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Assessing comprehension of the text

1. According to the writer, what are the qualities of a perfect husband?

A perfect husband should have these kinds of characteristics, a good husband

should be a best friend who should be respected by his wife and be sincere in his
married life, a good husband should be a best friend to his wife, a good husband
acknowledge his wife’s weak points and accept it as her personality, a good
husband respect his wife’s sense of values, emotions, thoughts, and desires like a
friend, a good husband should have his wife’s respect, a good husband is sincere
in his married life, and a good husband’s characteristics is not only suitable for a
good husband but also for the wife, a good husband.

2. How can a husband become his wife’s best friend?

A husband becomes his wife’s best friend starts with the mindset that his wife is not
just his wife but also his best friend that would accept her flaws as part of her
personality and knows how to respect his wife’s values, emotional thoughts, and

3. In what ways do husband respect their wife?

First, the husband should be sincere in his married life that he would not consider
having an affair as well as respecting each other’s privacy. Thus, respecting their
marriage vows and being patient every time they are having problems that show a
husband respecting his wife..

4. Until when should husbands become loyal to their wives?

According to the text, until one of them is dead, he should always love and be
faithful to his wife.

5. Which sentence indicates the conviction of the writer about human perfection?

The sentence indicates about perfection is “I think that even though no one is
perfect, if you try you will be a good husband”

6. What does the sentence, “In my case, if I give a grade to my husband, he will get a
“C+”. If that is true, then what would my grade be?” signify regarding the
woman’s conviction about married couples?

The woman implies that she is satisfied with what her husband gives her in terms of
respect, action, and treatment and that even though his husband is not perfect he is
still doing his part.
Knowledge of essay structure

1. What kind of hook is employed by the writer?

The writer employed the anecdote kind of hook

2. What makes it an effective attention grabbing approach?

Anecdote approach was effective since at first the reader would not think that it
was just a dream by the woman.

3. What is this essay’s thesis statement?

The essay’s thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction stated “I think a
good husband should be a best friend who should be respected by his wife and be
sincere to his married life”

4. For the thesis statement, what is the topic or the subject matter?

The topic or the subject is about a good husband should respect his wife, treat his
wife as his best friend and be sincere in his married life.

5. What is the opinion of the writer with regard to the topic?

According to the text, the opinion of the writer is no one is perfect but if someone
try then they can be a good husband.

6. What is the first topic sentence?

The first topic sentence is “A good husband should have his wife’s respect”

7. What is the second topic sentence?

The second topic sentence is “A good husband is sincere to his married life”

8. What is the third topic sentence?

The third topic sentence is “A good husband's characteristics are not only suitable
for a good husband but also for a good wife”

9. What is the dominant method used by the writer in developing the main body of
this essay?
The dominant method used by the writer was illustrate, by illustrating the
subject in detail and providing specific information with different topic
sentences to be understood by the readers.

10. Why is this composition called a 1-3-1 essay?

The composition is called 1-3-1 essay because 1 paragraph for introduction, 3

paragraph for the body and 1 paragraph for the conclusion

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