Insight Frailty

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Department of Geriatric Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of
Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD

Frailty in older adults:

Insights and interventions
■ A B S T R AC T OME OLDER ADULTS are frail. This is not
S news. The news is that we are getting
Frailty is a state of vulnerability that carries an increased better at systematically predicting who is frail
risk of poor outcomes in older adults. Common signs and and hence more vulnerable to poor health
symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, muscle weakness, and outcomes. Our understanding of the biologic
progressive decline in function. Frail older adults are basis of this vulnerability is improving, which
among the most challenging for medical management. should lead to the development of interven-
However, awareness of this syndrome and its risks can tions to improve health outcomes in these
help us care for these patients more confidently and patients.
decrease their risk for adverse outcomes. Frailty, a progressive physiologic decline
in multiple body systems, is marked by loss of
■ KEY POINTS function, loss of physiologic reserve, and
increased vulnerability to disease and death.
Frail older adults are less able to tolerate the stress of Frailty increases susceptibility to acute illness,
medical illness, hospitalization, and immobility. falls, disability, institutionalization, and
death.1 Caring for frail older patients is chal-
lenging because they have an increased bur-
The geriatric evaluation and management model uses an den of symptoms, are medically complex,1,2
interdisciplinary team to follow the patient and manage and often have increased social needs.
specific issues. In the comprehensive geriatric assessment In this review, we discuss the clinical spec-
approach, the interdisciplinary team makes trum of frailty, its potential biologic basis, and
recommendations to the patient’s primary care physician. clinical interventions. A heightened aware-
ness by physicians may help improve the qual-
Acute Care for Elders hospital units are designed to ity of life for this most vulnerable subset of
prevent functional decline and improve functional older adults.
independence if decline has occurred. Such units typically
feature a more home-like environment; patient-centered ■ FRAILTY AS A SYNDROME
medical care to prevent disability; and comprehensive
discharge planning and management. Geriatricians have long been aware of a syn-
drome of multiple coexisting conditions,
weakness, immobility, and poor tolerance to
physiologic or psychologic stressors.3 People
so affected are often characterized as “frail”
and are known to be more vulnerable to poor
health outcomes, including disability, social
isolation, and institutionalization. Although
frailty is more prevalent in older people and in
those with multiple medical conditions,1,2 it
can exist independently of age, disability, or


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disease, and may be an independent physio- treated with promethazine. He also requires
logic process involving multiple systems.1,4 assistance getting to the bathroom, but he
remains continent. After being sent home, he
■ THE SPECTRUM OF FRAILTY: returns to all of his usual activities within 2

Frailty and the inherent vulnerability of frail ■ DEFINITIONS OF FRAILTY

older adults can be subtle and easily over-
looked. The following examples illustrate the Frailty is often clinically apparent to geriatri-
range in vulnerability to adverse health out- cians, especially in its end stages. However,
comes in frail older patients. although a number of definitions have been
A 75-year-old woman with osteoarthritis proposed, none is considered the gold stan-
and congestive heart failure lives with her son dard.4 Most definitions describe a freestanding
and daughter-in-law, who notice that she has syndrome marked by loss of function, strength,
been losing weight over the past year and that and physiologic reserve, and by increased vul-
she often says she feels tired. Although she nerability to sickness and death. Most defini-
can perform most activities of daily living, tions include declines in mobility, strength,
these are becoming more difficult for her and endurance, nutrition, and physical activity as
take more time to complete. She now needs the clinical components,1,5,6 and others
help bathing and uses a walker. Complaints of include cognitive impairment and depres-
progressive dyspnea on exertion lead to hospi- sion.5,7,8
talization for worsening congestive heart fail- Many definitions of physical frailty use
ure. The hospital course is prolonged, compli- measures of function and performance as
cated by acute renal failure and delirium. She markers of the changes in mobility and
is unable to return to her previous level of strength found in frail older adults.
functioning and develops urinary inconti- Studenski et al,8 for example, found that a
nence. She needs help transferring to a bed- measure combining gait speed, ability to rise
Frailty: side commode or chair and can no longer from a chair, and balance skills independently
loss of function walk. Her daughter-in-law becomes her prima- predicted decline in function, hospitalization,
ry caregiver. and global decline in health in older patients
and strength, A 75-year-old widower with hyperten- seen in primary care. This correlation persist-
increased sion and cerebrovascular disease undergoes ed even after adjusting for age, baseline func-
carotid endarterectomy after a transient tional status, a validated estimator of hospital-
vulnerability ischemic attack and diagnosis of significant ization, and the primary care physician’s esti-
to sickness stenosis. Over the next 3 years he is active in mate of risk for decline.
and death his church but must gradually decrease his vol- Chin et al6 compared three different defi-
unteer activities because of increasing fatigue. nitions of frailty: inactivity plus low energy
He presents to his primary care physician with intake, inactivity plus weight loss, and inac-
complaints of dyspnea and productive cough. tivity plus low body mass index. In 450 inde-
He is treated as an outpatient with oral antibi- pendently living older men, the combination
otics for presumed community-acquired pneu- of inactivity and weight loss was the most pre-
monia, but he reports worsening fatigue and dictive of death and functional decline over 3
weakness and falls twice at home within the years. In addition, men with this combination
next 6 months. had poorer health profiles (self-rated and
A 75-year-old man has well-controlled physician-rated health, number of diseases)
hypertension, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and and functional capacity (disability, grip
diabetes mellitus, which he manages with diet strength, walking speed) compared with more
and metformin. He is active and plays golf and active men whose weight was stable or who
walks for exercise. After consultation with his were gaining weight.
urologist, he decides to undergo transurethral The Cardiovascular Health Study1 tested
resection of the prostate. While in the hospital, the validity of its own definition of frailty in a
he experiences some postoperative nausea, prospective cohort of men and women age 65


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and older. That definition was based on the the sex hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sul-
concept that frailty is a syndrome with a criti- fate and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1),
cal mass of signs and symptoms. Subjects who a messenger molecule stimulated by growth
had three out of five conditions (slow walking hormone.15 Lower levels of IGF-1 have been
speed, poor hand grip, exhaustion, weight loss, shown to be associated with lower strength
and low energy expenditure) were at signifi- and decreased mobility in a cohort of commu-
cantly higher risk for falls, disability, hospital- nity-dwelling older women.16
ization, and death. These findings persisted Many other hormones and nutrients,
after adjusting for health status, socioeconom- including vitamin D, have been shown to pre-
ic status, and disability at baseline, supporting serve muscle strength and hence may play a
the concept that frailty is not the same as dis- role in preventing or treating frailty.17 More
ability or disease. Furthermore, the incidence studies on this topic are needed.
of these outcomes increased in stepwise fash-
ion from non-frail (no factors) to intermediate Effects of inflammation
(one or two factors) to frail people (three or Markers of inflammation are also associated
more factors). with the frailty syndrome. Serum levels of
Other studies used clinical information to interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein
identify those at risk for poor outcomes. have been found to be elevated in communi-
Rockwood et al9 compiled a frailty index ty-dwelling frail older adults.18,19 IL-6 is
based on impairments in cognitive status, strongly associated with adverse physiologic
mood, motivation, communication, mobility, effects such as sarcopenia, weight loss, and an
balance, bowel and bladder function, activi- increased susceptibility to infection.20
ties of daily living, instrumental activities of In addition, IL-6 may contribute to ane-
daily living, nutrition, and social resources, as mia by directly inhibiting production of ery-
well as a number of comorbidities. This index thropoietin or by interfering with normal iron
was found to be highly predictive of death or metabolism.21 In a cohort of community-
institutionalization. dwelling older adults, subclinical normocytic
anemia was observed in those who were frail, Frailty likely
■ PHYSIOLOGIC CORRELATES OF FRAILTY and an inverse correlation was found between results from
serum IL-6 and hemoglobin levels.19
Weakness and fatigue are central to almost all This chronic inflammatory state likely endocrine,
definitions of frailty. Sarcopenia (loss of skele- also contributes to other hematologic effects inflammatory,
tal muscle mass) is likely a key component of such as activation of the clotting cascade.
these symptoms. Building on models from spe- Indeed, frail older adults have been found to and other
cific diseases such as cancer or rheumatoid have significantly elevated levels of factor changes
arthritis in which systemic weakness and VIII, fibrinogen, and D-dimer.18
fatigue are common, investigators have tested
several hypotheses regarding specific physio- Interaction of systemic changes is likely
logic systems thought to contribute to these The physiologic findings and other features
symptoms. that characterize frailty are not likely to be the
result of changes in a single system, but rather
Effects of endocrine changes of the interaction of several systems resulting
Changes in the endocrine system likely play a in a global process (FIGURE 1).
role in the accelerated decline in muscle mass For example, the combination of low
and strength seen in frail older adults.10 IGF-1 and high IL-6 levels in a cohort of com-
In women, sex hormone levels decline munity-dwelling older women conferred a
fairly abruptly with the onset of menopause; high risk for progressive disability and death
in men testosterone levels also decline, but that was greater than the effect of either of
less abruptly.11,12 these two factors alone, suggesting an additive
Growth hormone levels also decrease effect.16 Similarly, Roubenoff et al22 showed
with age.13,14 Compared with non-frail older that increased cellular production of tumor
adults, frail older adults have lower levels of necrosis factor alpha and IL-6 and decreased


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Cortisol levels increase
Sex hormone (dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate) levels decrease
Growth hormone (insulin-like growth
factor 1) levels decrease

Anemia Frailty, adverse
Glucose intolerance health outcomes
Clotting increases

Interleukin 6
C-reactive protein

FIGURE 1. Hypothesized interactions in physiologic systems, with inflammatory and

endocrine systems influencing changes in red blood cell production, muscle, clotting,
and metabolism. All of these physiologic changes are then hypothesized to
Evaluate contribute to the symptoms experienced by frail older adults and ultimately to their
to determine known vulnerability to adverse health outcomes.
the patient’s
place on the
cellular production of IGF-1 were associated shown that exercise is beneficial in older adults
spectrum with increased death rates over 4 years in a along the full spectrum of health status, even
of frailty cohort of community-dwelling older adults. in the frailest subset. The benefits include
These findings persisted after adjusting for increased mobility, enhanced performance of
potential confounders such as chronic disease. activities of daily living, improved gait, fewer
falls, increased bone mineral density, and
■ INTERVENTIONS AND MODELS OF CARE improvements in general well-being.24–27
Exercise is likely to benefit even the
Developing interventions is a critical next step frailest of older adults. In a group of nursing
in decreasing adverse health outcomes in frail home patients whose average age was 87,
older adults. FIGURE 2 plots potential interven- Fiatarone et al28 showed that a program of
tions according to where the patient fits along resistance training increased muscle strength
the spectrum of frailty. We will discuss these more than 100%, muscle size in the lower
interventions in terms of how they may be use- extremities by 3%, and gait velocity by 12%.
ful in the three examples presented earlier. These findings were all statistically signifi-
cant compared with those of a control group,
Exercise which showed either marginal increases or
Muscle mass and strength decrease with age, declines in these areas. Training was also
and the trend is even more pronounced in the associated with increased mobility and spon-
frailty syndrome.23 Numerous studies have taneous physical activity.


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Symptom relief
Setting patient-centered goals
Family and caregiver support

Exercise interventions

Comprehensive geriatric assessment and treatment

Geriatric evaluation and management (GEM)

GEM and Adult Care for Elders units,

programs for acute care for the elderly

Hospice care, maintain

comfort and dignity

Increasingly frail

FIGURE 2. Potential interventions along the spectrum of frailty in older adults

Even low levels increase muscle or other clinical outcomes in older adults with
strength. Although the perfect prescription age-related declines.33
for exercise in frail older adults is not known, Further intervention studies are needed to
studies have shown benefit from programs of determine the effectiveness and the potential
resistance training on as few as 2 days per harm of hormonal treatments in frail older
week.29 Miller et al30 found that the ability to adults.
walk about 1 mile per week was associated
with a slower progression of functional limita- Comprehensive geriatric assessment To date,
tions over a follow-up of 6 months. and treatment no hormonal
Once an elderly patient is determined to be
Hormonal or anti-inflammatory vulnerable or frail, the risk of adverse out- therapy is
interventions comes may be reduced via a comprehensive recommended
Supplementation of sex hormones and growth geriatric assessment with the development
hormone is a potential intervention to and implementation of an interdisciplinary for frail
improve muscle mass and strength, in the treatment plan.34 The overall goals are to older adults
hope of improving function. However, to improve physical and psychological function,
date, no hormonal therapy is recommended decrease the need for nursing home place-
for frail older adults unless a clear clinical defi- ment and hospitalization, reduce the risk of
ciency is found. death, and improve patient satisfaction.35
Side effects also limit the use of hormon- The interdisciplinary care team usually
al therapy. For example, although testosterone includes a geriatrician or other medical prac-
replacement can increase muscle mass and titioner knowledgeable in the care of older
strength in hypogonadal and eugonadal men, adults, a nurse, a social worker, and an occu-
especially in combination with exercise, it pational or physical therapist, if available.
may unfavorably affect lipid levels, and it has In some cases, the geriatric assessment
unpredictable effects on the size of the interdisciplinary team follows the patient and
prostate gland.31,32 manages his or her specific issues, a model or
Similarly, while growth hormone replace- approach referred to as geriatric evaluation and
ment has been shown to be beneficial in pitu- management. In other cases the team makes
itary deficiency, no study has yet proven the recommendations to the patient’s primary
efficacy of growth hormone or growth hor- care physician, a model referred to as compre-
mone-releasing factor at improving function hensive geriatric assessment.35 Although com-


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prehensive geriatric assessment is not always Although it is not yet clear that these all-
targeted at frailty per se, vulnerable older inclusive programs offer clear monetary or
adults are thought to be most likely to benefit. health outcome advantages over traditional
Boult et al36 conducted a randomized con- care, the model provides interdisciplinary
trolled trial of intervention with geriatric eval- team care that has proven effective in other
uation and management, specifically targeting health care models for older adults.
outpatients at increased risk for repeated hos-
pitalization. Intervention resulted in decreased The Acute Care for Elders model
health care utilization, improved depressive Hospitalization puts frail older patients at risk
symptoms, and, most importantly, slowed func- of significant morbidity. Change in environ-
tional decline. The study also showed the ment, exposure to new medications, and
importance of ensuring that specific recom- immobility combined with acute illness can
mendations are implemented. In this study, the have devastating outcomes for these vulnera-
intervention group received continued prima- ble patients. Often, a decline in level of func-
ry care from the interdisciplinary team until tion and ability to care for oneself occurs dur-
the patient’s significant issues had resolved or ing hospitalization and persists after dis-
until a stable management plan had been charge.41,42 This can lead to a decrease in
established. quality of life and an increased risk of institu-
In general, poor implementation of rec- tionalization.
ommendations from the comprehensive geri- The Acute Care for Elders model is
atric assessment team is the main reason that designed to prevent functional decline and
a single visit without continued management improve functional independence if decline
by an interdisciplinary team is less effective.37 has already occurred. The model typically
Patient adherence to treatment plans also includes a specially designed, more home-like
determines the effectiveness of comprehensive environment; patient-centered medical care
geriatric assessment.38 Physicians are more to prevent disability; and comprehensive dis-
likely to implement the plan and patients are charge planning and management.43 In a ran-
A team more likely to adhere to it if the patient and domized controlled trial of 1,531 community-
better ensures primary care physician share a collaborative dwelling adults age 70 and older, this model
relationship.39 was shown to decrease the likelihood of
implementation decline in the ability to perform activities of
of recommended All-inclusive care for the elderly daily living or a decline in nursing home
The most frail older adults may benefit from a placement both at hospital discharge and at
treatments model known as the “program for all-inclusive 12 months, without an increase in hospital
care for the elderly,” in which community- length of stay or hospital costs.43
dwelling older adults receive primary care from
an interdisciplinary team in a day clinic.40 The ■ CASES REVISITED:
team includes a practitioner knowledgeable in TAILORING INTERVENTIONS
geriatric medicine, nurses, physical and occu-
pational therapists, and social workers. For robust elderly patients, a practitioner
Patient-centered services include home nurs- would likely incorporate treatment of known
ing, physical and occupational therapy, trans- chronic diseases with appropriate screening
portation, home health aide service, and adult measures and preventive medicine.44
day care. The goals are to improve function, For example, the most robust of the
overcome environmental challenges, and keep patients in the sample cases we presented
older adults living in their communities by pre- above—the active 75-year-old man with well-
venting institutionalization. However, once controlled hypertension and diabetes—was
participants enter the program, they receive able to return to full function quickly after a
complete long-term care and are followed until brief hospitalization for an elective procedure,
the end of their lives, even if they should even- and is an example of a robust patient who
tually require placement in an assisted-living would benefit from preventive medical care
facility or nursing home. such as cancer screening and lifestyle modifi-


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cation counseling (eg, smoking cessation, if mentioned interventions are also applicable.
applicable). However, during his brief hospi- She would still likely benefit from exercise, as
talization he required assistance to the bath- it may improve her level of function and inde-
room, which may be an indication of suscepti- pendence. She would also be a good candidate
bility to future disability that could be for comprehensive geriatric assessment and an
amenable to an intervention such as exercise Acute Care for Elders unit if she should need
therapy to strengthen the lower extremities. to be hospitalized again.
Moderately frail patients. The widower However, if discussions with the patient
with hypertension and cerebrovascular disease and family indicate that the most important
who underwent carotid endarterectomy dis- goals of her medical care are to maintain com-
plays signs of frailty, especially when stressed. fort and dignity and if her overall condition
The two falls after his hospitalization and should continue to decline, the practitioner
worsening fatigue and weakness are indica- might decide not to hospitalize her for acute
tions of probable further decline. This patient illness if she has indicated a desire to remain
would be an excellent candidate for physical at home. She may also benefit from a program
therapy, comprehensive geriatric assessment, of all-inclusive care, in which she would be
and admission to an Acute Care for Elders managed by an interdisciplinary team and
unit in case of future hospitalization. A pri- would likely benefit from the added social sup-
mary care provider knowledgeable about geri- port this model provides. Alternatively, she
atric conditions such as falling, iatrogenic ill- and her family may decide on primarily pallia-
ness, polypharmacy, atypical presentation of tive and hospice services to ease symptom bur-
depression, complex chronic disease care, and den and facilitate end-of-life care.
social networks should be able to continue to Because the increased disability and lack
effectively manage such high-risk patients. of social support seen in frail older adults is
In moderately to severely frail patients, a a challenge to care, an interdisciplinary
good rule of thumb is “less is more,” as aggres- team approach is often required to meet
sive screening for diseases may bring about their needs. As vulnerable older adults
unnecessary burden and risk to a patient become more frail and develop more severe
already at great risk of further illness and disease and disability, a medical care plan
death.45 that is tailored to the needs of these vulner-
This is most certainly the case in the first able patients—and that keeps their personal
patient we described, who depends almost values and goals in mind—will help main-
completely on her daughter-in-law for mobili- tain dignity and quality of life for these
ty and personal care. However, many of the patients.

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