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No 14, Ajenifuja Street, Haruna Bus Stop, College Road, Ogba, Lagos.
Third Term Summative Test 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Subject: English Language Grade Two

_______________________________ Name:

Section-A Comprehension Passage

Aunt Atinuke’’s Marriage.

Aunt Atinuke is getting married in three months. She is the sister of

Lola’s and Dipo’s mother. She is marrying Kunle Esan. Everyone is very
excited. Atinuke and Kunle are Christians. They are getting married in
the church. Atinuke is wearing a big white dress. Her mother is making
the dress next week. The dress will be long, with a lot of white flowers.

Lola is helping in the church on the wedding day. Atinuke wants Lola
to walk behind her and hold the back of her long dress. Lola’s mother is
making a dress for Lola on Saturday. Lola’s dress will be pink, not white.

After the wedding in church, they are having a big party. The children
are excited. They like parties.

Attempt all questions and answer correctly.

1. Who are getting married?

2. Where are they getting married?
3. What is Aunt Atinuke wearing on her wedding day?
4. Who is making the wedding dress, and when?
5. What is Lola doing on Aunt Atinuke’s wedding day?
6. What is Lola wearing at the wedding?
7. When are they having the big party?
8. Do children likke parties?
9. Do you like weddings? Why? / why not?
10. Have you been to a wedding party before?

Section - B Grammar

Masculine Feminine

1. Author

2. King

3. Heroine


Put in the right reflexive pronouns in the gaps below.

5. Has she got an apprentice to help her in the shop? No, she

6. The kitten is old enough to feed _________________.

7. We shall solve the problem ______________________.

8. The two women washed all the clothes by____________________.

Put in the right possessive pronoun.

9. The dog was wagging ____________ tail.

10. These are their cars. They’re ________________.

11. Those chairs are _______________.

Underline the adverb in these sentences.

12. The trapped lion roared painfully all the night.

13. Adeola bowed down to greet his father respectfully.

14. Do it now or never.

Group the following under countable and uncountable

nouns: water, yam, fuel, shirt, beauty, shoe, ink, books

Countable noun Uncountable noun





Put in the right determiner.

19. There is ________________ office in the building.

20. The woman gave birth to _________________ baby boy.

21. All ________________ clothes are dirty.

Fill in the gaps with the right conjunctions.

22. The team played well _________________ they lost the match.

23. I will not go _______________ pay me.

24. I saw Tomiwa _______________ Damilola on my way home.

Use it and it’s to fill in the gaps.

25. __________________ the finest bags in the shop.

26. I saw the hen with ______________ chicks.

Words Opposite

27. Heaven

28. Dry

29. Early

30. Expensive

Section - C Poetry

1a. 1. What is a stanza?


b. A two stanzas poem is called ______________________

c. ________________ and ____________________ are set of rhyming words from the

stanza poem “Who has seen the wind?”

2a2. Write the first four lines from the poem “There was a little map.”


b. (b) The poem has _______________ lines and ________________ stanza.

33. ___________________ is a lovely thing, given to _______________ the


___________________ for sky, green for ______________.

4a. 4. A person that writes a rhyme is called a___________________.

(b). Example of a poem that has rhyming word


5. While we are fast asleep in ________________.

The sun must go, I’ve heard it _________________.

The other continues for ____________________.

To make them warm and bright and _________________.

6. Write a poem with end rhyme.



7. What is a metaphor?


Give the meaning of the underlined metaphor.

8. Hameedat is a dove means.

(b). The man is a charcoal means

9a. What are rhyming word?



(b). _______________________ and ___________________ are set of rhyming words

from the poem below.

Write four examples of rhyming words. ______________________________________


10. I saw a _______________ the other _________________

The stars were ________________ ever____________________.

(b). _______________________ and ___________________ are set of rhyming

words from the poem above.

Section - D - Literature

1. How did Brer Rabbit get away from the others?

2. Where did Brer Fox think he had gone?
3. From the story “The Golden Touch,” why was he very unhappy?


4. What wish did King Midas make?


5. From the story “A Clever Trick,” where did his workers stay?


6. What did they say to Tama?



7. From the story “A Kind Hearted Boy,” who was the kind hearted


8. Why did his father sell the farm?


9. Why was it a slow and tiresome journey?


10. How did the little animal enjoy himself?



Section - E - Verbal Reasoning

In each line below, the words are all in alphabetical order except one.
Underline the odd word:

Example: bag cane sun dog.

1. Duck van fish gate.
2. Xmas cap yoyo zip.
3. Radio goat sale tooth.
4. Paper quick rain fire.
5. Lorry bag mat wine.
Examples: Arts r __ t __ = rats.
6. Nets = n __s __
7. Veil = l __ v __
8. Angle = ang __ l
9. Lamps = pa ___ ___ s
10. Pale = p __ __ l

Remember the first letter and the two letters.

Parkway: pay, foreman: fan.

11. Brag ______ _______ ________
12. Socket: ____ _____ _____
13. Livid: ____ _____ ________
14. Pictorial: _____ _____ _____
15. Stain: ______ ____ _____
Make your own words by changing one or two letters of each
Sample: For P in PAT
16. For C in Cut, write N ______
17. For F in Fall, write SM ______
18. For T in TUG, write SL _______
19. For Y in WAY, write AT ________
20. For S in SING, write TH ________
Section – F Spelling


1. Halligator Halligatur Alligator Aligator

2. Filther Fultar Fulliter Filter

3. Intigrity Intergrity Intergrity Intelgrity

4. Pyrate Pirate Pirrate Piarate

5. Condemned Condemenn Commodem Comdemed
nd ed

6. Cauraige Courage Calrage Courange

7. Diesentry Dysentry Dysentery Dycentery

8. Chimey Chimney Chilmey Chinmney

9. Autumn Atunemn Haltum Autum

10. Envirunme Enviroomen Enfuronmen Environme

nt t t nt

11. Dyegeston Diegestion Digestion Dyessesion

12. Kumcumb Cucumber Coolcumber Cucuber


13. Sanitation Sirnitation Salnitasion Salitation

14. Plomer Plurmer Plunba Plumber

15. Sunbean Sonbean Sunbeam Surbeam

16. Quiver Quilver Quiaver Cuiver

17. Farmist Pharmacist Pharmarcist Farmercist

18. Pediatricia Penetrait Pennatrait Penetrate


19. Hoptician Optisian Optician Optisial

20. Maternity Matanity Matarnity matternity

Section – G Creative Writing

Write cCreatively write on any of these:
1. My classroom.
2. A bird.
3. First Aid Box.
No 14, Ajenifuja Street, Haruna Bus Stop, College Road, Ogba, Lagos.
Third Term Summative Test 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Subject: English Language Grade Three

_______________________________ Name:

Section-A Comprehension Passage.

A Courteous Girl

Nkechi was now old enough to go to school by herself. On this

particular day, the bus stop was crowded but Nkechi got a seat. Many
people stood inside the bus, hoping to get seats as people alighted. As the
bus moved on, Nkechi noticed three people who were standing: a heavily
pregnant woman, an old woman and another woman with a baby. Nkechi
knew she had given up her seat for one of these people. She was still a
very strong young girl. She had also been taught to show courtesy and be
nice to people. The question on her mind was, “who amongst these
people should she give up her seat for?”

At last, Nkechi decided the woman who was heavily pregnant should
have her seat. “Excuse me ma, you may please have my seat,” Nkechi
said. The woman was very happy and felt relieved. “Thank you, my
daughter,” she said as she lowered herself into the seat. Other people in
the bus saw what Nkechi did. They liked it and two other people also
offered their seats to the old woman and the woman with the baby.
Nkechi was happy when the bus driver asked her not to pay her fare.
When she alighted from the bus, all passengers clapped for her. She
became a little heroine. She walked to the school with her head high.

Answer all questions.

1. How did the bus stop look like on that day?

2. Mention the three people Nkechi noticed were standing.
3. Why do you think Nkechi thought about these three people and not
the others?
4. If you were Nkechi, who would you give your seat to?
5. Can you say another word for “Relieived” as used in the passage?
6. What did two other people do when Nkechi gave up her seat?
7. Think of one adjective to describe Nkechi’s action.
8. What is the meaning of the word:
9. What is the meaning of the expression: “with her head high”?
10. Think of another suitable tittle for this story.
Section – Grammar
Divide the following into subject and predicate.
1. My father bought a new.
2. All the children are present.
3. Justine is very brilliant.

Change these verbs into an adjectives.

Verbs adjective.
4. Accept ______________
5. Justify ______________
6. Obey _______________
Complete the idioms and its meaning.
7. To rain cats and dogs:
8. To play with fire:
9. To be all ears:
Fill in the gap with the following types of sentence.

Integrative, sentence, exclamatory, optative, assertive, sentence.

10. How nice the coat is!

11. Have you seen the book?
12. I would like some tea, please.
13. The girls are playing football.
Complete the comparative and superlative forms of the following.

Positive Comparative Superlative

14. Good

15. Beautiful

16. Tall

Convert the following nouns into a verb to change its meaning.

17. (arrive) we are waiting for the ______________ of the president in
the afternoon.
18. (food) cattle _____________ on grass.

Nouns Verbs

19. Pride

20. Ability

Change the following to an indirect speech.

21. Aishat said “I will go out to play”
22. “I will travel today” said Mrs Dada.
23. “My mother has gone to work” says Jessica.
Fill in the gap

Animal Male Female Young ones

24. Pig Sow

25. Bee Grub

26. Gander gooshing

Complete the table below:

Animal Sound Motion

27. Cat

28. Crow
What is a direct speech of this statement?
29. Dara said that he would go out to play
Say the meaning of this proverb.
30. A bad workman complains of his tools.
Section - C Poetry
“The Shepherd”
1. The above poem was written by __________________________
2. _____________________ and ________________, _________________ and
____________________ are rhyming words from the poem the shepherd.
3. The moon has a face like the ______________ in the squalling ______________
and the ______________ ___________________
4. A farmer once ____________, _________________ brown ______________ with a
pit a __________
5. _____________ and ________________, _____________ and _______________ are
rhyming words in the poem of the Growing Rhyme.
6. Goodbye I _____________, ______________, ____________________
(b) The poem Goodbye is written by ____________________
7. The poem “The Mouse” has _______ lines and __________ stanza, it was
written by _____________________
(b) _______________ and ________________ is the rhyming on the poem “The
8. The Lean Dog has _________________ lines and ______________ stanzas.
(b) ______________ and ____________ are rhyming words in the poem “The
Lean Dog”
9. The splashing ____________, ______________ sea, never still _______________ to
(b) The poem the sea was written by
10. Write the first stanza in the poem “The Moon”
(b) The poem “Mr Nobody” has _____________ lines and _____________
Section – D Literature
Saint Patrick of Ireland.
1. Where was saint Patrick born?
(b) Who came sailing quietly up the solway
2. To which part of the country did the family go later?
The Two Brothers.
3. What did the elder brother want to be?
(b) What did the younger brother want to be?
4. Why was great excitement in the land?
Gulls to The Rescue.
5. How did the men attack the insects?
6. What appeared in the sky?
7. What terrible things happened one day?
8. What did the people plant in the fields?
Saint David of Wales
9. Who saw the smoke?
10. What did his wife tell him to do?
Section – E Verbal Reasoning
Mixed sentences. Re write these sentences.
See boats the: see the boats.
1. Come to mummy home
2. The mango climbed the boy tree
3. Please song a sing me to
Complete the analogies: choose from the patch below
4. Kennel is to dog as stable is to _______________________
5. Sun is to day as moon is to ___________________________
6. Pilot is to airplane as captain is to _________________
7. Cat is to milk as dog is to ___________________________

Row, bone, neck, ship, ocean, horse, night.

Write out the one word which includes all the other words.
8. Lagos Ibadan Kano capital Jos:
9. Apple fruits banana orange mango
10. Table furniture chair bed cupboard
Letter series.
11. A B C D _______ ______
12. A BC D EF _______ ______
13. JK L MN O _______ _______
14. ABC EFG IJK MNO _______ _______
Use the first three letters and last letter.
15. Capture _____________
16. Palace _______________
17. Savage _______________
Rhyming words.
Choose from the patch below.

May, arrow, back, socket, crush, mail, purse, meet

18. Push: to run over: ______________

19. Narrow: a weapon used with a bow: _____________
20. Curse: where you put money: ______________

Section – F Spelling

1. Falopean Fallopian Fallopiean

2. Adolescent Adolecent Adolyscent

3. Dycentery Dysentery Dysentary

4. Territary Territree Territory

5. Muscle Musile Muscelil

6. Ingrident Ingredient Ingredent

7. Foberiance Forebearance Forbearance

8. Gadget Gaget Gardget

9. Discinfetion Disinfection Disinvecstion

10. Immuninezation Immuneization Immunization

11. Liberia Lyberia Lieberiaa

12. Elctronick Electronic HeElectrionic

13. Johnatan Jonathan Jonertan

14. Climate Clymate Climeat

15. Landfum Landforme Landform

16. Vejgetatione Vegetation Vegetasion

17. Digestive Dygestive Diejgestive

18. Diesele Dieselle Diesel

19. Resperatory Respiratory Respcreatiary

20. Excretory Ecscretory eExcrietionry

Section – G Creative Writing

Creatively write about any of the following:
1. A visit to the shopping.
2. My duties at home.
3. My father or my mother’s job.


No 14, Ajenifuja Street, Haruna Bus Stop, College Road, Ogba, Lagos.
Third Term Summative Test 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Subject: English Language Grade Four

__________________________________ Name:

Section-A Comprehension Passage.

Dolphins – Intelligent and Friendly Animals.

Dolphins are very intelligent and interesting aquatic animals. They

feed mostly on fish and squid but some of them also feed on large
mammals such as seals. Dolphins live in water. In order to prevent
drowning while sleeping, only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep.
The other half of the brain remains awake, that it can continue to breathe
and watch out for prey.

Dolphins have a very playful behavior. They are very agile. Some
species of dolphins are used for entertainment at water parks. They leap
out of the water and then dive back into the water. This is always a very
beautiful sight to behold. It is not uncommon to find dolphins swimming
alongside ships in order to conserve their energy.

Dolphins live in groups of five to several hundreds. A group of

dolphins is called a SCHOOL or a POD. A male dolphin is called a BULL. A
female dolphin is called a COW while their young ones are called

Answer these questions correctly.

1. What is an aquatic animal?

2. Dolphins are very __________________ and _____________________ animals.
3. Why does a half of the dolphin’s brain remain awake while it is
asleep? ______
4. What is a young dolphin called?
5. What is a female dolphin called?
6. Dolphins have a very ______________________________ behavior.
7. What animal is similar to dolphin?
8. Why do dolphins sometimes swim alongside ships?
9. Dolphins are used for __________________________ at water parks.
10. What do dolphins feed on?

Section-B Grammar
Divide each sentence into Subject and Predict
1. Clean the white board.
2. Mathematics is an easy subject.
3. Pupils from Juli-Owens School are good.
4. My father bought a new car.
Change into Passive Voice.
5. Is she selling books?
6. Can you speak French?
7. Did he break the bottles?
8. Is Miss Toyin writing note?

Change to Active Voice.

9. Rice was eaten by Jennifer.
10. Our grandmother will be taken to the hospital by us.
11. A mouse has been killed by the cat.
12. The National Anthem was sung by the pupils.
Provide Capital Letters or question marks where necessary.
13. noah said I can climb the tree
14. nigeria airways flies to london.
15. Is john coming to abuja today

Punctuate the following sentences.

16. he has gone to abuja
17. mr mensah bought a book a biro a pencil and a marker
18. nigeria ghana togo and liberia are all in africa
Supply the appropriate question tag.
19. I shall write a letter
20. They have gone to work
21. I am doing my homework

Choose between a main clause and a subordinate clause.

22. Who came here yesterday?
23. They were playing football
24. The girl went to the market

Complete the sentences with adjectival clause.

25. I know the woman.
26. He is the policeman.
27. We shall visit the director.

State the names or homes of people or animals.

People Home

28. Eskimo

29. Jungle
30. Priest

Section – C Poetry

1. A fable is?

(b) ________________________ and __________________________ are examples of list


2. Write out the third stanza of the poem “Eating Tomorrow’s Yam”

(b) The poem “Eating Tomorrow’s Yam” was written by

3. “Alas, said the _____________________________________”
The whole _______________ is growing smaller _______________
At the _________________ it was so big that I was afraid.
(b) The above poem is written by _______________________________ and it has
only _________________ stanza.
4. The rhyming words in the poem “The Watchmaker’s Shop” are
_________________ and ____________________
_________________ and ____________________
(b) The poem has __________ lines and __________________ stanzas.
5. I have a little _________________ that goes in and out with m.
And what ______________ be use of him is more than I can see.
(b) In the above poem.
Play rhymes with ____________________
_______________ rhymes with all.
The poem “My Shadow” was written by _____________________
6. Write stanza one of the poems “The Flute Man”
7. State four sets of rhyming words in the poem “My Shadow”
____________ and ________________, ________________ and ________________
____________ and ________________, ________________ and ________________
8. What is Onomatopoeia
The rhyming words in the poem “Time” are ______________ and
________________ and ____________________
9. _______________________ is the author of the poem “The Flute”
(b) Three sets of rhyming words in the poem “The Flute Man” are
_________________ and _________________, _______________ and _______________
10. Write out the first stanza of the poem “The Watchmaker’s Shop”
Section – D literature
Answer the questions from the passage: “The Honest Girl”
1. What punishment was given to Ebere and Uju for beating Amara?
2. How many brothers has Amara? Name them.
3. Mention one good thing that happened to Amara because of her
honesty? ____
4. Mr _______________ married Amara.
She became a ________________ after her Masters Degree. God blessed
her Chibuzor and Amara with _____________ children. __________ boys and
___________ girls.
5. Give the name of the King, and its meaning
6. Name the boy hero of the tale
7. Why could not the king have a successor?
8. What did the second prince choose, and what name was he given?
9. Give the old man’s name and its meaning?
10. What did the king see in the mirror?
Section – E Verbal Reasoning
Example: hair – ha e, sea – see,
Write the homophones of these words.
1. Male _______________
2. Bought ____________
3. Which _____________
4. Pear _______________
5. Flower ____________
6. If YPORTZ means ASHORE then ORYTPZ means ____________________
7. If a certain code KLQHJI n means DANCER, then HLQKJI means
8. If a certain code SQRTVO means STAPLE. What would the word
PETALS be in the same code? _____________________
9. If 654132 means PISTOL. 463521 means ____________________
10. Underline the odd word out. Lion, Tiger, Cat, Fox, Zebra.

Read the following sentences carefully and decide which one should come
first, second and third.

Example: (1) The boy began to crawl at five months old.

(2) He is very brilliant and reads well in class.

(3) Mrs Jane gave birth to a baby boy. Answer 3,1,2.

11. (1) Kola’s bicycle has a flat tyre.

(2) Kola’s father bought him a bicycle.

(3) He always rides it to school. Answer ___________________

12. (1) I will be in primary six next term.

(2) We will soon go on holiday.

(3) We have been in school for twelve weeks. Answer __________________

13. (1) They are twins.

(2) The two girls look alike.

(3) Bimpe and Moji are from the same parents. Answer

14. (1) Our football team won a lone goal.

(2) The boys football team played with our team yesterday.

(3) We almost lost the match. Answer _________________________

15. (1) The old woman fell into the gutter.

(2) She bruised her right foot badly.

(3) The bus driver moved suddenly. Answer ______________________

Underline the group name:

Example: Orange tangerine fruits mango.

16. Temperature hot cold warm.

17. Brooches bracelets necklace jewelry.

18. Pistols guns weapons swords.

19. Large huge big size.

20. King president emperor ruler.

Section – F Spelling


1. Diemeter Diameter Daiemeter Dayameter

2. Foryner Foregner Foreigner Foreight

3. Valant Valleyant Valieant Valiante

4. Comeradde Corade Comrade Comrade

5. Comeposer Composer Comporzer Coposer

6. Lubrication Lubericartion Liberication Lubriecation

7. Farmarcy Pharmarcy Pharmacy Phfarmy

8. Envidence Evedence Evidance Evidence

9. Inmigration Immigration Imigratetion Imigration

10. Infrastructin Infastroture Infrastructure Infastuture

11. Thinning Thining Thinig Thinig

12. Sxechainge Exchainge Exchange Exchenge

13. Glimer Glima Glimma Glimmer

14. Maleriya Malaria Melayria Malarie

15. Skinmed Skimed Skimmed Skymed

16. Summer Somar Summar Sunmer

17. Banedage Bendage Baedage Bandage

18. Cabage Cabbage Cabage Carbage

19. Willow Wilow Welloew Wheelow

20. Surferring Sorffering Suffering suffaring

Section – G Creative Writing

Write creatively on any of the topics below.

1. Mother’s Day.
2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him or her to your forthcoming
birthdadsy party.
3. Should school uniform be abolished? Support or oppose.
No 14, Ajenifuja Street, Haruna Bus Stop, College Road, Ogba, Lagos.
Third Term Summative Test 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Subject: English Language Grade Six

__________________________________ Name:

Section-A Comprehension Passage.

The Birds in The Field

A mother bird had built her nest in a field of guinea corn. As the
corn grew tall, she sat on her eggs. When the eggs hatched, she flew
around busily to find food for her chicks.

“Mother, can we always live like this?” the little birds asked her at
night. “The food is good, the sun is warm, and the guinea corn smells nice
when the wind blows through it.”

“No, not forever,” replied the mother bird. “The time will come when
the farmer will harvest the field. We’ll have to leave before then, or the
nest will be caught by the blade of his machete.”

One evening, the young birds were excited when their mother came
home. “The farmer! The farmer!” they all cried at once. “He’s coming to
cut down all the corn!”
The largest of the chicks explained, “The farmer and his son were in
the field. The farmer said the corn was ready. He told his son to call
their friends and neighbors. He said they had promised to help him with
the harvest.” The chicks looked at their mother anxiously, but she only

“There’s no need to worry,” she said, “nothing will happen yet. If he

depends on friends and neighbors, nothing will happen. Tomorrow, we
will still be safe.”

Answer all the questions below.

1. Where was the nest?

2. What did the mother do before the eggs hatched?
3. Were the young birds happy where they lived? How do you know?
4. Will the family be able to live there forever?

5. Who did the young bird heasssr talking in the field?


6. Who did the farmer want to call to harvest the corn?


7. Why were the chicks worried?


8. Why wasn’t the mother worried?


9. Where else do birds make nests?

10. Have you seen a nest before, If yes, where?

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