Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

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D i a b e t i c C a rdi o m y o p a t h y

Definition, Diagnosis, and

Therapeutic Implications
Stefania Paolillo, MD, PhDa,*, Fabio Marsico, MD, PhDb,c,
Maria Prastaro, MDb, Francesco Renga, MDb,
Luca Esposito, MDb, Fabiana De Martino, MDb,
Pierfrancesco Di Napoli, MDb, Immacolata Esposito, MDb,
Antonio Ambrosio, MDb, Monica Ianniruberto, MSb,
Rosa Mennella, MSb, Roberta Paolillo, PhD Stdb,
Paola Gargiulo, MD, PhDa

 Diabetic cardiomyopathy  Diabetes mellitus  Heart failure  Systolic dysfunction
 Diastolic dysfunction

 Diabetic cardiomyopathy refers to a cardiac dysfunction observed in patients with diabetes that oc-
curs in absence of other cardiovascular disease, such as coronary artery disease, hypertension,
valvular, and congenital heart disease.
 The main metabolic abnormalities promoting cardiac dysfunction are the resistance to the meta-
bolic actions of insulin in heart tissue, compensatory hyperinsulinemia, and the progression of
 Two stages of diabetic cardiomyopathy are described: an early stage characterized by left ventric-
ular hypertrophy and impaired diastolic function, and a late stage characterized by cardiac fibrosis
and systolic dysfunction.
 The occurrence of HF in patients affected by DM significantly impacts on quality of life, manifesta-
tion of new symptoms and worsening of existing symptoms, and on long-term prognosis.
 No target treatments have been tested in diabetic cardiomyopathy, thus clinical trials are needed to
define the role of available HF therapies or to find new therapeutic targets for this clinical condition.

INTRODUCTION morbidity and mortality of symptomatic and

asymptomatic HF patients.2 Conversely, HF is a
A strict bidirectional relationship exists between common cardiovascular disease in patients
diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF). DM affected by DM; the Framingham Heart Study
is common in HF patients with a prevalence range showed that the occurrence of HF was twice as
from 10% to 30%, and up to 40% in hospitalized high in men with diabetes and five times higher in
HF subjects,1 and adversely influences long-term women with diabetes compared with control

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Funding: Dr S. Paolillo is financed by the Italian Ministry of Health (Project Code: GR-2011–02354285).
IRCCS SDN, Via Gianturco 113, Naples 80142, Italy; b Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Section
of Cardiology, Federico II University of Naples, Via Sergio Pansini, 5, Naples 80131, Italy; c Center for Congen-
ital Heart Disease, University Hospital Inselspital, University of Bern, Freiburrgstrasse 18, Bern 3010, Switzerland
* Corresponding author. Via Gianturco, 113, Naples 80142, Italy.
E-mail address: stefania.paolillo@unina.it

Heart Failure Clin - (2019) -–-

1551-7136/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Paolillo et al

subjects.3 Analysis of data from 9.591 type 2 DM postmortem data of four patients with diabetes
patients included in the Kaiser Permanente North- who died of HF without evidence of hypertension,
west Division revealed HF in 11.8% of subjects myocardial ischemia, or congenital or valvular
with diabetes at baseline, with an additional heart disease. In the last position statement of
7.7% of patients developing HF during a 30-month the European Society of Cardiology on the man-
period of observation.4 agement of DM and HF,6 the authors report that
In particular, two distinct forms of HF might be the most commonly accepted definition of diabetic
observed in patients with diabetes. The first one cardiomyopathy refers to a cardiac dysfunction
is a typical systolic dysfunction consequent to cor- observed in patients with diabetes that occurs in
onary artery disease with no large differences with absence of all other cardiovascular disease,
the general population; the other one is a typical such as coronary artery disease, uncontrolled hy-
manifestation of DM known as diabetic cardiomy- pertension, significant valvular heart disease, and
opathy, a distinctive HF form observed in the dia- congenital heart disease.
betic population. The pathophysiology of diabetic cardiomyopa-
This review summarizes the characteristics of thy is still under investigation; however, in the last
diabetic cardiomyopathy to better understand its years a wide variety of mechanisms have been
pathophysiology and clinical manifestation and to suggested to be involved in this clinical condi-
analyze its prognostic relevance and therapeutic tion, with most studies conducted in animals
implication for a better management of subjects rather than humans. The main metabolic abnor-
with diabetes. malities promoting all the mechanisms leading
to cardiac dysfunction are resistance to the
DIABETIC CARDIOMYOPATHY: DEFINITION metabolic actions of insulin in heart tissue (eg, in-
AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY sulin resistance), compensatory hyperinsuline-
mia, and progression of hyperglycemia. All
The key problem is the absence of a universally these abnormalities lead to change in substrate
accepted definition of diabetic cardiomyopathy, metabolism and cardiac lipotoxicity, advanced
which makes studies of epidemiology, pathophys- glycated end-products (AGE) deposition, endo-
iology, and clinical characteristics and outcomes thelial and microvascular dysfunction, inappro-
challenging. The first clinical description of dia- priate neurohormonal response, oxidative
betic cardiomyopathy appeared in literature in stress, and subcellular components abnormal-
1972 by Rubler and colleagues,5 which reported ities, as described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Potential mechanisms implicated in the pathophysiology of diabetic cardiomyopathy. The main metabolic
abnormalities promoting all the mechanisms leading to cardiac dysfunction are insulin resistance and hypergly-
cemia. See text for further details. FFA, free-fatty acid; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; SNS, sympa-
thetic nervous system.
Diabetic Cardiomyopathy 3

Change in Substrate Metabolism and Cardiac sympathetic nervous system activity has been re-
Lipotoxicity ported in HF patients with diabetes compared with
HF subjects without diabetes14 and associated
Under physiologic conditions, the heart can use
with unfavorable clinical outcome.15 Moreover, in-
fatty acids and glucose as energy substrates, a
sulin resistance is associated with impaired car-
condition known as metabolic flexibility. In pa-
diac adrenergic innervation also in absence of
tients with DM, the reduced glucose uptake
overt DM.16 Activation of the adrenergic system in-
consequent to systemic and cardiac insulin resis-
creases b1-adrenergic expression and signaling,
tance facilitates a substrate shift toward increased
promoting myocyte hypertrophy, interstitial
free fatty acid oxidation, resulting in reduced car-
fibrosis, myocyte apoptosis, and contractile
diac efficiency and in the loss of the metabolic flex-
dysfunction.17 Similarly, increased activation of
ibility of the heart.7 Excessive accumulation of
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in
fatty acids in cardiac tissue and the associated lip-
states of insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia
otoxicity impairs insulin signaling leading to
promotes a remodeling processes in the heart.17
morphologic and structural abnormalities. All
All the described mechanisms together with
these conditions are responsible for an increase
subcellular components abnormalities, because
in myocardial oxygen consumption, an increase
of mitochondrial dysfunction, endoplasmic reticu-
in the metabolic stress, and a significant reduction
lum stress, and impaired calcium handling,
of cardiac efficiency and function.8
contribute to the occurrence and progression of
diabetic cardiomyopathy and might represent in
Advanced Glycated End-Products Deposition
the next future potential new therapeutic targets.
AGE are proteins or lipids that become glycated
after exposure to sugars, altering their functional DIABETIC CARDIOMYOPATHY: CLINICAL
features. AGE could exert a pivotal role in the CHARACTERISTICS AND DIAGNOSIS
development and progression of diabetic cardio-
myopathy because they stimulate collagen Diabetic cardiomyopathy was initially described as
expression and accumulation leading to the devel- a dilated phenotype with eccentric left ventricular
opment of myocardial fibrosis with an increase in remodeling and systolic dysfunction.5 However,
myocardial stiffness and a reduced cardiac in the last years a distinct phenotype from dilata-
compliance.9 tive cardiomyopathy has been identified. Specif-
ically, diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined as a
Endothelial and Microvascular Dysfunction condition characterized by a restrictive phenotype
with left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic
Impaired endothelial function is a typical finding in
dysfunction. Traditionally two stages of diabetic
diabetic cardiomyopathy. Patients with diabetes
cardiomyopathy have been identified: an early
with and without coronary artery disease
stage characterized by left ventricular concentric
show significantly impaired peripheral vascular
hypertrophy, increased myocardial stiffness, in-
function compared with patients without diabetes
crease in atrial filling pressure, and impaired dia-
without coronaropathy.10 In particular, endothelial
stolic function; and a late stage characterized by
dysfunction in patients with diabetes without coro-
increase in cardiac fibrosis, further impairment in
nary artery disease is comparable with that of pa-
diastolic function, and appearance of systolic
tients with coronary artery disease but without
dysfunction (Table 1). However, a paper from
DM.10 Moreover, in most patients with diabetes,
Seferovic and Paulus18 proposed that there are
microvascular dysfunction is associated with
probably two distinct phenotypes of diabetic car-
normal myocardial perfusion.11 In the early stages
diomyopathy rather than successive stages of
of insulin resistance and diabetic cardiomyopathy,
the same disease: a restrictive/HF with preserved
nitric oxide–induced vasodilatation is impaired,
ejection fraction (HFpEF) phenotype and a
whereas endothelium-dependent vasodilatation
dilated/HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)
is generally preserved. However, in the later
phenotype. The distinction of these two forms
stages, both mechanisms of vasodilatation may
might have important prognostic and therapeutic
become impaired, promoting microvascular
implications, because in the setting of HF there
dysfunction and inflammation.12
are several efficacious pharmacologic treatments
for dilated/HFrEF, but still little evidence for the
Inappropriate Neurohormonal Response
treatment of restrictive/HFpEF.19
Hyperinsulinemia, which characterizes the status The diagnosis of diabetic cardiomyopathy is still
of insulin resistance, promotes sympathetic difficult because no clear definition for the disease
activation.13 Significantly more impaired cardiac is available, thus no clear diagnostic criteria have
4 Paolillo et al

Table 1
Pathophysiologic and clinical stages of diabetic cardiomyopathy

Stage Pathophysiologic Findings Clinical Findings

Early stage Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance; increase in LV concentric hypertrophy
FFA, impaired calcium handling, impairment of Diastolic dysfunction
SNS and RAAS, inflammatory response, AGE Increase in left atrial filling pressure
Advanced Cardiac fibrosis, cardiomyocyte apoptosis, Diastolic dysfunction
stage microvascular and endothelial dysfunction, Systolic dysfunction
neurohormonal impairment, hyperactivation eventually LV dilation
of the inflammatory response

Abbreviations: FFA, free-fatty acid; LV, left ventricle; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; SNS, sympathetic ner-
vous system.

been described. Patients usually complain of dys- procollagen type I propeptide and matrix
pnea and/or peripheral edema and the presence of metalloproteinase-7, are high in patients with dia-
signs of congestive HF need always to be investi- betes with diastolic dysfunction.22,23
gated. Independently from the phenotype, the In the advanced stage of the disease, or in the
diagnosis requires the exclusion of coronary dilated/HFrEF form,18 these initial findings are typi-
artery disease, significant valvular abnormalities, cally accompanied by the occurrence of systolic
congenital heart disease, or hypertensive heart dysfunction (ejection fraction <50%) together
disease with the use of appropriate diagnostic with an increase in left ventricular volumes.
techniques. Echocardiography is a fundamental
tool for the initial assessment of a patient with sus- DIABETIC CARDIOMYOPATHY: PROGNOSTIC
pected diabetic cardiomyopathy. In the early stage AND THERAPEUTIC IMPLICATIONS
of the disease, or in the restrictive HFpEF form,18
the typical echo findings are left ventricular normal The strict bidirectional relationship between DM
diameters and volumes with concentric hypertro- and HF exerts its effects also regarding prognostic
phy, preserved systolic function (with EF 50%), implications. The occurrence of HF or diabetic car-
and evidence of diastolic dysfunction. diomyopathy in patients affected by DM signifi-
Use of cardiac MRI is under investigation in the cantly impacts quality of life, manifestation of
setting of diabetic cardiomyopathy. In particular, new symptoms and worsening of existing symp-
the use of T1 mapping is an early approach to toms, and long-term prognosis. The REACH Reg-
identify signs of diabetic cardiomyopathy because istry24 analyzed the outcomes at 4 years of a
significant differences in myocardial extracellular cohort of 45.227 patients, of which 19.699 were
matrix have been found comparing patients with affected by DM. The authors reported that DM
diabetes with control subjects.20 was associated with a 33% greater risk of hospi-
The use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of dia- talization for HF (9.4% vs 5.9%; adjusted odds ra-
betic cardiomyopathy is still not clear. Natriuretic tio, 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.18–1.50)
peptides do not have a defined role in this context and that in these patients the presence of HF at
because of their poor positive predictive value for baseline was independently associated with car-
diastolic dysfunction and HFpEF.18 Other bio- diovascular death (adjusted HR, 2.45; 95% CI,
markers are currently under investigation. A study 2.17–2.77; P<.001) and hospitalization for HF
by Shaver and colleagues21 demonstrated in 100 (adjusted odds ratio, 4.72; 95% CI, 4.22–5.29;
patients that a panel of biomarkers associated P<.001).24 Thus, patients with DM and HF are at
with echocardiography plays an important role in particularly elevated risk of cardiovascular death.
the detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy before However, the occurrence of DM in patients
the occurrence of clinical manifestation and irre- affected by HF might be responsible for disease
versible complications. Specifically, the authors progression and significantly impact long-term
showed that early stages of diabetic cardiomyop- prognosis. A recent subanalysis of the
athy are characterized by elevated levels of inflam- PARADIGM-HF trial25 conducted in 8.399 patients
matory markers; decreased levels antioxidant with HFrEF reported that patients with a history of
markers; and increased levels of markers of DM (n 5 2.907) had a higher risk of the primary
fibrosis, such as transforming growth factor-b.21 composite outcome of HF hospitalization or car-
Similarly, other markers of fibrosis, such as diovascular mortality compared with those without
Diabetic Cardiomyopathy 5

DM (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.25– of cardiovascular protection with empagliflozin
1.52; P<.001). Moreover, also patients with predia- include the antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and
betes (hemoglobin A1c between 6.0% and 6.4%) antiapoptotic effects observed in animal models,
were at higher risk (hazard ratio, 1.27; 95% CI, although evidence in humans is not yet available.38
1.10–1.47; P<.001) compared with those defined The mechanisms underlying cardiovascular pro-
as at normal glycemic status (hemoglobin A1c tection with SGLT2 inhibitors are likely to be multi-
<6.0%).25 factorial, and outcome-specific trials (eg, involving
Regarding potential therapeutic approaches, no patients with documented diabetic cardiomyopa-
target treatments have been tested in the specific thy) will help gauge the value of new antidiabetics
setting of diabetic cardiomyopathy, thus clinical in the management of this specific clinical
trials are needed to define the role of available condition.
HF therapies or to find new therapeutic targets
for this clinical condition. SUMMARY
Some preliminary studies of both treatment and
prevention of myocardial abnormalities have been Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a common and still
conducted in animals leading to interesting re- underdiagnosed finding in patients with diabetes
sults. In an experimental model of diabetic cardio- that may have a significant impact on quality
myopathy, fenofibrate had a mild beneficial action of life, symptoms occurrence, and long-term
on myocardial damage because it reduced prognosis.
fibrosis and fat (triacylglycerol) accumulation in The lack of a clear definition of this clinical con-
the heart; metformin was more effective than dition makes the diagnosis difficult because no
fenofibrate in reducing fat content, however, defined criteria are available. However, more
with no effect on the reduction of fibrosis.26 attention should be focused on the research of
Similarly, trientine, a copper-selective chelator, cardiac abnormalities in patients with diabetes to
improved cardiac function in rats with diabetes avoid the progression to overt HF. Clinical trials
with significant left ventricular impairment.27 As are needed to clarify the therapeutic approach
regards prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy, and to find new therapeutic targets for patients
experimental models of DM reported beneficial affected by diabetic cardiomyopathy.
effects in protecting against myocardial damage
for zinc supplementation,28 AGE breakers (amino- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
guanidine),29 angiotensin-converting enzyme in-
hibitors (captopril),30 b-blockers (timolol),31 and Dr. Roberta Paolillo is supported by a research
spironolactone.32 grant from Cardiopath PhD program.
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