Pendulums Magazine

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Greetings Friends,

How was 2007? Have any hair left? Gained a few pounds? Exhausted? Enraged?
All of the above? You’re not alone my dear. It was a rough year for every single person I
know. Now, we are in 2008. What does it mean? Well, it depends on what we decide to
bring with us, in large part. Are you bringing January 2007 into January 2008? How
about March 15th, or maybe June 29th? Maybe the summer of 2007 wants to sleep with
you in 2008, or the crisis of October, or the thin holiday season? Can you feel it? Dense
enough for ya? ☺

This month, let’s join together to spend some time thinking about the thoughts, words and
actions we would like to heal, take back and resolve, forgive and release. Sure, we can
move on to 2008, letting go of 2007, but unless there is a conscious acknowledgement of
these things, these energies/creations are free to grow and thrive in our cells until our
biology of 2008 looks a lot like 2007 and 2006 and 2004. Not optimal.

There’s no hurry. Buy yourself a pretty journal. Spend some time this month and go back
over 2007. Think again. Keep it simple- and even short. Notes are fine. But, look at it
with fearless eyes. Then, we shall choose again, if we can. No need to beat ourselves up.
Be the Observer. Let’s see it, understand it, forgive it, and release it. This action will
bring us a much more satisfying 2008. Close it, breathe, and go for a nice walk.
Love, Sheree

If you are channeling High Light Guidance, it is very important to keep your back
muscles strong while you are using the pendy. The energy (waves-rays of light)
coming down from the non-physical planes needs a clear and open pathway
without any restriction. You will experience some form of physical discomfort if
you slump or slouch for too long. Aching shoulders, neck and headaches are
some of the pains one may experience. Don't fret about this; just be aware of
your posture during your sessions. Over the long haul, you'll be glad you did.

Divine Guide or Master Energy makes a connection with you at a higher soul
level first. We then pull / attract the energy through specific sound and light
transmissions - BASED ON OUR INTENTIONS - down through a multi
dimensional environment to the signature we call our 4th dimensional current.
The energy transmission enters an area of the brain that generally lies dormant,
and then YOU find the words to match the transmissions. This is a built in coding
system and is within all living things. Keep in mind that this system is not just
Bipolar, but allows you to access all information in existence - at each point
along the wheel of life.

The energy, or Ray of Light will often enter at the back of the head/neck area- at
the base of your skull. There is no proof of this yet, but this is one area where
love (or not) activates what it needs to communicate with you. If you have aches
and pains in this area, while dowsing or afterwards, these muscles need to be
strengthened. Then, the energy will move down through you to open the heart
center, which opens you to receive a higher love. From here, the energy moves
down through your limbs, hands and feet. Your 3rd eye will also be activated to
allow for broader fields. Your throat chakra will be activated to assist you with
verbalizing your messaging. It feels (to me) as though there is an electric loop
created in the body that circles in through the crown, through the body, then back
out through the crown and may in fact loop through the beings you are
communicating with.

On learning pendulum dowsing ....


This is a series of practical articles on the principles and uses of pendulum dowsing
with a particular emphasis on the alternative health field. Dowsing is very simple to
learn and the 'tools of the trade', especially the pendulum, are both easy and cheap
to construct. Perhaps it is this very simplicity of methodology and this very DIY
nature of the tools themselves, which account for the 'off hand' dismissal of these
divining techniques by so many of the 'experts' in the various professions who should
know better. For make no mistake about it, pendulum dowsing is a very powerful
diagnostic aid. The pendulum itself does not heal, but it helps enormously in showing
us the way - bringing through the information we need to direct and monitor
progress in the healing processes.

Read the rest of this wonderful article at:
We live in a universe of energy. We human beings are, in reality, energy beings. We
all have an energy body, or aura, that surrounds and penetrates through our physical
bodies. It's as if energy or light radiates outward, from our center, and this energy
field is larger than our physical selves. It is through this energy body that we send
and receive energy vibrations. Have you ever had the phone ring and before picking
up the receiver you sense who is on the other line? Have you ever phoned someone
that you haven't spoken to in a while, and that person says, "That's so strange. I've
been thinking about getting in touch with you, and now you call." It is because when
we think about someone our aura naturally sends out a certain vibration, or
frequency, that can be felt by others, especially when others are "sensitive" to
energy. We all have these innate "sensitivities", and when we begin to refine them to
a much greater degree, we find that our feelings or hunches can be quite accurate.
It's often just a matter of tuning in, of eliminating the noise and distraction of
everyday life, that we begin to perceive these energy vibrations in much greater
detail. That is the reason why meditation can be extremely helpful in learning to
develop our natural psychic abilities.



Emerging World Views

• Historical Perspectives - Video

• Current World Views - Video
• Expanding World Views - Video
• Transformation Project - Video
From Amanda Williams

A personal view of 2007

Sheree has asked me to write the three most important things I learned in 2007, and the
benefits of learning those things. I had been thinking about this for over a week and had not
been able to think of three most important things. I am an 'old soul' so what I have learned
aside from the JCN Numerology, is a deepening of what I have already learned and know. At
least I am wise enough to know one never stops learning and remain open to what I may learn.

Then the "Ice Storm of 2007" swept thru Oklahoma City Sunday, December 9th, thrusted me
into a new space and way of thinking and perceiving. It wasn't really too cold during that
night, I went outside 3 or 4 times during the wee hours and could see the ice forming on the
trees. As the night progressed I heard cracking and crashing sounds and went to see what it
was, but couldn't tell a lot, and slept awhile.

Monday morning, I couldn't believe my eyes nor what had happened. Across the street, a tree
was standing in the middle of their house; next door was a 12" diameter, 5 foot tree limb, on
top of his van, the street was filled with tree limbs and impassable, and our yard was full of
rather long and large limbs from the hundred foot tall sweetgum tree. As more limbs were
cracking and falling, all I could do was laugh for a few minutes.

I was soon to learn to "never take any one or any thing for granted". This means nothing and no
one. There are no guarantees that any of the amenities I enjoy will be remaining. We think
they will and the odds are, they will. There is no need to be fearful, just aware that things
can change at any time. During the 3-day ordeal, I never felt fear, just very cold mostly; not
even Monday night, when a long, large, limb loaded with ice came flying down from the top of
the tree brushing my shoulder, as I stood outside on the porch for a moment.

I have always felt and expressed gratitude for everything and every one in my life, and
hopefully not taken anyone or any thing for granted. I am benefited in being mindful of this
all the days in all ways.

I realize now that I had "Surrendered and allowed myself to be in the flow" by Tuesday night,
the second day of no electric. Higher consciousness (guides, masters, angels, higher self, other
dimensional beings, alien beings) however one wishes to recognize various aspects of God that
are for the most part non-material beings, I shall call it "Spirit" revealed itself in more
abundance in many forms and ways, visually, in streaming thought forms, and just the feeling
of the presence. I could hear and listen to my heart even more in the 'quietness', and I felt
very thankful to not have to hear constant TV sounds or feel the emf emanations. This is just
one very bright side to what 'appears to be' otherwise; and I am not even going to begin to
touch upon the "human spirit and love" and God working here and throughout all in the
aftermath. It is ongoing.

The benefit of the surrender. allowing, and being in the flow" is that awareness is heightened
in the spaces where spirit reveals itself; doing is guided, and I know myself.
"Trust, trust, trust!!!" I learned this year to trust what I have learned, to trust in my knowing,
trust in the messages I receive with the pendulum, trust in what I perceive by direct cognition,
trust in what is occurring in any now moment, trust in my choices and decisions to let go of
one thing, to begin another, trust in divine right timing. I have learned to trust in the
messages I don't receive and trust I will know that message if and when I need to know it. I
trust that I don't have to understand everything because I have set my intention for the
highest good of myself and all beings.

I trust what is and does or does not manifest in my fields or knowing and being; and by staying
fully grounded in my body while connecting into dimensions of my beingness and source as I am
guided, I am more fully conscious, aware and able; and in this trusting, I am patient, ready
and open to receive what "Spirit" would have me know; trusting that, it is so. I trust what I
have learned in working with the JCN Numerology and what it has clearly shown, though it was
difficult to grasp at first, I am much benefited because I am aware of what is really going on
and what is the truth, self-evidenced in the numbers. There is a sense of well-beingness in

May we all have a wonderful enlightening, uplifting 2008!


I am 60 y/o, semi-retired legal/medical secretary/bookkeeper, single, living in Oklahoma City,

a Reiki Practitioner. I have a son and niece I call my daughter, and four grandchildren. I build
computers and help people with their software, a caregiver, housekeeper, and help others
manage their finances online who don't use a computer and choose this method. I am living my
heart's desire which is in huge shift and ongoing change in accordance with my ever-expanding
conscious and deepening awareness in every way; and learning all the time in indescribable
huge ways and in spontaneous beingness in the unlimited realms of all that is with the help of
metaphysics/quantum physics/Reiki/spiritual indulgence, meditation, yoga, Eastern studies,
and from online friends, friends, God, Jesus, guides, masters, higher self, spirit, and
presences, how to lift up in frequency and be in nondual state, know me and my path more,
love more, care more, and empower myself to who I am; as I am called in this mutiverse and
fields of Godness to heal, and help others empower themselves. In light, love, joy and
celebration of oneness.

Dancing with Transformation

The beginning of the New Year is one of those access portals where potential beckons
and the impulse to launch the new sinuously weaves itself into the very core of your
being. No matter what spot on this dot you call home, you will find yourself magnetically
pulled into a collective energy stream of possibility and movement as a new cycle ushers
in. There are a multitude of waves and frequencies in this stream of potential and you
have plenty of choices to partner with. Check in right now and notice . . . At what level
are you willing to engage the energy of what’s possible for YOU and for LIFE now?

You’ve read the articles, bookmarked the websites, read the books and printed out the
energy alerts. What if THIS year were the year you fully stepped into the eye of the
storm? What if your personal evolution created global and intergalactic ripples in the
stream of consciousness and creation? What if your personal adventures, questions, and
explorations are what make possible the now? What if THIS year you joined forces with
the energy of ‘All that Is’ in conscious collaboration?

What if you invoked your ability to move with life, instead of against it?

Engaging the Living Streams of Creation

We are creational beings by nature. You can choose to play with that energy or you can be
in resistance to it. Life is always on offer with a new opportunity for here and now! When
you eagerly step into the play of energy you become part of a collective force of power
and light for the evolution of it ALL.

Your willingness to experience this dance of energy, being the vessel for its unique
expression, is THE way the multiverse evolves and comes to know it’s ‘more’. You are
IT and IT is you! We are all a part of a collective connective web of energies that is in
movement, in conscious concert. In stepping up for the biggest, most expansive energetic
potential –for the ALL of it – you are amping up your ability to move the energy in a way
that evolves everyone, everything, all ways. Your individual choices evolve All of life!
You are the force for transformation on the planet.

Planetary Evolution: It Starts in Your Own Zip Code

Your mind is filled with lots of stuff. It’s not even your stuff. You have a legion of
programmed beliefs from other people, organizations and organized collectives. Whether
the thought system came from your parents, your church or your local PTA, most of what
you believe to be you and to be true is neither.

The Now is the moment you’ve been searching for. It’s the only space that sparkles with
the vibrant energy of transformation. The time is now to check in and rid yourself of the
flotsam and jetsam of old beliefs and ways of being. This is what evolution is all about.
Here are some tips for how to get into the stream of being:

1. Check in with the energy and Choose! What if you became the authority in your own
life? What if you were driven by your internally expanded essence vs. external influences and factors? I’ve
read enough books, attended enough workshops and seminars and trained with enough masters to get that
nothing shifts until WE do. Shifting is not a spectator sport. You need to roll up your sleeves, get your
hands dirty, be thigh high thick in it! This is how you figure out the ‘what am I here to do’ piece. You step
into what you know and then you step into the next piece and the next and so on.

2. Be impeccable with your environments – all of them. Where is your energy stuff –
people, places things and ideas. This step can be quite extensive and yet even a small
change will create quantum shifts. Check in with the 3 major aspects of your life - your
personal, your community and your connection to All That Is. Are these areas aligned
optimally for you to step into your biggest BIG right now? Whether you’re decluttering
your home, implementing a self care program or upgrading your friendships, line it up
and watch the transformations unfold.

3. Make it real! It’s all fine and dandy to check in on the latest channeling, chat on
discussion lists and read the latest consciousness expert. However, it doesn’t become real
by talking about. It’s not real if it’s not in physicality. You are the only one that can bring
your particular flavor of nirvana to the world by choosing to BE it. Identify a cause and
champion it. Start your own movement! One person can change the planet. People are
doing it every day, why not you?

Remember that stepping into the foray doesn’t mean you won’t get your feathers ruffled.
Stuff happens . . . all the time. However, if you partner with the energy of transformation
directly you will be different with the burnoff. You will sense the energy, you will know
when to move, what to say, what to do. When to say yes, no or not now.

Conscious evolution invokes the letting go of identities, external power, outdated belief
systems and a transition to a state of being where you presence from your inner authority.
Dynamic energy flow elicits the next response and organically moves you into the next
piece of your play. When this happens, the energy field’s shift and the forces of the
multiverse ripple the next evolution into physicality.

And so it is.


Adela Rubio is a certified Evolutionary Coach, Mentor and Trainer. She formerly
managed technology in corporate America and co-owned a World Gym. Adela also led
the Coachville Fully Alive community and served as Coachville Chapter Host and Study
Group Director.

Adela's passion is the body, its energetic potential and bringing it ALL here NOW! She
leads a community on expanding the body/being potential called Energy Expansion and is
co-founder of Evolutionary Adventures, an advanced coaching and leadership training on
the Art of Igniting Potential.

Adela M. Rubio
Certified Evolutionary Coach and Trainer
Fuel Your Being, Activate Your Life
Your body is a flexible reality. Connect to your
vibrant energetic essence and change your
physical reality now. Sign up for my newsletter
and receive a copy of Easy Recipes for Vibrant Energy.

Adela Rubio and Family

The Business of Dowsing
by Susan Collins

I am often asked how to find a dowser and how to go about hiring one. Finding the right
practitioner can be a hit and miss affair, and in the end, you’ll have to rely on your
intuition to find the right person. Here are a few questions to ask along the way to help
you find the right person:

Questions To Ask When Hiring a Dowser

 What are your areas of dowsing expertise? (For example: Do you work with:
wells and other water sources; geopathic stresses, non-beneficial energies;
entities; health issues; lost objects; sacred geometry; shamanism, teaching or other
 Do you have experience in the specific area I need help with?
 Are you affiliated with any dowsing or other professional organization?
 Will you work at my location, or remotely?
 What are your rates? Do you charge by the job or by the hour? Do you charge for
your travel time? Are materials included? Do you charge whether or not you get
the desired and expected results?
 Do you guarantee your work?
 How quickly can I expect results?
 What is your success ratio?
 Do you have references?

Standards for Dowsers

To my knowledge, there is no professional dowsing body in Canada that regulates

dowsing standards and practices. Perhaps such a group will develop over time. Dowsing
is a personal and subjective activity based partly on physical principles, and partly on
principles which science does not yet fully understand. In my experience, responsible
dowsers have developed their own high ethical standards of practice, which they
consistently try to meet and exceed. Some of these standards are outlined in the following
statements. See which resonate with you:

 I will obtain appropriate permissions before undertaking work.

 I will not initiate any action that may result in harm.
 I will work with and for the Best And Highest Good As Appropriate for All
 I will not make medical diagnoses or promises.
 I will have the appropriate skills, training and mental state for the work I
 Fees will be discussed and agreed upon, and an estimate provided before
commencing work.
 I will respect the confidentiality of my clients.
 I will refuse to undertake, if compensation for such work is involved, work which
may be of questionable value, without first advising as to the probability of

Susan Collins is Vice President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and can be reached
at 905 833 2440 or Her website is
© Copyright 2003, Susan Collins.

Are you a member of


The January Care and Kindness Recognition

goes to our lovely member: Molly

Mols is currently taking courses to become a Holistic Health Practitioner. She is an

Abundance of Light practitioner/Teacher and a Reiki Teacher. Mols performs Energy
Healing work, work with flower essences and crystals. I also love anything to do with
Shamanism and study the ways of the Shaman, I do Numerology reports and many
other things, I am just interested in everything and open to it all as well. I currently am
living back in the states as of this past year, had been living in Ludham, England for 5
years which is where I first became interested in everything and have stayed with it

Brand New Chart
This chart available for download in the Magazine folder.

All subscribers names will be placed in a hat and one will be drawn for
announcement in the February issue of Pendulums Magazine.
Will you be the winner?

A new creation ☺

No part of this magazine is to be distributed without prior written permission of
Sheree Rainbolt-Kren

If you would like to advertise in Pendulums Magazine, please email for ad rates.

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