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Name: Angelline A.


Course: BSIT 3

Matuguinao – Rise and Fall of Communist Terrorism


In the Philippine province of Samar, Matuguinao, also known as the Municipality of Matuguinao, is a
fifth-class municipality as of now 2023. Way back to 80's and 90's Matuguinao was full of terrorist.
Honourable Aran Boller, Mayor of Matuguinao experience the wrath of this terrorism in his child
hood life.

Mayor Boller said that Matuguinao way back is a poor, full of NPA, lack of school and there’s no
road, only the river is the way of their transportation using the “bangka” or boat. Their job there to
live is “kopras”. When Mayor Boller turn to 17 years old, he run as a SK to their place. And he won,
he experience/saw the wrath of NPA or terrorist force the people of Matuguinao to give what they
want also they threatens them. In this time NPA rule the Matuguinao. When it comes to election,
NPA is the on who guard the rooms and tolerate the people who will they going to vote. Their is no
freedom in this time of election. NPA kill 2 Mayor’s in Matuguinao through ambush, because they
don’t like the rule of these two Mayor who is against them. So Mayor Boller said to his mind that “If I
will not fight, then there’s no change will happen”. When Mayor Boller run as a Mayor of
Matuguinao and he won, NPA try to kill him. But Mayor Matuguinao make an alliance together with
AFP and PNP to abduct and make to surrender the terrorist. AFP help Mayor Boller in his mission and
they succeed not that 100% but there are 400 more than NPA and CPP surrender their life. And now
the people of Matuguinao are free. Mayor Boller really make a big change to Matuguinao also to the
people who surrender and make a big change to their life.

Keeping a look out for suspicious circumstances, such as an unsecured bag or someone who shows a
blatant interest in the building's security, we can assist lower the likelihood of a terrorist attack.

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