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Good day, Honorable panel of judges, my accurate time keepers, the opposing
team and my enthralled audience. My fellow debaters and I, Miracle Ewan
Josiah are here to support the notion, which states that education is “still” a
key in Nigeria
Education still being a key in this country is certainly becoming a
controversial topic in Nigeria but firstly what is this Education that we speak
about. In a layman’s term, it is an enlightening Experience. It is the attainment
of knowledge, skills and ideas with the help of an instructor or instructions of
any sort.
Now Education, but education in Nigeria and why is it still a key. First
and foremost, imagine a lock door . How You cannot argue that you can be
successful or rather progress in a society without carrying a bit of knowledge in
your head and how is this obtained, isn’t it through Education.
In Nigeria, People may argue that they aren’t given the opportunity.
Alright, but you don’t have to sit in a classroom for about 6-8 hours, 5 days a
week to say that you have been educated; nope that is very wrong; we learn
throughout our lives. Skills can be obtained through observation, good habits
formulated through your daily activities. There are more fun ways of learning
rather than being bored out by the excessive formality of a classroom .
It is no surprise once again if citizens find it hard to believe that an
educated Nigerian is a successful Nigerian and this is as a result of corruption
in the educational system but ask yourself, all these officials that cause this rift
in the system, do they just wake up and do all of these without the knowledge;
nope; They were obviously educated and had the idea. So with all of this
happening don’t you think with knowledge obtained, someone can rise up and
counter these corrupt officials and change this current predicament. For this
you wont certainly only need courage and brawns but rather knowledge and
how is this obtained? Isn’t it through education?
Education is a key to so many things, people aim at being fulfilled in
life, yes? So how is Education an enabler of this? It is a vitality for this as it
creates innovations and it certainly does open your eyes to endless possibilities
as it sharpens your wit and intelligence.
Finally, to those of you who think that education is not a key in
Nigeria, don’t be deceived after all your education is a means to sharpen your
intelligence and open your eyes and minds to be more innovative and to see all
the endless possibilities available in this country.

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