same genomes
wide evolutionary classification of ortholo- are most likely bona fide orthologs. This pre-
gous and paralogous genes was a feasible task diction holds even if sequence similarity be-
even if the SymBet approach itself is insuffi- tween some of the compared proteins is rela-
cient for this purpose owing to the prevalence tively low and, accordingly, even fast-evolving
of inparalogs. To my knowledge, such a classi- genes can be incorporated into the COGs.
fication was first implemented in the system of Briefly, the procedure for COG construction
the so-called Clusters of Orthologous Groups consists of the following steps. (i) An all-
of proteins (COGs) (89). The phrase “orthol- against-all comparison of protein sequences
ogous groups,” which has been subsequently encoded in multiple genomes (typically us-
criticized as “terminology muddle” (71), was ing the BLAST program). (ii) Detection and
intended to emphasize that the system cap- clustering of obvious inparalogs, i.e., proteins
tured not only one-to-one orthologous re- from the same genome that are more simi-
lationships but also coorthologous relation- lar to each other than they are to any proteins
ships between inparalogs. The idea behind the from other species. (iii) Identification of trian-
COG approach was to generalize and extend gles of mutually consistent, genome-specific
the notion of a genome-specific best hit. First, best hits such that clusters of inparalogs de-
the requirement for the reciprocity of best tected at step 2 are treated as single entities.
hits (as in SymBets) was abandoned because (iv) Merging triangles with a common side to
of the in-paralog problem (see Figure 5b). form COGs.
Second, the notion of a genome-specific best The COG approach neatly delineates clus-
hit was extended to multiple genomes such ters of probable orthologs that include inpar-
that the algorithm sought to identify clusters alogs in relatively few lineages. However, the
of consistent best hits. More specifically, the procedure tends to err toward overlumping in
COG construction procedure is based on the the case of large protein families that include
assumption that any set of at least three pro- a complex mix of in- and outparalogs. Ad-
teins from relatively distant genomes that are ditional complications emerge in the case of

320 Koonin
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multidomain proteins that also may artificially constructed databases of homologous genes
bridge unrelated COGs. Several other ap- from vertebrates (HOVERGEN) and bacte-
proaches for identification of orthologs, based ria (HOBACGEN) in which families of ho-
on either specially designed clustering pro- mologs (each consisting of a mix of orthologs
cedures or on explicit phylogenetic analysis, and paralogs) are accompanied by phyloge-
have been developed to overcome these prob- netic trees (18, 79). Very recently, tools have
lems and better disentangle orthologs and been developed for tree reconciliation in the
paralogs. In particular, the INPARANOID framework of the database, with the goal of
procedure developed by Sonnhammer and identifying sets of orthologs (17). The effec-
coworkers identifies clusters of orthologs, in- tiveness of these methods on genome scale re-
cluding co-orthologous sets of inparalogs, for mains to be assessed.
pairs of genomes, by first detecting Sym- In summary, although phylogenomic
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Bets and then incorporating additional inpar- methods, in principle, should be best suited
alogs according to developed statistical crite- for deciphering orthologous and paralogous
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

ria (67, 82). High accuracy of identification relationships, in practice, these approaches
of inparalogs seems to be achievable with this so far have not matured enough to produce
approach, but the inability to handle multi- a comprehensive collection of orthologous-
ple genomes simultaneously is a serious limi- paralogous clusters covering multiple species.
tation. Another method for ortholog detec- Such collections have been constructed only
tion developed by the same group involves with methods based on sequence similarity
comparison of gene trees with species trees, and the notion of genome-specific best hits.
with the goal of direct identification of or- Clusters produced with these approaches are
thologs (86). The parts of the gene tree that by no means error-free, in particular with
have the same topology as the species tree respect to lumping some of the ortholo-
are inferred to include orthologs. In princi- gous gene sets into inflated, mixed clusters
ple, this and similar phylogenomic [i.e., ap- of orthologs and paralogs. However, exten-
plying phylogenetic analysis on genome scale sive work on genome annotation as well as
(19)] methods are supposed to provide the genome-wide evolutionary studies performed
strongest and most direct evidence of or- with the help of these systems (50) suggest
thology. A fundamental drawback is, how- that they are sufficiently robust for extracting
ever, the uncertainty of the species tree in meaningful evolutionary and functional pat-
the case of prokaryotes due to the prevalence terns (discussed below).
of HGT (this does not appear to be a prob-
lem in the case of eukaryotes). In addition,
the method is computationally expensive and EVOLUTIONARY PATTERNS OF
sensitive to tree construction artifacts. Never- ORTHOLOGY AND PARALOGY
theless, this approach has been applied to the
eukaryotic subset of the Pfam database of pro-
Coverage of Genomes in Clusters
tein families, yielding numerous (inferred) or-
of Orthologs
thologous domains (87). A very similar auto- Probably, the aspect of orthologous clusters
mated phylogenomic procedure for inference that is of the most immediate importance
of orthologs has been developed by Zmasek to evolutionary and functional genomics is
& Eddy (103). In a more recent develop- the coverage of genomes, i.e., the fraction
ment, a Bayesian probabilistic technique has of genes with orthologs in other species.
been introduced to assign probabilities to the A substantial majority of genes from each
orthology identifications (3). A major effort sequenced prokaryotic genome (Figure 6a)
to identify orthologs and paralogs has been and a somewhat lower fraction of eukary-
undertaken by Perrière and coworkers who otic genes (Figure 6b) belong to COGs • Orthologs and Paralogs 321

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

(or the clusters of orthologous genes from

eukaryotes dubbed KOGs) (49, 88). The
coverage of genomes with COGs slowly in-
creases with the growing number of included
species (91). It remains unclear whether the
level of orthology tends to 100% when the
number of genomes tends to infinity or
there is a lower limit, and some genes are
true, species-specific “orphans” evolving in
a regime different from the majority of the
genes (29, 68). Obviously, however, the or-
thology level is high and will only increase
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with continued genome sequencing. There-

fore, the reduction of search space provided
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

by the classification of genes into ortholo-

gous clusters is substantial and, in practical
terms, should be sufficient to cope with the
flood of information produced by genome

One-to-One Orthologs and

As discussed above, lineage-specific dupli-
cations leading to the emergence of inpar-
alogs complicate orthologous relationships
between genes. A simple analysis of the COGs
allows one to evaluate the extent of this phe-
nomenon, with the caveat that some lump-
ing is involved, leading to an inflated estimate
of the number of inparalogs. Figure 7 shows
the distribution of the number of paralogs in
COGs for four prokaryotic genomes. For all
the importance of lineage-specific expansion
of paralogous families, in each genome the
majority of orthologous lineages (COGs) are
represented by a single gene. Specifically, in
Figure 6 Escherichia coli, a complex bacterium with a
Coverage of selected genomes with clusters of orthologous groups of relatively large genome, ∼71% of the COGs
proteins (C/KOGs). (a) Prokaryotic genomes. (b) Eukaryotic genomes. include a single gene, and in the case of M.
The data are from (88). Filled volume, genes in C/KOGs; empty volume, genitalium, a bacterium with a near-minimal
genes not included in C/KOGs. Abbreviations: Bacteria: Aa, Aquifex
aeolicus; Bs, B. subtilis; Ec, E. coli; Hi, Haemophilus influenzae;
genome, such COGs form the overwhelm-
Mg, Mycoplasma genitalium. Archaea: Af, Archaeoglobus fulgidus; ing majority (∼92%). This conclusion is com-
Ma, Methanosarcina acetivorans; Ss, Sulfolobus solfataricus. Eukaryotes: patible with the earlier quantitative analysis
At, Arabidopsis thaliana; Ce, Caenorhabditis elegans; Dm, Drosophila of lineage-specific expansions in prokaryotes,
melanogaster; Sc, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Data for Homo sapiens are not which detected only a few large expansions
shown because the KOGs include an early, inflated version of the human
gene set.
in each genome (41), and with independent
analyses of the size distribution of paralogous

322 Koonin
ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

families (38, 53). A qualitatively similar pat-

tern, albeit with some predictable excess of in-
paralogs, was observed for eukaryotic orthol-
ogous clusters (data not shown). Moreover,
1769 of the 4873 COGs (36%) contain exactly
one representative from each of the included
genomes. It has been proposed that one-to-
one orthology could be selected for in the case
of genes encoding subunits of macromolecu-
lar complexes requiring strict stoichiometry
due to the deleterious effect of subunit imbal-
ance (75, 94). Indeed, orthologous sets con-
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taining no paralogs appear to be significantly

enriched in complex subunits (49, 75, 95).
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

Figure 7
Orthologous Clusters and the Distribution of the number of paralogs in COGs for selected prokaryotic
Molecular Clock genomes. The data were extracted from the current COG version (88).
The plot is shown in the double-logarithmic scale.
A central tenet of Kimura’s neutral theory is
that the rate of evolution of a gene remains hypothesis could not be rejected for ∼70%,
the same (with some dispersion, obviously) whereas the rest showed substantial devia-
as long as the biological function does not tions. These anomalies could be explained ei-
Molecular clock: a
change (44). Kimura never used the term or- ther by lineage-specific acceleration of evo- central concept of
tholog (or paralog), but this generalization lution or by XGD (see below). The general molecular evolution,
obviously applies to orthologous gene sets, conclusion from these analyses seems to be which posits that a
primarily those that include no inparalogs. that the majority of orthologous genes evolve gene evolves at a
constant rate as long
The subsequent evolution of the molecular in the clock-like mode as long as there was no
as its function does
clock concept involved considerable dispute, duplication, although the frequency of excep- not change
with numerous studies demonstrating sub- tions was by no means negligible.
stantial overdispersion of the clock (5, 6, 31). The connections between gene duplica-
Genome-wide tests of the molecular clock tion and evolutionary rates have been ex-
have been conducted only very recently. One plored in considerable detail and appear to
approach involved comparing the evolution- be quite complex. Ohno’s original idea was
ary distances within a COG containing no in- that, immediately after duplication, one of the
paralogs to a standard intergenomic distance, newborn paralogs is freed from purifying se-
which was defined as the median of the dis- lection and would evolve rapidly such that it
tribution of the distances between all one- either perishes or, on relatively rare occasions,
to-one orthologs in the respective genomes evolves a new function (neofunctionalization),
(66). Under the molecular clock model, the after which evolution slows down again (69).
points on a plot of intergenic distances for Subsequent theoretical and empirical analy-
the given COG versus intergenomic dis- ses have shown that this path of evolution,
tances will scatter around a straight line. A while apparently realized on some occasions,
statistical method was developed to identify is probably not the most common outcome of
significant deviations from the clock-like be- a gene duplication (61). What happens more
havior. Among several hundred COGs rep- often seems to be relaxation of purifying selec-
resenting three well-characterized bacterial tion immediately after duplication, resulting
lineages, α-Proteobacteria, γ -Proteobacteria, in accelerated evolution in both paralogs. This
and the Bacillus-Clostridium group, the clock is thought to reflect subfunctionalization, i.e., • Orthologs and Paralogs 323

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

partitioning of the different functions of the was demonstrated for 10%–20% of the COGs
multifunctional ancestral gene between par- within each of the examined bacterial taxa,
alogs (45, 59, 60). Somewhat paradoxically, establishing XGD as a major evolutionary
however, two independent recent studies have phenomenon (66). On some occasions, XGD
shown that despite this acceleration, genes even takes the form of displacement in situ
that have paralogs on average evolve slower whereby a gene is displaced with a horizon-
than those that do not (9, 42). This difference tally transferred distant ortholog without dis-
may be due to a greater likelihood of fixation rupting the operon structure (70). Figure 8
of emergent paralogs among slowly evolving illustrates one such case: the displacement of
(more “important”) genes. the ruvB gene (coding for the helicase subunit
of the resolvasome) in the mycoplasmas with
the ortholog from ε-Proteobacteria. In this
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Xenologs, Pseudoorthologs, and case, the ruvB genes of Mycoplasma and those
Pseudoparalogs of the rest of low GC gram-positive bacteria,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

As discussed above, xenologs are homologs the taxon to which Mycoplasma belong, qual-
that violate the definition of orthology due to ify as xenologs given their different phyloge-
HGT. More specifically, xenology is brought netic affinities (Figure 8c). A clear example
about either by XGD or by acquisition of a of acquisition of a new gene leading to xenol-
gene that is new for the given lineage (51). ogy is the B family DNA polymerase of γ -
When the study of the clock-like behavior of Proteobacteria (e.g., the polB gene of E. coli).
orthologous gene sets discussed in the pre- At first sight, this gene appears to be an or-
vious section was followed up with phyloge- tholog of the archaeal and eukaryotic B family
netic analysis of deviant cases, probable XGD polymerases (see COG0417). However, these

Figure 8
Xenologous displacement in situ of the ruvB gene in the mycoplasmas. (A) Organization of the Holliday
junction resolvasome operon and surrounding genes in bacteria. COG0632, Holliday junction
resolvasome, DNA-binding subunit; COG2255, Holliday junction resolvasome, DNA-binding subunit;
COG0817; Holliday junction resolvasome, endonuclease subunit; COG0392, predicted integral
membrane protein; COG0282, acetate kinase; COG0839, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 6
(chain J); COG0244, ribosomal protein L10; COG0732, restriction endonuclease S subunits; COG0809,
S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA-ribosyltransferase-isomerase; COG0772, bacterial cell division membrane
protein; COG0624, acetylornithine deacetylase/succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase and related
deacylases; COG1487, predicted nucleic acid-binding protein; COG1132, ABC-type multidrug
transport system, ATPase, and permease components; COG0442, prolyl-tRNA synthetase; COG0323,
DNA mismatch repair enzyme; COG1408, predicted phosphohydrolases. (B) Unrooted phylogenetic
tree for RuvA. (C) Unrooted phylogenetic tree for RuvB. Branches supported by bootstrap probability
>70% are marked by black circles. Names of the genes from mosaic operons and the respective
branches are shown in red. Species abbreviations: Atu, Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Bha, Bacillus halodurans;
Bsu, Bacillus subtilis; Bbu, Borrelia burgdorferi; Bme, Brucella melitensis; Cje, Campylobacter jejuni Ccr,
Caulobacter crescentus; Ctr, Chlamydia trachomatis; Cpn, Chlamydophila pneumoniae; Cte, Chlorobium
tepidum; Cac, Clostridium acetobutylicum; Cgl, Corynebacterium glutamicum; Eco, Escherichia coli;
Fnu, Fusobacterium nucleatum; Hin, Haemophilus influenzae; Hpy, Helicobacter pylori; Lla, Lactococcus lactis;
Lpl, Lactobacillus plantarum; Lin, Listeria innocua; Neu, Nitrosomonas europaea; Mlo, Mesorhizobium loti;
Mge, Mycoplasma genitalium; Mpn, Mycoplasma pneumoniae; Mpu, Mycoplasma pulmonis; Mle,
Mycobacterium leprae; Mtu, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Nme, Neisseria meningitidis; Nsp, Nostoc sp.; Oih,
Oceanobacillus iheyensis; Pae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Rso, Ralstonia solanacearum; Rpr, Rickettsia prowazekii;
Rco, Rickettsia conorii; Sme, Sinorhizobium meliloti; Sau, Staphylococcus aureus; Spy, Streptococcus pyogenes;
Ssp, Synechocystis PCC6803; Tma, Thermotoga maritima; Tte, Thermus thermophilus; Tpa, Treponema
pallidum; Vch, Vibrio cholerae; Xfa, Xylella fastidiosa; Uur, Ureaplasma urealyticum. The figure is from (70)
where the details of phylogenetic analysis are described.

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genes should be classified as xenologs because As defined above, pseudoorthologs emerge

the proteobacterial version clearly does not via lineage-specific, differential loss of paral-
derive from the last universal common ances- ogous genes (Figure 2). A systematic search
tor (which is also the last common ancestor for pseudoorthologous genes requires de-
of bacteria and archaea) but rather had been tailed, genome-wide phylogenetic analysis,
acquired via HGT. which to my knowledge has not yet been

326 Koonin
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conducted. Nevertheless, some likely cases of cludes three peroxiredoxins from the archaea
pseudoorthology can be gleaned by exami- Thermoplasma acidophilum and T. volcanium,
nation of COGs. Consider COG0114 (fu- at least two of which (the one nested within
marase) and COG1027 (aspartate ammonia- the archaeal subtree and the one with a clear
lyase), which consist of paralogous enzymes bacterial affinity) are pseudoparalogs. No-
with a high level of sequence similarity to each tably, the only peroxiredoxin of another hy-
other. Both enzymes are widespread in bac- perthermophilic bacterium, Thermotoga mar-
teria and, most likely, were already present itima, shows an archaeal affinity, suggesting
in the last common ancestor of all bacte- that in this lineage, the original bacterial gene
ria but apparently have been lost indepen- had been lost, probably after the acquisition
dently in many lineages. When comparing of the archaeal version.
the genomes of two cyanobacteria, Synechocys-
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tis sp. and Nostoc sp., the genes slr0018 of

the former and alr3724 of the latter, pro- Protein Domain Rearrangements,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

duce a SymBet and, accordingly, could be Gene Fusions/Fissions, and

identified as orthologs by default. However, Orthology
inspection of the COGs clearly shows that Orthologous protein in eukaryotes sometimes
slr0018 is a fumarase whereas alr3724 is an differ in their domain architectures. There
aspartate ammonia-lyase. This seems to be seems to be a trend toward an increase in the
a clear-cut case of pseudoorthology caused complexity of domain architecture in paral-
by lineage-specific, differential loss of par- lel with the increase of organismal complex-
alogs, with the ensuing functional differences ity, a phenomenon dubbed domain accretion
(see below). (48, 49). Apparently, additional domains ac-
The most obvious case of pseudoparalogy quired by proteins from more complex or-
is the presence of numerous pairs of homol- ganisms provide additional interactions lead-
ogous genes of ancestral and endosymbiotic ing, in particular, to increased complexity
(mitochondrial or, in plants, chloroplastic) of signal transduction and various regulatory
origin in eukaryotes (34, 43, 56). These pseu- processes. Differences in domain architec-
doparalogs are particularly abundant among tures can also be detected between orthologs
the components of the translation machin- from major prokaryotic taxa; one such case is
ery, such as ribosomal proteins or aminoacyl- illustrated in Figure 10a. The DnaG-like pri-
tRNA synthetases. Many additional pseu- mases of bacteria and archaea share a highly
doparalogs appear to have emerged through conserved catalytic domain and appear to be
other routes of HGT. One of the most con- orthologous, especially given that they are
spicuous is the transfer of archaeal genes represented by a single protein in all bacte-
to bacteria, particularly hyperthermophiles. rial and archaeal genomes (62). However, the
Figure 9 shows the phylogenetic tree for the bacterial and archaeal orthologs have different
peroxiredoxin AhpC (COG0450). This tree accessory domains, a Zn-finger and a distinct
includes two paralogous proteins from the module of a helicase domain, respectively
hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus, (Figure 10a), which may reflect substantial
one of which clusters with archaeal and the functional differences (see next section).
other with bacterial homologs. The respec- As mentioned above, gene fusions and fis-
tive genes are pseudoparalogs because they sions, which are common in genome evolu-
apparently ended up in the A. aeolicus genome tion, affect the very notion of orthology: In
as a result not of gene duplication at any this case, a single gene in some species cod-
stage of evolution but of horizontal trans- ing for a multidomain protein is orthologous
fer of one of the peroxiredoxin genes from to two or more distinct genes coding for the
an archaeal source. Conversely, the tree in- respective individual domains in another set • Orthologs and Paralogs 327

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Figure 9
Horizontal gene transfer leading to pseudoparalogy. The two pseudoparalogous peroxiredoxins from
Aquifex aeolicus are shown in red, the three pseudoparalogs from the Thermoplasmas in blue, and the
only peroxiredoxin of Thermotoga maritima in purple. The genes are identified by full species names.
The maximum likelihood, unrooted phylogenetic tree was constructed as previously described (70).

328 Koonin
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Figure 10
Rearrangements of gene structure and orthology. (a) Domain architectures of bacterial and archaeal
DnaG-like primases. (b) Independent fission of the DNA polymerase I gene in multiple bacterial
lineages. (c) Fusion of the genes for bacterial glycyl-tRNA synthetase subunits.

of species. Figure 10 (b and c) shows two belong to three distinct lineages, suggesting
cases of such relationships. In the example in three independent fissions of the polA gene.
Figure 10b, the bacteria A. aeolicus, A. Whereas the genes for the nuclease and the
pyrophilus, Desulfitobacterium hafniense, and polymerase are adjacent in the two Aquifex
Rubrobacter xylanophilus encode the poly- species, in the other two bacteria they are not,
merase and 5 –3 exonuclease domains of implying genome arrangement subsequent
DNA polymerase I in two distinct genes, un- to gene fission. By contrast, the example in
like all other bacteria in which these enzymes Figure 10c shows the fusion of the genes
are domains of a single, multidomain protein. for the α and β subunits of glycyl-tRNA
The bacteria in which the nuclease and poly- synthetases in the parasitic bacteria of
merase activities reside in different proteins the Chlamydiae branch and the pathogenic • Orthologs and Paralogs 329

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

actinobacterium Tropheryma whipplei. In this RNA degradation complex, suggesting a role

case, it appears likely that gene fusion oc- in RNA processing (21). A converse situation
curred only once, with subsequent horizontal seems to exist with the archaeo-eukaryotic-
dissemination of the fused gene. type primase which is an essential replication
component in archaea and eukaryotes, but is
involved in a distinct repair pathway in those
FUNCTIONAL CORRELATES OF bacteria that have this gene (11). In this case,
ORTHOLOGY AND PARALOGY the bacterial versions actually are likely to be
The validity of the conjecture on functional xenologs of the archaeal and eukaryotic ones
equivalency of orthologs is crucial for reliable (2), and they apparently went through a period
annotation of newly sequenced genomes and, of rapid evolution associated with the func-
more generally, for the progress of functional tional change.
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genomics. The huge majority of genes in the Acceleration of evolution accompanying a

sequenced genomes will never be studied ex- radical functional switch seems to have been
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

perimentally, so for most genomes transfer of a major aspect of the emergence of the eu-
functional information between orthologs is karyotic cell. Thus, to the best of our under-
the only means of detailed functional char- standing, eukaryotic tubulins are co-orthologs
acterization. To what extent is such trans- of the prokaryotic protein FtsZ, which is the
fer legitimate? A rough estimate can be ob- key component of the prokaryotic cell divi-
tained by comparing the available functional sion machinery mediating septum formation
information for experimentally characterized (1, 58). The well-characterized functions of
one-to-one orthologs from model organisms. tubulins are completely different: They are
Inspection of the 1330 COGs that contain the principal constituents of the eukaryotic
one-to-one orthologs from the well-studied microtubules, cytoskeletal structures that are
bacteria E. coli and B. subtilis failed to re- absent in prokaryotes [the recent discovery of
veal a single clear-cut case of different func- tubulins in Prosthecobacteria (39) is remark-
tions, although subtle differences, e.g., in en- able but may be explained by HGT from eu-
zyme or transporter specificities are common karyotes to a specific bacterial lineage]. The
(E.V.K., unpublished observations). Thus, in drastic change of function in eukaryotes ap-
general, the notion that one-to-one orthologs parently had been accompanied by a burst of
are functionally equivalent seems to hold well. sequence evolution such that an unequivocal
However, at greater evolutionary dis- demonstration of the homology of FtsZ and
tances, particularly across the primary king- tubulin became possible only through com-
dom divides, there are prominent cases of ap- parison of the respective protein structures
parent major differences in the functions of (65). An analogous situation is seen with the
orthologs. Thus, the bacterial and archaeal other signature proteins of eukaryotes, actins,
DnaG-like primases, which figure in the pre- and ubiquitins, whose apparent prokaryotic
vious section in connection with a difference orthologs have completely different functions
in domain architecture, seem to function in and dramatically differ in sequence (1, 92, 96).
fundamentally different processes. Bacterial Although in each of these cases, the relation-
DnaG is an essential component of the repli- ship between prokaryotic and eukaryotic pro-
cation machinery, namely the polymerase re- teins is not one-to-one orthology, with many
sponsible for the synthesis of RNA primers inparalogs present in eukaryotes, the func-
used to initiate replication (4). Although the tional differences among these paralogs are
function of the archaeal ortholog has not been minor compared with the profound divide
studied in detail, there is no evidence of its in- between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The
volvement in replication; furthermore, it has general message from this brief survey of
been shown to associate with the exosome, the the functional equivalency of orthologs and

330 Koonin
ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

of the functional switches within orthologous ties that were not present in the ancestral
lineages is clear: The fundamental functions gene. Very recently, He & Zhang explored
of orthologs do change but such changes are the possibility of combination of subfunction-
far from being common, tend to be associated alization and neofunctionalization by exam-
with major evolutionary transitions, and are ining protein-protein interactions of paralo-
accompanied by a substantial acceleration of gous gene products in yeast (36). Their results
evolution. suggested a more complex subneofunctional-
The functional connotations of paralogy ization model under which the evolution of
are distinct from and, in a sense, opposite to paralogs starts with rapid subfunctionalization
those of orthology. Although in some cases, but subsequently often switches to the neo-
paralogs may retain the same, ancestral func- functionalization mode.
tion, being fixed due to the gene dosage
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effects (amplification of rRNA genes is an

obvious example), the general themes asso- GENERAL DISCUSSION
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

ciated with paralogy are functional diversifi-

cation and specialization. The subfunctional-
Orthology and Paralogy as
ization mode of evolution of paralogs that has
Evolutionary Inferences and
been explored theoretically in great detail by
the Homology Debates
Lynch and coworkers (27, 60, 61) seems best The preceding discussion aimed to show how
compatible with the demonstration that selec- the notions of orthology and paralogy perme-
tive constraints affect paralogs even immedi- ate modern genomics and provide the crucial
ately after duplication (45). Examples of sub- link between genomics and evolutionary biol-
functionalization are plentiful. A classic one ogy. To a large extent, these concepts form the
is the distribution of the universal transcrip- foundation of evolutionary genomics and are
tional function of the archaeal RNA poly- also of major importance for functional ge-
merase between the three RNA polymerases nomics or, in more practical terms, for func-
of eukaryotes, with RNA polymerase I be- tional annotation of sequenced genomes. It is
coming responsible for the transcription of useful, however, to explicitly define the episte-
rRNA genes, RNA polymerase II transcrib- mological status of these concepts. Orthology
ing protein-coding genes, and RNA poly- and paralogy as well as the generalized notion
merase III transcribing tRNA genes and those of homology imply specific statements on the
for other noncoding RNAs (101). The orig- course of evolution of the respective genes. In
inal version of Ohno’s neofunctionalization other words, these statements are inferences
model, whereby one of the emerging par- from one or another form of phylogenetic
alogs initially evolves free of constraints (like analysis rather than observables. The prin-
a pseudogene) but then accidentally hits on cipal observables in comparative genomics
a new function, might be unrealistic or, at are sequence similarity between genes and
least, rare. More generally, however, evolu- the proteins they encode and, increasingly,
tion of paralogs, particularly in the context structural similarity between proteins. These
of lineage-specific expansions of paralogous observations are employed, directly or indi-
families, may involve both subfunctional- rectly (e.g., through phylogenetic analysis),
ization and neofunctionalization. Indeed, it to infer orthology and paralogy (or generic
seems inevitable that, among the enormous homology). Failure to distinguish between
repertoire of signal-transduction systems that observables and inferences resulted in a
evolved via multiple duplications, such as pro- persistent terminological morass. Strong
tein kinases, receptors, and ubiquitin systems homology, percentage homology, and simi-
components (to mention just a few of the most lar oxymorons have survived in the biolog-
conspicuous cases), there should be specifici- ical literature for decades despite strongly • Orthologs and Paralogs 331

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

worded refutations, and even guidelines regu- domain architecture of orthologous proteins
lating the usage of “homology” that have been occurring during evolution. The latter situa-
adopted by some journals (81, 97). Because of tion challenges the gene-centric definition of
these abuses but, more importantly, because orthology inasmuch as certain parts of genes
biologists often consider evolutionary infer- appear to be orthologous whereas others are
ences to be inherently unreliable, suggestions not. In principle, it seems possible to extend
have been made to dispense with the infer- the notion of orthology to individual domains
ential terms (and, presumably, the underlying and, ultimately, to any stretch of nucleotide
concepts) altogether. In a recent provocative sequence down to a single base (97). The fun-
article, Varshavsky proposed using the new, damental definition always remains the same:
inference-free terms “sequelog” and “spalog” Genomic elements in the compared species
to designate, respectively, proteins that show that descend from the same ancestral ele-
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sequence or structural similarity to each other ment in the genome of their last common
(93). In an earlier eloquent comment, Petsko ancestor should be considered orthologous.
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

argued against using the terms ortholog and From a maximalist standpoint, one could ar-
paralog on the simpler grounds that these gue that evolutionary relationships within a
terms unnecessarily complicate the narrative set of genomes should be considered resolved
in research articles without clarifying any- only after the status of each base pair in each
thing (80). The desire for simplicity and use genome (both in coding and noncoding re-
of neutral terms is understandable and would gions) is established with respect to orthology
have been justified if orthology and paral- and paralogy. This could be an achievable goal
ogy (and all the derivatives thereof ) were just for closely related genomes (e.g., human and
words. However, as I argued here and else- chimpanzee) but seems to be unrealistic for
where (46), this does not seem to be the distant species.
case. Instead, orthology and paralogy appear On the opposite, genome-wide scale, the
to be concepts that carry substantive mean- notions of orthology and paralogy naturally
ing and, even apart from the (perhaps, debat- apply not only to genes but to strings of
able to some) intrinsic interest of evolutionary genes that retain the ancestral order (con-
relationships, have major functional conno- served synteny blocks). In relatively closely re-
tations. Although the terms orthologs and lated genomes (e.g., primates and rodents or
paralogs may complicate the language of ge- different enterobacterial species), a conserved
nomics, in my opinion, the clarification they synteny block may include hundreds or even
bring to our understanding of the evolu- thousands of genes, whereas in distantly re-
tionary and functional relationships among lated genomes, there is very little conservation
genes and genomes by far outweighs any of gene order (7, 99). Thus, orthology and
inconvenience. paralogy are manifest throughout all levels of
genome comparison. Nevertheless, the gene-
centric perspective adopted in the preceding
Generalized Concepts of Orthology sections appears to be most relevant for dis-
and Paralogy secting the results of comparison of multiple
Throughout most of this review and other genomes separated by a wide range of evolu-
treatises, the concepts of orthology and tionary distances.
paralogy are applied to genes as units (i.e., A different aspect of generalization of the
whenever we speak of orthologs, we mean concepts of orthology and paralogy pertains
orthologous genes). However, I also dis- to the complex structure of orthologous gene
cussed complications to this approach stem- clusters caused by the spread of duplication
ming from gene fusion/fission and, less triv- events over the phylogenetic tree. A single
ially, from lineage-specific changes in the orthologous cluster defined at the deepest

332 Koonin
ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

branching point of a tree is often resolved into tual foundation of evolutionary and functional
several clusters within subtrees. The cases of genomics. Only consistent usage of these and
tubulins and actins briefly discussed above in some derivative definitions, such as in- and
a different context clearly illustrate this point. outparalogs, provides for construction of a ro-
All eukaryotic tubulins are co-orthologous bust evolutionary classification of genes and
to the single prokaryotic FtsZ proteins, just reliable functional annotation of newly se-
as actins are orthologous to the prokaryotic quenced genomes. Further improvement of
MreB. Within eukaryotes, however, several clustering and phylogenetic methods for iden-
orthologous sets can be readily identified for tification of orthologs and paralogs is required
each of these proteins. for the progress of genomics as the number of
sequenced genomes rapidly increases. Orthol-
ogy and paralogy appear to be rich and flexible
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CONCLUSIONS concepts that allow further development and

Orthology and paralogy are not only key are well suited to describe the complexity of
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

terms but are an integral part of the concep- genome evolution.

1. Orthologs and paralogs are two types of homologous genes that evolved, respectively,
by vertical descent from a single ancestral gene and by duplication.
2. Distinguishing between orthologs and paralogs is crucial for successful functional
annotation of genomes and for reconstruction of genome evolution.
3. A finer classification of orthologs and paralogs has been developed to reflect the
interplay between duplication and speciation events, and effects of gene loss and
horizontal gene transfer on the observed homologous relationship.
4. Methods for identification of sets of orthologous and paralogous genes involve phy-
logenetic analysis and various procedures for sequence similarity–based clustering.
5. Analysis of clusters of orthologous and paralogous genes is instrumental in genome
annotation and in delineation of trends in genome evolution.
6. Rearrangements of gene structure confound orthologous and paralogous relation-
7. The gene-centered concepts of orthology and paralogy can be generalized down-
ward, to the level of strings of nucleotides and even single base pairs, and upward, to
multigene arrays.

I thank Yuri Wolf, Marina Omelchenko, and Kira Makarova for invaluable help with data
analysis; Yuri Wolf for critical reading of the manuscript; and Walter Fitch, Roy Jensen, Pavel
Pevzner, Erik Sonnhammer, Alexander Varshavsky, and Emile Zuckerkandl for instructive
discussions. Due to space constraints, it was impossible to cite all relevant publications in this
review; my sincere apologies and appreciation to all colleagues whose important work is not
cited. • Orthologs and Paralogs 333

ANRV260-GE39-15 ARI 12 October 2005 11:22

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338 Koonin
Contents ARI 20 October 2005 19:18

Annual Review of

Contents Genetics

Volume 39, 2005

John Maynard Smith

Richard E. Michod p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Access provided by University of California - Santa Barbara on 06/25/18. For personal use only.

The Genetics of Hearing and Balance in Zebrafish

Teresa Nicolson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 9
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification

Nancy Maizels p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p23
Complexity in Regulation of Tryptophan Biosynthesis in
Bacillus subtilis
Paul Gollnick, Paul Babitzke, Alfred Antson, and Charles Yanofsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p47
Cell-Cycle Control of Gene Expression in Budding and Fission Yeast
Jürg Bähler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p69
Comparative Developmental Genetics and the Evolution of Arthropod
Body Plans
David R. Angelini and Thomas C. Kaufman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p95
Concerted and Birth-and-Death Evolution of Multigene Families
Masatoshi Nei and Alejandro P. Rooney p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 121
Drosophila as a Model for Human Neurodegenerative Disease
Julide Bilen and Nancy M. Bonini p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Molecular Mechanisms of Germline Stem Cell Regulation
Marco D. Wong, Zhigang Jin, and Ting Xie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 173
Molecular Signatures of Natural Selection
Rasmus Nielsen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 197
T-Box Genes in Vertebrate Development
L.A. Naiche, Zachary Harrelson, Robert G. Kelly, and Virginia E. Papaioannou p p p p p p 219
Connecting Mammalian Genome with Phenome by ENU Mouse
Mutagenesis: Gene Combinations Specifying the Immune System
Peter Papathanasiou and Christopher C. Goodnow p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 241
Evolutionary Genetics of Reproductive Behavior in Drosophila:
Connecting the Dots
Patrick M. O’Grady and Therese Anne Markow p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 263
Contents ARI 20 October 2005 19:18

Sex Determination in the Teleost Medaka, Oryzias latipes

Masura Matsuda p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 293
Orthologs, Paralogs, and Evolutionary Genomics
Eugene V. Koonin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309
The Moss Physcomitrella patens
David Cove p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 339
A Mitochondrial Paradigm of Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases,
Aging, and Cancer: A Dawn for Evolutionary Medicine
Douglas C. Wallace p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 359
Access provided by University of California - Santa Barbara on 06/25/18. For personal use only.

Switches in Bacteriophage Lambda Development

Amos B. Oppenheim, Oren Kobiler, Joel Stavans, Donald L. Court,
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2005.39:309-338. Downloaded from

and Sankar Adhya p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 409

Nonhomologous End Joining in Yeast
James M. Daley, Phillip L. Palmbos, Dongliang Wu, and Thomas E. Wilson p p p p p p p p p p 431
Plasmid Segregation Mechanisms
Gitte Ebersbach and Kenn Gerdes p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 453
Use of the Zebrafish System to Study Primitive and Definitive
Jill L.O. de Jong and Leonard I. Zon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 481
Mitochondrial Morphology and Dynamics in Yeast and Multicellular
Koji Okamoto and Janet M. Shaw p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 503
RNA-Guided DNA Deletion in Tetrahymena: An RNAi-Based
Mechanism for Programmed Genome Rearrangements
Meng-Chao Yao and Ju-Lan Chao p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 537
Molecular Genetics of Axis Formation in Zebrafish
Alexander F. Schier and William S. Talbot p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 561
Chromatin Remodeling in Dosage Compensation
John C. Lucchesi, William G. Kelly, and Barbara Panning p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 615


Subject Index p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 653


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