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1 Ru1ns 1 Partially Covered 1 Sand 1 Crumbled & Decayed 1 Mechanical
2 Rt: 1 ics 2 Fu1 l_y Covered 2 Ashes 2 Disfigured & Defaced 2 Giant Types
3 Remains 3 Above Ground 3 Cinders 3 Wormeaten 3 Dragon-Class
4 Vest1ges 4 Rocky Slope 4 Earth 4 Crystallized & Petrified 4 Undead-Types
5 Remnants 5 Inside Cavern 5 Thicket 5 Corroded & Eroded 5 Lycanthropes
6 Refuse 6 In Crevice 6 Mold 6 Collapsed & Tumbled 6 True-Giants
7 Wrecks 7 Beneath Overhang 7 Slime 7 Mouldy & Contaminated 7 Animals
8 Skeletons 8 Large Crater 8 Rocks 8 Dangerous Operational 8 Insects
9 Antiques 9 Partially Sunken 9 Webs & Dust 9 Partially Operational 9 Trap
10 Artifacts 10 Charred & Burnt 10 Vines 10 Fully Operational 10 None
l Manor 1 Hut 1 2-12 Huts 1 7-42 H.&Cit, 1 Tower 1 Keep & Pa111 s .1 Altar
2 Village 2 Hoval 2 4-24 Hovals 2 8-48 Houses 2 Tower&O. Wall 2 #1 &Moat 2 Shrine
3 C1ty 3 Hall 3 6-36 Cottages 3 9-54 H.&Wall 3 Great Keep 3 #2 &Walls 3 Sanctuary
4 Citadel 4 Villa 4 #3 & íJitch 4 #3 & 1-4 Cit. 4 Keep & 4 Tow. 4 #3 & Manor 4 Oracle
5 Castle 5 Cottage 5 #3 & :-·allis. 5 20-120 Houses 5 #4 & O. Wall 5 #4 & 4 Towers 5 Pantheon
6 Temple 6 Palace 6 #5 & Moat 6 #5 & 1-4 Temp.6 #5 & Moat 6 #6 & O. Wall 6 Monastary
1 Tools 1 Ladder 1 Loom 1 Grave 1 Breastplate 1 Dagger 1 Barrels
2 Machines 2 Plow 2 Gr1nd1ng Whl. 2 Sepulcher 2 Greaves 2 Scfmitar 2 Ums
3 Tombs 3 Pick 3 Clock j Mausoleum 3 Gauntlets 3 Hand Axe 3 Trunks
4 Armor 4 Hoe 4 Balance 4 Catacombs 4 Helmet 4 Spear 4 Jars
5 Weapons 5 Anvil 5 Potter Wheel 5 Vault 5 Chainmail 5 Trident 5 Bottles
6 Containers 6 Axe 6 Press 6 Crypt 6 Shield 6 Battleaxe 6 Boxes
1 Utensils 1 Eatil"lg l Hauberk 1 Swinmer 1 Doll 1 Monocle l Lexicon
2 Apparel 2 Digging 2 Boots 2 flyer 2 Vehicle 2 Spectacles 2 Scroll
3 Harness 3 Writing 3 Cloak 3 Gfant-Animal 3 Weapon 3 Spyglass 3 Manual
4 Toys 4 Navigating 4 Tunic 4 Small-Animal 4 Tool 4 Mirror 4 Tablet
5 Optics 5 Measuring 5 Mask 5 Man-S1ze 5 Game 5 Colored Pane 5 Book
6 Tome 6 Musical 6 Breeches 6 Colossal 6 House 6 Periscope 6 Codex

l Pyruiid 1 Burial Tomb 1 Sacr1ffc1al 1 G1ant 1 Hannal 1 1 'Sq, & Open 1 Col1111n
2 Mound 2 Temple 2 Bur1al 2 ·statued 2 Human 2 2'Sq. & Open 2 Hewn Statue
3 Fountafn 3 Observatory 3 Treasure 3 Minature 3 God 3 Closed & l 'Sq. 3 Mfnaret
4 Totein 4 Palace 4 Lair 4 Geometric 4 Monster 4 Closed & 2'Sq. 4 Obelfsk
5 Sewers 66% have stepped 5 Sacred 5 Wish 5 Bfrd 5 Closed & 4'Sq. 5 Effigy
6 Monolith sides, rest are flat 6 Po1 ymorphed 6 Spray 6 Snake 6 Closed & B'Sq. 6 ftlnument


l Road l Track 1 Plaque 1 Guide 1 Tunnel 1 Mud Bricks 1 Rope
Tombstone 2 Trai 1 2 cairn 2 Ornen 2 Pipe 2 Stone Bricks 2 Wood
3 Signpost 3 Gravel 3 Staff 3 Trade 3 Wel 1 3 Marble Blocks 3 Stone
4 Channel 4 Roman Paved 4 Beacon 4 Warning 4 Passage 4 Plaster 4 Earth
5 Nasonary 5 Asphau1t s Pyre 5 Ellblem 5 Canal 5 Wattle 5 Natural
6 Bridge 6 Concrete 6 Stone Pile 6 Boundary 6 Aqueduct 6 Stone Blocks 6 Brick
7 11111
9 Works 1 Carved Cliff 1 Arsenal l Stairway l Stockage
10 Strvcture 2 Sculptured Mound 2 Granary 2 Ra111p 2 Barricade
3 Colossal Statue 3 Paved Plaza 3 Shaft 3 Fence
4 Palace 4 Vfaduct 4 Spfre 4 Rampart
Mfll 5 Reservoir 5 Roof 5 D1ke
6 Calendar Stone 6 Cfstern 6 Tunnel 6 Partitfon
1 Offal 1 Vfsc1ra 1 Soap L Buckle 1 Leather Scraps 1 Fat l Wood
2 Sewge 2 Bones 2 Body Wastes 2 Lac:1ng 2 Papyrus Scraps 2 fruft 2 Coal
3 Parts 3 Gore 3 Oils 3 Crossbar 3 Handle 3 Seeds 3 Peat
4 D1scards 4 Grfzzle 4 Slop 4 Ponlllels 4 Shféld Boss 4 Vegetables � Oung
5 Food 5 Fat 5 Ch1111cals 5 Arrowhead 5 Pole 5 Minerals 5 Petroleum
6 Fuel 6 Talons 6 lint 6 Spfke 6 Unen Scraps 6 Meat 6 Wax

1 Sea Veh1cle 1 Raft 1 Sledge 1 Balloon 1 Onager 1 Dolphin Sled 1 ftlle Sled
2 Land Vehic. 2 Canoa 2 Wagon 2 Wings 2 Screw 2 Sea-Horse Car. 2 Rock Borer
3 Air Vehfcle 3 Pfg Bladder 3 Lftter 3 Hang-Glider 3 Ram 3 G. Turtle Hou. 3 Mine Cart
4 War Engfne 4 Longboat 4 Carriage 4 Unusual" 4 Tower 4 Divfng -Bell 4 Earth Borer
5 Subllarine 5 Merchant Sh. 5 Wain 5 Parachute 5 Springal 5 Pocket 5 Wonn Saddle
6 Subterrran. 6 Man 0' War 6 Charfot 6 Roe Carriage 6 Trebuchet 6 Nuclear 6 Rat Chariot
l SN.11 1 Prop. Oriven
2 Man-Size 2 Jet
3 Giant · 3 Re-entry Cap.
4 Unusual 4 Space Craft
5 Skulls 5 Helicopter
6 Colossal 6 Anti-Grav.
l M1niscule 1 Man 1 Ogre l Cubic 1 Miniscule l Humanoid
2 2 Elven 2 Hobgoblin 2 Crystaline 2 Man-S.1ze 2 Avian
3 Dwarven 3 Ore 3 True Giant 3 Mult1-Limbed 3 Giant. 3 Reptilian
4 Pixfe 4 Troll 4 Oinosaur 4 Multi-Headed 4 Colossal 4 Ursoid
5 6nome s L1zard Men 5 Sea Monster 5 W1nged 5 Multf-Horned 5 Amphfbian
6 Kobolds 6 Snake 6 Whale 6 Armor-Plated 6 Multi-Sockets 6 Crustacean
1 Statues 1 Mini ature 1 Throne 1 Battle Scene 1 Stone 1 Faucet 1 Basket
2 Furn1ture 2 Half Sfze 2 Chest 2 Coronatfon 2 Plaster 2 Lamp 2 Vase
3 Engrav1ngs 3 lffe Sfze 3 G1ants1ze 3 Punishment 3 Metal 3 Bel 1 3 Mfnature Pa1nt1ng
4 ldols 4 Gfant Size 4 Mini ature 4 Re11gious 4 Wooden 4 Fresco 4 Abacas
s Ffttfngs 5 Abstract 5 Stone Seat 5 Romantfc He1ghth: 1-20" 5 Hfnges 5 Ship's F1gurehead
6 Hand1craft 6 Nag1c (JG, L24) 6 Stone Table 6 Curse 6 Knoclter 6 Bust
l Weapon 1 Sword 1 Antfmated 1 Hand 1 Machine 1 Stone 1 Ring
. 2 Enterta1ment . 2 Dagger
3 Protectfve Devfce 3 Hamner
4 Offensive Oev1ce 4 Club
2 Musical
3 Dancing
4 Serving
2 Vase
3 Eye
4 Box
2 Staff
3 V1al
4 Gannent
2 flask
3 Orb
4 D1adem
2 Gem
3 Throne
4 Rod
5 lnforrnative Devfce 5 Battleaxe 5 Intensifyfng 5 Hom 5 Talfsman 5 Crystal Ball 5 Sword
6 Leadershfp Device 6 Javelfn 6 Dream1ng 6 Vat 6 Armor 6 Necltlace 6 Sceptres

While travelling in the wilderness, there is a chance that the charac- Subtable: Meo
ters will encounter creatures just as they would in a dungeon. The
DM should decide how often encounter checks are made. En- Clear,
counters are usually checked for once per day, but the DM may in- No. Grassland Woods
- ---- River Swamp
elude planned encounters, or may make additional checks if ap- 1 Brigand Brigand Brigand Brigand
propriate. No more than 3 or 4 encounter checks should be made 2 Bandit Bandit Bandit Bandit
per day. The DM should keep track of time during the day, as it 3 Adventurers • Adventurers • Adventurers • NPC Party ..
may be important whether an encounter takes place at noon, dusk, 4 Merchant Merchant Merchant Adventurers •
night, etc. lf the DM wishes to use random rolls for encounters, the 5 Berserker Berserker Buccaneer Merchant
chance of having an encounter depends on the terrain the charac- 6 Merchant Brigand Buccaneer Cleric*
ters are in. The following table lists the major types of terrain and 7 Noble Cleric* Cleric' Trader
the numbers needed on a d6 to result in an encounter. 8 Magic-user• Magic-user• Magic-user• Berserker
9 Fighter• Fighter• Fighter• Fighter•
10 Bandit Bandit Merchant Magic-user•
11 Cleric* Brigand Buccaneer Adventurers •
Grass- NPC Party .. NPC Party• •
12 Nomad Bandit
lands Woods River Swamp Mountains
6 5-6 5-6 4-6 4-6
Desert lnhabited ~ Ocean Jungle Mountains,
5-6 6 6 5-6* 4-6 No. _H_il_ls_ _ _ .::cDc.c:e:.::sc..::e.::.rt::......_ _ lnhabited City
1 Brigand Dervish Bandit Bandit
Aerial Hills Barren 2 Bandit Nomad Trader Trader
5-6* • 5-6 5-6 3 Adventurers • Adventurers • NPC Party• • NPC Party ..
4 Merchant Merchant Adventurers • Adventurers •
5 Berserker Nomad Merchant Trader
• A roll of 5 indicates a normal ocean encounter; a 6 will result in 6 Berserker Nomad Veteran Veteran
an encounter at the end of the day in whatever type of ter- 7 Cleric* Cleric* Bandit Bandit
rain the ship has beached in. lf the ship spends the entire day 8 Magic-user• Magic-user• Fighter• Fighter•
at sea, there will be no land encounters. 9 Fighter• Fighter• Magic-user• Trader
• • Aerial encounters always use the Flyer table. 10 Brigand Noble Acolyte Acolyte
11 Caveman Dervish Cleric* Merchant
Once an encounter has been determined, an 8-sided die should be 12 Caveman Nomad Noble Noble
rolled and the result checked under the appropriate terrain
column. For terrain types not listed on the encounter tables, the No. Ocean Jungle
closest approximation should be used. The result will give the sub- 1 Buccaneer Brigand
table to consult. A 12-sided die should be rolled and the result on 2 Pirate Merchant
the subtable will give the type of creature encountered. 3 Merchant Bandit
4 Adventurers • Adventurers •
The number of creatures encountered will depend upon the size of 5 Pirate Cleric*
the adventuring party. Suggested guidelines have been given in 6 Merchant Fighter•
the monster descriptions, but numbers may be set by the DM. 7 Merchant Magic-user •
8 Merchant Berserker
Wilderness Encounter Table 9 Buccaneer Brigand
10 Pirate Caveman
11 Merchant Adventurers •
Barren, 12 Pirate Brigand
Clear, Mtns.,
No. Grassland Woods River Swamp Hills *NPC Party (see page X53).
1 Men Men Men Men Men • *NPC Party as given in D&D Basic (page B52).
2 Ayer Flyer Flyer Flyer Flyer
3 Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Subtable: Humanoid
4 Animal Insect lnsect Swimmer Unusual
5 Animal Unusual Swimmer Undead Animal Clear,
6 Unusual Animal Swimmer Undead Humanoid No. Grassland Woods River Swamp
7 Dragon Animal Animal lnsect Dragon - ----
1 Bugbear Bugbear Bugbear Gnoll
8 Insect Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon 2 Elf Cyclops Elf Goblin
3 Giant, Hill Dryad Gnoll Hobgoblin
No. Desert lnhabited ..::C:..::.ity"-"---- Ocean Jungle 4 Gnoll Elf Hobgoblin Lizard Man
1 Men Men Men Men Men 5 Goblin Giant, Hill Lizard Man Lizard Man
2 Ayer Flyer Undead Ayer Flyer 6 Halfling Gnoll Lizard Man Lizard.Man
3 Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Swimmer Insect 7 Hobgoblin Goblin Nixie Nixie
4 Men Men Men Swimmer Insect 8 Ogre Hobgoblin Ogre Ogre
5 Animal Men Men Swimmer Humanoid 9 Ore Ogre Ore Ore
6 Dragon Insect Men Swimmer Animal 10 Pixie Ore Sprite Troglodyte
7 Undead Animal Men Swimmer Animal 11 Thoul Thoul Thoul Troll
8 Animal Dragon Men Dragon Dragon 12 Troll Troll Troll Troll
Subtable: Humanoid Subtable: Fl!ler
Barren, No. Mountains Desert Other
Mountains, City, 1 Gargoyle Gargoyle Cockatrice
No. Hills Desert lnhabited Jun9le 2 Griffon Gargoyle Gargoyle
1 Dwarf Giant, Fire Dwarf Bugbear 3 Harpy Griffon Griffon
2 Giant, Cloud Goblin Elf Cyclops 4 Hawk Hawk Hawk, Giant
3 Giant, Frost Hobgoblin Giant, Hill Elf 5 Hawk,Giant Hawk, Giant Hippogriff
4 Giant, Hill Hobgoblin Gnome Giant, Fire 6 Hippogriff Hawk,Giant KillerBee
5 Giant, Stone Ogre Gnoll Giant,Hill 7 Mantic ore Manticore Pegasus
6 Giant, Storm Ogre Goblin Gnoll 8 Manticore Manticore Pixie
7 Gnome Ogre Halfling Goblin 9 Pegasus Manticore RobberFly
8 Goblin Ore Hobgoblin Lizard Man 10 Roc,Small Roc,Small Roe, Small
9 Kobold Ore Ogre Ogre 11 Roe, Large Roe, Large Sprite
10 Ore Pixie Ore Ore 12 Roe, Giant Roe, Giant Stirge
11 Troglodyte Sprite Pixie Troglodyte
12 Troll Thoul Sprite Troll

No. Subtable: Dragon No. Subtable: Insect

Subtable: Animal (at sea, roll d 10)
1 Chimera 1 Beetle, Fire
2 Dragon, Black 2 Beetle, Oil
Clear, Barren, 3 Dragon, Blue 3 Beetle, Tiger
No. Grassland Woods River Mountains 4 Dragon, Gold 4 Driver Ant
1 Antelope Antelope Antelope Antelope 5 Dragon, Green 5 Driver Ant
2 Boar Boar Boar Ape, White 6 Dragon, Red 6 KillerBee
3 Cat, Lion Cat, Panther Cat, Panther Ape, White 7 Dragon, White 7 Rhagode~sa
4 Elephant Cat, Tiger Cat, Tiger Bear, Cave 8 Hydra/Sea Hydra 8 RobberFly
5 Ferret, Giant
Hawk Crab, Giant Cat, Mtn. Lion 9 Hydra/Sea Hydra 9 Scorpion, Giant
6 Hawk, Giant Lizard, Gecko Crocodile Hawk 10 Wyvern 10 Spider, Black Widow
7 Horse, Lizard, Crocodile, Mute 11 Basilisk 11 Spider, Crab
Riding Tuatara Large 12 Salamander (either) 12 Spider, Tarantella
8 Mute Snake, Piranha, Giant Rock Baboon
9 Rock Baboon Spider, Crab Leech, Giant Snake,
PitViper No. Subtable: Undead No. Subtable: Un usual
10 Snake, Unicorn Rat, Giant Snake, Rattler
PitViper 1 Ghoul 1 Basilisk
11 Snake, Rattler Wolf Shrew, Giant Wolf 2 Ghoul 2 BlinkDog
12 Weasel, Giant Wolf, Dire Toad, Giant Wolf, Dire 3 Ghoul 3 Centaur
4 Mummy 4 Displacer Beast
5 Skeleton 5 Gorgon
6 Skeleton 6 Lycanthrope, Werebear
7 Spectre 7 Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Optional 8 Wight 8 Lycanthrope, Wererat
No. Desert Inhabited Jungle Prehistoric 9 Wraith 9 Lycanthrope, Weretiger
10 Vampire 10 Lycanthrope, Werewolf
1 Antelope Antelope Antelope Bear, Cave
11 Zombie 11 Medusa
2 Antelope Antelope Boar Cat,
12 Zombie 12 Treant
3 Carnet Boar Cat, Panther Crocodile,
4 Carnet Cat, Tiger Lizard, Draco Mastodon
5 Cat, Lion Ferret, Giant Lizard, Gecko Pterodactyl, Subtable: Swlmmer
6 Cat, Lion Hawk Lizard, Horned Rhino, Woolly No. Rlver/Lake Ocean Swam~
Chameleon 1 Crab, Giant Dragon Turtle Crab, Giant
7 Hawk Rat, Giant Rat, Giant Snake, 2 Crocodile Hydra, Sea Crocodile
PitViper 3 Crocodile Merman Crocodile, Large
8 Lizard, Gecko Shrew, Giant Shrew, Giant Stegosaurus 4 Crocodile, Large Octopus, Giant Crocodile, Giant
9 Lizard, Snake, Snake, Titanothere 5 Fish, Catfish Sea Dragon Fish, Catfish
Tuatara PitViper PitViper 6 Fish, Piranha Sea Serpent Insect Swarm
10 Snake, Spider, Snake, Triceratops 7 Fish, Sturgeon Shark Insect Swarm
PitViper Tarantella Rock Python 8 Leech, Giant Shark Leech, Giant
11 Snake, Rattler Weasel, Giant Snake, Spit- Tyrannosaurus 9 Lizard Man Snake, Sea Leech, Giant
ting Cobra Rex 10 Merman Squid, Giant Lizard Man
12 Spider, Wolf Spider, Crab Wolf,Dire 11 Nixie Termite, Water Lizard Man
Tarantella 12 Termite, Water Whale Termite, Water

Region Name:

0101 0301 0501 0701

0201 0401 0601 0801 Plains

0102 0302 0502 0702

0202 0402 0602 0802

0103 0303 0503 0703


0203 0403 0603 0803

0104 0304 0504 0704

0204 0404 0604 0804


0105 0305 0505 0705

0205 0405 0605 0805 Water

0106 0306 0506 0706

0206 0406 0606 0806

0107 0307 0507 0707


0207 0407 0607 0807

0108 0308 0508 0708

0208 0408 0608 0808

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k p

l q

m r

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