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Assignment on

“The Professional Selling Process”

Course Name: Business Marketing
Course Code: MKT - 514
Submitted to: Dr. Serajul Hoque.
Department of Marketing,
University of Dhaka.
Submitted by: Md. Bayazid Mahmud
Roll: 37
Section: A
Department of Marketing,
University of Dhaka.
Md. Atiqur Rahman
Roll: 113
Section: A
Department of Marketing,
University of Dhaka.
Date: 19 March 2023
“The Professional Selling Process”
1. Introduction:
Professional selling, also known as selling as a profession, is the process of selling a product
or service in an efficient, ethical, and customer-centered manner. Building relationships with
customers, identifying their needs, and providing solutions that meet those needs are typical
aspects of this type of selling. Professional selling necessitates a thorough understanding of
both the product or service being sold and the customer’s industry, needs, and pain points.
Salespeople must also be skilled in communication, negotiation, and problem-solving, as well
as be able to establish trust and credibility with their customers. A consultative approach is
required for successful professional selling, in which the salesperson acts as a trusted advisor
and partner to the customer. This strategy necessitates active listening, probing questions, and
providing solutions tailored to the customer’s specific needs and preferences.
Professional sales is essentially the operation of a business within a business.
Professional selling is essential in a variety of industries, including retail, real
estate, finance, and healthcare. It takes a combination of knowledge, skill, and
relationship-building to be successful.
2. Discussions:
2.1 Steps of Professional Sales Process
The professional selling process is a structured approach that sales professionals use to build
relationships with customers, identify their needs, and provide solutions that meet those needs.
The process typically involves the following steps that are primarily shows in the graph and
then briefly describe all of them.

Figure: The Professional Selling Process steps.

2.1.1. Prospecting:
The first step in the sales process is prospecting. In this stage, the sales professional identifies
potential customers and determines whether they have a need or who may be interested in the
product or service being sold product or service—and whether they can afford what you offer.
This may involve researching industry databases, networking with existing customers, or
reaching out to leads generated through marketing efforts.

2.1.2. Preparation or Pre-approach:

Once potential customers have been identified, the sales professional prepares for initial
contact by researching the customer’s industry, needs and must determine whether they are a
good fit for the product or service. It involves gathering information about the customer’s
needs, budget, timeline, decision-making process, and other factors that may impact the sale.
This allows the sales professional to tailor their approach and messaging to the customer’s
specific situation.

2.1.3. Approach:
In this stage, the sales professional makes initial contact with the customer and establishes a
rapport. This may involve introducing themselves, describing their product or service, and
asking questions to better understand the customer’s needs. Sometimes this is a face-to-face
meeting, sometimes it’s over the phone. There are three common approach:-
i) Premium approach: Presenting your potential client with a gift at the beginning of your
ii) Question approach: Asking a question to get the prospect interested.
iii) Product approach: Giving the prospect a sample or a free trial to review and evaluate
your service.

2.1.4. Presentation:
Once the customer’s needs have been identified, the sales professional presents their product
or service as a solution to the customer’s specific needs. This may involve demonstrating the
features and benefits of the product, providing case studies or testimonials, or offering
customized solutions based on the customer’s specific situation.
2.1.5. Handling objections:
During the presentation, the customer may raise objections or concerns about the product or
service being offered. The sales professional must be prepared to address these objections in a
way that reassures the customer and provides a solution to their concerns. This may involve
active listening, empathizing with the customer’s concerns, and providing persuasive
responses. Successfully handling objections and alleviating concerns separates good
salespeople from bad and great from good.

2.1.6. Closing:
In this stage, the sales professional asks the customer to take action, such as making a purchase
or signing a contract. This may involve using persuasive techniques to encourage the customer
to take action, such as offering a limited-time discount or highlighting the urgency of the
situation. Depending on business, there might try one of these three closing techniques.
Alternative choice close: The alternative choice close is a sales technique that involves
presenting the customer with two options, both of which lead to a sale. This technique can be
effective in situations where the customer is hesitant or indecisive, as it gives them a sense of
control and helps them feel more comfortable with the decision-making process. For example,
“Will you be paying the whole fee up front or in installments?” or “Will that be cash or
Extra inducement close: Offering something extra to get the prospect to close, such as a free
month of service or a discount.
Standing room only close: Creating urgency by expressing that time is of the essence—for
example, “The price will be going up after this month” or “We only have six spots left”

2.1.7. Follow-up:
Once the sale has been made, the sales professionals’ job is not done. He has to follow up with
the customer to ensure their satisfaction and to address any further needs or concerns. This
may involve providing ongoing support or offering additional products or services to the
customer in the future. In the follow-up stage, Professional sales people keep contact with
customers, not only for potential repeat business but for referrals as well. Maintaining
relationships is important since it is six to seven times less expensive to keep current
consumers than to get new ones.
Overall, the professional selling process is a customer-focused approach that emphasizes
building relationships, understanding customer needs, and providing tailored solutions that
meet those needs. By following this process, sales professionals can build trust and credibility
with their customers, leading to increased sales and long-term customer loyalty.

3. Main points (Implications of ‘The Professional Selling Process’ in

business marketing):
The professional selling process is a marketing strategy employed to identify, approach, and
convert prospective customers into paying clients. It entails a series of steps that help
businesses build a solid customer base, establish credibility, and maintain a market advantage.
The professional selling process has the following implications for business marketing:
1. Enhances Customer Relationships: The professional selling process assists companies in
establishing and maintaining long-term customer relationships and this helps to gain an
understanding of customers' needs and preferences, businesses can create solutions that are
tailored to their specific requirements.
2. Increases Sales: The professional selling process enables businesses to identify prospective
clients, evaluate their needs, and provide customized solutions that meet those needs which
eventually helps to increase sales.
3. Builds credibility: By adhering to the professional selling procedure, businesses can
establish a solid reputation and market credibility. This is because the process involves
establishing a strong rapport with potential customers and gaining their trust. This
subsequently increases customer loyalty and referrals.
4. Improves Market Position: The professional selling process enables businesses to identify
market gaps and create products or services that meet the requirements of their target
customers. By doing so, businesses can improve their market position and gain a competitive
5. Facilitates growth: The professional selling process assists businesses in identifying new
market opportunities, expanding their customer base, and diversifying their product and
service offerings. Businesses can grow and expand their operations by doing so.

4. Conclusion:
In short, professional selling process is a combination of 7 broader steps ranging from
prospecting to follow up to ensure effective, efficient and customer focused selling procedure.
There are 3 different approaches namely premium, question and product approach under the
selling process. There are also 3 closing techniques as discussed before such as, alternative
choice close, extra inducement close and standing room only close. The last step which is the
follow up – this activity of this step is to ensure that the customer is satisfied or not, if not then
what can be done further.
Lastly, the implications of the professional selling process are discussed to highlight the points
so that it can be known that why the professional selling process is important in business

5. References:
1. Cuevas, J.M., 2018. The transformation of professional selling: Implications for leading the
modern sales organization. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, pp.198-208.
2. Rodriguez, M., Honeycutt, E.D. and Ragland, C., 2015. Preliminary investigation of
entertainment strategies involving alcohol: Implications for professional sales education and
training in business markets. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 22(4), pp.257-268.
3. Rapp, A. and Baker, T.L., 2017. Introduction to the special issue on the intersection of
professional selling and service. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 37(1),
4. Autry, C.W., Williams, M.R. and Moncrief, W.C., 2013. Improving professional selling
effectiveness through the alignment of buyer and seller exchange approaches. Journal of
Personal Selling & Sales Management, 33(2), pp.165-184.
5. Rodriguez, M. and Honeycutt Jr, E.D., 2011. Customer relationship management (CRM)'s
impact on B to B sales professionals' collaboration and sales performance. Journal of
Business-to-Business Marketing, 18(4), pp.335-356.
6. Davies, C. (2022) The ultimate guide to creating a sales process, HubSpot Blog. HubSpot.
Available at:
7. What is a sales process? why does your business need one? Salesforce Blog. Available at:
8. Cindy B. Rippe & D. Keith Campbell (2017). The Sales Process as a Framework for
Witnessing, Vol 20 No 1 (2017)

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