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APRIL 21, 2023.

The Colorado Rural Educational Institution Commemorates Book Day and Language Day.

The international day of the language is constituted in a tribute to the memory of the Spanish

writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, who contributed to the development and growth of the

Spanish language with his masterpiece `` The ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha ’’


1. Singing of the Colombian national anthem.

2. Award to students for their good academic performance during the first period.


1st place: Briana Simanca Mejía,2 Elías Jose Moreno, 3, Jerónimo Osorio

3. 6thA 1st place: Stheysi Rincón Jacome, 2 Sofia Santos Garavito, 3 Luciano Palacio Londoño.

6°B 1° Luz Dianelis, 2 Yojan Dario, 3 Luz Angela.

7°A 1 Sandrith Marrugo, 2 Luz Estefany, 3 Saray Sofia.

8°A 1 Mariana Salgado, 2 Dani Luz, 3 Breiner Maure.

9° A 1 Ariana Ángel, 2 Victoria Guzmán, 3 Fredy Jose Espinosa

10°A 1 Daniela Cabrales, 2 Camila Paola Sanches, 3 Meilys Mendoza

11th A 1 Veronica Mendoza, 2 Nicole Arenilla, 3 Valentina Cardoza

4. Review about language day (Video)

5. Review of the works read in each grade.

6th A, B: Juan Salvador Gaviota: Stheysi Rincón

7th: A: The Metamorphosis: Saray Sofia

8°A: A Desperate Scream: Dayana

9°A: Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Victory

10A°: Don Quixote: Vanessa

6.Exhibition of billboards.

- Sixth A: Billboard alluding to the language.

- Sixth B: Billboard alluding to language day

- Seventh: Billboard alluding to the book

- Eighth: billboard alluding to the book

- Ninth: Billboard alluding to the language.

Tenth: Exhibition of the book Don Quixote de la Mancha 10th grade: On April 23 this group will

present a large book in which they synthesize the book read in class through drawings.

- Eleventh: Billboard, Summary of the life of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra



6th A: Drama

7th A: Bale

10th A: Poetry

11° A. Acrostic

6th B: Drama

8th A: Dance

9th A: Drama


. Poem contests, each participant must write one (1) poem on the topic assigned by the juries.

Participants: Matías, Luz Angela, Samuel, Édison Baranoa,

evaluation criteria:

1. That it be unprecedented.

2. That it addresses the proposed theme.

3. Let it be poetry.

4. That does not have foul language.

5. That it be prepared in the space and time stipulated in the contest.

Surprise prizes.

9. Spelling contest.

1. category.

6°A, Maria Angel

6°B, Luz Angela Romero, Mateo

7°A, Saray, Sandrith.

8°A, Dayana


9°A, Victoria, Ariana.

10°A, Meilis, Daniela, Camila, Vanesa, Samuel Vlla.

11°A, Nicole, Edison Baranoa

10. Allusive letter soup contests to language day.

Participants: Valeria, Ester, Genesis, Juliana, Vilma, Valeria, Matías, Dulce María, Dairene, Adriana,

Ariana, Luis Ángel, Fredy, Victoria.

11th Reading Contest.


Stheysi Rincón, Juliana, María Ángel, Génesis.

12. Unpublished narrations:


11th Xavier

8th Naidith

13. Antioquia anthem.

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