Note 5 Feb 2022

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1. Lower primary first molar

a) Has an oblique ridge …F /// CAN’T REMEMBER if it was oblique ridge or transverse ridge!!

b) Has cusp of carabilli … ❌

c) has a prominent mesiobuccal bulge cervically… ✔

d) Has 4 cusps … ✔


2. Class III incisor relationship

a) Proclined teeth ✔❓

b) The lower incisors are posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors … ❌

c) Incompetent lips


e) Lips are incompetent (repeated option !!!)

3. Calcification of upper lateral incisor commence at age of 3 months

4. Adam’s clasp … 0.7 stainless steel crown

5. At week 6 intrauterine:

a) Nasal pets are formed✔

b) Secondary palate is closed ✔

c) Epithelial fold????

6. Alginate impression

a) Increasing the water temperature will decrease the setting time ✔

b) Can be left for 6 days before pouring❌

c) We can add ----chlorohexidine as an internal disinfectant ✔❓❓

d) Sodium lauryl sulfate increase the witting of alginate … ✔

7. MCQ … 16% carbamide peroxide break out to give ____ % of hydrogen peroxide

I guess the answer was 4 – 5 %

8. Salivary stones

a) Can be asymptomatic ✔

b) High incidence with hyperparathyroidism ✔

c) Diagnosed with ultrasonic (can be diagnosed by ultrasonic but it is not frequently used so I answered


d) Can be treated by lithotripsy ✔

9. MCQ …Not a common sign of hyperthyroidism … weigh gain

10. Derived from the first pharyngeal arch

a) Lingula of mandible … T

b) Incus …. T

c) Stapes … F

d) Spine of sphenoid … T


11. Trigeminal nerve … its motor neurons supply the muscles of mastication NOT the muscles of facial



12. Upper motor neuron lesion is associated with:

a) Diplopia ❌

b) Loss of cheek sensation ❌

c) Inability to close the upper eyelid ❌



13. Buccinator muscle

a) Supplied by buccal branch of facial nerve ✔

b) Continuous anteriorly with the orbicularis oris✔

c) Continuous posteriorly with the superior pharyngeal constrictor through the Pterygomandibular

raphe ✔

d) Elevates the mandible ❌


14. burning mouth syndrome

a) acute pain ✔

b) usually treatments used are ineffective ✔

c) affect females > 50 years ✔

d) Usually the patient has no pathology and no clinical and laboratory problem (I guess ✔


15. Dental anxiety:

a) Sweating ✔

b) Pupil constriction ❌

c) Vasoconstriction to muscles ❌❓



16. Facial artery:

a) Supplies the submental region ✔

b) Supplies the temporal region ❌❓

c) Has anastomosis with internal carotid artery branches ❌

d) Surrounded by sympathetic plexus ❓❓❓

e) Supplies soft palate ✔

17. Muscles of the eye …. SO4, LR6

18. MCQ Sensory innervation of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue … glossopharyngeal

19. Patient with xerostomia has

a) Caries✔

b) Candidal infections✔

c) Supra gingival calculus✔❓

d) Subgingival calculus ✔❓

e) Angular cheilitis✔


20. MCQ Q Salivary glands

a) Saliva is not affected by the circadian rhythm

b) Always has the same composition

c) Has sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation✔



21. Asthmatic attach

a) Treated by salbutamol inhaler ✔

b) Is common in children than adult❓❓

22. Benign tumors can cause morbidity by:

a) Metastasis ❌

b) Cause hemorrhage✔

c) Compression on vital structure ✔

d) Obstruction✔

23. MCQ … Avg of Biological width = 2.04

24. Glass ionomer cement

a) Sets by acid base reaction ✔

b) Fluoride release ✔

c) It has silica and phosphorus sodium salt ✔

d) Metal reinforced GIC has more flexural strength ✔

25. Resin modified GIC

a) More compressive strength than the conventional✔

b) Can be used as fissure sealant✔

c) Wavelength 950 ❌

26. Fissure sealants

a) On permanent molars ✔

b) Premolars ✔

c) Deciduous teeth in high caries risk pt. ✔

d) Not before 36 months of eruption ❌

27. Definition of clasp effectiveness ❓❓

28. over sedation with nitrous oxide

a) precipitate epileptic

b) precipitate panic attack


29. percentage of oroantral fistula after extraction of upper 3rd molar

30. Compomers 2-3 questions

31. Mcq … In composite restoration we use for etching? phosphoric acid 37%

32. Bonding agent:

a) micromechanical with dentine✔


b) chemical bond with composite✔

c) tooth should be dry before the application of the bonding agent✔

d) the 4th generation adhesives have a separate etchant, primer, and bonding agent ✔

e) hybrid layer should be removed before the application of the bonding agent!!! ❓❓❓

33. Post MCQ Q … should be equal to the length of the crown

34. Posts:

a) Active posts are more retentive than passive ✔

b) Passive posts are more retentive than passive ❌

c) Tapered serrated post it the most retentive type of passive posts❓❓



35. Internal resorption: MCQ Q

a) If it is in the apical part of the root it causes pink spot

b) If it is in the cervical/coronal part, it causes pinkish spot

c) If it is in the apical part, it may be clinically symptomatic

d) It is always asymptomatic


BOTH B/D are correct

36. Posts

a) Reinforce the endodontically treated tooth ❌❌❌❌


37. Cephalosporin

a) May be used with patient suffer from penicillin allergy ❌

b) Cell wall synthesis inhibition ✔

c) Widely used in dentistry ❌

d) Wide antimicrobial spectrum ✔


38. Stability definition (horizontal / rotational movement)

39. Denture retention Cohesion between salivary molecules // adhesion between saliva and mucosa and

saliva and denture

40. Denture instability

a) occlusal errors ✔

b) peripheral seal ✔

c) polished surface ✔

41. increase of freeway space cause

a. palatal ulceration ❓❓

b. angular cheilitis ✔

c. stammering❓❓


42. MCQ Q flowable composite

a) has less filler particles

43. MCQ Q leeway space: in the upper it is 1.5 mm / in the lower it is 3mm

44. respiratory failure >>> General anesthesia // Patient is usually hypothermic // sedatives treatment //

associated with headache ❓❓❓❓

45. Composite polymerization shrinkage is about 2-5% ✔

46. polymerization shrinkage of resin phase BIS-GMA is 20% ❓

47. ideal properties of luting cement.

48. MCQ wrong about recurrent aphthous ulcer

a) more in females than males

b) preceded by EBV

Both are false

49. To treat ANUG >> Metronidazole

50. Acyclovir

a) Inhibits DNA synthesis true✔

b) Inhibits viral reverse transcriptase ✔

c) Given 800mg 5 times ✔


51. MCQ Gingivectomy can be used to treat

a) NUG ✔

b) Desquamative gingivitis

c) Gingivostomatitis



52. Pairs:

a) Hairy leukoplakia … EBV true ✔

b) Herpes labialis … HHV ✔



a) Polymorphism ✔

b) Lightly stained nucleus ❌

c) Thickening of basement membrane ❌❓❓❓

d) Hyperchromatic cytoplasm ✔

e) Hyper mitotic activity ✔

54. trigeminal neuralgia treatment MCQ … CARBAMEZAPINE

55. wrong about anaphylactic shock … best treated by adrenaline injection intravenously

56. caries diagnosis:

a) the probe is “sticky “when it is in the fissures❌

b) radiographically can assess the active cavities❌


c) caries diagnosis ... dry tooth ✔

57. dry socket

a) increased when taking contraceptive pills ✔

b) incidence is >50% (I forget the number)

c) not common after extraction of 3rd molar ❌❓❓❓❓

58. squamous cell carcinoma in early stages is painful ❌❓❓❓❓

59. Biting forces

a) Is more in the incisors than molars ❌

b) Is more in bruxism patient ✔

c) Is more in the side that is used from chewing ✔

d) Is more in CD patients F❌


60. MCQ about Maxillary sinus SCC

a) Can resemble teeth infection pain at early stages

b) Painful

c) common

61. Macroglossia is associated with

a) Thyrotoxicosis T✔

b) Anencephaly T✔

c) Cot death /sudden death infant ✔❓❓

d) Hurler syndrome ✔

62. syncope

cause tachycardia when consciousness ✔❓❓❓ it starts as sympathetic

63. You did an all dental bridge for a patient, early complication

Premature contact ✔

Perio disease❌

64. Porcelain fused to metal contraindication


A) Keratocyst ✔

B) Lateral periodontal ✔

C) Globulomaxiallary ✔

D) paradental ❌

E) radicular ❌

66. appears as radiolucency

a) immature cementoma ✔

b) cementosis❌

c) ameloblastoma✔

67. vaccine against hepatitis c ❌


68. Recurrence after enucleation is common in

a) Radicular cysts ❌

b) Keratocyst ✔

c) Unicystic ameloblastoma ✔



69. hemoglobin

a) act as a buffer ✔

b) is a protein ✔

c) synthesized in erythrocyte ❌

d) Can carry co2 ✔


70. post extraction bleeding can occur in

a) precious anemia ✔

b) ulcerative colitis ❓❓❓

c) long-term vegetarian diet❌❓❓



71. to reduce amalgam corrosion

a) amalgam gallium

b) tin

c) low copper



72. Lidocaine

a) Lipid soluble ✔

b) Longer action than bupivacaine❌

c) Ester amine❌

d) metabolism pseudocholinesterase❌

73. syncope

a) Caused by up rightening after supine position ✔

b) can cause brain damage if the patient still in upright position ❓❓

c) hypotension ✔

d) tachycardia❌


74. benign tumors

a) Unicystic ameloblastoma ✔

b) giant cell granuloma (recurrent) ✔

c) polymorphous odontogenic cyst ✔


d) ----sarcoma ❌

75. cardiac output is

a) decreased in anaphylaxis ✔

b) decreased in ventricular tachycardia ✔

c) is independent of venous return ✔

d) 3L / minute ❌

76. Oral SCC can cause

a) Lingual fasciculations ❌❓

b) Pathological fracture ✔

c) Cause features resemble upper motor neuron palsy ❌❓

d) Can cause root resorption ✔


77. Clinical records

a) Rid of it as soon as the patient dies ❌

b) Must be handwritten ❌

c) Must be maintained at least for 30 years ✔



78. ATP:

a) Is not formed by erythrocytes ❌❓❓❓

b) Is necessary for muscle relaxation ✔

c) Released by autonomic nerves ✔

d) Is hydrolyzed by actin ✔



a) Upper lip length id 25mm in females ✔

b) Botox can be used to treat gummy smile ✔

c) While smiling 4mm should be visible ❌

d) Marginal gingival contour of lateral incisor in lower that central✔

e) Marginal gingival contour of canine in higher that central✔

80. Acute leukemia

a) More in children ✔

b) Can cause anemia ✔

c) Cause purpura ✔



81. Hyperventilation

a) Relieved by giving O2 to the patient ❌

b) Rebreathe from an air bag ✔


c) Can cause chest pain ✔

d) More common in children less than 10 years ❓❓


82. T/F

a) Water fluoridation 2.2ppm ❓❓❓

b) Ideal toothpaste has less than 1000ppm ❌

c) Daily rinse NaF has F concentration of 0.2% ✔

d) Fluoride varnish concentration ❓❓

83. Trigeminal nerve MCQ Q

The motor nerves supply the muscles of mastication

84. To establish negligence:

a) Legal duty of care … T

b) Breach of that duty of care … T

c) Foreseeable harm caused as a resultant of breach …T

d) Non foreseeable … f

85. MCQ Q about the same topic

86. It is okay to reach patient’s records for a competent patient by: (MCQ Q)

a) Parents

b) Patient dentist

87. Kennedy class I

a) Support is gained only by the buccal shelves ❌

b) rest is adjacent to the free end saddle ❌

88. To treat Posterior cross bite

a) Quad helix ✔

b) Hyrax appliance✔

c) Cross elastics ✔

d) Mini expanders ✔

e) W arch ✔

89. 3 molar extraction

a) Distoangular compaction is the most present type of impactions ❌

b) The incidence of ID nerve damage is (I guess it was 25%) ❓




90. Pain in Irreversible pulpitis (MCQ Q)

91. Veneers


a) Best cemented by polycarboxylate ❌

b) The finish line should be deep shoulder ❌

c) All the preparation must be within the enamel ✔

d) Eno el incisal overlap is better than el conventional❌❓


92. BPE (basic perio examination)

a) We use WHO probe for assessment ✔

b) 3.5 – 5.5 bands ✔

c) Code 3 when the band is not visible ✔

d) When a sextant’s grade is 2 ... periapical Radiographs are needed for that sextant ❌

e) For a sextant to qualify for recording, it must contain at least 1 tooth ❌

93. Bleaching results is best seen

A) change the patient interpretation of colors ✔❓

B) best seen after the patient get a cup of coffee ❌❓

C) affected by the light source ✔

D) affected by the amount of staining before bleaching


94. When a primary tooth got trauma, active treatment is needed

A) if avulsed, parents should’ve put the tooth in a cup of milk. ❌

B) if avulsed, parents should’ve put the tooth in the saliva ❌

C) if intruded, and the crown goes labially ✔

D) if extruded and causing occlusal interferences ✔


95. MCQ …Shortened dental arch

10 pairs of teeth / upper, lower

96. Drugs cause gingival hyperplasia





Valproic acid ✔

19/552 ‫إجمالي النقاط‬ TRUE/FALSE MCQs

choose all correct statements -if any-

* ‫عنوان بريد إلكتروني‬

‫ نقطة‬500 ‫ من إجمالي‬10

0/5 * :Periodontal disease in childhood

Down syndrome

Ehler-Danlos syndrome

Sickle cell disease

Cyclic neutropenia

Papillon LeFevre

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Down syndrome

Ehler-Danlos syndrome

Cyclic neutropenia

Papillon LeFevre
0/5 * :Adrenaline

Increases metabolic rate

from sympathetic system

Increases carbon monoxide

Decreases blood supply to skeletal muscles

Causes bronchodilation

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Increases metabolic rate

from sympathetic system

Causes bronchodilation
0/5 * :Instability of a complete upper denture can be due to

uneven compressibility of the supporting tissues

poorly contoured polished surface

establishment of a peripheral seal

occlusal error

psychological problems

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

uneven compressibility of the supporting tissues

poorly contoured polished surface

occlusal error

psychological problems
0/5 * :(Regarding the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE

periapical radiographs should be taken for/Plaque accumulation factors exist in

sextants scoring "2"

for a sextant to qualify for scoring, it must contain at least one functional tooth

the World Health Organization Probe 621 is used

in relation to the probe used, a color-coded area extends from 3.5 to 5.5 mm from its

code "3" is given to the sextant if the color-coded area disappears completely
into the periodontal pocket

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

the World Health Organization Probe 621 is used

in relation to the probe used, a color-coded area extends from 3.5 to 5.5 mm from its
0/5 * :Salivary gland stones may be


treated with lithotripsy

associated with hyperparathyroidism

related to alcohol intake

diagnosed by ultrasound

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


treated with lithotripsy

related to alcohol intake

diagnosed by ultrasound
0/5 * :Regarding dentine-bonding agents

they provide a micromechanical bond to dentine

they provide a chemical bond to dentine

dentine bonding agents are most effective when the dentine is completely dry

fourth generation dentine bonding agents contain separate etch, prime and bond

the hybrid layer in dentine should always be removed prior to the application of the
dentine bonding agent

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

they provide a micromechanical bond to dentine

they provide a chemical bond to dentine

fourth generation dentine bonding agents contain separate etch, prime and bond

0/5 * :The de!ning features of a Class IIl incisor classi!cation

proclined incisors

reduced overjet

incompetent lips

the lower incisor edges lie posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper central

the lips are incompetent

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

reduced overjet
0/5 * :The facial a"ery

Supplies blood to soft palate

Anastomoses with branches of the internal carotid artery

Supplies blood to the submental region

Is surrounded by the sympathetic plexus

Appears on the face at the posterioinferior border of the masseter muscle

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Supplies blood to soft palate

Anastomoses with branches of the internal carotid artery

0/5 * :Macroglossia is associated with

sudden infant death syndrome (cot death)

Hurler's syndrome



Down's syndrome

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

sudden infant death syndrome (cot death)

Hurler's syndrome

Down's syndrome
0/5 * :(Lidocaine (lignocaine

is very soluble in

is metabolised locally by the enzyme pseudocholinesterase

acts by reversibly blocking sodium channels in axons

is a good example of an ester-type local anaesthetic

has a shorter duration of action than bupivacaine

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

is very soluble in

acts by reversibly blocking sodium channels in axons

has a shorter duration of action than bupivacaine

0/5 * :Clinical records of a patient's treatment

should be compiled contemporaneously

can be destroyed as soon as the patient dies - 8 years after patient’s death

should be kept for a minimum of 30 years

should include the patient's up-to-date medical history

must be handwritten - handwritten or electronic

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

should be compiled contemporaneously

should include the patient's up-to-date medical history

0/5 * :The following can be used for bilateral space maintenance

a single band and loop

a single lingual arch

a single transpalatal arch

a single Nance appliance

a single distal shoe

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

a single lingual arch

a single transpalatal arch

a single Nance appliance

0/5 * :Oral squamous cell carcinoma can manifest as

upper motor neuron palsy

cervical lymphadenopathy

lingual fasciculation

pathological fracture of the mandible

External root resorption

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

cervical lymphadenopathy

lingual fasciculation
0/5 * :Reversible pulpitis

Pain on cold

Pain on heat


Throbbing pain

Localized pain

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Pain on cold

Pain on heat

0/5 * :Mandibular condylar neck

Covered by masseter muscle

Indents the parotid gland

Spheno-mandibular ligament attachment

Gives attachment to the lateral ligament of the TMJ

Ossifies first around Meckel’s cartilage

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Covered by masseter muscle

Gives attachment to the lateral ligament of the TMJ

0/5 * :Woven bone

In hard palate of adults

Haversian canals

By osteoblasts

In newly fractured bone


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

By osteoblasts

In newly fractured bone

0/5 * :Lingual nerve

Communicates with submandibular ganglia

Supply the gingiva of the lower premolars and lower first molars

Superficial on hyoglossal muscle alongside lateral pterygoid muscle

Closely related to the mandible in the third molar region

Conveys taste sensation from the anterior two thirds of the tongue to the trigeminal

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Communicates with submandibular ganglia

Supply the gingiva of the lower premolars and lower first molars

Superficial on hyoglossal muscle alongside lateral pterygoid muscle

Closely related to the mandible in the third molar region

0/5 * :Upper !rst molars

Palatal root is the largest in diameter

Buccal canals course mesially toward the apex

2 canals are found in at least 50% of mesiobuccal roots

Lateral accessory chamber-furcation periodontal ligament

2 canals are found in at least 20% pf palatal root

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Palatal root is the largest in diameter

2 canals are found in at least 50% of mesiobuccal roots

Lateral accessory chamber-furcation periodontal ligament

0/5 * :Physiological response to hypoglycemia





Growth hormone

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬




Growth hormone
0/5 * :Plain !lm x-rays

Two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional objects

Not affected by exposure features

Not affected by relative positions of the objects and the film

Affected by variables from chemical processing

Affected by patient size

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional objects

Affected by variables from chemical processing

Affected by patient size

0/5 * Second branchial arch

Buccinator muscle

Levator palatini muscles


Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Temporalis muscle

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Buccinator muscle

0/5 * Hyperventilation

Respiratory alkalosis

Induced by anxiety

Tetany of skeletal muscles

Increased calcium in plasma


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Respiratory alkalosis

Induced by anxiety

Tetany of skeletal muscles

0/5 * ?Jaw movement

Contraction of horizontal fibers of temporalis muscle > retraction

Lateral pterygoid is active in mouth opening

Unilateral contraction of the right lateral pterygoid moves the mandible to the

If active together, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible

If active together, both medial pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Lateral pterygoid is active in mouth opening

If active together, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible
0/5 * ?Rotary NiTi instruments

Requires patent canals prior

Not used with access cavity through amalgam

May be indicated in moderately curved canals

Should be used with light touch

Used when lubrication of canals isn’t required

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Requires patent canals prior

May be indicated in moderately curved canals

Should be used with light touch

0/5 * :Fluoride

Normal constituent of diet

Fluorosis can happen if water fluoridation is higher than 3 ppm

Replaces phosphate in hydroxyapatite crystals

Inhibit glycogen synthesis in the brain

Inhibit glucose metabolism by the bacteria

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Normal constituent of diet

Fluorosis can happen if water fluoridation is higher than 3 ppm

Inhibit glucose metabolism by the bacteria

0/5 * :Clinical audit

Observation of current practice

Precise scientific research techniques


Assessment of effect of any change made

Identification of changes required

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Observation of current practice

Assessment of effect of any change made

Identification of changes required

0/5 * :Internal carotid a"ery


Accessory meningeal


Posterior auricular


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

0/5 * :Irreversible pulpitis

Pain on cold stimulus

Pain on heat

Normal vitality

Sharp shooting pain

Poorly localized symptoms

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Pain on cold stimulus

Pain on heat

Normal vitality

Sharp shooting pain

Poorly localized symptoms

0/5 * :Hypoglycemia



Loss of consciousness

Slurred speech


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬



Loss of consciousness

Slurred speech


0/5 * :Cardiovascular system in healthy adults

Diastolic pressure in the right ventricle doesn’t fall below 25 mmhg

Pulse pressure = systolic – diastolic

Right ventricle has higher work in ejecting blood than left ventricle

Pressure of the left atrium is always lower than that of the left ventricle

Vagus nerve decreases the heart rate

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Vagus nerve decreases the heart rate

0/5 * :Main calcium regulating hormones

Growth hormone

Vitamin D


Parathyroid hormone


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Vitamin D

Parathyroid hormone


0/5 * :Benign tumors




Resorption of structures


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


Resorption of structures

0/5 * :Mesiodens are associated with

Midline diastema

Root resorption

Unicystic ameloblastoma

Paradental cyst

Gardner’s syndrome

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Midline diastema

Root resorption

0/5 Smoker patient, with pi#ing ankle edema and central cyanosis has sho"
* ?breath and wheezing, what is BST

Recline and raise legs

0.5 mg of 1:1000 IM

2 buffs salbutamol via spacer

28% oxygen via facemask 10L/m

200 mg hydrocortisone IV

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

2 buffs salbutamol via spacer

28% oxygen via facemask 10L/m

0/5 * :Erosion



Never intrinsic

Chemical process

Extrinsic agents

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Chemical process

Extrinsic agents

0/5 the following conditions is required by a patient to establish a case of

* clinical negligence against his dentist

Dentist must owe duty of care to patients

DOC is breached

Patient must have suffered financial loss

Breach DOC resulted in foreseeable damage

Breach DOC resulted in unforeseeable damage

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Dentist must owe duty of care to patients

DOC is breached

Breach DOC resulted in foreseeable damage

0/5 * Cle$ lip and palate

1:3000 in European and Arab

Increase risk if sibling has cleft

Surgery is done at 2y

Can be diagnosed prenatally

Associated with eye defects

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

1:3000 in European and Arab

Increase risk if sibling has cleft

Can be diagnosed prenatally

0/5 * :Recurrent aphthous ulcers

Increased in ulcerative colitis

Defect in cell immunity

Hematinic deficiency

Found with HIV

Cyclic neutropenia

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Increased in ulcerative colitis

Defect in cell immunity

Hematinic deficiency

Cyclic neutropenia
0/5 * :Collapse can be caused by

Vasovagal attack

Low blood glucose

Petit mal epilepsy

Myocardial infarction

Addisonian crisis

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Vasovagal attack

Low blood glucose

Petit mal epilepsy

Myocardial infarction

Addisonian crisis
0/5 * Implant

Success in anterior maxilla is higher than anterior mandible

Smooth is better than rough implants

Heating above 46 results in necrosis

Ideal at CEJ of adjacent teeth

Metal is safe

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Heating above 46 results in necrosis

Ideal at CEJ of adjacent teeth

Metal is safe
0/5 * :(Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE

No pockets greater than 3 mm is considered code 1

Furcation involvement is indicated by an asterisk sign

Vertical bitewings are needed in code 3

Pockets that bleed increase the risk of deepening

Bleeding on probing is reduced in smokers

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

No pockets greater than 3 mm is considered code 1

Furcation involvement is indicated by an asterisk sign

Vertical bitewings are needed in code 3

Pockets that bleed increase the risk of deepening

Bleeding on probing is reduced in smokers

0/5 * :The following muscles and their motor innervations are correct

Inferior oblique muscle is innervated by the third cranial nerve

Intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by hypoglossal nerve

Posterior third of the tongue is innervated by the ninth cranial nerve

Tensor tympani muscle is innervated by the facial nerve

Lateral pterygoid is innervated by maxillary nerve

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Inferior oblique muscle is innervated by the third cranial nerve

Intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by hypoglossal nerve

0/5 * Co"isol


Regulates blood pressure

Reduces glucose in blood

Secreted from medulla

Increases in response to stress

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


Regulates blood pressure

Increases in response to stress

0/5 * :About RBB

Premolars are better than other teeth as abutments

Ideal alloy is type III gold

Cantilever RBB is better than fixed

Occlusal errors can cause decementation

Etching the metal with phosphoric acid

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Ideal alloy is type III gold

Cantilever RBB is better than fixed

Occlusal errors can cause decementation

0/5 * :About RBB

Premolars are better than other teeth as abutments

Ideal alloy is type III gold

Cantilever RBB is better than fixed

Occlusal errors can cause decementation

Etching the metal with phosphoric acid

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Ideal alloy is type III gold

Cantilever RBB is better than fixed

Occlusal errors can cause decementation

0/5 * :Extrinsic discoloration

Fluorosis can be removed by polishing

Food and drinks can cause it

Antibiotic mouthwash can cause it


Teeth whitening is accepted as treatment

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Food and drinks can cause it

Antibiotic mouthwash can cause it


Teeth whitening is accepted as treatment

0/5 * :The following muscles and their motor innervations are correct

Inferior oblique muscle is innervated by the third cranial nerve

Intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by hypoglossal nerve

Posterior third of the tongue is innervated by the ninth cranial nerve

Tensor tympani muscle is innervated by the facial nerve

Lateral pterygoid is innervated by maxillary nerve

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Inferior oblique muscle is innervated by the third cranial nerve

Intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by hypoglossal nerve

0/5 * :Sodium hypochlorite

Dissolve inorganic tissue by oxidation

Increasing the concentration has no effect on dentine

Very toxic to vital tissue

Not used in root resorption

Delivered in high pressure

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Very toxic to vital tissue

Not used in root resorption

0/5 * :Glass ionomer cement

condensable metal-reinforced glass ionomer cements have a higher flexural strength

than non-metal-reinforced glass ionomer cements

the main constituents of the powder are silica and phosphonium salt

the setting reaction of conventional glass ionomer cements is an acid-base reaction

they may act as a fluoride reservoir to offer a clinical anti-cariogenic effect

conventional glass ionomer cements have a higher compressive strength than


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

condensable metal-reinforced glass ionomer cements have a higher flexural strength

than non-metal-reinforced glass ionomer cements

the main constituents of the powder are silica and phosphonium salt

the setting reaction of conventional glass ionomer cements is an acid-base reaction

they may act as a fluoride reservoir to offer a clinical anti-cariogenic effect

0/5 * Implant

Success in anterior maxilla is higher than anterior mandible

Smooth is better than rough implants

Heating above 46 results in necrosis

Ideal at CEJ of adjacent teeth

Metal is safe

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Heating above 46 results in necrosis

Ideal at CEJ of adjacent teeth

Metal is safe

0/5 * :Dental follicle

Alveolar bone

Minor salivary gland



Junctional epithelium

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Alveolar bone


0/5 * :Collapse can be caused by

Vasovagal attack

Low blood glucose

Petit mal epilepsy

Myocardial infarction

Addisonian crisis

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Vasovagal attack

Low blood glucose

Petit mal epilepsy

Myocardial infarction

Addisonian crisis
0/5 * :Recurrent aphthous ulcers

Increased in ulcerative colitis

Defect in cell immunity

Hematinic deficiency

Found with HIV

Cyclic neutropenia

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Increased in ulcerative colitis

Defect in cell immunity

Hematinic deficiency

Cyclic neutropenia

0/5 * :Burning mouth syndrome

Rare acute pain

More common in women above 50

taste loss

Most treatments are effective

Absent symptoms

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

More common in women above 50

0/5 * Cle$ lip and palate

1:3000 in European and Arab

Increase risk if sibling has cleft

Surgery is done at 2y

Can be diagnosed prenatally

Associated with eye defects

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

1:3000 in European and Arab

Increase risk if sibling has cleft

Can be diagnosed prenatally

0/5 * :Nerve axons

Synthesize neurotransmitters at terminals

Contain microtubules

Synapse with other neurons

Contain actin

Degenerate in myasthenia gravis

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Contain microtubules

Synapse with other neurons

0/5 the following conditions is required by a patient to establish a case of
* clinical negligence against his dentist

Dentist must owe duty of care to patients

DOC is breached

Patient must have suffered financial loss

Breach DOC resulted in foreseeable damage

Breach DOC resulted in unforeseeable damage

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Dentist must owe duty of care to patients

DOC is breached

Breach DOC resulted in foreseeable damage

0/5 * :Mercury in amalgam

Released primarily as organic mercury

Bio-transformed to mercury thiosulphate

Can cause Alzheimer’s disease

In pathogenesis of lichenoid reaction

Primarily absorbed in lungs during removal

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Bio-transformed to mercury thiosulphate

In pathogenesis of lichenoid reaction

Primarily absorbed in lungs during removal

0/5 * :Retention in complete dentures by

Peripheral seal

Adhesive by saliva between denture base and oral mucosa

Cohesive saliva

Lingualized occlusion

Freeway space of 3 mm

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Peripheral seal

Adhesive by saliva between denture base and oral mucosa

0/5 * :Erosion



Never intrinsic

Chemical process

Extrinsic agents

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Chemical process

Extrinsic agents
0/5 * Veneers

Decrease successful rate in teeth with preexisting restorations

Overlap design has higher success rate than window

Preparation should be in enamel when possible

Deep shoulder finish line

Cemented with zinc polycarboxylate has greatest success rate

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Decrease successful rate in teeth with preexisting restorations

Overlap design has higher success rate than window

Preparation should be in enamel when possible

0/5 Smoker patient, with pi#ing ankle edema and central cyanosis has sho"
* ?breath and wheezing, what is BST

Recline and raise legs

0.5 mg of 1:1000 IM

2 buffs salbutamol via spacer

28% oxygen via facemask 10L/m

200 mg hydrocortisone IV

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

2 buffs salbutamol via spacer

28% oxygen via facemask 10L/m

0/5 * :Enamel prisms

Convex C-shaped near cervical third

Bend in a pattern gives Hunter-Schreger bands

Each prism is laid down by a single ameloblasts

Mineral salts of elongated crystals

Absent in supernumerary teeth

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Bend in a pattern gives Hunter-Schreger bands

Mineral salts of elongated crystals

0/5 * :Mesiodens are associated with

Midline diastema

Root resorption

Unicystic ameloblastoma

Paradental cyst

Gardner’s syndrome

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Midline diastema

Root resorption
0/5 * :Benign tumors




Resorption of structures


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


Resorption of structures


0/5 * :Recurrence occurs in

Radicular cysts


Unicystic ameloblastoma

Paradental cysts

Dentigerous cyst

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


Unicystic ameloblastoma

Dentigerous cyst
0/5* :Can be used in the treatment of posterior crossbite in permanent teeth

Cross elastics



W appliance

Posterior bite block

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Cross elastics


W appliance

Posterior bite block

0/5 * Anxiety


Aggressive behavior

Constriction of pupils



‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


Aggressive behavior


0/5 * :Cardiovascular system in healthy adults

Diastolic pressure in the right ventricle doesn’t fall below 25 mmhg

Pulse pressure = systolic – diastolic

Right ventricle has higher work in ejecting blood than left ventricle

Pressure of the left atrium is always lower than that of the left ventricle

Vagus nerve decreases the heart rate

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Vagus nerve decreases the heart rate

0/5 * :Treatment of a patient with a single incisor in crossbite

Tongue blade therapy

Reverse incline bite plane

Normal incline bite plane

Hawley with finger spring

Segmental fixed appliance

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Tongue blade therapy

Normal incline bite plane

Hawley with finger spring

Segmental fixed appliance

0/5 * :Hypoglycemia



Loss of consciousness

Slurred speech


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬



Loss of consciousness

Slurred speech

0/5 * :Bleach e%ects on enamel and dentine

Reduces strength and toughness of enamel

Enamel porosity


Increases the bond strength with composite

Dentine microhardness

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Reduces strength and toughness of enamel

Enamel porosity


Increases the bond strength with composite

0/5 * :Gingival hyperplasia





Valproic acid

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬




0/5 * :Parotid salivary gland

Mainly mucous secretion

Superior lobe lies over the masseter muscle

Receive secretomotor fibers from nucleus superior salivatory nucleus

Gland and facia receive sensory innervation from great auricular nerve

Pes anserinus facial nerve lies within superior lobe

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Superior lobe lies over the masseter muscle

Gland and facia receive sensory innervation from great auricular nerve
5/5 * :Internal carotid a"ery


Accessory meningeal


Posterior auricular


0/5 * :Clinical audit

Observation of current practice

Precise scientific research techniques


Assessment of effect of any change made

Identification of changes required

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Observation of current practice

Assessment of effect of any change made

Identification of changes required

0/5 * Blood pressure

Lower in hypovolemia

Lower in widespread peripheral vasodilation

Decreased by calcium channel blockers

Lower in syncope

Drugs lower blood pressure by blocking angiotensin receptors

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Lower in hypovolemia

Lower in widespread peripheral vasodilation

Decreased by calcium channel blockers

Lower in syncope

Drugs lower blood pressure by blocking angiotensin receptors

5/5 * :In patients with history of rheumatic fever; antibiotic prophylaxis

In non-surgical periodontal treatment

For ID blocks

With 3 implant-fixtures placements

For extraction of impacted lower wisdom tooth

Exceptional when the cardiologist advises you to

0/5 * :Independent prognostic factors of squamous cell carcinoma

Duration of the symptoms

Size of the primary tumor

High-grade dysplasia in adjacent mucosa

Metastasis to cervical lymph nodes

Advanced periodontal diagnosis at presentation

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Duration of the symptoms

Size of the primary tumor

Advanced periodontal diagnosis at presentation

0/5 * :Angina pectoris pain

Relieved by digoxin

Similar to cramps

Is a sharp pain over heart

May radiate to the jaw

May be associated with sensation of heaviness in one or both arms

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Relieved by digoxin

Similar to cramps

Is a sharp pain over heart

May radiate to the jaw

May be associated with sensation of heaviness in one or both arms

0/5 * :Local anesthesia

Associated with vasodilation

Increasing the dose may reduce heart rate

Analgesia is achieved by blocking the sodium channels at the membrane of the


Myelinated neurons are more affected

Mostly hydrophilic molecules

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Associated with vasodilation

Increasing the dose may reduce heart rate

Analgesia is achieved by blocking the sodium channels at the membrane of the

0/5 * ?Osteoporosis is associated with

Albers-schönberg disease

Early menopause


Cleidocranial dysplasia


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Early menopause

Cleidocranial dysplasia


0/5 * ?Porcelain (ceramic) to metal bond

Is increased by applying silane coupling agent to the surface of the alloy

The surface film of oxides increases the bond to ceramics

Sandblasting alloy surface with copper dioxide increases the bond to ceramics

Using strong acids to clean casting before the placement of porcelain highly
increases the bond to ceramics

Tin plating of metal surfaces increases ceramic to metal bond

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

The surface film of oxides increases the bond to ceramics

Sandblasting alloy surface with copper dioxide increases the bond to ceramics

Tin plating of metal surfaces increases ceramic to metal bond

0/5 * ?In response to stress of surgery

Secretes cortisol

Sympathetic activation

Decreases plasma glucose

Release endorphins

Secretes ADH (vasopressin)

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Secretes cortisol

Sympathetic activation

Release endorphins

Secretes ADH (vasopressin)

0/5 * Alginates

Chlorohexidine gluconate > self disinfectant

SLS promotes wetting

Setting time is controlled by adding NaPO4

Stored up to 10 days with damp seal bag with significant shrinkage

Best to reduce the setting time by increasing the temperature of water

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Chlorohexidine gluconate > self disinfectant

SLS promotes wetting

Setting time is controlled by adding NaPO4

Best to reduce the setting time by increasing the temperature of water

0/5 * ?Multilocular radiolucency

Nasopalatine duct cyst

Eruption cyst

Unicystic ameloblastoma

Botryoid odontogenic cyst

Lateral periodontal cyst

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Botryoid odontogenic cyst

0/5 * ?Jaw movement

Contraction of horizontal fibers of temporalis muscle > retraction

Lateral pterygoid is active in mouth opening

Unilateral contraction of the right lateral pterygoid moves the mandible to the right

If active together, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible

If active together, both medial pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Lateral pterygoid is active in mouth opening

If active together, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles protrudes the mandible

0/5 * ?Fluoride varnish

Acts by the formation of calcium fluoride deposits

Reduces caries in primary teeth by 8%

Reduces caries in permanent teeth by 10%

Has no effect on root caries

Requires application each 6 months to be effective

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Acts by the formation of calcium fluoride deposits

Requires application each 6 months to be effective

0/5 year old patient with caries on his lower right E involving marginal-7
* ?ridge



Stainless steel crown

Porcelain crown

Composite restoration

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Stainless steel crown

Composite restoration

0/5 * Second branchial arch

Buccinator muscle

Levator palatini muscles


Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Temporalis muscle

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Buccinator muscle

0/5 * :Removable pa"ial dentures

Kennedy class 1: unilateral free end saddle

Saddle support in mandibular free end saddle is from the buccal shelf only

Rest seats should be adjacent to bounded saddles

Major connectors shouldn’t be flexible

Clasp effectiveness is determined by the amount of deflection during withdrawal

from an undercut

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Rest seats should be adjacent to bounded saddles

Major connectors shouldn’t be flexible

Clasp effectiveness is determined by the amount of deflection during withdrawal

from an undercut
0/5 * :X-ray faults

Tree-like markings > static electricity

Too dark > increase time in the developer

Too light > increased exposure time

Lack of contrast > increased developing time

Black marks on the film > contact with fixer before the developer

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Tree-like markings > static electricity

Too dark > increase time in the developer

Lack of contrast > increased developing time

0/5 * Dysphagia

Pain on swallowing

May be associated with iron deficiency

In anxiety

Pyloric stenosis

Sign of esophageal cancer

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Pain on swallowing

May be associated with iron deficiency

In anxiety

Pyloric stenosis

Sign of esophageal cancer

0/5 * :Oral tissue

Low protein causes increased caries risk

Hyperparathyroidism > root resorption

Increased estrogen and progesterone in blood increase the risk of gingivitis

Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums

Vitamin A is a common cause of hypoplasia in permanent teeth

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Low protein causes increased caries risk

Hyperparathyroidism > root resorption

Increased estrogen and progesterone in blood increase the risk of gingivitis

Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums

0/5 * :Dental materials

In elastic deformation: When force is removed: - metal returns to its original


Strain = force / unit area

During elastic deformation: stress is proportional to the strain

Surface hardness is the resistance to permanent surface indentation / scratching

Material fractures under low plastic deformation then it’s ductile

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

In elastic deformation: When force is removed: - metal returns to its original


During elastic deformation: stress is proportional to the strain

Surface hardness is the resistance to permanent surface indentation / scratching

0/5 * :Salivary glands

Striated ducts are impermeable to water

Blood vessels have parasympathetic innervation

Atropine increases gland secretion

Tricyclic antidepressants reduce gland secretion

Radiotherapy to the head and neck reduces gland secretion

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Striated ducts are impermeable to water

Blood vessels have parasympathetic innervation

Tricyclic antidepressants reduce gland secretion

Radiotherapy to the head and neck reduces gland secretion

0/5 * :Third molars

Disto-angulation is the most common one

Oral contraceptives increase the risk of dry sockets

Oroantral fistula in more than 50% of upper third molar extractions

Roots complete usually at age of 18

Risk of permanent damage to the ID after third molars extraction is 5-10%

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Oral contraceptives increase the risk of dry sockets

0/5 * Bleaching

The active agent in all bleaching compounds is carbamide peroxide

Gingival irritation is common

Home bleaching is usually 16% hydrogen peroxide

Oxidizing agent penetrates the prisms of enamel and oxidizes interprismatic

stain deposit

Dentine layer may also be bleached

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Gingival irritation is common

Oxidizing agent penetrates the prisms of enamel and oxidizes interprismatic stain

Dentine layer may also be bleached

0/5 * :Restoration of decayed lower primary second molar

It’s best to do ID block

Mental block

Local anesthesia is rarely indicated

It’s best to do infiltration

Short-acting agents are routinely used

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

It’s best to do ID block

Short-acting agents are routinely used

0/5 * :Tooth-su&ace-loss

Abrasion is caused by brushing

Diet with low PH can cause it

May cause pulp exposure

Amalgam is affected more than dentine

Bulimia nervosa patients should be referred to psychologists

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Abrasion is caused by brushing

Diet with low PH can cause it

May cause pulp exposure

Bulimia nervosa patients should be referred to psychologists

‫ نقطة‬52 ‫ من إجمالي‬9 Sngle Best Answer MCQs

choose the correct statement

1/1 * About RPI

Distal rest – short guiding plane – I bar clasp

Mesial rest – long guiding plane – I bar clasp

Mesial rest – short guiding plane – I bar clasp

0/1 * :Trigeminal neuralgia

Is best treated by Carbamazepine

Occurs in 20% of patients with multiple sclerosis

When treated by micro-vascular decompression surgery is associated with 5%


Has a peak onset in the seventh and eight decades of life

Requires radiological imaging to establish the diagnosis

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Is best treated by Carbamazepine

0/1 Which of the following statements concerning recurrent aphthous ulcers

* ?is not true

Stress may be a precipitating factor

They occur in women more than in men

They may occur at any age, but usually first appear between the ages of 12-35

They usually appear on non-keratinised oral mucosa

They arecaused by exposure to EBV

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

They arecaused by exposure to EBV

0/1 In a new complete denture, the presence of which of the following
* ?features would suggest a lack of freeway space

Cheek biting

Palatal ulceration

Clicking noise in the TMJ

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Clicking noise in the TMJ

0/1 In relation to Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) which of the

* ?following is not included in the di%erential diagnosis

Enamel hypoplasia

Dentinogonesis imperfect

Dental canes

Amelogenesis imperfect


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

0/1 * :(Regarding alveolar osteitis (dry socket

Classically the pain commences 10 days post operatively

The treatment of choice is the antibiotic therapy

Pain is likely to be caused by irritation of nerve endings in the exposed bone with
debris and necrotic food lodged in the socket

Rarely occurs following extractions of lower third molar teeth

Has a reported incidence of 25% following routine extractions

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Pain is likely to be caused by irritation of nerve endings in the exposed bone with
debris and necrotic food lodged in the socket

0/1 The changes in tooth position & occlusal stability following the extraction
* :of a molar tooth are

The sequelae of loss of a molar tooth occur rapidly

Always necessitate provision of a fixed prosthesis to prevent posterior tooth


Following loss of posterior occlusal stability, any damaging effects are found most
by increased loading on the anterior teeth


Changes In tooth position always constitute a loss of occlusal stability

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Following loss of posterior occlusal stability, any damaging effects are found most
by increased loading on the anterior teeth
0/1 * ?Which of the following is TRUE concerning 'owable composite resins

reduces post-operative sensitivity when used as a liner

Reduced filler content redudes viscosity to allow flow

its compressive strength is much greater than hybrid composite resins

In the presence of periodontal health, evidence support the ink between

increased loading and loss of periodontal attachment

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Reduced filler content redudes viscosity to allow flow

0/1 The following pa"y has a de!nitive right to access a competent adult
* :patient's dental records

the Dental Council

the parents father

the patient’s dentist

the patient's spouse

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

the patient’s dentist

0/1 In Dental Bleaching what amount of hydrogen peroxide does 16%
* ?Carbamide peroxide break down to

2 to 3%

4 to 5%

7 to 8%

9 to 10%

5 to 6%

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

4 to 5%

0/1 The Adams clasp is designed to engage the undercuts present on a fully
erupted !rst permanent molar at the junction of the mesial and distal
* su&aces with the buccal aspect of the tooth. The crib is usually

0.9mm TMA wire

Hard 0.7mm stainless steel wire

Soft 0.5mm stainless steel wire

Soft 0.9mm stainless steel wire

0.7 mm NiTi wire

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Hard 0.7mm stainless steel wire

0/1 * :Regarding the Trigeminal Nerve

Taste fibres supply the posterior third of the tongue

The motor division supplies the muscles of facia} expression

It emerges from the cranium the stylomastoid foramen

The motor division supplies the muscles of mastication

This is the Seventh Cranial Nerve

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

The motor division supplies the muscles of mastication

0/1 Which of the following is not the characteristic pain encountered in

* ?irreversible pulpitis






‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

0/1 * ?Which of the following statements is true

Caries diagnosis made radiographically fully assesses cavity activity

Caries diagnosis is confirmed by "sticky* fissures

Caries diagnosis made radiographically fully assesses caries activity

Caries diagnosis is made by careful clinical-visual examination of clean dry teeth

Caries diagnosis in enamel necessitates immediate operative intervention

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Caries diagnosis is made by careful clinical-visual examination of clean dry teeth

0/1 * Regarding the Salivary Glands

They receive both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve supply

The composition of saliva is a constant

Salivary secretion is unaffected by increased blood flow to the glands

Salivary flow is unaffected by circadian rhythm

Serous cells produce a viscous rich secretion

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

They receive both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve supply

0/1 * :Regarding rectangular collimation in intra oral radiography

Use of this does not follow the ALARP principle

The aperture is the same size and shape as a size 1 periapical film

This offers little advantage over round collimation

Radiation dose to the patient is reduced when


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Use of this does not follow the ALARP principle

0/1 Calci!cation of the maxillary lateral incisor generally commences at

* :about

18 months

72 months

6 months

24 months

3 months

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

18 months
0/1 * :The antibiotic treatment of choice for ANUG is






‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬


0/1 * :The average dimension of the biological width has been shown to be



2.04 mm



‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

2.04 mm
1/1 * :Denture stability is de!ned as

Resistance to displacement away from basal tissues

Resistance to displacement towards underlying structures

Resistance to displacement by functional horizontal on rotational stresses

Resisting forces of dislodgement along the path of placement

Resisting forces of dislodgement along the path of withdrawal

0/1 * :Regarding the clinical signs and symptoms of internal root resorption

When related to the cervical/coronal part of the tooth present as a pinkish hue

Are always present

When related to the apical mid third of the root are usually diagnosed clinically

When related to the apical mid third of the tooth present as a pinkish hue

Are symptomatic in most cases

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

When related to the cervical/coronal part of the tooth present as a pinkish hue
0/1 Which of the following leads to gingival deformity and may require
* ?gingivoplasty to eliminate the defects

Acute candidiasis

Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Erosive lichen planus

Desquamative gingivitis

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

0/1 * :The ideal prope"ies of luting cement include

Mechanical strength

Wear resistance


High film thickness


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Wear resistance
0/1 Which of the following conditions is not required by a patient to establish
* ?a case of clinical negligence against his dentist

Reasonable damage

Foreseeable damage

The existence of a duty of care

Breach of duty of care

Unforeseen damage

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Unforeseen damage

1/1 * :Infraocclusion is more common in

Upper second primary molars

Lower second primary molars

Upper first primary


Lower first primary molars

0/1 The most appropriate guide to the length of the post in a cast post
* :crown restoration is

At least three quarter of the length of the crown to be restored

3 mm less than the endodontic working length

Half of the root length

At least equal to the length of the crown to be restored

Two third of the root length

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Two third of the root length

0/1 The combined width of the deciduous canine, !rst molar and second
molar teeth is greater than that of their permanent successors. The
* :di%erence in widths is called the leeway space. In general this is of

0.5mm in the maxilla and 0.5 to 1 mm in the mandible

3 to 4mm in the maxilla and 2 to 3mm in the mandible

1 to 1.5mm in the maxilla and 2 to 2.5mm in the mandible

2 to 3mm in the maxilla and 3 to 4mm in the mandible

2 to 2.5mm in the maxilla and 1 to 1.5mm in the mandible

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

1 to 1.5mm in the maxilla and 2 to 2.5mm in the mandible

0/1 The most likely cause of discomfo" sho"ly following the cementation of
* :a crown would be

Premature occlusal contact

Periodontal disease

Improper choice of material for crown fabrication

Under preparation of the tooth

Over preparation of the tooth

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Premature occlusal contact

0/1 The two most impo"ant a#achments which can be used with a dental
* :surveyor are

Analysing rod and undercut gauge

Trimming knife and undercut gauge

Graphite marker and trimming knife

Mounting plate and facebow

Analysing rod and graphite marker

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Graphite marker and trimming knife

1/1 Following the successful administration of an ID block only for the
extraction of a lower molar the patient complains of pain during the
procedure. Which of the following nerves is the most likely cause of the
* ?pain perception

the mental

the marginal mandibular

the facial

the lingual

the long buccal

0/1 * ?Which of the following is not a feature of hype"hyroidism





Weight gain

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Weight gain
0/1 The statement that "patients can function adequately with sho"ened
dental arches" is correct when reasonable function & stability is provided
* :by

A minimum of 9 pairs of opposing teeth

A minimum of 8 pairs of opposing teeth

A minimum of 6 pairs of opposing teeth

A minimum of 7 pairs of opposing teeth

A minimum of 10 pairs of opposing teeth

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

A minimum of 10 pairs of opposing teeth

0/1 * Asthma

is an allergic reaction to an inhaled allergen

is affected by stress

can be treated by the use of salbutamol inhaler

results in difficulty in inhaling air

attacks are more common in children than adults

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

results in difficulty in inhaling air

1/1 * :Radicular cysts

Rests of malassez

Higher rate in mandible

0/1 * :A patient with BPE 3 in molars and 2 elsewhere

Horizontal BW

Vertical BW


‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Horizontal BW

0/1 * :Excisional biopsy are indicated for

Suspicious lesions

Small benign lesions

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Small benign lesions

1/1 * :Masseter muscle

second branchial arch

first branchial arch

0/1 Emissary veins; cavernous sinus and the pterygoid and/or pharyngeal
* :venous plexus

passing through the foramen ovale (FO)

passing through the foramen rotundum

passing through the foramen lacerum

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

passing through the foramen ovale (FO)

1/1 * :second mesiobuccal canal is found in

70% of maxillary second molars

70% of maxillary first molars

0/1 * :Which is false about resin compared to glass ionomer

Higher fluoride released


Less fluoride released

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Higher fluoride released

0/1 * :Infraocclusion is more common in

Upper first primary


Lower first primary molars

Upper second primary molars

Lower second primary molars

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Lower second primary molars

0/1 * :Full metal crown preparation

Shoulder Lingual finish line

Chamfer Buccal finish line

Shoulder Buccal finish line

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Chamfer Buccal finish line

1/1 * Formalin of formocresol in pulpotomy

Causes fixation for the first 2mm

Causes fixation for the first 4mm

0/1 * :Sodium hypochlorite


Less effective than chlorohexidine

Recent addition to dentistry

Narrow spectrum

High PH protease

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

0/1 * :Not innervated by hypoglossal nerve

Styloglossus muscle

Hyoglossus muscle

palatoglossus muscle

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

palatoglossus muscle

1/1 * :Buccal su&ace of upper canines

Mesio-incisal slope is shorter than disto-incisal slope

Mesio-incisal slope is longer than disto-incisal slope

0/1 * Basic Periodontal Examination

Code 1 > plaque retention factors

Code 1 > bleeding on probing

Quality scoring requires at least 1 functional tooth

In code 3; the band completely disappear

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Code 1 > bleeding on probing

0/1 * A"icaine

Metabolized in liver and kidney

Rapid onset

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Rapid onset

0/1 * :Upper canines

Erupt at 12 YO

Crown is completed at 36 months

Crown begins formation at 18

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Erupt at 12 YO

0/1 * :Amalgam

60% mercury

45% silver

45% mercury

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

45% mercury
0/1 * About RPI

Distal rest – short guiding plane – I bar clasp

Mesial rest – long guiding plane – I bar clasp

Mesial rest – short guiding plane – I bar clasp

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Mesial rest – short guiding plane – I bar clasp

0/1 Which one of the following compounds is generally recommended for

* ?etching enamel in restorative dentistry

Maleic acid

Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA)

Tartaric acid

Phosphoric acid

Polyacrylic acid

‫ا<جابة الصحيحة‬

Phosphoric acid

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