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Relationship of Perception of ICT Integration and Effective ICT Elements in

Teaching among Basic Education Teachers in Davao City

Introduction partnerships. The deployment of new technology

in educational contexts is heavily influenced by
Background of the Study teacher perspectives. Early research suggests
Information and Communication that mixed learning, particularly in teacher
Technologies (ICTs) are being introduced in training programs, can be as effective as either
schools to facilitate effective teaching and online or face-to-face instruction. Blended
learning. Despite the fact that English is the learning can lead to better training, more
official language of the country and the language accessibility and flexibility, and lower costs. The
of teaching in schools, for example. The impact amount of technology available in today's
of technology on education is a hot topic among classrooms and instructors' use of that
educational scholars. Because teachers and technology for instructional reasons appear to be
students now have access to a wider range of at odds. According to a recent research by the
technological advancements than ever before, National Center for Educational Statistics (Gray,
schools all over the world are adopting the Thomas, & Lewis, 2010), less than half of the
integration of technology into the instructional 3000 instructors asked said they utilized
process. Continuous progress is being made in technology frequently during instructional time;
incorporating technology into the classroom in it was used more frequently for administrative
order to aid learners' grasp of curriculum topics. chores like grading and attendance. Others have
(Croxwall & Cummings, 2000). discovered that teachers utilize technology for
non-instructional duties such connecting with
In the extant research, the most typical classmates and parents (Russell, Bebell,
hurdles to technology integration are clearly O'Dwyer, & O'Connor, 2003; Zhao, Pugh,
characterized and well established (see Ertmer, Sheldon, & Byers, 2002) or creating teaching
1999, 2005; Hew & Brush, 2007). Despite this, materials (Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon, & Byers, 2002).
instructors continue to say they don't have (Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Peck, 2001; Russell et
enough time, money, or training to use al., 2003). As a result, there has been some
classroom computers for educational objectives. justified criticism of the money spent on
As a result, academics are looking into technology in schools (Cuban et al., 2001;
contextual professional development as a Machin, McNally, & Silva, 2007; Oppenheimer,
technology integration option to stand-alone 2004).
workshop training. By offering tailored training
and support in the setting of the real classroom, One reason for this discrepancy is that
situated professional development has the when it comes to integrating technology into
potential to effect long-term changes in teachers' classroom learning, teachers encounter a variety
attitudes toward and practices with technology of challenges. There is a clear link between the
in the classroom (Bradshaw, 2002; Ertmer, extent to which instructors face these obstacles
2005; Kariuki, Franklin, & Duran, 2001; Sugar, and their decision to employ technology in the
2005). classroom (Inan & Lowther, 2010; Mueller,
Wood, Willoughby, Ross, & Specht, 2008;
Integrating Information and Norris et al., 2003). Inan and Lowther (2010)
Communication Technology (ICT) into teaching found that professional development, technical
and learning is a rising area that has gained and administrative assistance, and teacher
many educators' attention in recent years, beliefs all had a role in whether teachers felt
according to Arwa Ahmed Qasem and G. ready to utilize computers in the classroom and,
Viswanathappa (2016). Teachers must be as a result, whether they did.
involved in collaborative projects and the
creation of intervention change techniques, There is an apparent gap between the
which include the use of ICT in teaching amount of technology available in today’s
classrooms and teachers’ use of that technology Davao City, because over time, the theory has
for instructional purposes.  According to a recent expanded to include more precise criteria that
research by the National Center for Educational explain how a person can embrace a technology.
Statistics (Gray, Thomas, & Lewis, 2010), less
than half of the 3000 instructors polled said they Conceptual Framework
utilized technology frequently during
ICT Integration Effective ICT
instructional time, preferring to use it for
administrative activities like grading and Elements
attendance. Others have discovered that teachers
utilize technology for non-instructional duties
such connecting with classmates and parents
(Russell, Bebell, O'Dwyer, & O'Connor, 2003;
Zhao, Pugh, Sheldon, & Byers, 2002) or
creating teaching materials (Zhao, Pugh,
a. Gender
Sheldon, & Byers, 2002). The researcher choose
b. Age Group
this study because ICT is also recognized for
c. Length of Teaching
opening new doors, such as online learning, e-
learning, virtual universities, e-coaching, e-
education, e-journal, and so on. ICT is also Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study
recognized for bringing additional materials to
the classroom for teachers and students. It has Figure 1. shows how do teachers
allowed the learner to obtain knowledge using perceive the common barriers to technology
all of his or her senses. It has added variation to integration after engaging in a program of
the teaching-learning scenario by breaking up situated professional development. With the
the monotony. ICT can be employed in both moderating variables shown in this study in
primary and secondary schools, as well as in terms of Gender, Age Group and Teaching
higher education. Experience.
Theoretical Framework Research Questions
The theory used in this research is in This study aims to determine the
light of ICT integration, a study was conducted effectiveness of ICT integration and ICT
to improve the quality of teaching and learning elements in teaching among basic education
in schools, theories of Technology Acceptance teachers in Davao City. Specifically, this study
Model. It was developed by Davis (2003). And seeks to answer the following questions: What is
it was used to study many components that the demographic background of respondents in
represent the ICT acceptance process behavioral terms of:
intention, perceived utility, and perceived ease
RQ1. What is the demographic profile of the
of use are all factors that consumers consider.
respondents in terms of:
While perceived usefulness refers to how much
a person believes that using a certain technology a. Age Group
would improve their job performance, perceived b. Gender
ease of use refers to how important it is for a c. Length of Teaching Experience
technology to be user-friendly. This theory
indicates to assess a technology's effectiveness RQ2. What is the level of Perception of ICT
or success in assisting in the comprehension of a Integration among basic education teachers in
system's value and efficacy it’s also regarded as Davao City?
one of the most prominent theories in
RQ3. What is the level of Effective ICT
information systems research today. As applied
Elements among basic education teachers in
to my study, this theory holds that I would
Davao City?
expect my independent variable(s) which is ICT
Integration and Effective ICT Elements to RQ4. Is there a significant difference in the level
influence or explain the dependent variable(s) of Perception of ICT Integration according to:
Teaching among Basic Education Teachers in
a. Age gROUP be questioned through online survey form like
b. Gender Google docs. The researchers also gathered
c. Length of Teaching Experience respondents from the Davao City. These
individuals will be questioned through online
RQ5. Is there a significant difference in the level survey form. The researchers chose this location
of Effective ICT Elements according to: for implementation because it will provide them
a. Age Group with the information they require for persons
with related to their study. The research will take
b. Gender
place during the second semester of the 2021-
c. Length of Teaching Experience
2022 school year.
RQ6. Is there a significant relationship between Participants of the Study
the perception of ICT integration and effective
ICT elements in teaching among basic education The respondents of the study are
teachers in Davao City? Integrated Basic Education Teachers from
different schools that came from Davao City.
Null Hypothesis Each individual respondents were given an
HO1: There is no significant difference in the evaluation in terms of the similarities of the
level of Perception of ICT Integration according answers or reasons on the online
to: Survey/Questionnaires. All participants of the
study will be chosen using a purposive sampling
a. Age Group strategy regardless of their gender, age and years
of teaching experience, which ranges from 18
b. Gender
and above.
c. Length of Teaching Experience
Sampling Techniques
HO2: There is no significant difference in the
The researcher will choose 100 IBED
level of Effective ICT Elements according to:
teachers in Davao City for this study. It already
a. Age Group meets the correlational study's conventional
minimum sample size requirement. The
b. Gender correlational study must have a minimum
c. Length of Teaching Experience sample size of 30 participants.

HO3: There is no significant relationship Purposive quota sampling is most

between the level of Perception of ICT commonly used by researchers to survey a
Integration and the level of Effective ICT subgroup of persons who are highly relevant to
Elements. the study.

Research Design Purposive sampling, also known as

judgment sampling, comprises the researcher
This study uses non-experimental using their knowledge to select a sample that
correlative research design. This is a type of best serves the study's objectives. The basic
research method in which a researcher measures purpose of a purposive sample is to provide a
two variables, understands and assess the sample that may be assumed to be representative
statistical relationship between them with no of the population. This is frequently
influence from any extraneous variable (Bhat, accomplished by employing expert knowledge
2019). The researchers chose this design because of the population to select a nonrandom sample
this study involves two variables and also aims of elements that reflects a cross-section of the
to assess the relationship between the two community.
variables, as what was stated above.
Statistical Treatments
Research Locale
These are the statistical treatments used in the
The research will take place in the study
Davao City, Philippines. The respondents will
performance with findings indicating that the
well-equipped preparation of the teachers with
- The T-Test is a statistical study that compares its ICT tools and facilities result in a positive
the means of two populations. This will be used success.
to see whether there is a substantial difference
between the chosen populations.

-ANOVA is a statistical analysis of variance. A [1] Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences
Education, 27(1), Computer Literacy, Access,
method for assisting the research in determining and Use of Technology in the Family and
whether the null hypothesis should be rejected Consumer Sciences Classroom.
or the alternative hypothesis accepted.
[2] Teacher beliefs and technology integration
practices: A critical relationship. September
2012Computers & Education 59(2):423–435
- Pearson r is regarded as the most accurate tool DOI:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.02.001 Project:
for determining the relationship between Teacher beliefs and technology integration.
variables. This will be used to determine the [3] Teachers perceptions of the barriers to
degree to which the chosen population are technology integration and practices with
related. technology under situated professional
development. Theodore J. Kopcha. University of
Data Collection Procedure Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology
and Instructional Technology, Athens, GA 30602,
The researchers of the study used an USA
online survey questionnaire as an instrument and [4] Teachers’ Use of Educational Technology in U.S.
material for gathering data from the respondents. Public Schools: Lucinda Gray, Nina Thomas,
The online survey questionnaire was formed Laurie Lewis: Westat.
through Google Forms, a survey administration [5] Teacher Technology Change: How Knowledge,
software that is free, web-based, and is offered Confidence, Beliefs, and Culture Intersect JRTE |
by Google. Before conducting the survey, the Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 255–284 | ©2010 ISTE |
researchers selected respondents according to [6] Technology, Gaming, and Social Networking.
the predefined criteria for this study and then Neil Charness, Walter R. Boot, in Handbook of
asked the respondents for their permission to the Psychology of Aging (Eighth Edition)
answer the survey online. The criteria that was
set by the researchers for the respondents should
be within Davao City only and is a Basic
Education Teacher. Once all the data from the
respondents were gathered; it was then checked,
tallied, interpreted, and analyzed.
Research Instrument
This research was adopted from a
research study entitled Teaching and Learning
with Technology: Effectiveness of ICT
Integration in Schools that was conducted by
Simin Ghavikefr and Wan Athirah Wan Rosdy,
in University of Malaysia, Malaysia. The study
was conducted to analyze teachers’ perceptions
on the effectiveness of the integration of ICT to
the educational field, specifically in supporting
teachers’ teaching method and the learning
process within the classroom. The result of this
study showed the effectiveness of ICT
integration to the teachers’ and students’

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